
Home > Other > Hustle > Page 24
Hustle Page 24

by Ashley Claudy

  “Brody?” My headache is now a throbbing pain in my stomach. “What did he say?”

  He lifts his shoulders like there's a weight on them. “He doesn't matter. It was Scott who pushed me. Pretty much said that I'd mess up, and he'd be there for you.” His knuckles turn white as he grips the steering wheel. “I was so close to hitting him again, then Tatum shows up and thinks it's all about her. It all just went to shit. I let her pull me away from him because I know I can get in trouble for fighting, but when she found out why we were fighting, she broke down and…” He shakes his head as he pulls into the parking lot of my dorm. “I had to get her away from everyone, so I took her to her room.” He throws the truck into park and turns it off. “I swear it was only to talk, to calm her down.”

  I meet his eyes for a moment, wanting to see the truth in his pleading look. “And the scratch?”

  “She was mad. I had to stop her.”

  Behind him, my mom appears, walking towards us from the front of the building.

  “From what?” My jealousy morphs into worry.

  “From hurting—” He shakes his head. “I had to calm her down, and the best way is to hold her, to keep her still, and she scratched me. She didn't mean to, and she calmed down after that.”

  “Okay.” I know there's a lot missing from the story, but my mom is almost at the truck.

  “Wait.” He grabs my arm as I open the door. “You said once that you trusted me, do you still?”

  I stare at his hand on my forearm and take a moment to recognize what it is I feel. It's all confused and jumbled, but there is trust there, and I nod.

  “I've always been honest with you. Even when you haven't liked what I said, I've been honest.” He pushes the point, not letting me go.

  “I know.” I try to smile at him, but I don't have much energy to reassure, not when my moms close enough that I can see her red eyes and watery smile.

  He follows my gaze and lets me go.

  I get out of the truck and hurry to her. “What's wrong?”

  “Are you okay?” She asks at the same time, wrapping me up in a brief hug before pulling away to look at me with a wrinkled nose. “Have you been out all night? Why isn't your phone on?”

  “I left it here by mistake.” I can't think of an excuse.

  “Rose didn't know where you were either. I was so worried. But you're okay?”

  “I'm fine.” Except for the guilt I feel for making her worry.

  She smiles, her eyes glistening with relieved tears. She clears her throat and looks next to me as Drew approaches. “Was this who you were with?”

  He stretches out his hand and introduces himself, “I'm Drew. It's nice to meet you Ms. Shaw.”

  She's got a cautious smile, but I can tell she's interested in him, and she shakes his hand. “Drew.” She looks towards me. “Is he the one who helped you with that birthday party?”

  I nod and feel his eyes on me.

  “Well, it's nice to meet you. Maybe you can help me out by making sure my daughter keeps her phone on her from now on.”

  “Yes, mam.”

  I cut my eyes to the stranger who's taken over Drew’s body.

  “You must think I'm crazy—” She giggles and pat's her hair. Good lord, he's gotten to her too. “—showing up here. I was just worried, it's not like Brook not to call, but everything is okay?”

  I meet her eyes and the pain in them has me reach out to squeeze her shoulder. There's something she's not saying, I know. “Yes, I'm fine.”

  “I apologize, Ms. Shaw,” He’s laying it on thick, and I almost groan.

  “That's okay. It's just with everything that's happened—”

  “How about we go get something to eat,” I interrupt her and she knows why.

  “Sounds great.” She plasters on a smile for Drew. “Will you join us?”

  “He has practice,” I answer for him. “And I need to shower first. Let's go back to the dorm.”

  “I'll talk to you later then,” his smooth voice pulls me back around.

  After our eyes meet, I'm locked in place. This morning had changed things, and there was still more to discuss. I didn't know how this goodbye should go.

  “Yeah, I'll go find my phone, you've got the number right?” He hadn't used his new phone to call me yet, so I wasn't sure.

