Viking Treasure

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Viking Treasure Page 16

by Griff Hosker

  Then I heard a shout, "Jarl the steering board!"

  I glanced to my right and saw that Harald Black Teeth had moved his drekar and was now piling his men over the stern. Halfdan was now completely surrounded. We had to do something quickly. "Push!" I held my sword above my shield as did Haaken, Finni, Leif and Rollo. As our warriors pushed, the men whom we faced could not avoid the points of steel. They tried to move their heads out of the way but their feet slipped on the blood covered deck and soon the last of those before us tumbled over the side.

  "Cnut, support Halfdan. Ulfheonar, let us board the enemy!" The only hope we had was to threaten their drekar.

  We leapt down on to the deck. Now that Harald Black Teeth had gone to the stern there were just two drekar to deal with at this side. Although more men were clambering across to us they were not the mailed warriors whom Harald Black Teeth led. We were reckless and we were wild. We swung our swords and axes before us as we moved quickly across the deck. I blocked a sword with my shield and brought my own weapon up into the gut of a warrior. I tore my blade out knowing that the edge had ripped through his stomach. I stepped across his body and dropped my head as a wildly swung axe came close to decapitating me. It glanced off my helmet. The uncontrolled swing left the warrior open to my sword. I stabbed him so hard that my sword came out of his back.

  Sometimes men get lucky. Finni the Dreamer slipped on the guts of the warrior I had slain. As he did so a warrior with a spear darted forward. Finni might have been slipping but he had the reactions of a fox. He turned his head so that the spear clanged against it, stunning him. Before the warrior could strike again I swept my sword down. It sliced through his right wrist and his left forearm. Bright blood spurted and made the already slippery deck even more treacherous.

  "Erik Eriksson, help Finni back to our ship." Finni the Dreamer had taken a hard blow and he was dazed. "Leif the Banner, guard my back!"

  "Jarl! It is 'Crow'!" Snorri pointed to the south where Sigtrygg was bringing 'Crow' to our aid. Asbjorn still obeyed my orders and blocked the route south.

  Then I heard a cry, it seemed to come from far away, "Jarl! We need help!" It was Cnut Cnutson.

  "Back to 'Storm Petrel'. Sigtrygg can deal with these." Although there were two drekar we had slain many already and with a fully crewed drekar Sigtrygg would make short work of them. I hurried back to the 'Red Snake'. It was too late for Halfdan. Even as Leif and I climbed back aboard the threttanessa I saw Harald Black Teeth as he slew the brave warrior and take his head. He flourished it before hurling it into the remains of the crew.

  It enraged me. With my Ulfheonar I attacked the press of warriors who had surrounded Cnut Cnutson. I saw warriors who had come from Cyninges-tūn. They lay dead. Even as we closed with them the crew of 'Eagles Heart' began to return to their ship. They had seen the approach of 'Crow'. Harald Black Teeth would fight another day. Even as we slew the last of the men who remained on the deck of 'Red Snake' I saw Harald Black Teeth laughing as his ship headed north and east. He could not flee south but he had the whole of the wild seas of the north in which to hide. I hacked down at the Viking who cried for mercy. He held his sword still and I sent him to Valhalla.

  "Kill them all!" There was no point in keeping any warriors alive. These were the sweepings of every outlaw in the Isles of the North and beyond. They were treacherous killers with no honour. Harald Black Teeth had deserted them. They deserved nothing better.

  By the time it was over the two drekar were charnel houses. We had just begun to strip the armour from the dead when Erik shouted, "Jarl, we are drifting on to the rocks!" I could see that the wind and current had taken us alarmingly close to the rock filled shore.

  "Men of Cyninges-tūn, back to our ship. Ulfheonar, we will stay and help the crew of 'Red Snake'." Raibeart's crew were in a bad way. He had lost warriors and others were wounded.

  I went across to the next drekar. Sigtrygg stood there. "I am sorry we were late, Jarl. We obeyed orders."

  "You did right. Let us see if we can save these drekar for Jarl Thorfinn Blue Scar."

