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Lawman Page 5

by Regina Carlysle

  Fisting his hand around his cock, he swept the heavy head over her flesh. Kat shivered. Longing curled in her belly as she sank over him, taking every inch of his erection into her body. The press of him deep inside was tight, delicious, forcing a whimper from her throat. Following instincts as old as time, she rose and fell over him, clutching, releasing, clutching again. She couldn’t get enough of the feel of him buried deep. Sensation raked with tender claws.

  Gabe thrust upward to meet her. His expression a picture of savage intensity, he grabbed the hem of her tee shirt and pulled it up to expose her breasts. She wore no bra this morning and was now seriously thankful for that. He latched onto a nipple and sucked hard, drawing on her and adding to the power of each strong push into her body. Her clit brushed against his pelvic bone and needing more pressure, a firmer touch, she swiveled her hips, rotating against him. Gabe flexed his fingers on her ass and shoved deep again. His power, his energy blasted up wrenching a cry from her lips and that tightly wound spring coiled heavily in her belly unwound with a snap. Kat toppled over the edge as her body jerked with a powerful orgasm. The electrifying sensation moved through her and even while caught in its grip she realized her hair whipped wildly around her head.

  Gabe followed her, groaning low around the puckered hardness of her nipple, his body going still for a split second before he thrust deep once, twice, three more times. She felt his cum shoot into her as he climaxed. His fingers dug into the globes of her ass then relaxed to stroke her there. Kat sank against him, sorry to feel the cotton of his tee shirt instead of warm, giving flesh. “Gabe,” she whispered.

  Stroking his hands along her back, he brushed a kiss atop her head before finally lifting her face. He pressed a kiss to her mouth. “Come home with me, sugar. Please. I’ll stay if you want but I really want you there. I want to see you lying in my bed waiting for me.”

  “And the big tub? You want to see me there, too?”

  His lips quirked. “That I do, ma’am.”

  Kat settled against his chest again knowing she surely wore a silly, goofy grin. “Okay, then. Give me an hour. How does that sound?”

  * * * * *

  Several days later, Gabe pushed open the door of Poteet’s on the Prairie, Rayne Poteet Ramone’s store. Kat stepped inside inhaling the scent of a spicy potpourri that mingled among the racks of assorted clothing and bric-a-brac. Afternoon sunlight glistened over the aged hardwood floors and the cowbell hanging over the entrance jangled, sounding a welcome.

  She’d spent the weekend with Gabe and had successfully moved her meager belongings into the beautiful two-story limestone house.

  Toward the back of the cavernous retail space, she spotted her sister, Sara sitting at a lunch table with Rayne, Quinn McKinnon, and Dee Santos. Sara stood and rushed up to give her a hug.

  “Oh my gods! I was beginning to worry. Haven’t heard from you in days.”

  Kat returned the hug. “When are you going to stop worrying?”

  “Never!” Sara turned to Gabe and grinned. “Hey, Sheriff.”

  Gabe tipped the brim of his black Stetson a bit. “Ma’am.”

  Sara, blonde, stunning and possibly the most physically strong female lycan on the planet, grinned suddenly. “I assume you are the reason I haven’t heard a peep from my little sister?”


  Her expression gentled. “That’s good. Thanks for dropping her off for lunch with the girls.”

  “My pleasure.” Gabe reached out and squeezed Kat’s hand. “About an hour?”

  “Yeah, I need to get back to the school by one.”

  Gabe headed out the door and Kat felt the eyes of every single one of her friends on her. Turning to Sara with a smile, she reached into her large purse and withdrew a small white sack that contained her lunch. “I’m starved. Let’s eat.”

  Curiosity graced the faces of everyone gathered around the table. Rayne Ramone, a pretty redhead leaned back and crossed her arms across her chest. “Okay, so the hunk is gone. Spill it.”

  Katalin occupied herself with taking her lunch from her sack as Quinn, who was not only a friend but her lupa, and pretty much the boss lady of their pack, handed her a soft drink. “Thanks, Quinn. Okay, where to start.” She felt her face burn under their scrutiny until Sara reached over and took her hand. The action calmed her since she’d always been such a private person and discussing her recent sexual awakening wasn’t something she wanted to blab about. Kat blew out a breath. “Well, I guess you all might as well know that I’ve moved out of the cabin and I’ve settled into Gabriel’s place.”

