Erected (Erector Set, Book One)

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Erected (Erector Set, Book One) Page 7

by Holt, Desiree

  “Mmm,” she murmured in a soft, sleepy voice.

  “I second that.”

  Brushing her hair back and tucking it behind her head, he kissed her cheek. He’d had good sex before. Spectacular sex. Definitely his fair share. But what he’d just shared with this woman had a different texture to it altogether. One he wasn’t sure he was ready to fully look at. Instead he brushed another kiss over her skin.

  “Sleep, Ness. Take a nap. I don’t think we’re finished for the night.”

  Chapter Five

  Josh woke as he usually did, fully alert. And very aware of the warm, soft woman sleeping in his arms. The slightly achy condition of his body was a sharp reminder of the many ways he’d been “inventive” during the night. Ness was like a drug he hadn’t been able to get enough of. He wanted just a little more, then a little more than that until they’d both fallen into an exhausted sleep. The intensity of that need worried him. So far Ness was different from the other women he dated but he’d only known her for a couple of days. If he continued to see her he’d have to be sure to keep his guard up.

  If he continued to see her? Who was he kidding? That was almost a given. He hoped she didn’t have other ideas.

  He looked at the clock on her nightstand. Five thirty glowed in red numerals. Carefully he eased himself from the bed, trying his best not to disturb her, and headed for the bathroom. He was halfway across the room, trying not to bump into anything, when her voice startled him.

  “Be sure to set the door to lock automatically when you leave.”

  Okay. There was that smartass mouth again. Along with a chip on her shoulder the size of Texas. Her tone was so sharp he turned, expecting to see her sitting up in bed glaring at him. But she was lying on her back, one arm thrown across her eyes. What the hell?

  “Excuse me?”

  “I said, be sure the lock is set to snap in place. I’m very security-conscious but I don’t want to have to haul ass out of bed with this damn cast.” Each word pierced the air like a chip of ice.

  He should probably do the smart thing and pull on his clothes, beat it the hell out of here and wipe her off his cell phone. But he was just pissed enough to want some answers.

  “Ness, I don’t know what the fuck is going on but I’m just making a quick trip to the john. Do not go back to sleep. Apparently we have things to talk about.”

  He was as quick as he could be about his business. Then he was back in the bedroom, sliding under the covers next to her. Leaning on one elbow he removed the arm resting over her eyes and stared down at her.

  “Open your eyes and look at me, damn it.”

  She opened her lids but any expression was carefully masked.

  “Is it a habit of your dates to sneak out of here while you’re still sleeping? What kind of assholes do you date, anyway?”

  “The usual kind. Two legs, a big dick and an even bigger ego.”

  Every muscle in Josh’s body tightened. “Is that the way you see me?”

  Her shoulders lifted in a tiny shrug. “You’re a man, right?”

  He sat up. “Jesus, Ness. Would any of those dickheads have taken care of you the way I did? I’m not asking for a big thank you. I just need a little slack here.”

  She turned her face away. “Okay. You’ve got it. Now you can leave with a clear conscience.”

  Anger bubbled bitterly in his throat. “Vanessa, I am not going to apologize for whoever gave you this chip on your shoulder but I can assure you I don’t sneak out before dawn. I was just going to the damn bathroom.” He blew out a breath, waiting. When she kept her face turned away from him he had to hold himself back from grabbing her and trying to shake some sense into her. “All right. Maybe it’s best if I do go now. But I can tell you this is far from over.”

  He should be grateful she wasn’t clinging to him, demanding he stay longer, putting in a seductive act to tempt him, even after a long night of sex. He was so used to that, it was shock for Ness to act this way. Holding onto his temper her pulled on his shirt and pants, shoved his feet into his shoes and grabbed everything else, rolling it into a ball.

  “You’ll be hearing from me,” he snapped at her as he strode out of the room toward the door.