  He nods and steps towards me, his hand cupping the back of my head as he presses a gentle kiss to the corner of my mouth. He pulls away slow, eyes still steady with mine. “I'll call you tonight.” He waves to my mom as he steps away. “It was nice to meet you Ms. Shaw. Have a good lunch.”

  I can feel her vibrating next to me as we walk back to the dorms. When his truck passes us by she bursts. “You didn't tell me it was Andrew Fayden that was your new friend.”

  I turn to her, but can't help return her smile. “Aren't you suppose to be lecturing me or something right now?”

  “Oh sweetie. I just want you to be happy, and I trust your judgment.”

  “You trust me? That's why you came all the way here?” I was taking my frustrations at the morning out on her, I knew, but I couldn't stop.

  “That has nothing to do with trusting you. That's about other people.”

  I drop my gaze to the ground at the wavering sound of her voice. “I know. I'm sorry for worrying you. But mom, going a couple hours without returning a call shouldn't make you come search for me.”

  I reach for her hand when she doesn't answer, giving into my sympathy for her. But when I look up at her, she won't meet my gaze. “What are you not saying?”

  “Don't worry about it. I want to hear about your night. You stayed out with him? You two must be serious, I hope. You've barely talked about him. How long have you been dating?”

  “Did they do something again?” I ignore her questions, seeing through her smiles. I stop us outside my room, blocking the door till she answers.

  “They spray painted the side of the house.”

  My eyes shut with the weight of her words. “What did it say?”

  “Just the usual. I overreacted though when I didn't hear from you.”


  “Enough. I don't want to talk about it. Officer Bradford already came by the house this morning. He's helping to clean it up. He told me I was overreacting, but he told me to come here because he knew I would worry otherwise.”

  “Okay.” I open my dorm door. “Come in. I'll shower, and then we can go home and help him clean up.” It wasn't their mess to clean up; it was mine.

  * * *

  My mind replays the day, over and over, in distorted bits as I make my way home.

  Die Lying Slut. It’s the usual that’s sprayed on the house. But only a portion of the red spray paint is left by time I got to my moms. I helped to paint over it, wishing she would just move already and get away from this town. But she won’t, because she wants London to know where to find her.

  At least Officer Bradford is there. He’s kind to her and makes her smile. And I’m glad she has someone there when I can’t be.

  Rose jumps up from the bed when I walk in. “Finally, I've been dying to talk to you. I couldn't say anything when your mom was here. I didn't get you in trouble, did I? I'm sorry I couldn't come up with an excuse fast enough. I didn't know where you were, and she even freaked me out some.”

  I take a breath. “It's okay, you don't need to lie to her.”

  “Okay.” She smirks and sits back on her bed. “But what happened with you? You came home with Andrew? You spent the night with him? How the hell did that happen?”

  “He showed up last night—”

  “Did you hear what he did though?”

  “With him and Tatum?” I brace myself. “He told me. Did you happen to see my phone anywhere?” I look around the room, picking up books on my desk to check underneath, but I'd already looked everywhere before we left.

  “No. Haven't seen it, neither has Angel, haven't talked to Jess, yet.” She scoots to the edge of her bed. “But he told you a
bout him and Tatum? What did he say?”

  I shake my head. “They just have issues.”

  “Yeah, I'd say. But—” her voice drops and so does my stomach. “Girl, just be careful. I mean, I'm all for fun, but… she's got serious feelings in all of this. You should have seen her.”

  I can't handle anymore. After everything, I don't want to hear about her feelings. I can barely deal with my own, and I don't need any more guilt piled on me today. “It's not my fault he doesn't feel the same.”

  That silences her. “Okay. I know. You're right.” She swipes her hand like she can throw it all out and then grins at me. “Now tell me some details. Did you finally do it?”

  I drop to the bed. “He said he wants a relationship.”

  Her mouth drops open. “No shit.” Then her ring tone, a song from The White Stripes, fills the room, and she lunges across her bed to reach it. “It's TJ,” she says before answering. “Hey se— uh, yeah. She doesn't have her phone. —Let me check.” She covers the phone with her hand and mouths that it's Andrew.