  Dee Santos leaned close, concern marking her features. “That’s awfully sudden, don’t you think?”

  Kat shook her head. “I don’t think so. We’re mates and everyone here knows that. It’s meant to be.”

  Rayne grinned and wagged her brows. “Soooo, how was it?” Quinn smacked her arm playfully and Rayne winced. “Sorry. None of my biz.”

  Kat had to laugh. She took a bite of her sandwich and chewed thoughtfully. She wasn’t about to discuss her brand spanking new sex life. Maybe one day but not now. She knew Rayne didn’t really expect an answer. “Gabe’s house is beautiful. Have you all been there? I’ve never lived anywhere so nice and I’m afraid it’s going to take me awhile to get used to the luxury of it.”

  Quinn nodded. “The man grills a mean steak. We’ve been there quite a few times. Glad you’re settling in.”

  “Me, too,” Sara said, chiming into the conversation. “Cactus and I didn’t like the idea of you living out there in the wilds all alone. This was meant to be, after all, you and Gabe.”

  “I know. It’s so good to feel like I’m really living rather than just existing.” Unexpectedly her eyes filled but she blinked them away. She hadn’t realized how lonely she’d been until being with Gabe nonstop for the past few days. “He’s helping me with my gift.”

  Dee leaned forward and frowned. “It might be too soon. His empathic connection could be too strong and things might get dangerous, Katalin. I’m not convinced this is a good idea.”

  “Look, Dr. Santos, I know you mean well but I’ve made my decision. Gabe and I aren’t going to stay apart.” Kat’s irritation showed in her voice but nothing flew randomly around the room. There were no crashes or bangs. Drawing a deep breath, she gave the doctor an apologetic look. “I’m sorry if I sound harsh. You’ve been so kind to me but Dee, what we are doing together is working.”

  “It is? Hey, that’s great, Kat,” Quinn said. “You’re gaining some control?”

  Sara eyed her steadily. “Show us. Can you?”

  Feeling a bit like a performing poodle, Kat looked at her friends, these women whom she cared for so much, and resolved herself they wouldn’t be satisfied otherwise. “A lot of this has to do with my focus and my temper. When things feel out of control for me emotionally, that’s when the telekinesis becomes unpredictable. Gabe and I have been working together on it and I’m happy to report I’m doing better every day. He grounds my emotions.”

  Kat balled up the sack that had contained her lunch and held it as she stood and moved to the center of the room. Feeling their eyes upon her, the anticipation that swept the room, she focused on the wad of paper and tossed it high into the air. About midway on its descent she thrust out her arm and the thing stopped to bob around for awhile, just hanging there suspended. Concentrating, breathing in a steady cadence, she moved her arm toward a trash can near the cash register. With a flick of her wrist, the white ball of paper fell into the receptacle.

  A chorus of hoots and cheers went up. Someone, Rayne she thought, whistled loudly. Grinning like a loon, thrilled with her little achievement, Kat swept out her arms and bowed dramatically. It had been downright brave of her to attempt this and it was the first time she’d tried without Gabriel being with her. Feeling courageous, she looked around, eager to attempt more.

  “Hm. I think I need a new outfit, Rayne.” A pair of ladies blue jeans lifted from the rack alon
g with a ruffled pink top. The garments shifted and moved into place in the air as if an invisible woman might be wearing them. “I don’t know,” she mused. “Maybe I’ll try a different one. Another pair of jeans and another top, this one white, soared through the air into place next to the first set of clothing. Feeling playful and happy, she mentally moved the objects until they twirled around above the fascinated faces of her audience. “Look! They’re dancing!” Kat laughed aloud completely enchanted by what she’d managed.

  “Amazing. I can’t believe it,” Quinn hollered, clapping her hands.

  “Wow. Kat, that is some kind of power.” Dee Santos looked at her, beaming. “I am so impressed.”

  Joy bubbled to the surface and for the first time since she could remember she felt free. No one was telling her to shush or to be quiet and still. Sara walked up to her, a bemused expression on her face. “I haven’t heard you laugh like that in so long.”