  * * * * *

  Ness waited until she was sure Josh was gone then dragged herself out of bed into the kitchen, shrugging on a robe as she clumped along the floor. By now it was nearly six and time for her to get up. Anyway, no way she could go back to sleep after that short and snappy discussion.

  While she waited for the coffee to pour from her wonderful Keurig machine she debated the wisdom of beating her head against the counter. Maybe it would knock some sense into her obviously muddled head. A gorgeous guy loaded with money and sex appeal takes her out for a gourmet dinner then treats her to a night of unbelievable sex and what does she do? Wakes up and gives him her best imitation of a shrew.

  There was that old defense mechanism again. Get them before they got her.

  The man had been nothing but great, hauling her ass to Noplace with a smile. Taking care of her when she had another stupid wreck. Really taking care of her. And what does she do? Turn into Wanda the Witch.

  Jeez, Ness, hostile much?

  Her history with men was just so flawed she couldn’t seem to behave differently. These days when she actually went on a date she made sure to set the ground rules herself. Let them know she was well beyond being used and abused, tossed aside like yesterday’s news. Why was it men automatically assumed just because she was a high-profile executive she had no feelings? No emotions? That she wasn’t interested in more than a little intense playtime, and that whatever words were exchanged faded away when time was up.

  More than anything Ness wanted to find a man to settle down with. Her biological clock was ticking and marketing plans were small comfort to cuddle up with at night. So then why was she so quick to spout off at Josh?

  She lifted the cup from the little stand and sipped the hot liquid, hoping it would clear the fog from her brain. Last night had been beyond incredible. Josh was an unbelievable lover who made sure he took care not to bump or aggravate the leg with the cast on it. She had to admit not many men would have been so considerate. As she plowed through her workday the aches in her sensitive places would keep him at the forefront of her mind.

  Along with the fact that if she wanted to see him again, despite his parting words, she’d probably have to make the next move. Carrying her mug she headed to her bathroom for the laborious process of wrapping her cast so she could shower and dress for work.

  * * * * *

  “Isn’t this early even for you?”

  Josh turned from his drafting table to see Alex standing in his office.

  “Couldn’t sleep, so I figured I’d put the time to good use.”

  “How’s it coming?” He wandered over to stand near the table, looking at the drawings over Josh’s shoulder. “This the Blake project?"

  “Uh huh.” Josh put his pencil in the tray at the bottom of the drafting surface. “The guy’s got some good ideas and I think we can do it for him within his budget. I just need to get the first sketches done so you can do some cost estimates.”

  “So, how was your dinner last night?”

  Josh shrugged. He was still struggling to get his anger under control at Ness’ sharp words. But as he replayed the scene in his mind while he showered and shaved it occurred to him that she might have some bad history that created the attitude. She was smart and sassy but he hadn’t sensed a nasty streak in her. Until this morning. He’d been too focused on whether he’d overdone the dinner thing and she’d be diving for his wallet like all the others.

  So give her a break.

  But he’d have to make sure before he talked to her again that he had his temper completely under control.

  * * * * *

  Ness stared at the outline of the new marketing plan on her computer but it was little more than a blur to her. She couldn’t stop thinking about the scene with
Josh that morning and how badly she’d overreacted. She had two choices here. She could write him off altogether. Probably the smartest thing since he represented everything she’d come to hate in a man—handsome, sexy, easily confident. Rich! And a major player in the social scene.

  Option two, a lot dumber but much more appealing, was to find a way to grovel without humiliating herself and hope for a second date. Then at least they could part friends. Sort of. And that would be that.

  “If you stare any harder at that screen the words will be burned on your eyeballs.”

  Carolyn’s voice, tinged with humor, broke into her thoughts. Her secretary had come into the office and Ness had been so distracted she hadn’t even heard her. She gave herself a mental shake.

  “I’m, uh, studying the outline.”

  “Uh huh.” Carolyn grinned. “You can tell that to Prater when you report your progress. He called and wants an update.”

