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Hustle Page 10

by Ashley Claudy

  “I'm sure it won’t go to waste.” Scott tries to reassure in a soft voice. “If football players are coming, we're going to need the extra food.” He jerks his chin in Andrew's direction. “Will you be there?” At his nod, Scott continues, “Then we'll definitely need the extra food.”

  “Why? Do you eat a lot?” I question Andrew.

  He shakes his head, but it's Scott who answers. “No, but if he's there with the team, you're going to have a lot more volunteers coming out.”

  “Don't advertise it then,” Andrew directs his clipped tone to Scott. “I've got the food covered though, it won't be a problem.”

  “Remember, it's a kids party.” I say to both of them, not liking the sudden tension in the air.

  “I know,” he grumbles, readjusting his hat lower on his head.

  “Thank you.” I smile towards him, regretting that I had questioned him instead of saying it first.

  He nods in response, his shaded eyes dropping over me as he steps closer. “We should go to the restaurant now so you can make the food selections.”

  “Oh, Okay.” I glance back at Scott. “Do you want to come, too?”

  “I've got a class,” he's talking to Andrew though, not me. Then he sweeps his gaze to me and gives a slight smile. “Call me later though and let me know what you planned.”

  “I will.”

  “Let's go.” Andrew tugs on my hand, pulling me away. We only walk a few feet before he adds, “Do me a favor, and don't invite him to things that I invite you to.”

  “Why?” I keep walking with him, but turn to look at his frowning face. “He's a nice guy, and he's helping with the party.”

  “He's only doing this for his med school application. Believe me, I heard about it all last night.”

  “And you're not doing all this for your own motives?” I question with a teasing grin. He can be ridiculously obvious with his jealousy, but it still confuses the hell out of me since he's the one with a harem of girls.

  “I'm doing this to help out a friend.” He's not trying to hide anything; his smile makes it obvious he thinks the term a joke. “I can be a very good friend.” He manages to make it sound sexual.

  I dip my head to let my hair fall forward and block my blushing. “Where's this restaurant?”

  “Not far, but we can take my truck. I'm parked at the gym.”

  “You just getting out of practice?”

  “Practice is over at ten, but I put in some extra time. Can't let any body work harder than me.” He looks me over, eyes dropping to my feet and rising back up in a lazy, heated trail that sizzles over my skin. “Not when it comes to what I want.”

  * * *

  Rose flicks through the clothes hanging in my closet. “I need to go shopping for new clothes.”

  “You must be desperate if you're breaking into my closet,” I tease.

  “I am. I've got a date.”

  “With TJ?”

  She's turns, one of my skirts in her hands. “With a boy from my philosophy class.”

  “The class TJ has with you?”

  “He's doesn't seem interested, but he's not the only guy on campus.” She raises her eyebrow. “Maybe I should have played hard to get from the start, like you.”

  “I'm not playing anything,” I defend as I reach beyond her and pull out a jean jacket. “This goes good with that. But it's only been a few days, maybe you're overreacting?”

  “He went from texting and wanting to see me every day to nothing.” She takes the hanger from me and eyes the jacket with a frown. “I always knew it wouldn't last. I've got something that will go with this skirt.” She hangs the jacket back in the closet and then spins towards me. “But you, don't give me that nonsense. You've got him doing backflips for you. First, he set up all the food for that party, and then today, he went with you to get games donated. What's next? Any plans?”

  I shrug, stomach fizzing with memories of the past two days and his cryptic goodbye today. “He said he'll call me tomorrow, but he didn't say what for. I can't imagine there's anything left to plan for the party though. He's been… great about it all, he's done so much to help.”

  “What about tonight? Did he say if they have plans to go out?”

  I shake my head and sit on the chair in front of my desk, watching her dig through her drawers. “No, he doesn't say much though.”

  She pulls a crop top out of her drawer and turns to me. “What do you all do then? Sit in silence?”