  In the end we simply did not have enough men. We salvaged 'Storm Petrel' but only twelve crew remained. With Asbjorn's help we saved another of the jarl's captured ships, 'Dragon'. Harald Black Teeth had renamed it 'Serpent'. The last one which had been called 'Whale of Ljoðhús' had been renamed 'Scavenger' it was not a good name for a ship and she had ripped her hull out on the rocks. Erik Short Toe said she had done it to avoid the shame of her new name. We spread the few men we had to each ship. We would have to rely on the winds to return to Jarl Thorfinn.

  The battered fleet headed north, back to Ljoðhús. Our enemy grew ever more distant as he fled north. He would not risk these seas again. Erik asked, as the lights of Ljoðhús hove into view, "What will he do, Jarl?"

  "I am guessing he will sail around the coast and head for Norway, Denmark or Frisia. As Thorfinn has kin in Norway I would say Denmark or Frisia. Perhaps he will go to Eoforwic. Who knows. He will have gold for he has taken many ships. He did not strike me as the kind of jarl who would share his profits. I think he will buy another drekar and find more men like the ones who now lie at the bottom of the sea. There are many such leaderless men. We have not seen the last of him but our waters will be safer now."

  Jarl Thorfinn Blue Scar was happy to have his ships returned but it did not compensate for the loss of his men. "Halfdan was like a son to me." He shook his head. His eyes were red and hollow. He had the smell of death about him. "If you see my children say I beg them to come home. My hearth is empty as is my heart. I have built a land but it is not a home."

  I looked around the deserted warrior hall, "Have you enough warriors to fend off an attack?" I knew he had many enemies.

  "We have young men and boys. We are old but we can train them. You have taken away the danger to us. The Pictii do not like to risk the sea. We will survive."

  "I will have my drekar keep watch on your sea lanes. If you need help then send to me. I am your ally."

  "I know, Jarl Dragonheart. I know."

  We stayed for six days ensuring that the ships, all of them, had suffered no damage and sharing out the mail and the weapons. The forty young boys and youths who were being trained by the old men would be well armed. I hoped that they would have time to gain the skills which might save their lives.

  As I boarded my drekar Jarl Thorfinn Blue Scar came to see me off. It would be the last time I would see him for he was dying. I think he knew that but I did not; I just suspected it. He clasped my arm, "As one father to another I tell you to hang on to your children. I used to believe that it was wyrd for them to fend for themselves. Now I do not think so. I would give all of my treasure for one of them to be with me now."

  I nodded, "They may return. Who knows?"

  He shook his head, "I shall die alone with my old warriors for company and soon we will be a name, a distant memory only."

  Chapter 12

  We had lost almost as many men fighting the outlaws as we had in Neustria. Our aid to our friend had hurt us. We still had enemies out there and they had been increased. I knew that Harald Black Teeth would remember me and seek revenge. As we headed south through stormy skies and seas I thought about the Jarl's words. They were a warning but surely I had heeded them already? I kept my family as close as I could. Even as the thought flitted into my head I knew that it was not true. Wolf Killer and I still had a problem. If I was dead I could not resolve it. The Jarl's words made me promise myself that I would spend time with my two sons and grandson. Who knew how long I had left in the Land of the Wolf.

  I would send a message to the Jarl's sons. They should know how he felt. I owed it to him. They were successful and he was now alone. Was one the price you paid for the other? Would I pay a price for my Viking treasure? Time alone would tell.

  Coen ap Pasgen was delighted with our news. Raibeart and his battered crew would rest awhile and repair their drekar. I suggested that they use 'Weregeld' if they neede
d to trade. Raibeart nodded, "When I am certain that the repairs are almost finished I will trade with Dyflin and then visit Blue Scar." He shook his head, "It is sad to see a man grow old so quickly."

  Haaken said, "Mayhap that is why it is better to die young with a sword in your hand."

  As we headed back to Cyninges-tūn I was not so sure. I am not Norse born and I had had to learn the way of the warrior. It seemed to me that it was better to live as long as you could, if you could for death was forever. I could barely picture Prince Butar now and Old Ragnar was just a ghost who flitted in and out of my dreams. When I thought of Olaf the Toothless it was the mountain which came to mind and not his toothless grimace.

