The Rub Down

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The Rub Down Page 4

by Gina Sheldon

  As we parted ways, we planned to meet tomorrow morning for a long, grueling run. I rushed home to shower and dress, and then enjoyed the ten-minute walk to Copley Plaza for my appointment.

  Mrs. Duffy was a classic trophy wife, married to a very nice man who loved showing off his gorgeous young bride. Unfortunately, she was also the type of person who sucked the life out of others.

  “That dress is boring.” She waved her hand at the original design and made a sound of disgust. “This is the MFA. I want a dress that looks like art.”

  I turned back to the rack, closed my eyes, and counted to ten. Only Mrs. Duffy would complain about a dress she chose. Not me. Her. Nothing we discussed was good enough. Every suggestion I made, she struck down in a most vicious way.

  “Mrs. Duffy, let’s go see Jorge at ESCADA.” His taste was excellent, and his personality made being with the snooty woman tolerable. I was in the boutique last Friday, talking to my salesmen, and they told me ‘absolutely THE most gorgeous dresses eva’ were coming in this week. “I have it on good authority that several stunning gowns were arriving this week.”

  “Fine, but if we can’t find a dress there, I may need to look for new fashion consultants.”

  Her voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard. I wasn’t sure how her husband listened to that heinous noise every day, but it made my head throb.

  T-minus two hours until Luke’s hands are all over me, relieving my stress from this horrible day.

  Within an hour of arriving at ESCADA, and two glasses of champagne later (for her, not me), she purchased a strapless white dress with large red poppies embellishing the skirt, and a black sash to wrap around her small waist. Without a word of thanks, she gave instructions for delivery, and walked out the door. Expressing my utmost gratitude for helping me keep my sanity, I gave Jorge a kiss on each cheek, and the promise of a girls’ night out soon before I rushed home.

  When I got back to the apartment, Addison was up my butt about the time.

  “Alexa, we’re going to be late.” Addison stood in the kitchen, tapping her foot on the floor, while I stood over the sink, devouring a sandwich. “What are you doing?”

  “Baking a cake,” I mumbled around a mouthful of turkey. “What the hell does it look like I’m doing?” I gulped some juice to wash down the food. “I’m starving, and the last thing I want is for my stomach to growl while I’m getting a massage.”

  Addison was a constant burning ball of energy that left me exhausted on a good day, but after my time with Mrs. Duffy, I had no patience for it.

  “I just don’t want to be late. You know I hate being late.” Now, she resorted to whining.

  T-minus forty-five minutes.

  “Call a cab. By the time it gets here, I’ll be ready.” I turned back to my lunch and glass of orange juice.

  On the ride over, we decided to do massages, dinner, and then a night out for drinks. She begged me to consider skipping my run tomorrow morning so we could stay out late, but with race day getting closer, being lax about training was not an option.

  When we walked in The Rub Down, the look of awe on Addison’s face reminded me of how I felt the other day. We declined Jessica’s offer of a tour, and I showed Addie everything. She thought I was joking about breaking in to get our clothes, but we would have to see if she could figure out the complicated lockers when we finished.

  “This place is amazing, Alexa,” Addison whispered as we entered the Zen room. She tilted her head and rubbed her cheek against the lush robe. “Seriously, how have we not been here before?”

  “Told you. Wait until you sit there.” I pointed at the couch. “You won’t ever want to get up. I dozed off last time.”

  Taking a cab here gave us a few extra minutes, so we grabbed a glass of citrus water, sank into the comfort of the couch, and flipped through an issue of Vogue. Her running commentary on some of the designs reminded me, once again, of her brilliance.

  “Hey, Alexa, ready to get a rub down?” Luke appeared in the doorway, looking even hotter than I remembered.

  I knew he was trying to be cheeky and funny, but his low, baritone voice made something deep down inside me tingle.

  Addison grabbed my arm as her jaw dropped. I understood her reaction since mine had been the same.

  “No wonder you’ve been disgustingly happy all week. If I had that man’s hands on me a few times, I would be, too,” she whispered in my ear.