  The quietly spoken words reached into Katalin’s heart and love for her sister expanded until tears filled her eyes. Her concentration broken, the clothing fell to the floor in a heap. “I’m happy,” she answered simply and realized it was true.

  Sara hugged her hard and Kat let herself cling for a moment.

  When they stepped apart and took their seats again, Rayne gave her a big smile. “Does this mean we’ll be planning a consummation party soon? Hmm?” Most lycan couples were given a consummation party following a traditional consummation, or joining, between lycan mates. Very much like a human wedding reception, it would include food, dancing and lots of laughter. Every lycan girl dreamed of the moment some days after shifting into her beast when she and her mate would stand before their peers and receive their good wishes.

  She felt her face burn just a little. “Soon maybe. We are living together and really just getting used to things.”

  “There’s no hurry, you know.” Dee Santos gave her a serious look. Her dark eyes were kind. She obviously knew from their dealings that Katalin wasn’t comfortable discussing these kinds of things right now. “You have plenty of time. Get used to being together. Get familiar with those spectacular powers. Whatever you two are doing seems to be working.”

  “Thanks Dee. I mean it,” Kat said. “It feels great to finally have your support.”

  “And you always will. I’m not only your doctor but I’m your friend. I care about you.”

  Quinn spoke up. “We all do, honey. I’m sorry if we embarrassed you with our teasing. We are just so damn happy for you. I can’t wait to tell Joe what you can do.”

  Katalin nodded. “Gabe said we should head out to the Wolf Creek Ranch soon and give him a demonstration. Who knows? Maybe I can help with something one of these days. I’d like to feel I contribute to the pack.”

  “Sweetie, you don’t have to do anything but be yourself,” Quinn stated with finality. “This is a small town and folks around here care about you just as they care about Sara. You are one of us. You just take your time with the whole consummation thing, honey. It’ll happen when it’s meant and I promise we are going to have the most spectacular barbecue at the ranch to celebrate with you and Gabriel.”

  A few minutes later she and Gabe pulled up in front of the high school, where she would hang out in the library helping students with their research for papers, showing them where to find particular books and reminding them repeatedly to keep it down. Getting this job at the school library was actually one thing Doctor Santos had gotten right. Being among others, even in a limited capacity had done wonders to bring her out of her tightly wound shell.

  Gabe pulled her close. “Pick you up at three?”

  “Yep, unless you have an emergency or something. If you aren’t here, I’ll call Sara, okay?”

  He shook his head, his eyes drifting over her face to settle on her lips. Kat’s heart thumped. “Uh-uh. I’ll be here.”

  “Hmmm. You seem to have a hard time letting me out of your sight, Sheriff. I never figured you for a possessive dude, dude.”

  He laughed, his teeth flashing white before he lowered his mouth to hers in a long, steamy kiss that caused her toes to curl inside her sensible leather pumps. “What happened to that shy, quiet woman I used to know? Huh?” He kissed her again keeping it light this time considering they were parked in front of the high school. Guess he’d just realized it, huh? Oops.

  A group of girls walked past the truck on their way to class and one of them called out to Kat. Startled, she and Gabe jerked apart. “Hey, Miz Petrova. Hey, Sheriff.” The entire bunch began laughing and chattering, looking back over their shoulders as they continued toward the building. “Gods! We’ll be the talk of the school,” she muttered.

  “I’m sorry. My fault.” Gabe didn’t look in the least sorry. “Kiss me again.”

  “No!” Kat grinned and slid across the seat to safety. “You are big trouble, mister.”

  “At least let me walk you to the door.”

  Her eyes went wide. “And cause more talk? I don’t think so.” Relenting, she smiled. “Tell ya what, I’ll make it up to you tonight.”

  Gabe went still. “How about in that monster-sized tub of mine.”

  Grinning suddenly, feeling happier than she had in years, she opened the door and stepped onto the ground. After settling the strap of her purse on her shoulder, she gave him a long, long look from top to bottom and every sexy space in between. “That sounds like a mighty fine plan. You bring the bubbles.”