  I reach for the phone, and she hands it to me.

  “Hello,” I say.

  “Why aren't you answering your phone?” He's practically yelling to be heard above the background noise.

  “I haven't found it.” I'm paying more attention to the voices behind his. They're yelling things to him, telling him to get off the phone. But they're all full of laughter.

  “Well come out. We're at South Street.”

  “I can't tonight. I've got homework to do.” And I'm exhausted.


  Laughter and howls break out behind him.

  “Shut the fuck up,” he snaps. “Not you, everyone else.”

  “Have fun. I'll talk to you tomorrow.”

  “After your lunch with Rose. I'll be there,” he declares.

  I smile. “Okay. See you then.”

  He hangs up, and Rose grabs the phone back. “Where were they?”

  She's already calling him back; I know it.

  “No, it's Rose, put TJ on.”

  I wait with a held breath to see how this plays out.

  “Hey—No, she has homework, I don't— Sure. I'll be there.” She rises to her feet and hangs up with a smile. “Don't wait up. I'm going to meet with TJ.”

  “Rose,” I stop when she whips around towards me.

  “What?” She crosses her arms, attitude rising.

  “I'll drive you. I don't want you walking alone this late.”

  20: He Knows

  Rose covers her jaw-cracking yawn with her fist. “I don't know how I'm going to sit through lecture like this. I'm exhausted.”

  “Just sit in the back.” I take the last bite of my yogurt and add the container to the pile of trash on my tray.

  “I do that anyways.” She winks at me with a smirk. “When TJ actually shows up to class, it's kind of fun.” She sighs. “But he probably won't be there today. We stayed out so late, he didn't even go to bed before practice.”

  “Maybe you should stop trying to keep up with him.”

  “He likes me around.” The smile is gone from her face.

  I try again, even softer this time. “I only meant, you need sleep¸ too.”

  “I know.” She swipes her hand over her face with a groan. “I keep snapping at you over nothing. He's driving me crazy. I don't know how you do it, not let Andrew get to you.” She leans over the table, lowering her voice, her hazel eyes wide. “They're always going places and doing things, and there's so many people. When I'm there, it's great. We get along really well—you've seen that. But I feel like I have to fight to get there. Like I have to keep reminding him.” She drops her head onto her arms crossed on the table. “What am I doing?”

  “Rose,” I reach for her, a weight pulling on me as I grip her arm, “it's not meant to be that way. Stop fighting for him.”

  “But if I don't try, I'll never have him,” her voice is muffled in the crook of her arm, and then she looks up. “And I really do like him. I like being around him.”

  I grab my tray, unable to look her in the eye, and rise to my feet to throw it away. I should say something, it's on the tip of my tongue, but I can't— I'm still paying for that lesson. My fingers are stiff from painting over that reminder yesterday.

  “It's not just me, Brook.” She's at my side, sharpness back in her tone and narrowed eyes. “You're fighting for Andrew, so don't act like you're in a better situation than me. And I'm not over here telling you to stop.”

  “I was only responding to what you said.”

  She throws away her drink, and I follow her out of the cafeteria.

  “And I don't want you to get hurt.” My own words grate on me. I'm a hypocrite.

  “I'm just tired I guess and letting it all get to me. Forget I said anything.” She takes a breath and stops walking. “I'm not going to class. I'll talk to you later.”

  But I can tell she's still hanging onto it as she leaves in the opposite direction without her usually confident walk.

  I start towards class, slow and unsure. Drew said he would meet me, but I didn't know where or when, and I still had no phone. I knew from lunch with Rose that he had stayed out late, too. At least till closing when they went separate ways.

  When I spot him at the top of the hill, walking towards me, the intensity of my relief makes me lightheaded. And his smile makes me dizzy, even if it's shadowed by the hood of his thin hoody pulled over his head.

  When he reaches me, he pulls me into him and dips to kiss me. My heart goes into overdrive with the proof that yesterday's promises are real.

  He smiles against my lips, and his tongue sneaks out. “You taste sweet.”

