Her Chocolate Fantasy

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Her Chocolate Fantasy Page 9

by Bergman, Jamallah

  “Here you go,” Charlotte said.

  I turned and caught the hand towel she threw as I quickly wet it so I could wipe his face to cool him down. He sighed deeply which seemed to calm down.

  “Is that better?” I asked him.

  He didn’t say anything for a couple of minutes, just gazed at me with an expression that said, ‘I am so going to get you’.

  “You knew it was going to be hot, didn’t you?” he finally asked.

  I bit my lip, trying my best to not laugh, but a snort broke through. “I’m sorry, but she did it to me when we first made them, and I nearly hyperventilated when I ate one, it was that hot.”

  “And people eat them like this?” he asked Charlotte. “They must have a death wish or something, eating these things.”

  “Well, as far as the heat of the truffle, it all depends on how the customer wants it. Some just want a tad of heat, while others want so much they can barely handle it. This customer I have has ordered these from me before, always this hot. They belong to a group that loves all things hot and spicy, and every year around this time, they order about three dozen of them.”

  “More power to them, that’s all I can say.” Max gave out a sigh. He looked back at me, and this time he smiled. “You got me this time, but I will so get you back.”

  He gave me a sound kiss on the lips, and I laughed, knowing he meant everything that he said.

  Chapter Eleven

  I was wondering whether or not I happened to mention how badly I hate Mondays? Max didn’t spend the weekend with me, which meant when I got up that next Monday morning I went to my car, but once again, the damn thing wouldn’t start. Of course, I had to take the bus, but thankfully, I didn’t run into Anton again.

  When I made it to my floor, immediately I looked over toward Max’s office, but he wasn’t there. I didn’t think much of his absence, but as soon as I sat down at my cubicle, Darla wheeled over next to me.

  “There was a big meeting of the executives, and I heard some changes are going to happen.”

  “How did you hear that?”

  “I have my ways.”

  I shook my head and chuckled, as I booted up my computer.

  “Good Morning, Sarah, how are you this morning?” Erik asked, coming to stand beside my desk.

  “Doing good, thanks. How was your weekend?”

  “I went camping with some new friends of mine. It was good to get out in the open air and all. Listen, I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch with me today.”

  I had to do a double take, because honestly, I couldn’t believe my ears. “Well, I would have to see, but if nothing is going on, I don’t mind having lunch with you.”

  “Great, just let me know if you can.” He smiled then walked away, leaving me dumbfounded.

  I slowly turned to see an equally dumbfounded look on Darla’s face.

  “I can’t believe it. I just can’t believe he asked you to lunch,” she said.

  I could tell Darla was hurt. After all, he’d turned her down, and she’d really wanted to have lunch with him. Moving in closer to her, I said, “Listen, I’ll get out of going to lunch with him. I know you wanted to go with him, so why don’t I tell him that something came up, and I can’t go but that you are available. I mean, it was nice of him to ask, but I’m not interested in him in that way.”

  Darla turned back to her computer, but I spun her back to face me again. “Darla, I mean it because I’m not interested in him whatsoever. Besides, you know I’m only interested in one person around here. Don’t worry, you know I can work my magic on anything.”

  Darla gave me a halfhearted smile, as we continued on with our work. I would periodically look over toward the elevator, hoping to catch a glimpse of Max going into his office. Finally, after about another hour, he and a few other people came from the elevator. His companions were all talking, and they patted him on the shoulder before going their separate ways. Max went into his office, closing the door behind him. He’ll probablycall, I thought. Sure enough, a few minutes later, my phone rang.

  “Hello, this is Sarah.”

  “Hey there, baby, how are you today?” His voice, even though he sounded mostly happy, had a bit of sadness in it.

  “Oh, I’m doing fine, even though I had to take the bus again. My car wouldn’t start. How are you?”

  He didn’t answer, and I frowned.

  “Do you want to talk?” I asked him.

  “How about during lunch? I’ve got to make some calls here. I’ll meet you at the elevator when it’s time for your lunch, alright?”

  “Alright, hon, talk with you then.”

  We hung up, but honestly, I would have preferred he tell me what was on his mind then, rather than making me wait. I really didn’t like how he sounded over the phone. Whatever happened during that meeting, it must have been bad for him.

  I really don’t know what planet some people are from. When you are trying to get a simple answer to a question of great importance, a normal person would give you a simple answer. But the person I had been talking with for the past fifteen minutes really didn’t have a clue.

  After dealing with numerous calls, some with really stupid people, Erik came wheeling from around the corner, looking concerned for me.

  “Everything alright?” he asked.

  “Not really. Trying to get a report, but of course, no one seems to know where the hell it is. Big fat pain in the ass is all that it’s been, but I think Charlie is trying to find it. He said he’d call me.”

  “Damn, I’m sorry. I hope they can find it. You sounded frustrated as hell.”

  “I’m surprised Don didn’t call me in. I was probably yelling real loud, huh?”

  He nodded, and I smiled a bit, figuring I probably did put on a show with that call.

  “Sorry you had to hear all that, but I get frustrated with stupid.”

