Missing in Egypt

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Missing in Egypt Page 11

by Rita Lee Chapman

  Eventually he made his way towards us. When he finally saw us he was very surprised. He talked to us in Egyptian and we replied in English. He got off his donkey and tried to open the gate, but to no avail. He picked up a rock and hit at the hinges but they didn’t give. He handed us some of his water and we gratefully took long draughts. Our supply had nearly gone and we were so pleased to quench our thirst. With words we took to mean he was going to get help he got back on his donkey and dug his heels into him, trying to make him trot. The old donkey eventually got into a slow shuffle and they disappeared into the distance. ‘I hope he comes back” I said to Kareem.

  It was nearly an hour later when we heard the sound of an old truck in the distance and we were relieved to see it appear out of the dust, with the donkey man and a couple of others hanging from the sides. They had crowbars and soon went to work on the hinges – it seemed no-one had the key. In a flash the hinges snapped and we were free! The men spoke no English but it was obvious they were keen to know how we got there. The language barrier was a welcome one for us – it meant we didn’t have to give an explanation we just kept pointing to the inside of the tunnel. We were bundled into the truck and taken to the village of Qurnet Murai. One of the men took us into his house and his wife gave us food. We hadn’t realised how hungry we were until the fear of dying was removed. Suddenly it was like waking from a nightmare- the events of the past couple of days seemed totally unreal.

  After we had eaten our host arranged for a taxi. The driver understood Luxor and we were soon leaving the village of Qurnet Murai. We farewelled our rescuers and our host, waving until they were out of sight. We must have looked a sight when we returned to the hotel, but fortunately Hamidi was not around and we were able to sneak into our room and shower. After that we fell into bed and into an exhausted sleep, which lasted until late in the afternoon.

  When we awoke, safe and refreshed, we sat and talked about our ordeal. We knew we were very lucky to have survived. We also knew that the only person who would have any reason to bury us alive was Gahiji. “He must know what has happened to Ramy” Kareem reasoned. “Otherwise he would have no reason to do us any harm. If it wasn’t him who set off the dynamite then it must have been others involved with him. He is our only link to Ramy”. “Shall we go to the police?” I asked.

  At that moment there was a knock on the door. It was Hamidi. “Where have you been?” he inquired. ‘Your friend, John Turner, is on the phone. He rang yesterday and I couldn’t find you.”

  “Qurnet Murai” I called out, as I rushed down the hall to pick up the phone. John sounded relieved to hear my voice. “I was starting to worry about you” he said. “So you should” I retorted. “I have a lot to tell you but I can’t say much now.” “Its my day off tomorrow. I’m not doing anything, how about I drive up there?” “That would be great” I replied. “We’d love to see you”.

  Our next step was to contact the rental company. For this we needed Hamidi’s help to translate. We told him the car had broken down and we had managed to get a lift to Qurnet Murai where we spent the night. We didn’t want to go anywhere near Gahiji’s house or for him to know we had escaped, so the best solution seemed to be to let the rental company think the car had stopped and for them to collect it. We could always rent another one later if necessary.

  We spent the evening trying to make sense out of what we had discovered. “My brother’s St Christopher” said Kareem, pulling it out of his pocket and fastening it around his neck “means he was in the same tomb that we were in. We know that Yasmeen and he were probably taken because of her father’s connection to the tomb, so it makes sense to believe they were the link to the kidnappers finding the location of it. That would explain why Yasmeen’s father has also disappeared. They would have used Yasmeen as the bartering tool to get him to go to them and to reveal what he knew about the tomb. He must have taken them to it. But what happened to them afterwards?” “I suppose” I said after a while “it rather depends on whether there was anything left in the tomb when they opened it. If it was empty, they would no longer be of any use to them, which probably explains the ransom demand. If, on the other hand, it was full of treasures, then they have obviously removed them all, and by the amount of well-worn tracks leading from the road to the tomb it would seem to me that they have indeed been busy doing just that. If that is the case, there is a slight chance they might have used Ramy, Yasmeen and her father to help them move it.