  “No.” I smile as I think over the past two days and riding in his truck. “I talk, about the party, about school, about nothing really—”

  “On no,” she half groans and laughs. “You ramble. Believe me, I am familiar with how you can go on about nothing. Does he still make you that nervous? What does he say when you do that?”

  “Nothing, he lets me talk. And sometimes he'll ask questions, like he's actually listening.” I shake my head, and my smile stretches, seeing his soft but sexy smile in my mind, a smile that played on his face when I talked. “He still does make me nervous but… I think I like it.” I shrug, confused about the whirlwind of sensations he causes.

  “Of course you do. He's that wild stallion that every filly wants to tame.”

  I snort. “I'm not a horse.”

  “A guy like him will turn any lady into an animal. Make sure you're ready for that. It's fun, but hard to go back to normal after.” She looks over the outfit she's got laid out on her bed. “Make sure you keep your phone on you. If this date goes bad, I'll text you.”

  “Goes bad? Who is this guy?”

  “Nobody. He's cute but really boring in class.” She sighs and starts undressing. “I'm not holding out much hope of this being a fun night. Call me if you hear from Andrew, and I'll meet up with you.”

  * * *

  I don't even try and walk out of the dance room without Tatum, as much as my muscles are urging me too. She made a point of telling me to wait for her after class, and now she catches my eye and signals for me to give her a minute as she finishes her conversation with Ms. Blanc.

  I move slow as I slide sweats over my leotard and pull on a tank top. I always look like I rolled out of bed when I go to my next class, but there's nowhere to change in the dance room.

  “I've got to go to the admin building by your next class.” Tatum beams at me. She's layered leggings and a loose top over her dance outfit in a way that still somehow looks stylish on her tall frame. “Thought we could walk together, but lets get coffee first. I stayed out too late last night.”

  “Okay.” I return her smile. Her bubbly excitement eases my nerves, but not my guilt—if anything, my guilt tightens its hold.

  “Mrs. Blanc is going to start teaching the performance routine next week.” She walks up the stairs to the main floor. “Don't worry though, you'll be placed in the middle of the formation, so you'll always have someone to follow.” She nudges me slightly. “You should have more confidence in yourself. Even during the warm up, you seem to know what to do, but you watch everyone else.”

  “I don't know what I was thinking when I signed up for dance.” I can't deny what she said, but it doesn't help to know she's noticed.

  “I'm glad you did.” She holds the door open for me, smiling like she means it.

  I breathe in the damp air, brightening at the sight of the grey clouds breaking apart. There will be plenty of time for the ground to dry before the party on Saturday. “Well, it was something new to try, and it is kind of fun. But I don't think I'll sign up for any other dance classes. When did you start dancing?” Dance was a safe topic.

  “The moment I could walk. Mrs. Blanc is actually my aunt, my mom is a dancer, too.”

  “I didn't know that.” I pause to look at her, thinking of Mrs. Blanc. They're both tall and have the same small, but distinct, bone structure— the high cheekbones should have given away their relationship. “You do look alike, though.”

  She laughs and steps through the coffee shop door as I hold it open. “You
should see my mom, I look exactly like her.” She stands in the short line and turns towards me. “Where were you last night, we missed you?”

  “I was in my dorm.” I eye the menu, not sure if I should take the bait, but I do. “What did you do?”

  “Oh, we ran into Rose and that boy she was with at South Street.” She steps up to the cashier and orders. She waits for me to order my coffee before continuing, “Poor guy. After he left, she told me she only went out with him to make TJ jealous. You think it'll work?”

  “I don't know.” Rose may have loose lips when she drinks, but I won't add any information.

  “Is there more to it than him not calling this week? I mean, she spent the night with him Saturday night. It hasn't been that long for her to get worked up about it.”

  “I really don't know.” I take my coffee from the barista, ready to leave. The conversation's circling territory I don't want to talk about with her.

