Viking Treasure

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Viking Treasure Page 21

by Griff Hosker

  There was no one place you could stand to see the whole of my land, the Land of the Wolf. You had to walk around and look at each part. I began with the east, for that was where Elfridaby lay. The clouds had parted on the way north and I saw thin sunlight playing upon the water. Erika's grave stood clear and sharp. Elfridaby was hidden by the hog back of the Hawk's Head ridge but I could see, in my mind's eye, the new grave of my son and the manned walls.

  Turning north I could see the Lough Rigg. Beyond that lay Ulf Olafsson in the stad by the Eden. He would be sad and angry when he heard the news of my son. He would raid with us. Beyond that lay the north east and the land of King Eanred. At least he was an enemy no longer.

  To the west lay Dyflin; there we would gather news. Perhaps Raibeart would hear news in that Viking crossroads.

  Finally I turned my gaze south. There was a line of enemies there from Man to Wales, Corn Walum and Wessex. King Ceolwulf was fighting the Welsh but who knew when he would turn his gaze north. The pirates who lived in my old home would just be waiting to find a weakness in my land. But it was Wessex where my most dangerous enemy lay. King Egbert would be delighted that my son had died. He had tried to kill him many times. His assassins had failed him. Ragnar Ruriksson had shown great cunning. His plan had been worthy of a Greek from Miklagård.

  'Then use your own mind, Dragonheart that was raised by Ragnar. Be the wolf. Use the night and use guile. When you strike do so swiftly. A wolf kills suddenly and silently. It only howls when it is safe in its den. Use cunning.'

  The words I heard were not my own. They came into my head from I know not where. It was Prince Butar who spoke them. He and Olaf the Toothless had been close. Old Olaf had wasted and died after the prince had been slain. Now I knew why my mother had sent me here. In my mind I had planned on taking every ship and warrior I could to fight and kill all those with Ragnar. That would be a war and too many died in war. Ragnar Ruriksson had shown cunning. He had lured me north with his Danes so that his killers could worm their way in to Wolf Killer's land. I needed to leave my land as strongly defended as it could be. I needed a small number of men. Ragnar Ruriksson had to die. Those who sheltered him would die also but there would be time for their deaths. I wanted to strike fear into the hearts of all my enemies.

  I stood and took out my sword. I raised it to the sky. A sudden shaft of sunlight shone from my blade making it glow and shine. "Thank you Olaf and Butar. Your spirits watch over us yet. I will heed your advice. I will be cunning and I will be as the wolf."

  As I sheathed my sword and turned to descend the shaft of sunlight grew and reflected upon the Water of Cyninges-tūn. I saw my wife's face reflected in it and she was smiling. It was there for but an instant and then the cloud came back and it was gone. She had spoken with me.

  The short days meant that it was dark by the time I reached my walls. Aiden stood, with Gruffyd and Ylva at the gate watching for me. I dismounted and handed my reins to Gruffyd. Ylva took my hand. Her tiny fingers were warm. My hands were almost blue with the cold. "You must watch out for yourself, grandfather. You should wrap up against the cold."

  Her young face looked so serious. "You sound like your grandmother. She oft times chided me thus."

  "I know. She has come to me at night and told me to watch out for you."

  I felt my neck prickle. "But you are a child!"

  She looked up at me and her eyes suddenly seemed like deep pools which went on forever. When I had fallen into the water beneath Wyddfa I had seen such a pool and then I had found the sword of my ancestor. I stared at Aiden who nodded, "She has the power Jarl. She can see into the past. She has told us things she could not have known and when we asked her she said an old woman told her in her dreams."

  "An old woman, Ylva?"

  She nodded as she skipped along next to me. "She looked like you and not my mother. The woman who looks like my mother is younger. She comes often. The old lady came for the first time at Yule."

  The prickling sensation came again. That was when Wolf Killer had been killed. "And what did she say?"

  "Oh she said nothing. She took me flying through the air. We were like two hawks and we soared high into the sky. She took me to a mountain even higher than Uncle Olaf. We flew high and then we plummeted underground and we saw dead warriors who looked like they were sleeping. It was exciting! Then we flew over a field with warriors fighting. They rode horses and had shining mail such as you wear. A man dressed as you, with the sign of the wolf, was killed by a young boy. I did not like that for he looked sad when he died."

