The Last Chance

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The Last Chance Page 12

by Darrien Lee

  P.K. walked over to Keilah and shook her hand. “Sure I do. It’s good to see you, Miss Chance. Welcome home.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Sloan,” she replied.

  P.K. pulled a couple of documents out of his briefcase and said, “If you guys could help me out and sign these so I can make my next meeting, I’d appreciate it. I need to be back downtown in thirty minutes.”

  Luke said, “I think we can help you out.”

  “Thank you. Luke, these are the documents you wanted me to draw up. All I need is Keilah’s signature, since you guys have already signed it. Keilah, just sign on the lines where your name is printed. This makes everything official.”

  Luke had had P.K. draw up papers giving Keilah sole ownership of the Special K Casino. They just hoped she wouldn’t look at the forms too closely. Luke quickly scanned the documents and slid them over to Keilah. “Sis, before you run off to the mall, P.K. needs your signature on these for the casino.”

  She picked the forms up and asked, “What are these for?”

  Luke took a sip of his champagne. “It’s just a formality regarding ownership of the casino. They need a copy on file with all of our signatures. Yours is the only one missing.”

  Keilah quickly scanned over the paperwork as her brothers held their breath. Keilah didn’t even notice their nervousness as she quickly signed her name on the dotted line. Her mind was on what kind of dress she was going to wear at the grand opening. The Chance brothers quietly finished off the rest of the champagne as Keilah signed the last document and closed the folder. She stood and handed the folder back to Luke, who passed it over to P.K.

  “Do y’all need me for anything else?” Keilah asked as she grabbed her purse.

  P.K. looked at the documents before placing them in his suitcase and said, “No, it looks like everything is in order. I think we have all we need from you, Keilah. It’s good seeing you again.”

  Keilah shook his hand once more and said, “Thank you, and have a good evening. Well I’m out.”

  Luke said, “Have fun shopping.”

  “I will,” she replied as she blew her brothers a loving kiss before walking out the door. “I love you guys.” The brothers blushed and smiled as Keilah rushed out the door to find Michael. Once she was gone, Luke turned to P.K. and his brothers. Genesis sat back in his chair and threw his pencil on the table. “Man, that was close. If Keilah had looked at those papers any closer, our surprise would’ve been ruined.”

  Luke opened the second bottle of champagne and sighed. “Keilah trusts us. I knew she wouldn’t look at the paperwork too hard. Now, with that out of the way, Malachi, do you have all the security in place for tonight?”

  “You’d better know it.” Luke turned to P.K. and asked, “Is this everything?”

  P.K. stood and said, “Yes, that’s everything. I’ll get these on file right away.”

  “Thanks, P.K.”

  P.K. shook everyone’s hand before hurrying out the door. He’d been their family attorney for over ten years, and he was very good at what he did.

  After P.K. left the room, Luke went down his checklist and had each brother report on their assigned task in preparation for the grand opening. When they were finished, everyone except Luke exited the conference room and headed out onto the casino floor. As he sat there alone, he thought back over all their accomplishments and the long road they had traveled to get where they were.

  Nearly thirty-years ago, Joe Chance and his friend Graham opened up a small but successful gambling house in the area. Luke and his brothers were busy trying to support their mother by working for Keytone. The brothers didn’t want to get in deeper than they already were with Keytone. He gave them a huge offer, but they passed on it, much to his dismay.

  Joe’s partner, Graham, had inherited somewhat of a drinking problem, and within a year, it sent him to an early grave. After Graham’s death, Joe tried to get his sons to work with him rather than Keytone to keep them out of trouble, but the money was too good for them to turn down. Luke and his brothers’ plan was to work for Keytone for only a short time because they knew they were putting themselves in danger of getting robbed, killed, or arrested.