  “Yes, yes” Kareem responded. “The tomb must have still been full of treasures – otherwise why would there be so many tracks? But what happened to them afterwards?” We still didn’t seem to be any closer to finding Ramy.

  John Turner arrived early the next morning. I ordered some coffee and we went up to our room so we could speak in private. We quickly filled John in about our entombment and rescue. “I’m just so glad you are safe” he said when we had finished, looking straight at me. “If you are right and the tomb had not already been robbed, then this is a very serious matter for the Egyptian authorities. They do not take kindly to someone removing their treasures and either keeping them for themselves or trying to sell them overseas. It seems to me it is unlikely they would want to make too many approaches in Egypt itself or word would get around that a new tomb has been robbed and that would be very dangerous for them. It is much more likely that the goods are to be shipped out of Egypt to an overseas buyer. They may even already be on their way.

  I think now you should report it to the authorities in Cairo. They can then interview this Gahiji and maybe find something out about Ramy, Yasmeen and Masud. The fact that Egyptian treasures could be involved will certainly cause the authorities to take the search more seriously.” “The authorities don’t seem to be getting anywhere” Kareem responded. “I just don’t know if we should go to them or just pursue Gahiji ourselves.” “You know I can’t advise you to do that, in my official capacity” replied John. “However, I wouldn’t anyway. You were very lucky to escape this time, you may not be so lucky again if you go stirring things up. I think you should relocate to Cairo where you will be harder to find. Once you put in a report about Gahiji I can then approach them in my official capacity and exert more pressure on them to find out what Gahiji knows about your brother”.

  By the time John left, it was settled. Kareem and I would return to Cairo tomorrow and lodge a complaint.

  The next day we bade Hamidi farewell and thanked him for all his help. He was sorry to see us go but assumed we were returning to Australia. ‘Have a good trip” he said as we climbed into the taxi. We booked into a small hotel in Cairo recommended by John and then made our way to the police station. A couple of hours later our story had been told, questions had been asked and we returned to our hotel, not at all confident that anything would come of it.

  Some time later the police came to our hotel. “You are required to come with us” they said. “The Ministry officials want to talk to you.” Feeling we were not being given any choice, we went out to their car and were whisked away to a large, old building in the centre of Cairo. Here we were interviewed separately and at some length. When we were finally put in a car and returned to our hotel we felt more like criminals than victims.

  It was now time to ring my boss and try to explain why I was still in Egypt. However, he was not in any frame of mind to listen. “I need you here, Anna. You have been gone far too long and I can’t manage without you any longer. It is time you returned to your job”. I put the phone down somewhat disheartened. Part of me was ready to go home, I had to admit, but the other part wanted to support Kareem and to stay until we found out what had happened to the others. Reluctantly I told Kareem about my conversation with Jim. “You must go, Anna” he said immediately. “I don’t know how much longer I can stay myself. Your job is important and Jim has been very patient. Besides, it is dangerous for you here now. Much as I want you to stay with me, I know it is time for you to go back to Australia”.

  So it was decided,
I would return to Australia and my job and leave Kareem to continue the search for his brother, at least for a while longer.

  Before I left I went to visit Mrs Ahmose again and I took Kareem with me. She welcomed us warmly and was anxious to hear our news. Pili and Omar sat with us as we told them about finding the tomb and being blocked in. I told them my theory that Masud had led the tomb robbers to the secret tomb to save Yasmeen’s life. Kareem showed her Ramy’s St Christopher, which he now wore around his neck all the time and told her how he had found it in the tomb. “We know he was alive up to that point, and hopefully Masud and Yasmeen also. Unfortunately, we still have no idea what has happened since.” Mrs Ahmose was amazed to hear about the secret tomb and, for Pili and Omar, it was the first they had heard of it. “I can’t believe you never told us” said Omar. “Your father never wanted you to know. He said it was better that way – he was convinced there was a curse on it and this way there was no temptation. In fact we had never spoken of it again from that day – I had forgotten it even existed.”