  Aiden and Kara both knew that something had affected me when I trudged through the gates of Cyninges-tūn. I found it easier to talk to the two of them rather than my wife. She was Christian and understood nothing of the way of the warrior and even less about the chasm between my son and me. I sat and told them all. Ylva plaited my hair for me and listened. She was growing quickly and was thoughtful. What else could be expected from the child of a volva and a galdramenn? Her time in Miklagård had matured her.

  When I had finished Kara nodded, "You are right, father, spend time with the boys. Aiden has told me your dream and I think it is to do with all four of you. I cannot see how yet for there are too many parts I do not understand. As for Jarl Blue Scar, it is sad but you are not him. What you have built here will endure long after you are dead."

  "That is not what the witch in the cave said. She told me that Hrolf's legacy would live on but not mine."

  "You were not listening father. She said that his line would create kingdoms. That is not the same."

  I knew that she was sweetening the witch's words to make them more palatable. I did not argue. I was weary and I needed my home and my wife.

  Winter came far quicker than we could have expected. It came with the news that Jarl Thorfinn Blue Scar was dead. I did not need to send a message to his sons now. It would only upset them to know that they had not been with their father at the end and that he had needed them. It also caught our new mason, Basil, by surprise. He found that the slurry that turned to stone would not set in the cold. He had never experienced that. Miklagård did not have snow and frost. Luckily Aiden knew how to do so and the two of them worked together to make the process work. The new gatehouse was finished before the winter set in. He promised that he could lay stones in winter, unless the ground was frozen. That had made Scanlan laugh for the ground was always frozen.

  Aiden wagged a finger at him. "Then we shall keep the ground from freezing!"

  Poor Scanlan was terrified, "You will use magic!"

  "Of a sort. We will lay hay on the ground and that will keep the top pliable. There are such methods written in the books we found in Miklagård. My time there was not wasted."

  And so my town became stronger. The stone gatehouse would be a strongpoint if we were attacked. Eventually we would have a stone wall all the way around. We were safe and even more settlers arrived. They came from remote hillsides subject to bandits or they came from further afield having heard of this land of promise. We had peace and we had prosperity and those with skills sought work while others sought land and we had both. As winter approached I took Gruffyd and headed for Elfridaby. The ground was frozen but the snows had not arrived. The trees all had the gaunt look having just shed their leaves. I knew from Brigid that their black skeletal shape in the gloom of dusk terrified Gruffyd. I sensed his nervousness as we passed through Grize's Dale. I could not remember what had frightened me when I had been his age. Then it came to me, wolves. That fear had disappeared when I had slain my first wolf. Gruffyd could not so easily dispel his fear.

  "How is the bow coming along? We might be able to hunt with Wolf Killer."

  "It is more powerful than the one I am used to. I can pull the string back but not as far as I should. Snorri has been teaching me. I can aim better now but I do not have the range the bow is capable of."

  I was impressed with his knowledge of his weapon. He had been learning.

  "You are young and you will become stronger. When we hunt I will let you eat the heart of the first animal we kill. You will gain its strength and part of its spirit will be in you."

  "The Ulfheonar eat the heart of the wolf."

  I nodded, "We are its kin and it is why we are the most feared warriors."

  "My brother killed a wolf and I would too."

  "You are not old enough nor are you strong enough." I said it flatly for there was little point in building up his hopes.

  "I know. I tell you this, father, so that you know I will work hard. I watched, when Ragnar and I sailed with you. We both learned. Men follow you into danger which would terrify most men. I would lead men as you do."

  I remembered Jarl Thorfinn Blue Scar and his regrets. When Wolf Killer had said the same thing I had dismissed his words. I would not make the same mistake twice. "Good then you must watch but do not watch me only. Haaken leads in his way as does Olaf Leather Neck. Snorri is the master of scouts and all defer to him and his skill. A good leader knows how to use the skills of those who follow him." He nodded. I smiled as he jerked his pony's head up. His pony had a tendency to try to eat from the berry bushes. He did not allow it. "And a good leader must have a heart of ice. He cannot lose his temper nor can he fight wildly."

  "Haaken said you went berserk once."