  I laugh and pull away, swiping at my mouth. “It's the strawberry yogurt I had for lunch.”

  He's beside me, head tilted to watch me as we walk. “Get your homework finished?”

  “Yeah, I have a quiz this class. I'm prepared though,” I remind myself.

  “So no excuses tonight then. You can spend it with me?” His brow lifts as he questions with a sexy spark in his eyes.

  And my voice vanishes, so I nod. A heat builds in my blood as I recall our morning yesterday; he had that same gaze then. I drop my eyes to the sidewalk in front of us, knowing that my face is probably flush.

  “Good.” He releases his breath in a low whistle. “You had me a little worried since you didn't come in to say hi last night.”

  “Worried?” I look at him then, and he's still staring, his eyes lidded as they drop over me.

  “Yeah, I thought you might have been mad at me. Kyle asked about you, said he saw you in the car with Rose. Why didn't you come in?”

  “I was only dropping her off so she didn't have to walk alone that late.”

  He makes some sort of noise, almost like a snort. “She lets you walk it alone.”

  I cross my arms over my jean jacket. “That's when I have a phone. I didn't have a phone last night for her to call and let me know she made it safe.”

  “Do you have your phone now?” He asks as he opens the door to the science building, holding it wide for me to cross through.

  “No. I checked everywhere, too. Jess even checked with the guy whose dorm I was in when we left. He said he remembers there was a phone on the couch, but he doesn't know what happened to it.” I shake my head. “It's my fault, I didn't keep it with me. I'll have to get a new one.”

  “When?” He pulls me to his side with an arm around my waist. “I don't like not being able to call you.”

  “I'll call my mom after class and see about it all. I'm still trying to find a job. I think I've got a good chance of working in the admission's office, but—Hey.” I jump away as his hand slides to my butt.

  “I can't concentrate with you in this skirt.” He grabs my hand, stopping my escape. His smile is trouble as he pulls me against him in the middle of the hallway outside my class.

  “It's a long skirt.” It goes to my feet. “You can't see anything.”
r />   “Yeah, I can. Whatever the hell this is made of,” his hand slides along my hips, over the thin fabric of the skirt, “shows your ass. And I'm wondering, along with every other guy that we passed, what type of underwear you have on because I don't see any lines.”

  “Drew,” I speak into his chest as his hand slides down and squeezes my butt. “People can see us.” There's a few passing by to the classroom.

  “So,” his head dips to the top of my head, and he speaks into my hair, “I'm your boyfriend. I get to touch.”

  My stomach spins with his words, and despite myself, I laugh and lean into him but reach around and shift his hands back to my hips. His body against mine has me tingling. “Later. I should get into class.”

  His groan is half a laugh. “First, I need an answer. Or better yet,” his fingers walk along the fabric at my thighs, inching it up in his grip, “I can lift this skirt over your hips and find out.”

  “No.” I slap his hands away and take a step back. “You need to stop.”

  “Then you need to stop wearing those skirts. I can't help myself. Remember,” he points to his chest and stalks towards me, “boyfriend. This is a perk of a relationship, right?”

  “Public exposure is still illegal.” I try to laugh, but it's a nervous giggle as I continue walking backwards down the hall.

  “Then let's go somewhere private.” He cocks his head, stilling his steps, eyes intent on me.

  My pulse is flying and my attempt at seductive fails since I laugh through my response, “There's nothing to show.”

  “Fuck.” He swipes his hand over his head, knocking the hood off and closes the space between us. “Don't tease me.”

  His surprised but eager grin eggs me on, I like that excitement running through him, through me, and his body close to mine has me spinning out of control. But my voice is barely a whisper, “I could prove it, but I've got class.”

  “This will only take a second.” He snatches my hand and pulls me around a corner, crowding me to the wall when we're out of sight, gripping a handful of my skirt. “Are you serious right now? Because I will have this skirt up so damn quick.”

  “Someone might walk by,” I warn him, but his body pressed to mine is intoxicating, and I slide my hands up his chest. “I'll show you later.”


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