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Lawman Page 9

by Regina Carlysle

  Kat laughed for the first time since getting in Dee’s car. “You’ve got that right. Impressive.”

  Dee braked to a stop near the strip of land carved out of the wilderness and the two of them stepped from the car and headed toward the plane. Finally Dee glanced over and smiled. “Why do I sense that you are feeling a bit happy despite the circumstances?”

  “He needs me. They all do, I guess,” she said. “For the first time I’m beginning to think this gift that has dominated my entire life might do some good. Everyone has always been so overprotective of me and it just feels so great that Gabe and the others are treating me like a grownup.”

  “You are a grownup. You are a strong and gifted woman. Never doubt it.”

  In a bit over an hour, Dee landed Joe’s plane seamlessly on a rural airstrip somewhere in east Texas. They’d not spoken over the roar of the single-engine plane but that was okay. Her mind was swimming, wondering what they would face, and too, she was anxious to see Gabe. Her heart thumped at the prospect. Even now, he might be walking toward the landing strip. Looking around the area, she noted the abundance of pine trees at the edge of the field. She’d grown up in the Piney Woods but lived much farther north and had never really been to this area. When they opened the doors of the plane and had successfully lowered the ladder, she and Dee walked toward the edge of the woods.

  “Where are they?” Kat wondered.

  “Someone will be here soon,” Dee answered. Kat turned to look at her friend. Maybe it was her imagination but her voice seemed different. She saw a look of pleasure cross Dee’s face. “Ah there you are, Viktor.”

  Kat turned and her eyes went wide at the sight of several men coming toward them. They were big, rough and obviously lycan. Several of them were armed with rifles. A man with shoulder-length dark hair and narrow eyes smiled slightly and held out his arms. Dee rushed into them leaving Kat to realize immediately that something terrible was happening.

  When Dee disentangled herself from the man she’d called Viktor, he stepped closer. “And you must be Katalin Petrova.” He sketched a short bow. “I am your host Viktor Korolev. I am sorry for the little trick my mate played on you but you see, we have been most anxious to meet you.”

  “Your mate?” Kat looked from Viktor to Dee Santos, her friend, her doctor, her betrayer. “How could you?”

  Dee shook her head, sending her long dark hair swinging around her shoulders. “I’m sorry, Katalin. I like you. I really do but I had to snatch you before you could consummate with Gabe. Your powers are just too strong and Viktor needs you to complete his plans.” Terror grabbed Kat as she listened. From her peripheral vision she noted several of Viktor’s wolves moving closer. She had to act fast but she couldn’t think. She couldn’t move.

  Horrified, she gaped at Dee and shook her head in disbelief. All along Dee had been part of this outlaw pack and was the mate of their ringleader.

  Dee laughed suddenly. “Don’t look so surprised. As a practicing lycan psychiatrist, I was privy to lots of information regarding gifts and powers. Of course, I’d heard through the grapevine about poor little Julie Rainwater and her struggles to accept her visions. She was easy to grab and necessary to the operation. I am sorry but you are necessary, too.”

  Kat’s fingers curled into claws as a red cloud of rage filled her brain. A rifle flew from the arms of one of Viktor’s men and from out of nowhere a dead log flipped wildly through the air. Kat’s powers exploded through her, uncontrollable in the face of her careening temper. Her hair whipped about her head as a branch cracked from a tree and fell harmlessly to the ground.

  Viktor laughed loudly and clapped his hands. “Perfect. Perfect. I love it. What a treasure you are.”

  Kat focused her gaze on the madman, struggling for all she was worth to do the lycan some serious damage but she was too late. One of the lycans rushed her from the side and just as she turned to face this new threat, he pulled back a meaty fist and struck her. That was the last thing she saw before the world went dark.

  Chapter Eight

  Kat opened her eyes to total darkness and a massive headache. She was also completely naked. What the hell? It didn’t take long for her to realize she was not only nude and tied up somewhere but that she was a major idiot for ever trusting Dee Santos. Giving her arms a yank she growled low in her throat, noting that she was blindfolded and that her hands were bound behind her back. She sat propped against a wall and her feet were also bound and stretched out in front of her.