  Ness shoved her hands through her hair. “Again? We only had the meeting two days ago and this is the second call to bug me. What’s the deal?”

  “I don’t know but he sounds antsy. Just give him your usual outline and he’ll be good.”

  “I wish.” Ness leaned back in her chair and sighed. “For some reason I can’t seem to get it together this time.”

  “By any chance would last night have anything to do with this sudden mental breakdown?”

  Ness’ cheeks heated. Last night? What could Carolyn possibly know about last night?

  “Excuse me? I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  Carolyn laughed and shook her head. “You forget how well I know you. Yesterday you booked out of here at five on the dot. You never do that unless it’s for a business dinner and then I have it on the calendar. So I have to assume it was for personal reasons. And Ness? Forgive me but it’s been ages since you did anything personal. Not since—“

  “And for good reason.” Ness cut her off. “I don’t intend to recite the names of every asshole who’s taken me for a ride and dumped me. Or bring up my own idiotic behavior for letting it happen again and again. I always think this one will be different. Beneath the custom-tailored suits and three-hundred-dollar haircuts there’s a real person. This is the one. How many times can I put myself out there only to be humiliated, at my treatment and my own stupidity?” She turned away. “Anyway, it was just a dinner.”

  “Had to be a lot more than that for you to sit staring at your screen like that.” She moved closer to the desk. “Come on. ‘Fess up. Details, please.”

  Carolyn had become a good friend as well as an employee but Ness wasn’t anywhere near ready to discuss Josh McMann with her. Especially since things were in such a muddle right now, thanks to her own kneejerk reaction. She turned back to her computer.

  “None to report.”

  Ness could feel Carolyn staring at her.

  “What?” she asked. “You don’t think I wonder all the time what it is that gives me the ability to do my work effectively and confidently yet lose every brain cell when it comes to men?”

  “I think you’re too hard on yourself,” Carolyn said in a soft voice. “Ness, did it ever occur to you these things happen because the only men you’re around—socially as well as professionally—are the Type A players with a cavalier attitude where woman are concerned? They see you as a peer, not a woman. Someone who is as much into no-commitment sex as they are.”

  Ness didn’t want to think Carolyn was right. It would just be another indication of her stupidity.

  “Whatever. Anyway, I need to get back to this. Call Prater’s admin and tell Miss Tightass I’m working on the plan right now.”

  “And is that the way you’d like me to address her?” Carolyn asked, her voice still laced with humor.

  Ness glanced at the other woman. “Only if you think it would help.”

  Carolyn was nearly out the door when she turned. “Just give the guy a chance, Ness. Okay? I have a feeling about this one.”

  “Okay, okay.” She waved her hand in the air. “Go forth to Miss Tightass.”

  Carolyn was still smiling as she closed the door. As soon as she was gone Ness slumped in her chair and rubbed her face. How was she supposed to formulate a complicated marketing plan when her brain refused to cooperate? When she looked at her computer, all she saw was John McCann’s face. All she heard was the anger and—wait, was that hurt?—in his voice when he tossed his bitter words at her.

  Make this right, Vanessa. Maybe he is a jerk like all the others but don’t condemn him before he’s done the deed.

  Okay, but what was she supposed to do? Groveling in person might work but went against every facet of her personality. A text was too abbreviated and impersonal. So was an email. She could call but he might not talk to her. Or if he did she probably wouldn’t like what he had to say. To distract herself she began pulling up some of the catering sites she’d been visiting as she planned the annual rollout party for the media. On the page for A Slice of Pie…Or Cake, something caught her eye and she paused. As she studied the page an idea came to her. The more she thought about it, the more the idea appealed to her. She just wasn’t sure if this was the smartest thing she’d ever done or the stupidest. At least it might erase her imitation of bitch of the world from his mind.

  Still, she had to swallow a small grin as she picked up the phone.