  “Well I think she's expecting too much and should hold out a little longer for TJ. She probably hasn't seen him recently because he follows Andrew's schedule, like most of the football team. They go a week or two with partying nearly every night, and then he crashes for a week and they all stay in.” She sips on her latte. “It's his down week.”

  I seal my lips and nod, walking towards the exit before she can suggest we stay. “Do you know what song we're going to perform to?” I change the subject, even though a part of me wants to find out what she knows about Andrew. Anything to help me understand the man who won't leave my thoughts, but I won't do that.

  “Some Prince song.” She follows behind me. “How’s the party planning going?”

  “Good, just have to set everything up tomorrow.” My phone rings and I pull it out of my bag, expecting to see a text from my mom, but it's not.

  “You want to get lunch after class? Maybe I can help with something. Some of the girls have volunteered to face paint at the party…”

  Drew: Meet me at the gym parking lot at 12:30

  I slide my phone away when I sense her hovering over me, reading over my shoulder.

  “So you want to get lunch?” Her smile is gone.

  “I already have plans—”

  Her grunt of frustration cuts me off. “I saw the text. He only asked you now.”

  I freeze at the annoyance in her words, but her face is full of anger as she looks down at me, and I'm not sure how to respond.

  “You ditched us Saturday night for him, too. I was going to let that go, but think about what you're doing? Do you want to burn your friends for a guy who won't be around next week?”

  “He's a friend. And we already had plans today.”

  “You think you're friends?” She questions loudly, a crazed look making her eyes large. “Don't be stupid. You're just a girl he hasn't slept with yet.”

  Her words sting, but I fight to keep control of my reaction and speak clearly. “I'm not stupid. You're angry, and I understand you don't want me around him, but that's not up to you.”

  “Wait.” She follows me as I walk away. “Maybe I was too harsh in how I said that. I'm not angry with you, I'm angry with him. He's taking this too far this time. I only wanted to warn you—”

  “I'm done talking to you about this.” I can't keep the frustration from my voice.

  “Fine.” She stops following me and I keep walking, putting space between us without turning around, even as she calls out, “Sleep with him, and see if you're still friends after.”

  * * *

  “I'm not meeting him. I already texted him back that I couldn't.”

  Rose slides her sandals on and turns to face me, giving me her best stern face. “Now you are being stupid. Make up your mind. You're either listening to her, or you’re not. You were ready to hang out with him before the fight.”

  “It wasn't a fight.” I shake my head, clearing the memory of Tatem's voice. “And I'm not listening to her. But, she's probably right. You've said the same thing. I shouldn't have agreed to begin with.”

  “Think about the kids.” A smile tugs at her lips. “He's helping right? Don't blow him off now.”

  “He'd be a jerk if he took away that stuff now.” But I did begin to worry, would he take it all back? I checked my phone, but there was still no response from my earlier text.

  Me: I can't meet up.

  “Well, you know what I would do, but do what you think is best. I'll see you later, maybe.” She hangs onto the door edge before she leaves. “Remember though, if you see TJ, call me so I can just happen to show up.”

  “Get to class.” I catch the door before she can close it and peek across the hall, but Jess's door is closed. I leave the door ajar, a normal routine for our hall when we're home during the day.

  Opening my laptop, I struggle to focus on schoolwork, starting by checking my email.

  A knocking pulls my attention and I turn, rising to my feet because Andrew’s in the doorway. “What are you doing?”

  “Checking on you.” There's a current running under his calm surface. He stays completely still, but his eyes travel around my room.

  I step towards him, wanting to block him from entering, wanting to be closer to him. “You could have texted back.”

  “Those don't get me anywhere.” His shoulder lifts and his dark gaze settles on me.

  I can't pull my thoughts out from under his weighted look, and he takes the opportunity to step past me into the dorm.

  “What's got you so busy today?” He questions, searching my room like he might find the answers somewhere.