  Furious, her temper rising, she struggled to bring it under control so she could think clearly. What a fool she’d been to blindly believe Dee! But then, she knew she had to cut herself some slack. Dee had never treated her in any way but with kindness. She’d pretended to be her friend and Katalin had bought into the whole act. Forcing herself to relax, she made a small sound as pain lanced across her head and her jaw. Kat worked her mouth and remembered that she’d been struck in the jaw. It was swollen and hurt like a bitch but she was lycan. She would heal quickly.

  She became aware of a presence in the room, of eyes watching her. She shivered. Suddenly the blindfold was ripped from her head and she found herself staring into a pair of ice-blue eyes. He had the audacity to smile at her.

  “Ah you are awake. I am sorry for the inconvenience but I promise you, Katalin, this is only temporary. I am Alexander and you are destined to be my mate.”

  “Where are my clothes?”

  “Just a precaution. You are less likely to run when naked. Once you are settled here, I promise to return your clothing.” Kat jutted out her sore jaw and scowled at the possessor of the icy eyes and long, whitish-blond hair. On any other day she would find him mildly attractive in a rather restrained sort of way. She’d become so used to seeing the Cloverfield men in their jeans and Stetsons the more urbane appearance of this Alexander character held no appeal. He was no Gabriel Dunham. Her heart ached and she wondered if Gabe was even aware she’d been taken. How much time had passed?

  Trying desperately to ignore the fact she was naked in the presence of a total stranger, Kat licked suddenly dry lips as her captor watched her with a predatory gleam in his eyes. “What time is it?”

  “It is evening, little Kat.”

  “Don’t call me that. You don’t have the right to even speak to me much less invent a foolish pet name for me,” she spat. “Where am I?”

  Alexander took seat on a ladder-backed chair and eyed her steadily. “You are in the basement of a cabin owned by the alpha of the Hellfire pack of lycans. Considering your ability to move things around somewhat, you cannot stay upstairs where it is definitely more comfortable. Too many objects up there. No, it is safer for all of us if you remain here where you can do less damage. Once we have dealt with the lycans who hunt us, you and I shall settle into domesticity, eh?”

  “Go to hell.”

  “Spicy little thing. I like that.” Alexander lowered his eyes over her body and Katalin cringed. She would rather die than have this man touch her.

  “If Gabriel finds you, he will kill you.”

  Alexander stood and smiled again. “He can certainly try but I assure you, it is more likely he will die. You see, I too have waited long years for a mate and I am not ready to give you up.”

  “I’ll never be your mate.”

  “Do not be so sure of that. Now I must leave you to see about these pesky lycan cowboys.” He shook his head. “Quite humorous. But as you see, you have company so you won’t be lonely.”

  The lycan looked across the room toward a shadowy corner and Kat saw another naked, trussed-up woman. Instantly she knew this had to be Julie Rainwater. Her Native American features and large, doe-like brown eyes practically screamed her heritage. Those same eyes were wide and frantic. A large piece of silvery tape was pressed over her lips, obviously to prevent her from screaming and giving away their location to those who would rescue them.

  Alexander approached again and pulled the blindfold from his pocket. “I must
blindfold you again. I am truly sorry.”

  “Why?” Kat put a small cajoling tone in her voice. “Please. There is nothing here for me to move. I can’t stand the dark. Please.”

  He sighed deeply and tossed the blindfold to the floor. “Very well.” He wore a small device at his belt and it suddenly crackled with sound. He reached for it and Kat realized it was a walkie-talkie.


  “Yes, Viktor. I am here.”

  “There is activity around the compound. Those fucking cowboys are everywhere. Deal with it. Now.”

  “I will. They will not survive, I promise.”

  “The women. Are they secure?”

  “Yes, I am with them now. They are naked and being held in the basement of the cabin as you instructed.”

  There was a pause and Kat sensed the tension in the man’s body as he waited. Finally Viktor’s voice sounded. “My mate and I are making a run for the plane. I want her far away from any retribution from the Wolf Creek pack. I am certain you understand. While I am gone, you are in charge until this is over. Once they are dealt with, I will return.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Alexander scowled and spoke a word under his breath.