  I felt myself reddening. Sometimes I cursed the songs of my friend. They highlighted my mistakes. "I did not go berserk. I fought hard to protect my oathsworn."

  "Olaf Leather Neck goes berserk. I have seen it."

  "No, you have not. You have seen Olaf lose his temper. That is why he would not make a good jarl but if you need a warrior to face overwhelming odds and not flinch then have him lead your men."

  "Did you choose your men or did they choose you?"

  My son's questions showed that he had been thinking. "At first I fought alongside those who were Ulfheonar and we followed others. Haaken and Siggi are two such. Then it was the warriors who became Ulfheonar."

  "No, I mean others like Ketil and Raibeart. Many jarls would not make them leaders."

  "How do you know?"

  "Raibeart told me. He said you were the only Jarl who would have made him a jarl and Ketil said the same."

  "I judge all men as I see them and how they act. Sometimes I make mistakes and that can be costly."

  "Like Magnus the Foresworn."

  I shook my head. He had heard all of these songs on our last voyage. "Aye like Magnus the Foresworn. If you are a leader then men lose their lives because of such mistakes."

  I was grateful as we crested the rise and saw, in the gloom of dusk, Elfridaby. I would have some relief from the interrogation. Ragnar ran out to meet us. I had not seen him since we had returned with the treasure. He had grown again. Garth followed behind.

  "Grandfather! I can send an arrow two hundred paces!"

  I saw Gruffyd hang his head. He could not manage that yet. "Good. You must show Gruffyd how to do that. He is younger than you but he is catching you up."

  Ragnar grinned, "Of course cousin!"

  Garth said, "And I have learned to use a sling shot, grandfather."

  "Excellent! I have three young warriors to serve me!"

  Ragnar looked up at me. "Do you stay long, Jarl?"

  "I have no reason to hurry home."

  "Good, then we can hunt! Father has new men and there are some good hunters amongst them. They are like Snorri and can smell game!

  "Then we shall hunt!"

  Elfrida was no longer the waif like girl who had been taken from King Egbert. She was now a woman grown. She had been the best wife that Wolf Killer could have chosen. I thanked the Norns and their threads. They had woven well. She waited outside her hall for me. When I dismounted she threw her arms around me. "Thank you, Jarl for looking after my son. He has not stopped talking about the raid and how brave you were." She lowere
d her voice, "You showed no favouritism to Gruffyd and I think he appreciated that."

  I looked at her, "He is my grandson. He is of my blood. I treat them all the same."

  She looked up as Wolf Killer approached and mumbled, "Not all see it that way."

  Wolf Killer inclined his head, "I was sorry to hear about Jarl Thorfinn Blue Scar."

  "Aye, he was treated badly by some of those who were supposed to serve him. A jarl must choose his men wisely."

  "I know I have learned that to my cost."

  Elfrida put her arm around Gruffyd and said, "Come, let us go and see where you shall sleep this visit."

  She knew that her husband and I needed to talk. "Ragnar says you have new men."

  "And you are wondering if they can be trusted?"

  "Let us say I worry having seen the results of a single bad apple. Magnus the Foresworn, Harald Black Teeth and Hermund the bent are three such."

  "And I have been cautious. The frontier is now Seddes' Burgh. Einar Thordson is master there. His men have to constantly watch for enemies. I sent the new men to serve with him. He had two slain whom he thought were not to be trusted. There are six of whom he approves. I intend to bring three of those into my hall for my warriors are fewer in number these days."

  I nodded, "That is wise. Ragnar says that there are some good hunters amongst them."

  "There are. They are the three I would have here for they remind me of Snorri. There is a forest to the south of Seddes' Burgh and we have hunted there."

  "I would hunt with you and Gruffyd too but I would not travel that far. My bones feel the cold more than once they did and I do not relish sitting astride a horse for that long."

  "You need not. When I was told that you were coming I invited Einar Thrandson to visit. He will bring the new men. He has not sworn an oath to you yet."

  "He is your man."

  "And I serve you, Jarl Dragonheart. I know that we butt heads sometimes. That is in the nature of fathers and sons. I see that now with Ragnar. But I serve you and know that I would have nothing if it were not for you. You rescued me when I was a child and you helped me take my wife. I am loyal."


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