  “A bunch of things.” I stand by the door, watching him move about. Tattoos peek from under the sleeve of his faded red t-shirt, spotting down his arm.

  “Anything I can help with?” He turns back towards me, his arms spread with the question.

  “No.” I laugh, I'm not even sure why. But him in the middle of my room makes me feel… nervous. I don't dare step in with him.

  “Where's your roommate?” He's walking towards me now, each step closer ripples over my skin.

  “She has class.”

  “Why were you blowing me off?”

  I lift my shoulders, unable to pull my eyes away from him.

  “Do you want me to leave?”

  I open my mouth to speak but pause to consider the words, unable to say them when he steps close enough for the warmth of his body to radiate to me. Instead, I shake my head no, and his returning smile makes it impossible to take it back.

  He backs away, smile stretching as he sits on the end of my bed, and I hesitate in the doorway.

  “Tasmanian devil?” He questions, picking up the small stuffed animal on my desk.

  “My dad gave it to me.” My already fluttering heart is about to take off, but I lift my chin, bracing for him to say something about it.

  “You've talked a lot these past two days. I know all about the birthday boy and what classes you're taking, but I don't know anything about you.” He sets the devil back on the desk.

  “I don't know much about you either.”

  He chews on his bottom lip and then sit's up, like he's made a decision. “Tell me about that.” He nods to Taz. “Why the Tasmanian Devil?”

  I take a breath, not for fear, but pride. “He was a Marine—a devil dog. He'd get me something every time he had to leave. He had a tattoo of Taz, so he got me that to remember him.”

  “When did he die?” he questions softly.

  “Eight years ago. But it wasn't serving, he was hit by a drunk driver.”

  “I'm sorry. That sucks.”

  “It does.” I smile for him though. That familiar gaping ache is back in my heart, but I've learned to stay away from it.

  He stretches to grab my hand, pulling me towards him. “Sit down. I want to know more about you.”

  I stand between his spread legs, his thumb circling over the back of my hand, sending spirals of sensation through me. But I can't sit. The heat rushing through my limbs threatens to suck me under. Pulling my hand f
ree, I step back with a shake of my head.

  “Why?” There's a chill in his voice.

  “Let's go get something to eat.” Anything to get out of this room, I don't trust myself here.

  “In a minute.” He narrows his eyes. “Sit down with me.”

  “I don't think this is a good idea.”

  “What's not a good idea?” he questions slow.

  “Being alone in here.”

  “Are you fucking serious?” He rises to his feet, a heated anger rolling off him. “We've been alone in the car the past two days, and nothing's happened. I never did anything you didn't want me to, so why is this a problem now?”

  “This is the problem, when you act like this.” I don't back down from him as he steps towards me. His green eyes flare as they stare down into mine, and it sparks my pulse into overdrive, sending chaotic energy through me. “When you treat me like it's a problem that I don't submit to what you want.”

  “It is a problem,” he's quick to respond.

  “Only for you.”

  “Hell yeah it's a problem for me.” He rubs his hand over his head, and I laugh at his ridiculous distress. He flinches and looks me over, his lip twitching into a smile. “Holy shit, you love torturing me.”

  “No. I don't” But I do like the way he's looking at me in this moment, like I'm just as exciting to him as he is to me. The wild spark in his green eyes looks as electric as I feel. “You're crazy.” And he makes me crazy, too.

  “You don't even know the half of it.” His lips spread into a grin, his dimples showing as he steps towards me and grabs my head between his hands.

  My insides turn to jelly as his head dips, anticipating his lips on mine, but he freezes, close enough that his breath warms the skin on my face.

  “We're friends this week,” he murmurs like he's reminding himself, and then he releases me and steps away. “Get your shoes on. I've got something to show you.”

  9: Even Better

  Andrew glances at me again as he pulls off campus to the main road. “You can stop giving me that look,” he demands with a smile.


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