  Kat remained quiet. She needed him to leave so that she could figure out a way to get Julie and herself out of here. Alexander stared at her for a moment or two then turned on his heel and left the basement.

  Letting out a long breath, she looked over at Julie. The poor girl was not only terrified but exhausted. “Listen to me, Julie. Your brother is here. He has come to fetch you home and the Wolf Creek pack has his back. Believe me. We’re getting out of here together.”

  Tears filled her eyes and then fell rapidly down her cheeks.

  Kat continued to look at her. “I know you have latent psychic abilities so you won’t think I’m crazy when I tell you that I am also gifted. Now don’t be afraid but I am going to remove the tape from your mouth.”

  Concentrating hard, focusing on a calm she’d practiced so often with Gabe, she watched as the tape began to move from Julie’s mouth. The girl winced at the pain of tape peeling away. Instantly she worked her mouth. “Oh my gods! Thank you. Thank you so much. I can’t tell you how afraid I’ve been.”

  “I know, sweetie. But Samuel is here and we’re going to get out of here. Tonight. Now listen to me. I can untie those ropes on your legs and wrists.”

  Kat focused on the ropes binding Julie’s ankles. They practically flew apart as they unwound from her and ignoring the girl’s gasp, she instructed her to present her back. Julie wiggled around on the floor until she sat with her back to Katalin. Instantly the ropes unwound.

  “I can’t believe it,” she whispered. “Let me help you.”

  “I can get my ankles,” Kat said. “But there’s no way I can untie the ropes behind me. I can’t make things move if I can’t see them.”

  Julie got up and staggered across the floor and began working on the binds at Kat’s back as she, herself, undid the ankle ropes. In what seemed like eternity but was really only minutes, she was free and holding Julie close. “It’s okay,” she whispered into her hair. “You’re going to be safe now, I promise. Now you sit here for a minute. I’m not consummated yet but my mate is out there, along with your brother. Our connection is strong and I’m hoping it’s powerful enough that I can connect with him and let him know where we are.”

  Julie went quiet as Kat closed her eyes. Remembering every moment with her man, she filled her heart and mind with every loving emotion, every word, every touch. Were the feelings of love strong enough to reach him, to let him know they were here? She could only try. She didn’t realize she was crying until Julie reached out and wiped the tears from her cheeks. Suddenly a blast of emotion, so strong it nearly took her breath poured over her, so strong it was almost like a physical touch.


  He had to know she was here.

  “Come on, sweetie. Let’s get the hell out of here.” Together, both of them naked as babes, they climbed the stairs leading from the basement to the cabin.

  * * * * *

  Earlier that same day Gabriel stood at a circular table in the cabin they occupied. Along with other members of the Wolf Creek pack, he pored over topographical maps of the area. To anyone passing by it might seem as if a group of fishermen had come to enjoy a few days of angling for big-mouthed bass.

  But that wasn’t the case.

  Because their cell phones were next to useless in this heavily wooded area, Joe had gone into the nearest small town to place a call to Quinn and check on things at home. Sara was in the kitchen of the small cabin, brewing up another pot of coffee but it was obvious to Gabe that she was paying close attention to the conversation. When he looked at Sara, his thoughts strayed to Kat. Though there was a strong family resemblance between the sisters, there were definite differences. Sara was curvier than Katalin, who was so delicate and dainty, he constantly worried she might break if he touched her. Their eyes were the same tilted shape and both a vibrant blue. Sara was a beautiful blonde whereas Kat’s hair looked like a sunset, alive with streaks of vibrant red. He felt like a lovesick pup watching Sara and thinking of Kat this way. Sara glanced up and smiled at him and Cactus settled a hand on his shoulder. “She’s okay, brother. She’s home and safe. Now let’s keep her that way by taking out these bastards.”

