Chrysalis: The Crucible of Immortality Book 2

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Chrysalis: The Crucible of Immortality Book 2 Page 12

by Leto Spirit Blackman

  "Well, now that you are all healed up, I guess we should see where we are." Kala pulls up her Character Sheet. "Damn, I'm so close to level ten."

  Kala's and Vua's footsteps echo in the space as they walk. A thick layer of dust hangs on everything. There are doorways on the left and right, but they do not respond to Kala. Giving up on exploring these ruins, they head to where the sunlight is coming through. On the ground is a huge metal door, the size of a bank vault. It looks like it was blown off. Huge roots and vines cover the entrance, it is so thick they can't squeeze through.

  Kala steps back and gets her bow out, but Vua places her hand on Kala's shoulder. Vua then steps forward and begins to sing. As she does Kala can feel energy flowing off her. The plant life begins to move. After a few minutes a small passageway is formed.

  "Wow. You are full of useful tricks." Kala smiles at Vua.

  Together, they crouch down and awkwardly exit the Progenitor ruins. They are in a ravine, and a huge tree grows over the entrance, with other plant life completely hiding the ruin’s existence. It is very humid here, with lots of different types of small birds and animals about. It takes them 30 minutes to climb out of the ravine and when they do, Kala gasps.

  Before them in the distance is a huge city, grand stone walls and buildings. In the center is a glittering castle type of building. From this distance it is hard to tell what it is made out of, but it is dark-blueish, and twinkles in the sunlight. In her excitement, Kala almost turns to Jax and says how wonderful the city looks. Vua, seems to sense Kala's distress and takes her hand and squeezes.

  "Well, let’s cross our fingers that whoever lives in this city are friendly." Kala says. "It looks like it may be night by the time we get there, we better get moving."

  New Quest Alert:

  Travel to the City

  You have found a new city! Survive the journey to the city.

  Quest Type: Normal

  Difficulty: Moderate

  Rewards: 200 Experience

  Do you accept this quest? Y/N

  Kala notices Vua moving her fingers in the air, she must have received the same quest.

  "Great. Why can't anything just be easy?" Kala says annoyed.

  "From the Crucible, the child rises anew, stronger." Vua sings.

  "Yeah...I guess." Kala mumbles.

  Rolling hills of grass are between them and the city. The grass is green on one side and blue on the other, so that when the wind blows it looks like an ocean appears. Even though Kala is in despair, her heart in pain, she is still amazed at the beauty before her.

  On a whim, Kala uses her Find Nuts skill. A pulse of energy radiates from Kala, the ground lights up like a Christmas tree. "Wow, was not expecting that." The nuts glow with a blueish-color, which means they are rare nuts. Kala leans over and picks one up.

  Infused Chestnut

  Effects: ????

  Kala's Find Nuts skill levels up, she also gains the Herbalism skill. Finding a rock, she cracks the nut open and pops it in her mouth. Kala immediately spits it out.

  "Oh, that’s gross. I guess maybe it needs to be roasted?" Her tongue is tingling and slightly numb. They gather up a few handfuls of the rare nuts to experiment with later.

  Kala and Vua walk along in silence for awhile, nothing threatening or dangerous happens. Kala begins to relax, it is a perfect day. The sun kisses her skin, the breeze dances with her hair, and birds sing her ballads.

  "I don't know what I am supposed to do now? How can I find Jax and everyone else? I thought we were going to build something in the village, maybe have a home...but it is gone. What is my purpose?" Kala sighs.

  "Love. Create. Grow." Vua leans over and kisses Kala on the cheek.

  Kala smiles, "That was almost easy to understand." After a pause, "I guess I shouldn't rely on Jax, or anyone, to give me purpose. I do know that I want to put an end to the terror, that is The Caste. But, I have to get much more powerful..."

  Vua stops Kala, a concerned look on her face.

  "What's wr..." Kala begins to say, then Vua motions for her to be quiet.

  Kala gets her bow out and activates her Xoria Communion, the world comes alive with energy that Kala can now see. Still, there is no sign of what Vua seems to be nervous about. Suddenly, a huge green creature hops out of the grass. It has six eyes and six squat, but powerful looking legs. It hops directly over Kala and then continues hopping away.