  I explained that I must now return to my job in Australia but that Kareem would stay on in Egypt a bit longer to look for them and he promised to keep in touch.

  But before I left Egypt there was one more thing I wanted to do – visit the Pyramids. How could I leave without seeing them? They are one of the Seven Wonders of the World and the only one still surviving. Kareem and I headed out early the next morning to try and beat some of the tourist buses. As we approached in the taxi the pyramids appeared in front of us, above the road. A lone camel was standing in front of the pyramid closest to us, high above our heads, with his rider hunched over, almost asleep in the saddle. I quickly took a photo as we slowed down around the bend – to me that picture epitomised Egypt as I had imagined it before leaving Australia.

  The carpark where the taxi stopped was enormous. Already several coaches were parked there and it was obvious that later in the day it would be packed. We walked across to the Khufu, or Great Pyramid and I was amazed at the size of it. Nothing can prepare you for the enormity of the pyramids – all the photos I had seen, the programmes on TV, none of them had conveyed the size of these icons. As we drew closer it seemed to become even more impressive. I took Kareem’s photo with him standing in front of one of the stones – he only came up to about 2/3 of the height of it. We climbed up a few but there didn’t seem much point in going any higher. “It is 137 metres high” Kareem informed me. Instead we clambered back down and walked around to the other large pyramids. “Originally the pyramids were covered in limestone. Look at that one over there” he pointed to the pyramid of Kafre “It still has its limestone peak, even though the limestone has fallen from the rest of it.” In the distance we could also see smaller pyramids, which apparently were built for wives and daughters of the Pharaohs. We had the option of climbing up to the doorway of the pyramid of Khufu and going inside. However, the thought of a very low, narrow tunnel after what we had just been through gave me goosebumps. Instead we went into the Museum of the Solar boat, next to the pyramid of Khufu. It housed a huge wooden boat, some 43 metres long. This boat had been found buried in 1,224 pieces alongside the pyramid, together with seven pairs of oars. It was to take the Pharaoh to the afterlife and all the parts had been carefully placed in a huge pit for his use. It had taken ten years to assemble. I chuckled to myself imagining the Pharaoh trying to assemble it by himself!

  All around us were camels and even horses for hire with the touters making a real nuisance of themselves, offering free photos on their camel, a cheap ride, a special experience. In reality, once a tourist took them up on their offer they were bullied into parting with a lot more money – either to do the return trip of even just to get off the camel. Not too many people will jump off a camel that is still standing..

  We went across for a close-up look at the Sphinx. It was such a pity, I thought, that the nose had been blown off. It was still magnificent though. “It is believed that King Tuthmosis IV had a dream in which the Sphinx offered him the Double Crown of Egypt if he would dig him out of the sand which had covered him – and that is

  exactly what happened.” Kareem informed me. From the Sphinx I couldn’t help but notice how close civilisation had come to these great monuments. “Once there was a tree-lined boulevard leading up to the pyramids” Kareem continued. “Now the shops are built nearly up to the Sphinx and the city seems to come right to its door”. I looked around – across to the pyramids there was just desert. To the front and right of the Sphinx were shops and a road. It seemed quite incongruous.

  For me though, nothing could detract from the grandeur and uniqueness of the Sphinx and the pyramids. It had been a dream come true to visit them and to see the true spirit of Egypt.

  Before I left the next day, we called in to see John Turner at the Embassy. He told us that the authorities had picked up Gahiji and interviewed him. If he was surprised to hear that Kareem and I were alive, apparently he did not show it. He vehemently denied all knowledge of the tomb, of us, our entombment or of Ramy, Yasmeen and Masud. John assured me that the authorities and the police would continue to keep an eye on him and to check out anyone he contacted.