  While Joe’s gambling house was prospering, the boys wanted their own money to care for their mother and to establish their own business. Eventually, Joe convinced his wife to take him back so their sons would stop doing illegal jobs for Keytone. He also wanted to make amends for all the hurt he’d put on his wife and sons and start over as a family. In the end, Joe’s sons gave in to their father and helped him open his first casino. It was small but became a huge success quickly, which had money rolling in for the Chance family. The casino profits were climbing fast, and Joe realized that with success also comes drama. All types of criminal elements—who saw the small casino as Joe did—a potential gold mine—tried to infiltrate the growing casino. With that in mind, Joe decided he needed a will in place to make sure his children would never be without financial security ever again. Joe felt like it was the least he could do after he abandoned his family in the past. Things were going great for the Chances, and it seemed that Joe was finally happy to have something go right in his life. He was able to take care of his family and have a business to call his own, but after about a year and a half, the unexpected happened.

  One sunny afternoon, nine-teen-year-old Luke Chance savored the smell of fried chicken as he walked down the street. The heavenly smell radiated from the smokestacks of Leroy’s Chicken Shack. As he walked closer, he noticed a large crowd of people gathering on the next block. He also noticed a large number of police vehicles blocking the street as well. Curious, he joined the crowd of people to see what was going on. Making his way through the crowd, he pushed his way to the front and froze. The coroner was pushing a gurney with what appeared to be a body on it toward their vehicle. He couldn’t take his eyes off it, and immediately his attention was drawn to the shoes sticking out from under the sheet. Almost immediately, Luke heard a familiar scream. It was his mother, and she was on the ground, distraught. Someone in the crowd had told Amanda the person killed was in fact Joe. Two detectives started questioning her even though it was obvious she was very upset. This angered Luke, because at the time, his mother was pregnant with Keilah, so he rushed to her side and to her defense.

  “Ma’am, do you have any information on this homicide?” the detective asked.

  Before she could reply, the officers were interrupted by a very angry young man.

  “Leave my mother alone,” Luke yelled.

  Amanda was speechless at first, but when Luke embraced her she gathered enough strength to try and answer their questions. “It’s okay, Luke,” she said through sniffles.

  “No, it’s not okay. They can see you’re pregnant.”

  The detective turned to Luke and asked, “Who are you?”

  “This is my mother. Whatever you want to know, you can ask me,” he stated boldly.

  Amanda patted Luke on the chest and said, “No, Luke. I’m okay. I can do this, and I need to know if that is your father.”

  The officer reached inside his pocket and pulled out a notepad and pen. “In a moment, ma’am. What is your name?”

  “Amanda. Amanda Chance. This is my oldest son, Luke.”

  Luke held onto his mother tightly and bit down on his lower lip to keep it from trembling. He frowned and looked the officers directly in the eyes. “Is that my daddy under that sheet?”

  The officer wouldn’t look Luke in the eyes, and that was all the confirmation he needed. His heart thumped in his chest because he knew in that moment he had become the man of the house.

  The detective said, “Mrs. Chance, let me get you out of this hot sun and off your feet. You’ll be more comfortable in my squad car.”

  Luke took his mother by the arm and led her over to a police car. He turned to the detective and said, “I need to know if that is my father.” He walked over to the coroner’s van and looked down at the gurney. The second officer joined
Luke at the van.

  “Are you sure you want to do this, son?”

  Luke stood there in deep thought for a moment before answering. “I have to do it, officer.”

  The officer nodded at the coroner who reached over and pulled back the sheet. Luke stood there, unable to move. It was Joe, and whoever killed him wanted to make sure he was dead. There was no way he could let his mother see Joe in this condition. He had been beaten and shot multiple times, and his throat had been slit. The officer finally spoke up and snapped Luke out of his trance.

  “Is that your father, son?”

  Luke swallowed hard and nodded. He felt lightheaded, so he bent over to try and get air into his lungs. He looked over at his mother, who was still crying. The officer put his hand on Luke’s shoulder to comfort him. “Are you going to be okay?”

  “Yeah. Who did this to my daddy?” Luke asked.