  Chapter Five

  Viktor Korolev quietly hung up his cell phone and, rising from his desk, walked to a free-standing bar that nestled along one wall of his office. Night had fallen at the compound just south of the Piney Woods of east Texas. The home of the Hellfire pack was massive and rustic, despite touches of rough elegance, and as alpha he laid claim to many acres of land near the Louisiana border. After putting precisely three cubes of ice in a highball glass of cut crystal, he splashed in a measure of bourbon whiskey and took a sip. Lycans weren’t highly affected by booze but he liked the taste and it seemed to calm him if only for a moment.

  Taking his drink, he went back to the heavily carved cherry desk that occupied the center of the massive room. Regaining his seat, the flicker of the computer monitor a mild irritant at the moment, he considered the phone call he’d just taken from operatives. The news was disturbing and he felt a measure of relief when a knock sounded on his office door. The distraction was welcome.

  “Enter.” Alexander, one of his favored bodyguards, stepped into the room, his face a mask of studied boredom. He was tall, as most lycan males were, roughly three inches taller than Viktor’s own six-five. Alexander, bore the mark of his Slavic ancestors including ice-blue eyes and a haughty demeanor. Tonight he wore his long, pale hair tied back at the nape of his neck. The only color about him was the dark, buttoned shirt which he wore tucked into a pair of expensive finely woven wool slacks. “Do you have the girl?”

  “Yes, we just returned from Austin,” he said with a curt nod. “Miss Rainwater met friends at a bar on the town’s famous Sixth Street last night and we got lucky. She left early and alone. We grabbed her as she was getting into her car.”

  “I see. Good work. My sources say she has latent psychic abilities. Did you see any sign of them?” Viktor motioned to one of the leather chairs in front of his desk. “Please, sit.”

  Alexander took a chair. “I believe so. She seemed spooked from the moment she left the bar. When we grabbed her she put up a fight but I suspected then she had a knowing about us. As per your instructions, I have put her under guard in the guest cabin.”

  The guest cabin was isolated from the rest of the compound and used to facilitate the ongoing breeding experiments. It was Viktor’s belief that pairing males of his pack with gifted females would eventually produce a superior race of lycans. The notion appealed to him. All that power and, as alpha of the Hellfire pack, he stood to reap the benefits. Somehow word about them had trickled through lycan society and the term Hellfire Club had eme
rged. Viktor found it humorous. No, this wasn’t a club but a pack and what he now undertook was a grand experiment that he knew would not fail.

  “Excellent. Julie Rainwater has an older brother, Samuel, and he will surely attempt a rescue assuming he can find us. I don’t expect he will be a problem. He is a lone wolf. A lycan without a pack is next to useless, I believe. In any case, she will be mated to Boris Chernov within the next few weeks.”

  “Why Boris? The man is a brute.” Alexander wore a look of disgust.

  “Getting soft?”

  “No. She is a delicate thing and very young, just a college student. I simply believe the man is not worthy.”

  “It appears she has a champion.”

  “Not at all. It is just that I dislike Boris.”

  Viktor looked at his favored lieutenant over steepled fingers. “As do I but he is loyal. It is time I reward that loyalty by giving him a mate. Now. I’ve had news of the Petrova sisters, Sara and Katalin.”

  The younger man shook his head his lips curled in a show of disgust. “Anton Petrov was a fool. How could he have lost his own daughters this way? It was a complete comedy of errors. He kidnaps his daughters and then he loses them to still other kidnappers. Then the young ladies are rescued by a group of lycan cowboys from a decrepit trailer park in Mexico, of all places. If it weren’t so maddening, I would laugh. Yes, Anton was a ridiculous man.”

  “Doesn’t matter now, my friend. He is dead and gone. I learned something interesting in my research. Sara, the oldest daughter, possessed powers after all.”

  “Did she? I didn’t know.”

  “Yes, she is safely consummated with her cowboy lycan now and out of our reach. A cowboy lycan. Ridiculous.” Viktor practically spat the words. “It seems her powers were latent and she is truly one of the most physically strong lycan females ever born. She is fast and stronger than any male in the Wolf Creek pack from the tales I’ve heard. No doubt she could kick your ass and mine too. All without breaking a sweat.”


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