  3. Back in Australia

  In the time I had been away a lot had happened. The leadership spill had taken place, as predicted, and Paul Keating was now the new PM. It was December 1991 and an election was not due until 1993. I always dreaded election times and was hoping it would not be called early. I also hoped it would be a short time between the calling of the election and the election date. It was always total chaos the minute the election was announced and long campaigns are hard on everyone. Jim would want to write to every constituent, help some of the other local candidates in marginal seats and every constituent with a problem would decide this was the right time to ask for help. Fortunately Jim’s seat was fairly blue-ribbon but he was a stickler for doing the work to give himself every opportunity of being re-elected. I was rather pleased about that though, because if he lost his seat, I was out of work too.

  My friend Sandra rang to tell me she was getting divorced. I wasn’t surprised as I knew she had been unhappy for quite a long time but naturally she was very upset and I was glad to be around to give her some time and support. Sandra and I had been friends for years – we met when we worked for the same company – and she stayed over for a couple of nights. We talked until late, drank too much wine, laughed and cried, as best friends do. I told her more of my adventure in Egypt which helped to take her mind off her own problems for a while.

  It soon felt as if my time in Egypt had been a dream – or, rather, a nightmare. I missed Kareem but catching up on my work after being away took up most of my

  time. He rang me every few days but the line was usually dreadful and the calls were short. I also heard from John Turner – he could fax me direct from the Embassy and he sent me brief updates. The police had interviewed Gahiji again but had not been able to get anything more out of him. We were certain he was not innocent so we could only assume he was very scared of the people he was involved with as he would not give up their names.

  Then one evening when I was working late the phone rang and it was John. “How lovely to hear from you, John”. “How are you Anna?” he asked. ‘I’m fine” I replied “working all hours but otherwise good”. “Anna, this is not a social call I’m afraid. I’m sorry to bring you such bad news. There is no easy way to tell you this. Its Kareem, Anna, he’s been found dead”.

  I felt as if the world was crushing down on me. It was hard to breathe. “Anna, Anna, are you there? Are you okay?” “Yes….yes I’m here” I managed to whisper. “What happened? How did they kill him? Have they arrested those responsible?”

  “It wasn’t murder, Anna. He just died. He was in his hotel room and it seems he had an aneurism in the brain. It could have been as a result of the knock on the head which led to his amnesia. The doctor said it could have happened at any time but it just burst and bled into his brain and
he died very quickly. The hotel staff found him the next day. Anna, I’m so sorry. Is there someone I can call for your?” I couldn’t think straight. “No, no.…. I’ll be fine. Thanks for letting me know, John” I managed to say. “I’m going now but I’ll be in touch later”. “Will you be alright?” John wanted to know. “Are you sure there isn’t someone you want me to call for you?” “No, I’ll be fine” I replied. “I just need some time to think.” “Call me if you need anything” John said, meaning it. “I’ve already contacted Kareem’s mother and she is making arrangements for his body to be flown home.”

  I sat there stunned. I couldn’t think straight. My mind wouldn’t accept that Kareem was dead. How could he be when I had just got him back again? Surely this was just some awful prank, a nightmare I would soon wake up from. I couldn’t believe that I would never see him again, not touch him or hold him. It wasn’t fair. We had such a short time together. Then I thought of his mother. She had lost her husband, one son was missing and now this – her oldest son dead, killed whilst looking for his brother. Yes, killed, because if he hadn’t taken the blow to the head over the ransom money he would still be alive.

  The next few days passed in a daze. I went to see Kareem’s mother and we cried together – two women locked in grief over the death of a man they both loved. The day of the funeral came and went – the funeral itself passed in a blur; many faces I didn’t know, but everyone was very kind and sympathetic. The finality of watching the coffin being lowered gently into the ground was almost too much for me. I let out a moan and Kareem’s mother squeezed my arm. I went back to the house with her for the wake but after about an hour I excused myself and hurried back home. As I bade my farewell Mrs Hazif hugged me tightly and begged me not to be a stranger.


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