  I rolled my eyes at her before standing up and walking out of the room.

  After we went over my trouble areas, he left so I could disrobe and crawl under the sheet. I knew I should have drank more water and less wine. Technically, I didn’t lie when I said I had one glass. It just happened to be one of those gag gifts that held an entire bottle.

  After a soft knock on the door, Luke came in and set up his oils. The room was a little less romantic than my previous session.

  “What’s with the music today? It makes me want to play a game of cricket tennis.”

  “What in the hell is cricket tennis? Sounds awfully cruel,” Luke said with a deep-throated chuckle.

  “It’s where you take a tennis racket, and instead of a ball, you use crickets. Wow, now that I say it out loud, it sounds awful. We played it all the time growing up,” I explained, laughing at how cruel it was.

  “I’m not sorry to say that we didn’t play that evil game. Did you pull the wings off bugs while you were at it?” He chuckled. “Did you grow up around here?” He massaged some cold, wintergreen scented gel on my achy spine, and laid heated rice bags where I was the sorest.

  “I grew up in Upstate New York, about two hours north of New York City. It’s a very rural area, so crickets were everywhere. My parents live out on the Cape now, and they still have crickets.” I paused and let out a laugh. “I won’t carry on about how crickets are my nemesis in fear you will think I’m a nut job.”

  Wow, shut up, Alexa. He probably thinks you’re a psychopath.

  “Ah, that answers that. New Yorkers are crazy people. I didn’t realize crickets were such villains,” Luke said with a hint of laughter in his voice. “Let me switch the music for you before I start. Do you have issues with ocean waves?”

  Phew. Thank God, he was joking with me about this. Or maybe he was scared I would stab him if he turned his back on me.

  “Waves are perfect. I love the beach,” I said.

  “Okay, let’s get this party started. I’m going to begin with your legs. Are you comfortable?” Luke was now in therapist mode.

  “Yes, I’m great. The heat feels incredible. Thank you.”

  I heard Luke add oil to his hands and warm them up before touching my bare skin. Once they made contact, I let out the breath I was holding. His touch felt amazing and comfortable as if he’d been working my skin for years, not minutes. Between the warm rice on my back, and Luke’s fingers massaging my left hamstring in a continuous up and down motion, I could have been lulled to sleep if it wasn’t for the pressure.

  When he started deep kneading the tissue, the force became too much, and I winced and tightened my muscles. Luke sensed the change in my body and lightened his stroke.

  “Sorry about that, Lex. I got lost in my head for a minute. I typically do sports massages on men, and wasn’t thinking.” He sounded much more remorseful than the situation warranted.

  Wait, did he just call me Lex? I’d hated that name ever since the sixth grade when a bully called me that right before she stole my favorite Barbie. Sexy Lexie was another nickname that made me want to punch someone. But the way Luke said it didn’t make me angry. It made me warm from the inside out.

  “It’s all good. Don’t worry about it. I’m just being a wuss,” I said, trying to lighten the mood.

  “Doubt it. You’re training to run twenty-six point two. That’s pretty hardcore.” As if it was made of glass, he carefully placed my left leg on the table before moving over to my right leg.

  Even though the music wasn’t sensual and the candles were
n’t lit, his hands made me feel things deep in my core. I had hoped the last time was a fluke, but it wasn’t. I was screwed. The wave music had me picturing us down in Chatham, sitting in Adirondack chairs, holding hands, and sipping wine as we watched the tide roll in. Stars twinkled above while we talked about our childhoods and dreams for the future.

  Luke startled me when he twisted and tugged at my calf muscle. “Ahhh, you’re hitting the right spot. Shit, that feels good.” I was so far into my daydream, I forgot where I was. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to swear.”

  “You can cuss. I won’t tell your mom,” he answered. “I’m glad it feels good. Another minute and I’ll be ready to work your lumbar region. Then I’ll have you roll over so I can finish up with the front of your legs.” Luke’s hands continued their ministrations up and down my leg.



