your hearts with love and laughter …
And may each year together find
you more and more in love
And bring you all the happiness
you’re so deserving of.
May the joy of true companionship
be yours to share through life,
And may you always bless the day
that made you husband and wife.
As hand in hand you enter a
life that’s bright and new,
May God look down from heaven
and bless the two of you.
May He give you understanding,
enough to make you kind,
So you may judge each other with
your hearts and not your minds.
May He teach you to be patient
as you learn to live together,
Forgiving little human rifts that
arise in stormy weather …
And may your love be strong enough
to withstand the strongest sea,
So you may dwell forever in
love’s rich tranquility.
It takes a mother’s love to
make a house a home—
A place to be remembered no
matter where we roam.
It takes a mother’s patience
to bring a child up right
And her courage and her cheerfulness
to make a dark day bright.
It takes a mother’s kindness to
forgive us when we err,
To sympathize in trouble and to
bow her head in prayer.
It takes a mother’s wisdom
to recognize our needs
And to give us reassurance by
her loving words and deeds.
It is sharing and caring,
Giving and forgiving,
Loving and being loved,
Walking hand in hand,
Talking heart to heart,
Seeing through each other’s eyes,
Laughing together,
Weeping together,
Praying together,
And always trusting and believing
And thanking God for each other …
For love that is shared is a beautiful thing—
It enriches the soul and makes the heart sing.
In this world of casual carelessness,
it’s discouraging to try
To keep our morals and standards and our ideals high.
We are ridiculed and laughed at
by the smart sophisticate,
Who proclaims in brittle banter that
such things are out of date …
But no life is worth living unless it’s built on truth,
And we lay our life’s foundation in
the golden years of youth …
So allow no one to stop you
or hinder you from laying
A firm and strong foundation made
of faith and love and praying …
And remember that ideals are like stars up in the sky,
You can never really reach them,
hanging in the heavens high,
But like the mighty mariner who
sailed the storm-tossed sea
And used the stars to chart his course
with skill and certainty,
You, too, can chart your course in
life with high ideals and love,
For high ideals are like the stars
that light the sky above,
You cannot ever reach them,
but lift your heart up high
And your life will be as shining
as the stars up in the sky.
In my eyes there lies no vision
But the sight of your dear face.
In my heart there is no feeling
But the warmth of your embrace.
In my mind there are no thoughts
But the thoughts of you, my dear.
In my soul no other longing
But just to have you near.
All my dreams were built around you
And I’ve come to know it’s true,
In my life there is no living
That is not a part of you.
Don’t think because I’m married
that all romance is dead.
Why, I’m as full of sentiment
as the day that I was wed.
My heart’s still doing flip-flops
and beating double time.
It’s full of many happy thoughts
for a dear sweetheart of mine.
And on this day of romance I send a loving dart
From the little bow of Cupid
to pierce my lover’s heart
And believe me there’s no
Valentine that carries love more true
Than the one I send my sweetheart,
who is the man I’m married to!
Your hearts are filled with
happiness so great and overflowing
You cannot comprehend it,
for it’s far beyond all knowing
How any heart could hold such
joy or feel the fullness of
The wonder and glory
and the ecstasy of love.
You wish that you could
capture it and never let it go
So you might walk forever
in its magic, radiant glow,
But love in all its ecstasy
is such a fragile thing,
Like gossamer in cloudless skies
or a hummingbird’s small wing …
But love that lasts forever must
be made of something strong—
The kind of strength that’s gathered
when the heart can hear no song.
When the sunshine of your wedding
day runs into stormy weather,
And hand in hand you brave the gale
and climb steep hills together,
And clinging to each other while
the thunder rolls above,
You seek divine protection in
faith and hope and love …
For days of wine and roses never
make love’s dreams come true—
It takes sacrifice and teardrops
and problems shared by two
To give true love its beauty,
its grandeur and its fineness,
And to mold an earthly ecstasy
into heavenly divineness.
With faith in each other and faith in the Lord
May your marriage be blessed
with love’s priceless reward,
For love that endures and makes life worth living
Is built on strong faith and unselfish giving …
So have faith, and the Lord will
guide both of you through
The glorious new life that is waiting for you.
The dearest gifts that heaven holds,
the very finest, too,
Were made into one pattern that
was perfect, sweet, and true.
The angels smiled, well pleased,
and said, “Compared to all the others,
This pattern is so wonderful
let’s use it just for mothers!”
And through the years, a mother
has been all that’s sweet and good,
For there’s a bit of God and
love in all true motherhood.
Mother is a word called love,
And all the world is mindful of
That the love that’s given and shown to oth
Is different from the love of mothers …
For mothers play the leading roles
In giving birth to little souls—
For though small souls are heaven-sent
And we realize they’re only lent,
It takes a mother’s loving hands
And her gentle heart that understands
To mold and shape this little life
And shelter it from storm and strife …
No other love than mother love
Could do the things required of
The one to whom God gives the keeping
Of His wee lambs, awake or sleeping …
So mothers are a special race
God sent to earth to take His place,
And “Mother” is a lovely name
That even saints are proud to claim.
A baby is a gift of life born of the wonder of love—
A little bit of eternity sent from the Father above,
Giving a new dimension to the love
between husband and wife
And putting an added new meaning
to the wonder and mystery of life.