  We had reached my hall but I wanted to know more. She had described the death of the warlord. I knew that from Aiden and the ancient writings. "But you said she told you to watch out for me. How could she do that if she does not speak with you?"

  "When we flew back we came here to your hall. The old woman roosted up on the roof and I was sent into your hall. I wrapped my wings around you, Gruffyd, Erika and Aunt Brigid. Then I woke. It was clear to me. I am to watch out for you and your family. My mother and father do not need me to watch over them." I saw Aiden smile and stroke his daughter's hair.

  The silence was broken by Gruffyd who said, "I do not need anyone watching out for me!"

  The little girl shook her head, "We all need someone to watch for us. I have the old woman and my mother's mother. You have me." She nodded. "It is wyrd."

  Aiden shrugged, "You will learn Gruffyd." Then he said to me. "As you have learned, Jarl Dragonheart. Prince Butar came to you." I nodded. "Good, for Kara and I worried that you would forget that you are this land. If you make war then you will break this land. The powers of evil have tried to do that. The death of Wolf Killer was as a crack. If it widens then this land will be destroyed. You must heal the crack."

  "But the Frisian?"

  "He will die, it is wyrd. You made peace with Egbert and gave your word. He has not broken his... yet. If you break your word then that will be the first time. The world knows that Dragonheart is never foresworn. You cannot break your oath."

  "But what if Ragnar Ruriksson hides with Egbert?"

  "You know that matters not. If Egbert had nothing to do with the death of Wolf Killer then he has not broken his oath. If he gave sanctuary to the Frisian it still does not break his word. King Egbert will break his oath. Until then he is safe." He smiled, "Is that not what Prince Butar told you?"

  I shook my head, "You read my thoughts again. I have much to think on." I picked up Ylva and gave her a hug before kissing her on the top of her head."And thank you for watching over us. Gruffyd will learn."

  We put Storm Rider in the stable and I said to my son, "Do not tell your mother what Ylva said. She will not understand. She is a Christian."

  He nodded, "How can Ylva watch over us? She is a child. She is not a warrior!"

  "She has powers, my son as does Aiden and Kara."

  "But I do not?"

  "Your powers will be as mine. You have the power of the warrior. But always listen to those voices in your head." I pointed to the shadow of the mountain. "Find times to be alone and listen to your head. The voices of the spirits will speak with you. Heed them. Now come. I am ready to eat a horse, with its skin on!" Storm Rider whinnied. "Sorry boy, just a figure of speech!"

  Although I was hungry and ate all that was put before me I did so in silence I was planning what to do. My original plan was gone. It was Raibeart who had planted the seed in my head. I would take 'Red Snake.' I had to be as cunning as my foe. Everyone knew my drekar. 'Red Snake' often sailed with Raibeart. They would assume it was he. I could take the Ulfheonar and choose the other crew from those who would be Ulfheonar. Erik Short Toe could captain. I would have my drekar, 'Heart of the Dragon' sail the waters between Dyflin, Wyddfa and my home. Her presence would be reported and my enemy would be lulled into complacency. All I needed now was to discover his whereabouts and that depended upon my young jarl.

  I went to Bjorn Bagsecgson. I needed an addition to my helmet. The facemask
was effective but I had an idea for a wolf's head to be above the mask. It would add protection to the front of my helmet. The scar from Ulf Blue Eyes' dagger had barely healed. It was a reminder how close I had been to death. The extra metal would give me more protection.

  Bjorn had already offered his condolences. He had watched my son grow into a man. I knew that his favourite son was far away with Jarl Gunnar Thorfinnson. The death of Wolf Killer made him fear for the son he could no longer protect. I told him what I needed. He nodded and examined the helmet. "I can see why you need it but it is not as easy as that, Jarl Dragonheart. If I put metal here at the front it will make the helmet front heavy. There will be a tendency for it to slip forward even with leather thongs."

  "You are saying it cannot be done."