  I wasn’t sure what happened, but I lost myself thinking about Alexa, used too much pressure, and hurt her. The smoothness and the pale ivory color of her skin hypnotized me. Coupled with working her adductors and abductors, and I was lost. Let’s just say she was wearing lavender lace panties today. I wanted to slide my hands under the sheet, slip a finger in her panties, and see if she was wet for me.

  When I felt her body tense, I knew I needed to focus more on my actions, and less on my subject. The sight of her, practically naked on my table, made my head spin and my cock twitch. I needed to get out of the room and start drinking. Fast.

  When she cried out I hit the right spot, all I pictured was my cock buried deep inside her, and as I found her g-spot, her screaming those exact words for everyone in a ten-mile radius to hear.

  I removed the rice bags, revealing her dimples and tattoo, which were begging for my touch. God, she was gorgeous. I kept giving myself a pep talk. Just get through the next twenty minutes. Then you can get out of here, and drink your face off. Flirt with hot chicks all night and forget all about Alexa. Well, until next week when she comes in and drives you mad again.

  After spending several minutes on my favorite piece of the female anatomy, it was time for her to flip. I leaned in close to her ear and whispered, “Time to roll over.” I inhaled her scent mixed with the oil from my hands, and it smelled like serenity.

  After she rolled onto her back, I decided it was time to talk so my mind wouldn’t wander to places it shouldn’t.

  “So tell me about yourself. What do you do for fun besides run?” I held her left foot in my hands, kneading the ball while waiting for her answer.

  “My best friend, Addison, and I like to go out to eat at the different restaurants. We also try to see Broadway shows when they come to town.” She let out a small giggle as my thumb tickled the ball of her foot. “Wicked is my favorite so far. The music was incredible.”

  Her voice held a sense of excitement that I found to be incredibly sexy.

  “What made you want to be a massage therapist?” she asked in return.

  “Well, when I was a horny twenty-one-year old, I wanted to be able to put my hands all over women’s bodies. I already had a business degree, but had no idea what to do with it, so I went to massage school.” I worked her toes as I answered. Her perfectly manicured purple toes made me want to suck on them.

  “And…?” Alexa lifted her head off the table to look at me.

  I was so lost in my thought, I forgot I was mid-story.

  “Oh, and once there, I realized I actually liked using my hands to heal people. After a semester, I got my best friend Danny to start the courses. Then voilà, here we are today,” I said as I pointed her foot and worked the muscles.

  “Owning your own business is tough work. Addison and I own our own company, too. We have it pretty easy since we’re the only employees and have very little overhead, but you have a big, successful operation here.” She made a little humming noise deep in her throat. “This place is amazing. You must be proud.”

  My head snapped up from watching my hands, and my eyes collided with hers. I found a level of understanding shining back at me. I realized then that I could stare into her warm eyes all day, and drown in the sea of blue.

  “Thank you. It was hard, but I wouldn’t trade it for one minute. I love what I do, and as much as I’m a business owner, I’m a therapist, first and foremost.” Now, that was what I was most proud about.

  “And you get to put your hands all over women every day,” Alexa said with a huge smile on her face.

  “Touché.” I grinned back at her and winked. “There is that.”

  We talked the last few minutes of her appointment, and I enjoyed learning a little more about her. It usually took me a long time to get to know my clients, and typically, I didn’t share a lot about my life. Since Alexa would be coming in twice a week, and she needed to feel comfortable with me so her therapy was on point, I opened up about myself, as well. I was doing it all for the treatments. Yeah, that was it. It had nothing to do with the fact that I wanted her, both on and off my table.

  “Okay, Lex. You’re all set for today. I’ll leave you to get up, and go grab you a glass of water,” I said.

  “Thank you, Luke. My muscles feel great,” she said as I walked out the door.

  I was not sure why her praise made me feel as if I was king of the world, but it did, more than any other client had. There was a connection.

  One I needed to break before I got myself in trouble.