  “We’re working on it, son. We’re interviewing anyone who could’ve been a witness, but right now it appears that robbery was the motive. When was the last time you saw your father?”

  “Yesterday, around noon.”

  The officer asked Luke a few more questions before giving him his business card.

  “Call me if you think of anything or need anything. We’re going to do everything in our power to find out who murdered your father. I’m so sorry for your loss.”

  Luke took the card out of the officer’s hand and tucked it inside his pocket.

  “Thanks, man. Look, I need to get my momma home.”

  After giving the officer their address, he walked over to his mother and helped her out of the squad car.

  “Come on, Momma. Let me take you home.”

  She looked up into Luke’s eyes. “Is it Joe?”

  “Yeah, Momma. It’s him.”

  She fell against Luke and sobbed.

  From that moment on, their lives were never the same. Amanda loved Joe very much in spite of his shortcomings. He’d become a much better father after he had started his business, and Luke believed that money was the reason he was killed, especially since his business was doing so well.

  Sadly, neither Luke nor his brothers could ever get anyone on the streets to come forward and tell them who killed their father. It remained a thorn in their side for years. One thing he always told his brothers was that Joe didn’t die in vain. Their father’s death was the reason they were determined to make the family business the huge success Joe had always envisioned.

  Luke’s cell phone rang, snapping him out of his trance. He stood and answered the phone as he gathered his thoughts and the paperwork. He’d done enough reminiscing for one day and needed to go home and get ready for the grand opening.

  Chapter Twelve

  Keilah found the perfect dress for the grand opening. It was a tea-length red halter dress with a plunging neckline. The three-inch-heeled Jimmy Choo sandals that adorned her feet made her appear even more statuesque than she was. Her hair was wavy and cascading down her back. As she sat there staring at herself in the mirror, she thought about Ramsey. Michael was in the shower so she picked up her cell phone and quickly dialed his number.

  “Hello?” he answered

  “Hey, Stone. What are you doing?”

  “I’m getting ready to go to the firing range with some of the guys. What are you doing?” She fingered her hair and said, “Getting ready to go to the grand opening of the new casino.”

  “That’s great,” he replied. “I’m sure you’ll have a good time.”

  “Look, Ramsey, we didn’t get to finish our conversation yesterday so I thought I would call and . . .” Ramsey stood up, pulled his gun out of his desk, and put it in his holster. “Now is not a good time. I’m on my way out, and so are you. We’ll talk when you get back.”

  Keilah could feel the stress in Ramsey’s voice. She looked toward the bathroom door. “Maybe you’re right.”

  “Where’s G. I. Joe?” he asked.

  She solemnly replied, “In the shower.”

  “You don’t sound very excited about tonight. You should be bouncing off the walls. This is a big deal for your family.”

  “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I don’t feel like myself at all.”

  Ramsey became somewhat concerned as he walked down the hallway to the elevator and pushed the button. “You’re not getting sick, are you?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  Ramsey looked at his watch and said, “Well, don’t overdo it tonight, and try to get some rest tomorrow, and maybe you’ll feel better.”

  She played with the links on her diamond bracelet and said, “I hope so.”

  “Good. I can’t wait to hear all about the grand opening. Now be careful, and I’ll see you when you get back.”

  Keilah bit down on her lower lip and said, “Ramsey?”

  He stepped inside the elevator and pushed the button. “Yeah?”

  “You be careful too. OK?”

  Just hearing Keilah’s voice made Ramsey’s heart swell. “I will. Tell the family I said congratulations.”

  “I will,” she replied before hanging up the telephone. As she sat there, she didn’t realize just how long she’d been on the telephone nor that she no longer heard the shower running. When she turned around, Michael was standing right behind her, which startled her. “Michael, I didn’t hear you come in here.”

  He wrapped his arms around her waist and said, “That’s obvious. How’s Ramsey?”

  “He’s fine. Headed to the firing range,” she informed him.

  He caressed her cheek and said, “Enough about Ramsey. You look beautiful, Keilah.”