  He laughed, "Of course it can be done, Jarl, but it is not as simple as shaping a piece of metal and fixing it to the front. That part is not difficult but I will need to balance the back. If I attach a mail aventail to the back it will balance it. I can use the same weight of metal in the links as in the wolf."

  "That will make the helmet heavier."

  "A little but not much." He laughed, "Your neck is thicker than it used to be, Jarl. You can bear the weight!"

  I had a sudden thought. "Could you coat the metal wolf in gold?"

  "I could but if it was struck then the gold would chip off. It would be a waste."

  "I can always get more gold. My enemy thought to make a wolf of iron and cover it in gold. I would mock him in my own way besides it would be effective would it not?"

  "It would. I will have one of my smiths begin the mould. It will take at least seven days."

  "Do not worry. I will not need it until I have news of my enemy and that will take time."

  "Many men will wish to sail with you, Jarl. Wolf Killer was popular. The manner of his death angered the warriors. He was not given a chance to die with a sword in his hand."

  "I know and I think that was part of my enemy's plan. He knew that if we were killed while hunting we would not have swords. He is a cunning enemy. His father was too. I should have been more ruthless and slaughtered his whole family. My kindness has killed my son and grandson. I will not show mercy next time."

  Bjorn said, quietly, "You will, Jarl. It is not in your nature to be ruthless."

  "There was a time when you were right but no longer. My heart will be as the steel you make. It will be hard and unyielding." I saw again, in my head, the look in Garth's eyes as he had died. That young boy deserved to be avenged. I would change my nature; at least until the enemy was slain.

  I let my Ulfheonar pick the warriors who would sail with us. They knew the ones who aspired to be wolf warriors and they had fought alongside many of them. Cnut Cnutson was an obvious choice. I sat back as they debated the merits of the various warriors. The six who would be Ulfheonar were chosen first. Along with Cnut there was Alf Jansson, Einar Hammer Arm, Sven Svensson, Bjorn Eiriksson and Olvir Grey Eye. The other twelve were the warriors who had the best armour and weapons. That proved they were good warriors for they had taken the armour from enemies they had slain. We would need to practise rowing with them but the voyage to wherever our enemy was hiding would do that.

  When they were selected we gathered them in the old warrior hall. It was almost empty now. Warriors stayed there only when we were preparing to go A-Viking. For the rest of the time they lived in their own homes. The hall seemed filled with the ghosts of dead warriors. It was comforting for all my warriors had died with their swords in their hands. That thought brought pain to me again, for Wolf Killer had been denied that chance.

  "You are here because you have been chosen to sail with me to avenge Wolf Killer and his son Garth. I order no man to go. If any choose not to voyage then leave now. There will be no dishonour." All remained silent and their eyes stared at me. "Good. We sail in 'Red Snake' as soon as Raibeart returns. He will discover where Ragnar Ruriksson hides. We go not to make war; we go to slay a murderer and his oathsworn. We will have to use cunning and the skills of the Ulfheonar. Wherever this snakes lies curled and hiding, it will be in a land which is filled with our enemies. Make no mistake, this will be dangerous."

  Olaf Leather Neck said, with a lopsided smile, "If you try to frighten us with numbers of enemies you cannot. It matters not how many we face every warrior in this hall is the equal of five ordinary warriors. We fear not numbers." He laughed, "My fear is that my axe will blunt before I have hewn enough heads."

  "Good. We leave on the morrow for I am anxious to sail as soon as Raibeart returns. We will need some time to become used to the new drekar. It is smaller than we are used to."

  Cnut asked, "Where did he sail, Jarl?"

  "Dyflin and then Lundenwic. He went in the knarr to avoid too much scrutiny. If he is successful he will return in seven days or so. That is the time we have to become one crew."

  Gruffyd was keen to join me. It was Aiden whose arguments swayed him. "Your father has lost a grandson, Gruffyd. He was little younger than you. With such a small crew he cannot afford to have one watching over you. It will be hard enough for him as it is."

  "Will you not be travelling with him, galdramenn?"

  Aiden shook his head, "Not this time. Kara and I have spoken with the spirits. This task is set for your father. The Weird Sisters wish it so. When we dreamed we did not see you on the drekar."