  Kala laughs, "Well, that scared hell out of me." Something slams into Kala, knocking her to the ground. She then feels something stab her, a poison debuff pops up in her vision. Kala gets a look at what is attacking her. It looks like a huge clump of grass, but at the bottom is an insect body that vaguely resembles an ant. A ball of black energy strikes it, causing it to explode.

  Vua runs over and helps Kala up.

  "What was that...ugh, I don't feel so good." Kala says and then feels another stab. She looks down and there are at least 20 of the ant-like creatures coming out of the grass.

  Vua fires off a few more balls of dark energy, the ants exploding with each attack.

  "Well, at leesssst th eeesy..." Kala tries to talk, but her speech is slurred. She starts to panic, her health is falling quickly and her body is getting weak. She casts Heal on herself, which seems to help, but doesn't remove the poison.

  Kala channels energy into an arrow and after half of her energy is into the arrow she releases. The arrow explodes in the grass, killing a number of ants. But they keep coming. Kala and Vua run, but Kala is not able to keep up and falls down. Vua keeps killing the ants as fast as she can. From the ground Kala shoots at the creatures.

  Then the ground rumbles and a huge ant creature emerges. Kala quickly Analyzes it.

  Name: Rare Queen Grass Stinger

  Level: 25

  Synthesis: 14%

  Health: 840

  Mental: 10

  Stamina: 350

  Skills: ????

  Loot: ????

  "Damn." Kala says and then uses Core Consume on the giant bug.

  Core Consume failed!

  Kala and Vua fire everything they have at the creature, but their attacks have little effect.

  "It was nice knowing you." Kala looks up at Vua. Maybe it’s best that she dies, she can forget all of the pain, she thinks to herself as the queen advances.

  There is a sound like a missile falling from the sky and then the queen creature is dead. In its place is a man in sparkling dark-blue crystal armor. He is grinning and has a handsome face, he looks to be around 20 years old. He is holding a huge war-hammer, its head made from the same material as his armor.

  Kala's head is swimming and spots are forming in her vision.

  "Hey, grandma. Didn't your parents ever tell you not to play around Grass Stinger nests?" The man asks with a laugh.

  "Grandmaaaa?" Kala asks with a slur. Then she passes out.


  "A scout spotted the energy explosion and reported it. I just so happened to be next to the commander when the scout gave his report. I volunteered to check it out." Kala hears a man’s voice say. Then footsteps.

  Kala opens her eyes to a horrible headache.

  "Ah, she lives!" The man says way too loud. "You've been out for almost 14 days. You took quite the dose of poison, wasn't sure if you would ever wake up. How are you feeling, grandma?"

  Kala moans and rubs her eyes, "Why do you keep calling me grandma? You don’t look to be much younger than I am." Kala looks at the young man. He is probably around six feet tall, and built like a bear. He has auburn hair and a chiseled, handsome face. His eyes twinkle with mirth. Kala then notices that there is a delicate silver thread tied around her wrists and feet.

  The man notices Kala's frown at the threads. "Sorry, it is for our protection. They are unbreakable and inhibit the use of skills." The man gestures to the surrounding room. "But hey, at least you have very comfortable accommodations." The man walks around the lavish bed that Kala is laying in. "So...where is Jax?" The man asks, watc
hing Kala's face for a reaction.

  "What? How..." Kala asks confused. "Who are you?"

  The large man sighs, "You are no fun. I was going to try and draw this out for awhile. I am Max, Royal Prince of the human city, Tola'Val." Max does a little flourishing bow, while smirking.

  "Ah, okay. Nice to meet you, I guess." Kala says, feeling uncomfortable.

  Max sighs again, "I guess it is true what they say, you don't remember. I'm Max...Stone, Kala, I'm your grandson. It's been quite awhile, you look almost the same as I remember you, the silver streaks in your hair are new, and your eyes seem different..."

  Kala is stunned. "I...have children?"

  "Yes, a daughter. Her name was Zoë." Max says, not making eye contact with Kala.

  "Wait...what do you mean her name was Zoë?" Kala feels her stomach drop.