  “Thank you, Major. You’re looking mighty handsome yourself. You dress fast.”

  “I have to in my business,” he answered as he sat down on the edge of the bed and put on his shoes. He stood up and buckled his belt. Keilah made her way over to him and straightened his tie. He immediately ran his hands down her back, resting them on her hips. She looked into his eyes and smiled. “It’s getting late, so we’d better get downstairs because the limo should be here at any minute.”

  Keilah walked over and picked up her purse. “I’m ready if you are.” Michael took one last look in the mirror and said, “Let’s go, sweetheart.”

  The pair exited the room, and as soon as they entered the lobby, their limo pulled up in front of the hotel. Once outside, the chauffeur opened the door for them, and within seconds they were on their way. Keilah was unaware that she was in for the night of her life.

  Ramsey and his friends, Ron and Bradford, made their way to the firing range. Once there, his friends noticed Ramsey’s solemn mood. “Why are you so quiet?” Ron asked as he looked over at Ramsey.

  Ramsey put the clip in his 9 mm and said, “I didn’t know I was.”

  Ron glanced over at Bradford, who was shaking his head.

  Bradford asked, “Is everything OK at the office?”

  Ramsey looked at Bradford and frowned. “Why are y’all asking me all these questions? I’m fine. Now, are we here to shoot or gossip?”

  Ron laughed as he put his goggles and earmuffs on for protection. “You have to admit, bro, that you’re not your normal upbeat self. You’re acting like you’ve lost your best friend.”

  Ramsey put his goggles and muffs on as well and said, “Maybe I have.”

  Bradford sat his gun down and folded his arms. “What’s really going on, Ramsey? You can talk to us.”

  Ramsey took his earmuffs off and asked, “What did you say?”

  “What’s really going on? Did you and Keilah have a fight or something?”

  “No, Keilah’s in California visiting her family for the weekend.”

  “Does this have something to do with Keilah?”

  Ramsey was beginning to get irritated with Bradford’s questions. “What makes you think this has something to do with Keilah?”

  Bradford picked up his gun and said, “It’s just a hunch. So, does it have something do with Keilah? You told me she was dat
ing some guy in the military. Is everything going OK with them?”

  “I guess. I don’t ask her anything about him,” Ramsey replied.

  Ron stepped in and asked, “Have you met him?”


  “So what do you think about him?” Ron asked.

  “I don’t like him. OK? Are you happy now?” Ramsey blurted out.

  Ron picked up his goggles and said, “Is that why you’re in a funky mood?”

  Ramsey didn’t answer him at first. He sighed and said, “She took him to California with her to meet her brothers.”

  Bradford studied Ramsey’s facial expressions and could see he was struggling with their questions. He calmly said, “Look, bro, I know you care about Keilah. Hell, you might even love her, but until you admit it to yourself, nothing’s going to change. You and Keilah have been friends for years now, and if you want to take things to the next level with her, just talk to her before you lose out. Keilah’s a fine woman and if you feel about her the way I suspect, then I know it has to be killing you seeing her kicking it with another man.”

  The threesome stood there in silence for a moment. Ramsey was the first to put on his earmuffs. Ron and Bradford slowly followed behind him. They went into their designated cubicles and started shooting at their intended targets. When their clips were empty, they pulled their cardboard targets in and inspected the results. All of them had done well, but it was Ramsey who had emptied his clip between the target’s eyes and into the heart. Bradford took his protective muffs off and walked over to Ramsey’s cubicle.

  “Damn! That’s some good shooting, Stone.”

  Ramsey inspected the cardboard piece and said, “Thanks, Bradford.”

  Bradford set his gun down and said, “Ramsey, I’m your boy and I know you better than anybody, so tell Keilah how you feel before she messes around and marrys that guy or something. I’d hate for you to miss out just because you’re stubborn and proud.”

  “What if she doesn’t feel the same way I do?” Ramsey asked.


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