  “Oh, no problem at all. Hey, I did want to see if you still wanted to go have lunch with me.”

  “Actually, I’m going to have to decline this time; I have a friend who is in need of a shoulder to cry on during lunch. But I know Darla doesn’t have anybody to go to lunch with, and she’s real good company.”

  “I’m sorry you can’t make it. I totally understand about helping out a friend.” He looked over at Darla, who was still at her computer, but I knew she was listening in on what we were talking about. Erik wheeled over to her and asked, “Ms. Darla, would you like to have lunch with me today?”

  I never knew Darla could be speechless. Finally, after a minute, she said, “Sure, I would love to.”

  “Great! Be ready at noon.” He gave her a wink and smile before scooting back toward his cubicle.

  Darla’s face lit up, and I knew right then and there, things were going to be just fine between her and Erik. I just hoped things would be fine when I talked with Max at lunch that day.

  * * * *

  Max sat in front of me at lunch. We had decided to go back to the park, and I ate, but he didn’t, saying he really didn’t have much of an appetite for lunch. He was avoiding eye contact with me, and after a bit, I set my sandwich on the plate and gave him a look.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He continued to fidget, ran his fingers through his hair, and then sighed. “We had a meeting this morning, just to go over figures and stuff, like usual. That was when the big boss came in and said he wanted to talk with me for a bit in private. We went into another room, and he told me they were going to be opening another office, and he had wanted me to go there because my work would be greatly needed there. I would get more pay than I am making right now—actually, my salary willtriple. I would have a bigger office, a company car, and an apartment of my very own.”

  “Wow, that’s great! I’m so happy for you. You’re really moving up the corporate ladder now.”

  “Yeah, but there is a huge drawback to all of this,” he said, still looking down at his hands.

  “What’s that?”

ll have to move to New York.”

  You know that moment when it seems like everything around you sounds like glass being shattered? Shards of glass are falling all around you, and the sound is so deafening, that honestly, you just can’t seem to stand it?

  Did he just say New York? I know he didn’t just say New York. “What!”

  “I know, sweetheart, and I was just as shocked when I heard the news. I would have to move in a month.”

  “A month? Are you serious? A fucking month.” I got up as my throat started to tighten, and I quickly walked away from him. I didn’t want him to see me cry, but I couldn’t help it. This couldn’t have been happening, I thought. I mean, we had just started to get into a relationship, and now he was being taken away from me, just like that, just when things were suddenly going so well. Two strong hands grabbed my arms, stopping me in my tracks, quickly turning me, and I looked up to see a very somber-looking face and eyes that appeared just as upset as mine.

  “Baby, I’m sorry to tell you all this. I honestly didn’t want to tell you about it in the first place.”

  “So, when were you going to tell me about it? Probably the day before you were leaving out so that way you could break the news then?”

  “Of course not, baby. I didn’t want to take the job, but I have to. Boss told me I was needed in New York.” His touch was delicate against my cheek as he wiped my tears.

  “But I need you here. Don’t you understand? We just getting started in this, and now you have to leave…just like that.”

  “I’m not leaving you, Sarah, alright? Let’s get this straight before anything. You are mine, and I am all yours and only yours. What we got going on, I wouldn’t want it to end, not ever. We complete each other, and I’m not going to let that end.” He kissed my forehead and held me close. “Besides, it’s not like it’s the end of the world. We will see each other. I’ll make sure of it. Yes, we’ll be miles away from each other, but that doesn’t mean I won’t come and visit or have you fly up to New York from Georgia. I want you in my life now, Sarah, and no amount of distance is going to stop me.”

  He took my hand in his, softly kissing it while rubbing my knuckles with those fingers of his.

  How I wish what he was saying was true, but deep down, for some reason, I felt as if that was not going to happen. After this time with him, I was beginning to feel as if our union were nothing more than just some fling.

  “I hope you are right, Max.”

  “Of course, I’m right. I’ve wanted you in my life for a long time now. I’m not about to let you go, Sarah. Listen, why don’t we go out of town for the weekend? I have a friend that has a bungalow along the beach in Panama City. He owes me big time for helping him out of a jam, so I know he will let me have it for the weekend. I can get us a flight out Thursday morning, and we can be off.”

  “But I have to work on Thursday.”

  “Call in sick. After all, when do you get the chance to jet off to Florida for the weekend with the man you love?”

  Looking into those eyes of his, it made me feel like some little school girl, shy and timid within his arms. I couldn’t help but smile a bit when he did. Softly, his lips caressed my own, while he deepened our embrace. God, I was going to miss moments like this, feeling him in my arms, having him holding me and kissing on me like this.

  Yeah…I would be an idiot not to skip out with him to Florida for the weekend.

  Chapter Twelve

  Darla couldn’t wait to tell me everything about her lunch with Erik when I got back to the office. She pulled me to the bathroom to tell me all the details.

  “Oh, my God, I think I’m in love!” she squealed.

  I tried to put up a front and smile, because I could tell she was happy, even though deep down I was still crushed by the news that Max would be leaving in a month. “What happened?”