  * * * * *

  Josh had managed to get one preliminary sketch done when the grumbling in his stomach reminded him he hadn’t eaten yet today. Rising from the stool at his drafting table he stretched, trying to work the kinks out of his sore muscles. Which reminded him of why they were so sore today. And also reminded him with a blinding flash of irritation about the last exchange of words with Vanessa Bowen. No wonder he’d had such a hard time concentrating this morning. In his mind he played out scene after scene where he was letting her know exactly what he thought of her attitude.

  He still had no idea what her problem was except maybe, like him, she had a history of bad experience. But hell, couldn’t she at least wait to see if he was like the other jerkwads who’d helped create that attitude?

  A knock on his door jerked him back to the present. His brothers usually didn’t knock and today Tyler was out on a job site. But maybe Alex was treading lightly after his grumpy attitude earlier.

  “Enter at your own risk,” he called out.

  “I usually do.” His secretary Janice walked in, trying to conceal a smile and carrying a giftwrapped box topped with a huge pink bow.

  Josh frowned. “What the hell is that?”

  She glanced at the box in her hands. “I’d say someone’s sent you a present.”

  “But what? From where? From who?”

  She set the box down on his desk, moving aside a stack of folders to make room for it. “There was no card attacked so I’d guess it’s inside. The messenger said you needed to open it right away.”

  Josh looked at the box as if it might bite him. “Do you think it’s a bomb?”

  His secretary swallowed her laughter. “Some people might get ornery about your designs but not enough to blow you up. At least I don’t think so.” She nodded at the box. “Go ahead. Open it. My curiosity is killing me.”

  Almost tentatively, Josh undid the bow and slid the ribbon away from the box. When he nudged the top open he looked inside and just stared.

  “What the hell?”

  Inside the square white box, nestled carefully on a bed of tissue paper, sat a perfectly baked pie, the crust gold-brown and a mouthwatering aroma drifting past his nose. He picked up a folded note that sat on top.

  “This is supposedly apple pie but for me it’s humble pie. If you agree to another dinner with me I’ll be happy to eat the whole thing for dessert tonight. If you can get past my big mouth please call me. Ness.” And she’d written a phone number below her name.

  Just like that his anger and irritation fled. Just from the short time he’d known her Josh figured she had to swallow a m
outhful of pride to do this.

  Okay, buddy. The next move is up to you. You can blow her off or see where this goes.

  Waving a still grinning Janice out of his office he picked up his phone and punched in the numbers. He assumed it was her cell.

  “Vanessa Bowen.” The voice was crisp. All business.

  “Josh McMann.” His own voice was more casual. Nonthreatening.

  “Well. Hi.” Now the edge was gone from her tone.

  “The, uh, pie is a nice touch.” Then he laughed. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen humble pie served so nicely.”

  “I really was a shrew this morning and I want to apologize. I just…”

  “It’s all right.” He cut her off. Now was not the time for intricate explanations. “We can talk about that later. I called to let you know I accept.”


  Josh looked at the note again to make sure he’d gotten it right. “For dinner. That is what you said here.”

  “Yes.” She sounded slightly breathless for some reason. “Dinner’s good. But tonight it’s really on me. I still owe you.”

  It went against Josh’s personality to let a woman pay for a meal but she’d made a point of paying her debt to him before her latest accident. Okay, he’d play along.

  “Does that mean you’re going to be picking me up?” he teased. A silence hummed across the connection for so long Josh wondered if she’d hung up. “Ness?” he prompted.

  “Why don’t we eat in at my place.” Was that hesitation in her voice? “Just the friendly dinner that I owe you for rescuing me the night we met. Remember? I’m really not up to a restaurant again. Not tonight. So, is this okay?”

  He didn’t want to read too much into the invitation. Despite what they’d shared the night of her accident and the mind-blowing sex that had kept them awake most of the previous night he knew better than to take anything for granted. He hated the fact he wondered if maybe she was softening him up. Regretting her bitchiness and seeing his fat wallet taking a walk.


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