A wee bit of heaven drifted down from above—
A handful of happiness, a heart full of love.
The mystery of life so sacred and sweet,
The giver of joy so deep and complete.
Precious and priceless, so loveable, too—
The world’s sweetest miracle, baby, is you.
Dads are special people
no home should be without,
For every family will agree
they’re so nice to have about …
They are a happy mixture of
a small boy and a man,
And they’re very necessary
in every family plan …
Sometimes they’re most demanding
and stern and firm and tough,
But underneath they’re soft as silk,
for this is just a bluff …
But in any kind of trouble
Dad reaches out his hand,
And you can always count on
him to help and understand …
And while we do not praise
Dad as often as we should,
We love him and admire him,
and while that’s understood,
It’s only fair to emphasize his
importance and his worth,
For if there were no loving dads,
this would be a loveless earth.
It’s true we have never looked on His face,
But His likeness shines forth from every place,
For the hand of God is everywhere
Along life’s busy thoroughfare,
And His presence can be felt and seen
Right in the midst of our daily routine.
Things we touch and see and feel
Are what make God so very real.
You’re lovable, you’re wonderful,
You’re as sweet as you can be,
There’s nobody in all the world
Who means so much to me;
I love you more than life itself,
You make my dreams come true,
Forever is not long enough
For me to be near to you.
Love is much more than a tender caress
And more than bright hours of happiness,
For a lasting love is made up of sharing
Both hours that are joyous and also despairing.
It’s made up of patience and deep understanding
And never of stubborn or selfish demanding
It’s made up of climbing the steep hills together
And facing with courage life’s stormiest weather.
And nothing on earth or in heaven can part
A love that has grown to be part of the heart
And just like the sun and the stars and the sea,
This love will go on through eternity,
For true love lives on when earthly things die,
For it’s part of the spirit that soars to the sky.
In this sick world of hatred and violence and sin,
Where society renounces morals
and rejects discipline,
We stumble in darkness groping vainly for light
To distinguish the difference
between wrong and right …
But dawn cannot follow this night of despair
Unless faith lights a candle in all hearts everywhere …
And warmed by the glow, our hate melts away
And love lights the path to a peaceful new day.
Mothers are special people
In a million different ways,
And merit loving compliments
And many words of praise,
For a mother’s aspiration
Is for her family’s success,
To make the family proud of her
And bring them happiness …
And like our heavenly Father,
She’s a patient, loving guide,
Someone we can count on
To be always on our side.
The unexpected kindness from an unexpected place,
A hand outstretched in friendship,
a smile on someone’s face,
A word of understanding spoken in a time of trial
Are unexpected miracles that make life more worthwhile.
We know not how it happened that in an hour of need
Somebody out of nowhere proved to be a friend indeed …
For God has many messengers we fail to recognize,
But He sends them when we need them,
and His ways are wondrous and wise …
So keep looking for an angel and keep listening to hear,
For on life’s busy, crowded streets, you will find
God’s presence near.
God sends His little angels in many forms and guises.
They come as lovely miracles that God alone devises,
For He does nothing without purpose,
everything’s a perfect plan
To fulfill in bounteous measure all
He ever promised man …
For every little angel with a body bent or broken
Or a little mind challenged or little words unspoken
Is just God’s way of trying to reach out
and touch the hands
Of all who do not know Him
and cannot understand
That often through an angel
whose wings will never fly
The Lord is pointing out the way to His eternal sky,
Where there will be no handicaps
of body, soul, or mind
And where all limitations will be
dropped and left behind …
So accept these little angels as gifts from God above,
And thank Him for this lesson in faith
and hope and love.
Oh, God of love look down and bless
This radiant bride with happiness,
And fill her life with love’s sweet song,
Enough to last her whole life long …
And give her patience when things disturb
So she can somehow gently curb
Hasty words in anger spoken,
Leaving two hearts sad and broken …
And give her guidance all through life
And keep her a loving, faithful wife.
A mother’s love is something that no one can
It is made of deep devotion and of sacrifice and pain.
It is endless and unselfish and enduring,
come what may,
For nothing can destroy it or take that love away.
It believes beyond believing when the
world around condemns,
And it glows with all the beauty of the rarest,
brightest gems.
It is far beyond defining, it defies all explanation,
And it still remains a secret like the
mysteries of creation—
A many-splendored miracle man cannot understand
And another wondrous evidence
of God’s tender, guiding hand.
Marriage is the union of two people in love,
And love is sheer magic, for it’s woven of
Gossamer dreams, enchantingly real,
That people in love are privileged to feel …
But the exquisite ecstasy that captures the heart
Of two people in love is just a small part
Of the beauty and wonder and miracle of
That growth and fulfillment and evolvement of love …
For only long years of living together
And caring and sharing in all kinds of weather
Both pleasure and pain, the glad and the sad,
Teardrops and laughter, the good and the bad
Can add new dimensions and lift love above
The rapturous ecstasies of falling in love …
For ecstasy passes, but it is replaced
By something much greater that cannot be defaced,
For what was in part has now become whole,
For on the wings of the flesh, love entered the soul.
It takes a groom, it takes a bride–
Two people standing side by side.
Love Gifts Page 5