Terran Realm Vol 1-6

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Terran Realm Vol 1-6 Page 87

by Dee, Bonnie

  And James found out that sometimes any mouth would do.

  * * * *

  “Good thing you had the forethought to have them prepare an extra set of clothes for the man.”

  “It’s my room.” Lorraine shrugged. “It’s probably how Arven knew my little eccentricities. Well, no need to worry about that now.”

  James grunted, too preoccupied with shoving the unconscious man’s limbs into loose-fitting slacks and a pullover shirt to offer any comment. James hoisted him up and sat him in one of two heavy armchairs. Taking a deep breath, he recited the words Arven had commanded him. “Follow the lead of this man, give him heed.” After clearing his throat, James continued his instructions. “Get up and follow me.”

  And the man rose.

  * * * *

  “Will you relax, Jimbo? No one knows there’s an unconscious body in the trunk.”

  “Call me Jimbo one more time and there’ll be more than one unconscious body.”

  Lorraine took a swift look at the male sitting behind her. He’d relinquished the driver’s position only because she had tricked him. While he had stuffed their prey into the trunk of the car, she’d slid into the driver’s seat and refused to move. Jimbo didn’t have the balls to yank her from behind the wheel.

  She had taunted him for the past hour while she drove them back to Lowery’s place. Maybe the dumb sap had some cojones after all. Actually he had a damn fine set. She licked her lips remembering the look on his face when she’d taken his cock into her mouth. Priceless. Poor fool, he had no idea why they’d gone into town today, but she did. She couldn’t wait for the upcoming ceremony. Lowery had told her the truth behind his need for a sacrifice.


  Something she could understand. His insistence that she remain silent about it with James made complete sense to her. When you came down to it, James really didn’t have the balls for murder. But she did.

  * * * *

  Manhattan, East 92nd Street

  “Gabe, Ethan, come on back to the office! I’ve found something.” The men halted as Brigid’s excited voice came over the gym’s intercom.

  Gabe had relinquished his desk to her while she finished translating the journal and transferred it to his computer. Meanwhile, to keep busy and give them an excuse for some controlled violence, he and Ethan had changed into sweatpants and spent time in the well-equipped gym bashing each other in the name of improving their fighting techniques.

  Gabe reached the intercom first and punched the response button. “We’ll be down in a few minutes. We’ll need to shower first.”

  “Aye. We stink like a couple of rutting pigs,” Ethan called out loudly.

  “I hear you, fiorghra. Clean up, boys. I’ll ask Marty to send up some food.”

  Gabe signed off and took in Ethan’s sweat-soaked body. He smirked. “For a man so much younger than me, you’re a bit out of shape.”

  “You’ve just had more years to practice. Besides, you’re a Protector. This is a piece of cake for you. I’ve had to dredge my memory from several thousand years ago to come up with some hand-to-hand fighting techniques. You’ll remember, I used my rapier wit more often than a sword or spear.”

  “Excuses, excuses. Move it, boy. I’m curious to see what Brigid found … and I’m starving.”

  “First one down sits next to her.”

  * * * *

  “Gabe, what took you so long?” Ethan smiled wolfishly as the older Terran skidded through the office door. The Irish Terran had his arm around Brigid as he sat next to her on the loveseat. “Brigid was just about to show me what she’d uncovered in the journal. Come on over and we’ll look at it together.”

  Gabe strode over to the loveseat and stood behind it, leaning on the back and peering over Brigid’s shoulder. She turned up her face and smiled at him. “Marty’ll be up in a minute with some sandwiches. I’m glad you didn’t take too much longer. I can hardly wait to show you what I found.”

  Brigid opened the front of the book and gently pulled back the inside page. “This corner of the inside cover was loose, and when I peeled it back, these figures were revealed behind it. I’m not exactly sure what they are.”

  “They’re longitude and latitude figures.” Gabe snatched the book from Brigid’s hands and hurried to the laptop on the desk. “Let me check them.” Brigid and Ethan watched Gabe’s fingers fly over the keyboard as he transferred the numbers from Brigid’s journal. Gabe leaned back in his chair and motioned them over. “Grab a chair and come take a look at these locations. Maybe you can figure out some sort of connection.”