  Gabe nodded and turned his attention to Ringo Ramone who pointed out the location of the main house of the Hellfire compound. “It’s big,” he said. “No idea how many wolves might be living in the area but we’ll be finding that out soon enough. Of course there is no way of knowing if they are actually keeping the girl in the main house or somewhere else.”

  Samuel Rainwater, leaned against the wall and remained silent but the rage in his dark eyes promised retribution. Nobody here dared say it but there was every possibility young Julie had already been forced into a consummation. Hope lived and Gabe knew they would find a way to save the girl if at all possible and maybe even bring down these vile criminals.

  “We’ll go in tonight under cover of darkness,” Gabe said. “I know we all want to get these creeps but our first order of business has to be Samuel’s little sister. Her safety and her rescue has to be top priority. I’d like nothing better than to take them down or bring them back to the ranch for pack justice but Julie Rainwater comes first.”

  The sound of an engine roared outside the cabin and everyone paused as a truck door shut and Joe McKinnon stalked into the room. His expression was grim as he focused his eyes directly on Gabe. A chill swept him. “Joe, what’s wrong?”

  “Trouble. Big trouble. Quinn was frantic when I called. She and Rayne expected Dee Santos and Kat for lunch today at Rayne’s store. They never showed up. Kat didn’t return to the school either. Quinn and Rayne started talking to just about everyone in town and someone said they saw Dee pick Kat up in her car and watched them drive out of town.”

  Gabe went still. “What the fuck?”

  “And that’s not all. My goddamn plane is gone. Dee told me many times that she’d love to take it up one day and that she had her pilot’s license. Quinn thinks Dee has taken Kat and they have gone off somewhere in the plane.”

  The words had no sooner left Joe’s mouth when they heard the sound of a single engine plane soaring overheard. The group of them rushed outside and watched it land beyond a line of trees. It was impossible to tell exactly how far away it was but they were on it. Jumping into the array of pickup trucks parked outside, they headed off in the direction of the landing. Gabe gripped the steering wheel promising retribution if anything happened to his mate. Cactus sat stone-faced in the front seat while Sara sat, equally tense, in the back. “You know what this probably means,” Gabe gritted out. “This means the good doctor was in on this all along.”


  “Calm down, sweetheart,” Cactus said to his wife. “We’ll find her and when we do I promise you c
an tear her ass up.”

  “You’ll have to fight me over her, Sara.” Gabe scowled and punched the gas pedal to the floor, kicking up a cloud of dust. “She is delivering Kat straight into these bastards’ hands and I want her hurt.”

  Revenge riding him hard, he pulled into a clearing where the plane sat. Joe and Ringo drew up beside them and several more pickups full of Wolf Creek cowboys stopped behind them. Gabe got out and walked over to Joe’s truck. Remaining calm was the hardest thing he’d ever done. “They’re gone. Not a trace of them but I can sure as fuck smell them. Probably a half dozen lycans have been out here.”

  A highly developed sense of smell was a damn good thing.

  Joe folded his arms over the steering wheel. “Let’s meet back at the cabin and figure this out. We strike tonight and the gods help them when we get our hands on them.”

  * * * * *

  Edgy, restless, scared damn well out of his mind, Gabe hunkered down behind dense shrub surrounding the Hellfire compound. It was now very late in the evening as they watched the house, remaining alert for any Hellfire lycans who might come upon them. He had to admit it was a hell of a house. Built like something you might find in the mountains of Colorado, it was a two-story, log structure complete with lots of glass windows and skylights. Beautiful and rustic, it was the home of a madman.

  Several Wolf Creek lycans had cautiously approached various windows and doors finding the place locked up tighter than a drum. There was nothing to do but break down the barriers and they were just the wolves to do it. Suddenly, quite without warning, Gabriel was swamped by heavy emotions. They swam through his blood like points of light. Love. Care. Laughter. Need.


  His eyes went wide as he sent the emotions back to her ten-fold. He turned to Samuel Rainwater who had taken up a post nearby. “I think I know where they are, Sam. Come on.” Gabe looked back at Joe to tell him they were breaking off from the pack when the sound of the plane engine reached them from the distance. “Fuck! Joe, they’re getting away.”


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