  Chapter Five


  Leaving The Rub Down was an experience all its own. I stopped by the reception desk to confirm my next appointment while Addison looked at the merchandise in the shop.

  “How was your time with Luke today?” Jessica asked after we checked the schedule for the following week.

  “It was great. I’m really loving it. Thanks.”

  “Glad to hear that. Have a great night, and we will see you next week.” Jessica wrapped up our conversation as the phone next to her rang.

  When I turned to go find Addison, I ran straight into another client. She stood right on my heels, and I almost knocked her over.

  “Sorry about that. I didn’t realize you were so close,” I apologized, even though she was in my personal space.

  “Whatever, bitch,” she said under her breath.

  I had no idea why she was so hostile, and no desire to find out, so I walked away to grab Addison.

  As we walked out, I heard Jessica greet the woman with much disdain. “Hello, Theresa.”

  We left the spa, and on the way home, Addison talked non-stop about how amazing Mark was. She claimed she had an orgasm, right on the table. I wasn’t sure I believed her, but then again, it had been a while since I had had one, so maybe I didn’t remember what one felt like.

  When we got to the apartment, it was time to hop in the shower so we could eat dinner before hitting the bars. I needed to cut loose and enjoy an awesome night because my training schedule had overtaken my life. Every morning consisted of running, cardio, or yoga before I rushed off to dress the rich and beautiful. After a long day, I crashed on the couch to watch a show with Addison, and crawled into bed by nine o’clock, so when my alarm went off at five or six am, I was ready to go at it all over again. I had earned the chance to have some fun.

  I washed off the oil Luke had worked into my skin. The smell of the essences filled the stall and brought me right back to his treatment room. As I moved my hands over my wet skin, I closed my eyes and pretended they were his. Gliding down over my stomach to the top of my mound, I paused, taking a second to understand what I was about to do. Before I overthought it, I slipped a finger between my folds, imagining it was Luke’s as he caressed me. He would pump it in and out, working me into a frenzy. I worked my clit at a frantic pace, moaning, and whispering, “Luke.” Supporting myself against the wall, I came hard and pictured his satisfied face smiling down at me. I realized I hadn’t had an orgasm in at least four months. How could I have forgotten how amazing it was? If I could come that fast and hard at just the thought
of him, having him in the flesh might be too much to handle.

  Before the water turned cold, I shut off the shower and grabbed my towel to dry. Wrapping it around me, I walked into Addison’s room.

  “Whatcha wearing tonight?” I asked, realizing I should have thought about my clothes while I was in the shower, instead of the unobtainable Luke. God, I was never going to be able to look at him again.

  “The skinny jeans I picked up last week when we popped into Barney’s. I was hoping to grab your blue flowy tank, and then throw on a sweater wrap.” Addison bit her lip, a glimmer of hope shining in her eyes.

  She knew she could have anything in my closet, but for whatever reason, she always felt bad for borrowing my clothes. Why we even had separate closets was a mystery to me. In our next place, I wanted a third bedroom we could convert into a huge walk-in closet.

  “Of course you can. I think I’m going with leather leggings, and my sheer black blouse with a cami under it. Then I’m going to fuck up my nicely massaged feet with that pair of sky high, black pumps I love but never wear.”

  “All right, girl, let’s turn on our going out music, and get this party started.” She spun around and cranked up her iPod. We danced and sang at the top of our lungs.

  When I returned to my room to change, I noticed a text message.

  Jeff: Can we take tomorrow off? We can run Sunday instead.

  If Addison had known Jeff, I would have thought she put him up to this text.

  Part of me was thrilled to have the day off. I could party more, but I didn’t want to start making exceptions.

  Me: That’s fine. Same place, same time on Sunday?

  Jeff: Perfect. See you then.

  An hour later, we walked down the street to our favorite French bistro and enjoyed a fantastic dinner along with a few drinks. Our night of fun had just begun.



  Once I finished with Alexa, I went into my office and closed the file I was working on prior to her appointment. I needed to get out of the spa to think. I would finish the paperwork tomorrow morning, hung over and miserable.


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