  Ethan read off the first few places. “Ferrara, Italy? Yellowstone Park? Fiji?” He paused. “And Carrigclarseach, Ireland.”

  “Maybe my father can think of a connection if he can tell us what’s so unusual about Carrigclarseach.” Brigid leaned forward, her eyes bright with excitement.

  “It’s too early to call them up over there. Let’s see what we can find out about these first three places. We’ll each take a location.” Gabe turned to Ethan. “What do you think?”

  “Good idea. I’ll take Ferrara. I’ve been there. Perhaps I’ll recall something that will help in the search.”

  “I’ll work on Yellowstone.” Gabe shrugged. “I’ve visited Old Faithful. I’ll see what pictures I can dredge up from my file. I transferred them years ago.”

  “Well, that leaves Fiji for me,” Brigid said. “Never been there.”

  “And no one is going anywhere until you all eat something.” Marty stood in the doorway with a platter of sandwiches and some potato salad on a wheeled cart. Pots of hot coffee and tea sent up tendrils of tantalizing aromas. “I figured you would be staying up late working on whatever it is you’re working on. Am I right?”

  Brigid grabbed a pastrami and rye and kissed the older Terran’s cheek. “You always know the right thing to do. We’ll need all the help we can get.” Brigid took a huge bite of the deli sandwich and sighed blissfully. “Heaven. I’ll just grab one of these and a cup of coffee.” As she strode away, she looked over her shoulder. “Bet I find out the key before anyone else does.”

  Gabe and Ethan looked at each other and spoke in unison. “Bet.”

  * * * *

  “Ley lines!”


  “Energy hot spots.”

  Three voices cried out together as Brigid raced through the office door. Their voices tumbled over each other with excitement as they shared their discoveries.

  “Ferrara was built on ley lines right along the Po River.”

  “Yellowstone Park—energy hot spot.”

  “The volcano off Fiji is a powerful vortex.” Brigid sprawled onto the loveseat. “I think we have a photo finish.”

  “I’d wager that every location listed in the journal is situated on a vortex, ley line or volcano.” Gabe rose from his desk and paced. “All we need from Dagda is confirmation that Carrigclarseach is also situated on ley lines. That will corroborate that we’re on the right track.”

  Brigid shifted to Gabe’s chair and twirled around in it, her feet tucked beneath her. As the chair slowed down, she untucked her legs and placed her feet on the floor, braking the chair’s motion. “Well, we know where the sites are and the connection with each other, but not why they’re in the journal. Two steps forward, one step back.”

  Ethan tried to get comfortable on the loveseat, his legs bent to fit its short length. “We need the information in Nolen’s files, Gabe. We’re stymied until you decipher it.”

  “Don’t rub it in. I’ve tried not to think how fucked we’ll be if that book isn’t the code breaker.”

  The grandfather clock in the hall chose that moment to strike the hour, startling the trio. “Midnight? It’s twelve o’clock?” As if acknowledging the lateness of the hour, Brigid ended her comment with a jaw-breaking yawn.

  “I think that’s our cue to call it a night. Come on, darling. You and Ethan have an errand to run tomorrow.”

  “How did
you know?”

  Gabe grinned. “Locker room gossip.”

  Rain clouds formed over both men as they exited the office, heading toward the master suite.

  * * * *

  Boyton, New York

  “Bring him to the gardener’s shed in the back of the house, James, then hurry back. We’ll be upstairs in my bedroom. Waiting for you.”

  James gritted his teeth and ordered the unresisting male to follow him. Once the man was in the shed and safely secured, James turned his reluctant steps toward the house. And Arven. With each step up the stairs, his heart sank lower. If he dared, he’d kill the Foley bitch. Each time he thought of Arven taking that female to his bed, his heart broke just a little more.

  Why wasn’t he enough for him? He had done everything Arven asked of him. Things he had never done before. Things he had never thought of before. Done them without a murmur of reproach just to be in his bed, in his arms. If only Arven realized how much he loved him. Why did he make him share his bed with Lorraine? Bile rose in his throat as he remembered what she had done to him in New York. It wasn’t only that she had taken his prick in her mouth, but she had done it with the stranger’s inert body right next to them. But whom was he fooling? He had fucked that male with Arven’s voice somehow in his head, egging him on … and enjoyed every minute. Now he was facing Arven. Arven and Lorraine.