  "My parents are dead. Jax killed them." Max says, the mirth is gone from his face.

  Tears are flowing down Kala's face. "I don't understand."

  "You haven't asked who Jax is, so I'm assuming you have been traveling with him. Judging by your low level I'm also assuming it hasn't been that long since you both were reborn?" Max paces around the room. "Jax is broken. He loses control. The details of my parents’ deaths are fuzzy. We believe that you were killed while out in the wild with Jax and my parents. After that happened, Jax lost control and released a tremendous amount of destructive energy. Fortunately, Jax was out in the country and not in the city when it happened. But, my parents and a lot of support staff and soldiers died. Jax died as well, one of the scouts saw some of what happened." Max stops pacing, his fists clenched. "That was over ten years ago."

  Kala can't stop crying. "Please, leave." She says with a sob.

  Max nods, "I'll give you some time." He walks out, closing the door behind him.

  Kala turns onto her side and curls up into the fetal position and pulls the covers over her head. She doesn't know what to think. Maybe this man is lying. Jax killed their daughter? Kala lays in bed for hours trying to make sense of everything. The sky has grown dark, soft glowing crystals turn on around the room.

  A knock at the door startles Kala out of the pit of despair she was falling into. She realizes that she had fallen asleep and it is now morning.

  Max comes in the room carrying a tray of food, he sets it on the table. "So, first thing. What does Consume Core and Xoria Communion do? I want to release you from your bonds, but I need to know you will not try to harm anyone."

  Kala, tired of being in bed and longing to get some fresh air, doesn't even ask how he knows her skills, explains her powers.

  "Interesting. Those are new, I've never heard of anyone having those skills before. So, let me get this straight, Consume Core, is an instant death attack, if it works?" Max raises an eyebrow at Kala.

  "Yes. But, I can only use it once per day. Please, I don't want to hurt anyone. There has been so much death already. I just want to help keep people safe." Kala feels her eyes watering up again.

  Max holds up a hand, "No more tears, Grandma. I believe you. It's just that I also believe Jax never wanted to hurt anyone either, but he did."

  Kala sighs in frustration, "I have never blacked out like Jax has. Yes, I do have dreams about previous lives. But, that seems to be all of the ill effects that immortality has caused me. Well, besides not being able to remember my own daughter..." Kala's eyes go wide, "Wait! Zoë was mine and Jax's daughter, why wasn't she an immortal?"

  Max's face darkens, "I don't know." He walks over and removes Kala's restraints.

  "Thank you." Kala touches Max's hand. He quickly pulls it away.

  "You hungry?" Max walks over to the food.

  "Starving. Can we eat outside?" Kala notices that she is in royal-blue pajamas.

  Max chuckles, "Don't worry, I didn't dress you. That'd be weird." He then walks over and opens a pair of doors. Bright sunlight and a warm breeze come in through the door.

  Kala steps out onto the balcony, the sights before her take her breath away. "Wow. This was all built by humans?" All around Kala are grand buildings, colorful banners blow in the wind, and thousands of people walk about on the streets below.

  "Yes, this is not the oldest human settlement. But, it is one of the largest and most fortified." Max smiles, looking out at the city.

  "Greetings Progenitor Construct Kala." A voice says to Kala's right.

  "What the..." Max yells and almost drops the tray of food. "Oh, you hit level ten. Well, this is exciting. I get to watch my grandma choose her focus."

  "You may now choose a focus." The buzzing gray-humanoid figure says.

  "Do you know what happened to Jax and my other friends?" Kala asks the Administrator, after she gets over the shock of seeing the being from the sky before her.

  "Ha! Good luck with that. Do you know how many people have tried to get information from that thing? Just say that you are ready to choose your focus." Max tells his young grandma.

  Kala frowns and gives Max a displeased stare. "Fine, I'm ready to choose a focus."

  Xoria Master:

  This Focus is for users who have an innate connection to the Xoria. This Focus upgrades Meditation to a passive skill and boosts its effects. You also learn the Focus exclusive skill Reset.