  “He took me to that bistro over on Quincy and Rutherford. We sat and talked for the longest time, and he told me all about himself, him growing up in Texas, and come to find out, my cousin Ralph and he are good friends from high school. They were both on the football team, which shocked me, and I had to call Ralph up and he confirmed it. So Erik was telling me about himself, and I was telling him all about me. I’m not going to jump the gun, but he might just be the one for me, Sarah. Now all we have to do is get you with Max, and then it will be completely set, won’t it?”

  Giving her a halfhearted smile, I giggled nervously. I leaned up against the wall while she touched up her makeup.

  “What’s wrong, hon? Ever since you came back from lunch you’ve been acting really weird.”

  “Have you ever had your expectations about how your love life was going to be get stomped like it was a bunch of grapes? Well, that’s what happened to me during lunch for I was the grapes made for wine.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  I went to look into each stall before I started to talk. When I saw no one was there except for us, I turned back to Darla.

  “Now, what I’m about to tell you, I don’t want you going around babbling about it to anyone in the office, do you hear me? Because if I find out you said a word, I will tell everybody about you and James from accounting up on the 9th floor that time during the office Christmas party, and that you knew he was engaged to be married.”

  “You wouldn’t dare tell.”

  “Hell if I won’t. But as long as you don’t squeal my secret, then I won’t tell yours.”

  She nodded, and I took a deep breath.

  “Max and I have been seeing each other for the past couple of weeks now. And today, I found out they are transferring him to New York in a month.”

  Shock was the understatement of the year as far as how Darla looked in response to my news. I tensed, bracing for her reaction, knowing exactly what she’d say.

  “You’ve kept this to yourself all this damn time, and you didn’t tell me about it!”

  Yep, that’s exactly what I expected her to say…

  “Yeah, I did, because even though we are friends and we share the same cubicle and all, that doesn’t mean I have to tell you every single thing. Especially with this, because it’s been so special between Max and me, but now things are going to be screwed up when he leaves me.”

  “Damn, Sarah, I’m so sorry that this is happening. I know you’ve been eyeing him for years, and now this. I really don’t know what else to say but I’m sorry.”

  “There’s nothing else to say. He’ll be leaving in a month. Honestly, this was not what and how I wanted to have my day go. First the car fucking up on me, and I had to take the damn bus, and then I had to deal with that idiot about the file, and now this shit. Fucking-A, I swear, when I get home, I’m taking a long soak in a hot tub until I turn into a prune.” I looked at myself in the mirror, my eyes red from crying not too long ago, remembering his softly spoken, “I’m sorry,” which he whispered in my ear while he held me. “We better head back to work, so I can see if whatchamacallit sent me that damn file.”

  “Are you sure you are going to be alright, Sarah?”

  Letting out a sigh, I nodded and headed out of the restroom.

  When I got back to my desk, the light on my phone told me I had a message. I pressed the button and found I actually had two messages. “Hey, Sarah, this is Charlie.Listen, after some wrangling, I was able to find the report. I’m sorry, but it was sent to the wrong person, and they had it all this time. But I will bring it to you after I’ve had my lunch.Again, I’m very sorry. Goodbye.”

  Well, that was one less worry I had to deal with. The second message began to play.

  “I love you, Sarah.”

  I looked up to see him watching me, and he smiled that gorgeous smile of his. I can tell you that for the rest of the day, while I was on the phone, I would go back and replay that message over and over again.

  * * * *

  Max gave me a ride home that night, so I didn’t have to take the bus. I honestly didn’t have much to say, bec
ause after dealing with the idiots about that file, plus hearing Max’s bit of news, I really wasn’t up to talking much. I noticed him looking over at me while we drove. He probably wanted to talk but realized there was no use in saying anything. I was mad, and yeah, I was more than likely being a bit selfish, because I didn’t want him leaving me so soon after we’d gotten together. When we got to a light, I heard him sigh.

  “Will you at least talk, Sarah?”

  I shook my head. I honestly couldn’t say a word to him. It was as if within my mind I had completely lost the ability to talk. I felt like some empty shell of a woman sitting next to him. I just wanted to get home, take all my shit off, get underneath the covers, and cry my eyes out. I felt a tear trickle along my cheek, and I slowly looked toward the window to the outside world. The light changed, and we started moving again. I continued to wipe off the tears that kept right on coming, one after the other. My throat tightened as I bit my bottom lip to hold back a sob. I felt something tap my arm, looked over, and found him holding a handkerchief in his hand. I took it and wiped my eyes and face. He didn’t say anything to me, probably because he knew how I was feeling at that moment. There was no denying I would miss him when he was gone, and even though he said he would come and visit, it still wouldn’t make a difference, because things between us wouldn’t be the same.

  When we pulled up to my apartment, he turned off the car.

  “Are you coming up?” I asked him.

  “I was, unless you need some time to yourself, then I don’t have to come up.”

  Even though I could have told him no, I really wanted to have him with me. Not just for my sexual needs but for my emotional ones. “I want you to come up but just as long as you can do just one little thing for me.”

  “Anything. What is it?”

  “Just hold me tonight. Just hold me and don’t let go.”

  He leaned over and kissed my forehead, and then we both got out.


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