  He stood outside the master suite, dreading the scene that awaited him.

  * * * *

  Lowery lounged on the immense bed, his crisp white shirt unbuttoned, his trousers riding low on his hips. He made no comment while Lorraine paced back and forth describing the assignment.

  “It went off without a hitch. Whatever you told James to do, worked perfectly.” She threw her body onto the bed next to Lowery and leaned over him. “Wanna make James lose his lunch? Let me go down on you.” She placed her hand on his crotch and squeezed.

  Lowery’s hand shot out and he gripped her hand, his knuckles white. Tears sprang in Lorraine’s eyes as his fingers tightened around hers. “Bastard!” Lorraine’s voice broke.

  Lowery released her. Bruises bloomed on her pale flesh and she cradled her hand. Lorraine pulled back, keeping an inch away from him. He sneered. “Try to remember that I am the one who controls who and when and what. Don’t forget it.”

  Lowery caught the swift sullen pout before Lorraine bent her head in acquiescence, but chose to ignore it for the moment. He heard a knock at the bedroom door, and Lorraine’s muffled snicker. “Quiet, bitch.” He snagged her bruised hand and squeezed, her gasp of pain sufficient acknowledgement of his control. “Enter.”

  Lowery focused his attention on the male who hovered by the door. James stood with head bowed, waiting for permission to approach the bed. Lowery sighed. Perhaps he had employed too much of his Speaker ability on James. “Come closer, James. Join us.”

  James raised his head and Lowery inhaled sharply at what he saw. Love. By the great Ba’al, this human displayed more than just lust as Lorraine did, and more than just animal-like devotion as Mrs. Scathan had. He would have to get rid of him sooner than he had planned. There was no place for unsullied feelings in the world he envisioned. As soon as the gate opened to Ba’al’s world, James would be sacrificed.

  And as suddenly as the realization of James’ love for him struck Lowery, he knew that James’ sacrifice would cement Ba’al’s approval. The depth of James’ love would surely impress the demon.

  For now, he would fully enjoy having the adoring male in his bed. “Come here, dear boy. Time for your reward for a job well done.” He turned to Lorraine. “Leave us.” His grin bared his teeth. “As it’s said in this part of the world: go fuck yourself’.” Lowery turned his back on the incensed female and opened his arms to James.

  They both ignored the loud slam of the door.

  * * * *

  Greenwich Village, New York City

  “Are you sure this was a good idea, agra?”

  “Yes. You can’t leave her like this. You need to be up front with her.”

  Ethan shifted his weight as he stood in the doorway to Aviva’s home. He had left Ceol Mhor at the townhouse, unwilling to raise any false hope that he’d be working with her again. He sighed. “I faced the Stone Men Nolen raised with less fear.”

  Brigid poked him in the ribs. “That’s why I’m here; as back-up. Now ring her bell. Anthony’s picking us up at two. I’d rather not spend two hours standing on her doorstep.”

  Ethan pressed the buzzer and it was immediately answered.

  “Yes? Who’s there?”

  A huge gulp of air lodged in Ethan’s throat, choking off his response. Brigid leaned over his shoulder and replied for him. “Aviva? It’s Brigid Kowsantower and Ethan Clark. May we come up?” For a moment there was utter silence then the buzzer granted them entrance.

  Brigid admired the gleaming woodwork and crown moldings as they walked up to the Desert Terran’s private quarters. “Beautiful home. I’ve never been in her private quarters before.”

  “Aye. Aviva’s got the place set up wonderfully well. Very warm and cozy, it is. Lovely color in the kitchen.”

  Brigid tamped down a giggle. Ethan was starting to babble. As they reached the second floor landing, the door opened. A woman stood on the threshold, her hands on her hips. Aviva.

  “I didn’t expect to ever see you again, chaverti. To what do I owe this unexpected visit?”

  Brigid stepped forward, “Not what. Who. I told Ethan he owed you an explanation.” Brigid pushed him forward. “He agreed.”


  Aviva’s mouth twitched. She’d had all of the day of Sheekhrur to think about her relationship with the infuriating Irish Terran. After all, she had known from the start that his heart was elsewhere. They had shared the delights of bed play and she sensed his feelings for her. She knew he had affection for her as she did for him.