  Spirit Ranger:

  This Focus is for users that live by the bow and arrow. This Focus gives a bonus to mental energy and regeneration and to the Archery skill. You also learn the Focus exclusive skill Spirit Pet.

  The Guardian:

  This Focus is for users that live to protect. This Focus gives a bonus to strength, constitution, and all weapon-based skills. You also learn the Focus exclusive skill Protectors Oath.

  "Wait!" Max yells at Kala, making her jump. "Let me grab the Royal Keeper of Skills." Max takes off at a run.

  Kala looks at the swirling gray mass in front of her. For a moment she considers trying to use Consume Core on it. If it worked, she would become as powerful as a god. The Administrator buzzes loudly, making Kala think that it can read her mind. Instead she activates Xoria Communion. She immediately shuts her eyes in pain. Trying to look at the Administrator while in communion is like looking at the sun from a few feet away. She turns it off. A few minutes later Max returns with an older man.

  "Kala, this is Galvis Th'nis, Keeper of Skills. Tell him what your skill options are." Max says excitedly.

  "Uh, okay." Kala tries to share the focus skill pop-up window with them.

  "Are you trying to share the Lunette? That won't work. It...he...won't allow it." Galvis stares at the Administrator with a look of worship.

  "The what? Lunette?" Kala asks confused.

  "Please choose a focus." The chorus of voices speaks.

  Kala quickly tells them what her options are.

  Galvis and Max exchange looks.

  "What?" Kala asks.

  "You are being offered a Master Skill. It is extremely rare." Galvis tells her.

  "Okay, what does it do?" Kala asks.

  "Well...I have never heard of that one before." Galvis nervously writes down stuff into a large book.

  "What about the other skills?" Kala asks.

  "Yes...yes..." Galvis flips though the book. "Here we are. Spirit Archer, tier two focus. Mostly found within the Alvinius society. Spirit Pet allows you to choose an animal and convert it into energy. The pet will follow all commands and has a number of useful skills. The pet can never be killed and its owner can even take direct control of the pet and see through its eyes."

  "Nice. Tier two, that is a powerful focus." Max grins at Kala.

  "And the last skill?" Kala asks.

  Galvis licks his finger and flips through the book. "Here we are, Guardian."

  "That is amazing! I'm a Guardian. It is a very noble focus." Max smiles at Kala.

  Galvis frowns, "This can't be right. You said the focus skill is Protectors Oath?"

  Kala nods at him.

  "Tell me exactly the name of the focus skill again." Galvis asks.
r />   "The Guardian." Kala says, wondering what the deal was.

  "Very interesting, it seems you have been offered a Unique Focus and a Master Focus." Galvis scribbles intently into his book. "Max, your...grandmother’s guardian focus is not the same as yours. Her has the prefix The, which changes it completely."

  "Okay! Enough. What do you two recommend? I am leaning toward the Master skill." Kala says, exasperated.

  Max smirks, then shrugs and looks to Galvis.

  "Master Focuses should never be passed up. Even though it will keep me up at night probably for the rest of my life wondering what The Guardian focus is capable of." Galvis says.

  Kala reaches out and selects her focus.

  Congratulations! You have learned the Focus Exclusive Skill :

  Reset (Master, Level 500)

  Once per day you are able to reset ALL skill cool-downs.

  Mental Cost: N/A

  Requirements: Must be in Xoria Communion.

  Cool down: 24 hours

  Experience awarded: 1000

  Congratulations! You have upgraded the Skill:

  Meditation (Master, Level 500)

  Meditation has been upgraded to a Perk and will always be active. Mental regeneration is now at 50%. At master level you have gained the sub-skills Astral Projection, and Shroud of Peace.

  Mental Cost: N/A

  Experience awarded: 1000

  Congratulations! You have learned the Sub-Skill:

  Astral Projection (Novice, Lvl 1)

  You may now project your consciousness into an untethered energy form which may move anywhere. While in this form you may pass through walls and other obstacles. You will be unable to interact with anything and others will not be able to detect your presence. Your physical body will be vulnerable while in Astral Projection.

  Mental Cost: 50%

  Duration: 5 Minutes

  Experience awarded: 100

  Congratulations! You have learned the Sub-Skill:


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