  He nodded. If Aiden was not going then it would not be so bad. "Then while you are away I shall train every day with Karl One Leg. Soon I will sail with you and become a warrior."

  I nodded my gratitude to Aiden. I would not lose another of my blood. My heart might be that of a dragon but Gruffyd and Ragnar were now all that was left to me.

  Chapter 16

  'Red Snake' had been captured from Magnus the Foresworn. We had not changed her name, nor her prow. It was still painted red but we had improved her as a ship. She was now the fastest drekar we possessed and could turn in the tightest of rivers. Erik Short Toe and his crew needed no persuasion to crew the drekar. However Erik was adamant that we had to learn her tricks and traits before we sailed. I was happy about that.

  Haaken and Olaf arranged the men on their chests. It took time for we needed balance as well as power. The oars closest to the steering board were the Ulfheonar but the rest took some time. We sailed for the first time on a blustery day. It was perfect for the wind and the waves were unpredictable and we all had to concentrate. I watched from the steering board. I began to feel the drekar beneath my feet. She was almost skittish compared with 'Heart of the Dragon' but Erik soon had her mastered. We sailed almost to Hibernia and then turned around. As we sailed home Haaken began a chant. He chose one carefully. He chose one about our defeat of Magnus the Foresworn. That was appropriate. We sought another murderer and we sailed in his drekar. The new men soon picked up the words and by the time we reached Úlfarrston we were roaring the song out loud enough to drown the wind.

  The Saxon King had a mighty home

  Protected by rock, sea and foam

  Safe he thought from all his foes

  But the Dragonheart would bring new woes

  Ulfheonar never forget

  Ulfheonar never forgive

  Ulfheonar fight to the death

  The snake had fled and was hiding there

  Safe he thought in the Saxon lair

  With heart of dragon and veins of ice

  Dragonheart knew nine would suffice

  Ulfheonar never forget

  Ulfheonar never forgive

  Ulfheonar fight to the death

  Below the sand they sought the cave

  The rumour from the wizard brave

  Beneath the sea without a light

  The nine all waited through the night

  Ulfheonar never forget

  Ulfheonar never forgive

  Ulfheonar fight to the death

  When night fell they climbed the stair

  Invisible to the Saxons there

  In the t
ower the traitors lurked

  Dragonheart had a plan which worked

  Ulfheonar never forget

  Ulfheonar never forgive

  Ulfheonar fight to the death

  With Odin’s blade the legend fought

  Magnus’ tricks they came to nought

  With sword held high and a mighty thrust

  Dragonheart sent Magnus to an end that was just

  Ulfheonar never forget

  Ulfheonar never forgive

  Ulfheonar fight to the death

  Ulfheonar never forget

  Ulfheonar never forgive

  Ulfheonar fight to the death

  The last cry of 'Ulfheonar fight to the death' was so loud that a flock of seagulls took flight. It was a good omen. We went out each day for the next three days. We sailed to Man and back. We sailed to the land of the Lune and back. Each day Erik got to know the knarr a little better. The oars bit into the scudding grey water a little smoother with every stroke. We twisted, turned and backed water. We pivoted on the spot by rowing the two sides in opposite directions. Most importantly, however, we became one crew.

  After three days sailing I ordered the men to load their armour, weapons and shields on board the drekar. I intended to sail as soon as Raibeart landed. We would not waste one moment. Finally we loaded the firkins of ale and the dried food we would take with us. It was during the afternoon and Guthrum was at the mast head when we spotted the knarr. "Sail from the south!" We assumed it would be Raibeart but we took no chances. We donned helmets and grabbed weapons. Guthrum's shout, "It is 'Weregeld'' told us that it was not an enemy. We could relax.

  It took the knarr some time to beat towards us. It was a northerly breeze and the knarr had no oars. Eventually it bumped up against the wooden quay and Raibeart jumped onto the stone path. He raced directly to me and gave me the information he had gathered."Jarl, I have found them. King Egbert has given them his summer palace at Carhampton. It is on the northern coast of Wessex not far from the estuary of the Sabrina. He is gathering an army. There were many drekar in the estuary."


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