  But it wasn’t enough. Perhaps if they were anyone else it might have been. Aviva knew that she wanted someone whose heart was entirely hers and Brigid already held Ethan’s heart. Aviva had made her peace with the few weeks of desire that she’d known.

  Of course, no one said she couldn’t have some fun letting Ethan squirm. Taking a deep breath, she willed herself to let a tear trickle down her cheek. “Ethan, dodi, I feared you’d never return to me.” Next, she focused on Brigid and smiled. “Ah, I see now why she’s here with you.” Finally, she stepped forward and clasped Brigid to her breast, whispering in her ear after kissing her cheek. “I want to make Ethan squirm a bit. Help me?”

  Brigid embraced her, hugging her as she murmured in her ear. “Have fun. He deserves it!”

  Aviva placed her arm around Brigid’s waist and squeezed. She smiled at Ethan’s stunned face. “How wonderful to set up a ménage with Brigid and me.” Turning her head, she caught Brigid’s face, bringing their lips together in a kiss.

  Ethan’s eyes boggled as he stood transfixed, staring at the two women. With a slight smile, they unlinked arms and stood on each side of Ethan. On cue, they leaned over and kissed him, pinching his ass.

  “What the—Christ! You’ll be pinching me black and blue!” Aviva giggled and Brigid joined in, their laughter building as Ethan’s lips twitched in a smile he couldn’t control. “Well, I’m glad you two didn’t bite off each other’s faces. Frankly, I’m surprised.”

  Aviva snorted inelegantly. “Don’t flatter yourself so much. Why on earth would I be angry with Brigid? It’s not her fault that you’re a … how is it said?”

  “A prowling dog? A wolf? A tomcat? A—”

  “Enough! I’m just saying that I never wanted to hurt anyone.”

  Aviva’s face softened. “You did hurt me … and Brigid. It will take us a while to deal with it.”

  Brigid placed her hand on Ethan’s arm. “But we will.”

  Ethan heaved a sigh of relief. “I swear I’ll do all in my power to earn the forgiveness and trust of you both. But with such beautiful temptation…”

p; Brigid dug her nails into Ethan’s arm. “Don’t make me hurt you.”

  Aviva grinned. “And don’t make me help.”

  “I bow to your wisdom.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Donegal, Ireland

  Dagda’s Cave

  “Gabe, now that you’ve checked the rest of the locations cited in Brigid’s journal and know that Carrigclarseach is located on an intersection of several energy lines, what’s the next step?”

  “I’m not sure.” Gabe clenched his fist. Even over the phone, Eileen’s voice sounded tense. There should have been a celebration when Gabe had confirmed Carrigclarseach’s placement. Instead, the urgency to find out what part the many sites around the world played in Nolen’s plans had only increased. Gabe needed that damn book to decipher the code!

  While Ethan and Brigid had gone over to Aviva’s to clear the air, he had paced back and forth wearing a hole in the office carpet. Finally, he’d given up and contacted Dagda. Perhaps someone more familiar with the way Nolen’s mind worked could offer some ideas regarding his ultimate goal.

  Even Dagda had come up empty. Time to switch to a more encouraging activity. “Eileen, could you give Dagda the phone again? Thanks. Dagda? How goes the recruitment of more Irish Terrans?”

  Dagda chuckled. “Proving more fruitful than we’d hoped. Eileen has contacted over a dozen men and women who fit the profile and at least eight of them have agreed to come to Carrigclarseach for more testing.” He paused. “We seem to have unearthed quite a few Protectors with strong Elements in their lineage.” A heavy sigh worked its way from the depths of his belly. “The Spirit Keepers still remain unconvinced. Their only concession is that Mach can remain up here with us as long as he chooses. That’s good. Most of these Terran-mheasctha will need counseling and Mach is the perfect one to do so.”

  “Agreed. The Spirit Keepers I’ve met here in the States can work wonders with bruised souls.” He cleared his throat. “Er, listen, has Brigid … did Brigid … I mean, do you know…” His voice trickled off and he fell silent.

  Dead silence hung like a dangling corpse. Finally, Dagda cut down the body. “Aye, Brigid told me that you three had reconciled your differences. Doing so, I gather, increased your powers.”


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