Terran Realm Vol 1-6

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Terran Realm Vol 1-6 Page 89

by Dee, Bonnie

  “No matter. Look! Ba’al approves of our sacrifice.” Nolen pointed toward the sky and both Lorraine and James gaped in awe. A red haze appeared over the face of the moon, and slowly diminished.


  Nolen smiled with satisfaction. He held the cup of blood aloft, then drank deeply. A murmured protest drew his attention to his mistress of pain. Lorraine licked her lips and begged silently for a taste.

  Nolen gloated. Her usefulness was what kept her alive, but her brashness drove him to demean and debase her as often as possible. It offered him even more pleasure to degrade her than it gave her to receive it. He did so now. With a wolfish grin, he pointed to the ground beneath his feet. “Crawl. If you’d like some dregs from the goblet, you must beg me.”

  Lorraine bared her teeth like a cornered animal. But she dropped to all fours and groveled at his feet. Nolen upturned the goblet above her open mouth and let the few remaining drops fall upon her tongue. As the last crimson beads disappeared down her throat, she smacked her lips.

  And James threw up.

  * * * *

  Manhattan, East 92nd Street

  Ethan and Brigid sat in the garden, inhaling the fragrances of the various flowers, fruits and vegetables that Marty had planted over the course of many years. The focal point of the pastoral oasis was a willow tree planted by Gabe’s mother when she first moved in.

  They had retreated here as soon as Gabe had opened the poetry book and forgotten their existence. Ethan had taken Ceol Mhor with him, and played it softly now. Every so often he would sing some melodic phrase, imbuing it with his Singer ability. At first he concentrated on soothing themes, realizing how impatient they were to hear that Gabe had cracked the code.

  Then Brigid placed her hands over his, stilling his fingers. “Play something happy. Lively. A jig, maybe?”

  “A jig. Aye, I think I can do that.” He thought a bit. “I’ve a song you might like. Listen.” He settled Ceol Mhor more comfortably in his arms and closed his eyes. When he opened them wide, a hint of mischief hid in the corners. “Is it true that the women are worse than the men? Whack fol, whack fol, tiddy fol dee. Is it true that the women are worse than the men for they’re sent down to Hell and got chucked out again—Hey!”

  A splash of cold water doused the back of his head and ran down his back and he let go of the harp and stood, shielding his face from Brigid’s mini-downpour.

  “Well, it seems you’re right. The women are worse than the men! Careful. I know a few tunes about the weaknesses of men!” She put an end to the shower, grinning at the dripping Terran.

  Ethan grabbed Brigid around the waist, and drew her into his embrace. He shook his wet hair like a dog shakes its fur, soaking her face. They burst into laughter, taking in their drowned rat appearance. Then sobered. “Do you think he’s found the key?” Ethan whispered.

  “I hope so. I’m dying out here, afraid to disturb him.”

  Ethan ran his fingers through his damp hair. “Maybe we should. Maybe he needs a break.”

  He watched Brigid look up toward the house. Gabe’s office was at the front, on the other side from the small garden. There was no way to know what was happening in his search. She raised her hands over their heads and, using her Fire talent, warmed the air just enough to dry them off. “Let’s see what he’s found.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Manhattan, East 92nd Street

  Gabe stared at the screen, not daring to believe what he saw.

  He’d done it. Cracked the code. The Yeats book was the key. He could understand the names of the files now. But Nolen still retained his secrets. In the file labeled “Sites” he listed locations around the world … and nothing else.

  Clever bastard.

  But not that clever, or perhaps they were just luckier than Nolen could have imagined. Gabe hadn’t done more than skimmed the list when he realized how many of Nolen’s locations matched those from Brigid’s journal. Finally, something to celebrate.

  He twisted his neck back and forth trying to unknot the stiffness and release some of the tension in his body, then felt strong fingers work the knots in his shoulders. Ethan.

  Gabe leaned back, the strain ebbing from his body. “Man, you ever decide to give up archeology you can hire your services as a masseur.”

  “Sorry, I think I’ll be too busy fighting a three-thousand-year-old Destroyer.”

  “Speaking of which.” Gabe took a deep breath. “I broke the code.”

  “Bastard!” Ethan pinched his neck and slapped him on the back, quickly stepping away before Gabe could retaliate. “And just when were you going to tell us?”

  “As soon as you finished getting out my kinks.” Gabe swore softly. “I still don’t know where Nolen is, though. The file headers don’t always make sense.”

  Brigid leaned over his shoulder and peered at the lists on the monitor. A split screen displayed two rows of places. “There’s the list from the journal. Is that other one Nolen’s?”

  “Yes. Once I saw how many locations matched, I knew we’d unlocked the code.” He pulled Brigid into his lap. “Don’t get too excited. I still haven’t the slightest idea why Nolen has these places listed, either.”

  Ethan spoke slowly. “Maybe his home base is one of them.”

  “I thought the same. Let’s start with some of the North American locations first. Pull up any information about those sites. Are they near towns? Cities? Check the real estate listings for the area.”

  “I can tell you’re frustrated, darling. But there was no way of your knowing Nolen’s whereabouts. You’re not the Oracle of Delphi after all. You’ve given us our directions. Let’s find the bastard.” Ethan and Brigid brought in their laptops and they settled down to examine the several locations that fit.

  Gabe announced his findings as his fingers danced on the keyboard. “Yellowstone doesn’t work for a home base. There’s not enough available property near it to set up a large enough refuge for Nolen. I can’t see him pitching a tent in the woods or living in a rustic cabin.”

  “I’m thinking he would want a place not that far from the airport. There are several spots on the East Coast that might fit.” Ethan frowned as he entered the sites. “I’ve checked the towns near some of the hot springs, but nothing’s panned out. No recent property sales or homes have been sold. The current downswing in real estate should make large-scale sales pop out.” Ethan cursed under his breath as site after site was discarded. “Absolutely bloody nothing!”

  “Ethan, Gabe, I think I may have found something. I’m not sure. I just … have a gut feeling about it.” Brigid’s faltering words brought both men to their feet, and Brigid over to Gabe’s desk chair. “Here’s the Croton Water system. It supplies the water to most of New York and there are plenty of places where Nolen could be hiding.” She looked up at the men hovering by her shoulders. “What do you think?”

  Gabe and Ethan responded at once, their words jostling each other as they responded eagerly. “It certainly would give Nolen more choices. Good for him, but more difficult for us to find him,” Ethan said.

  “If we can track down several real estate transactions,” Gabe said, “we might even be able to pull up house plans.”

  “Once we discover his new identity, it’ll be easy,” Brigid said.

  “Well, that’s a rather large hurdle to leap over, agra geal.”

  “Maybe there are some clues in his other files. Why don’t we call it a night and start fresh tomorrow?” Gabe shut down his laptop.

  “I have a feeling. Let me check my appointment calendar.” Brigid checked her online appointment calendar and her breath caught in her throat. “Guys, tonight’s the night of a full moon. Do you think Nolen has sacrificed to Ba’al?”

  Utter silence greeted her words. Then Ethan glanced out the window and gasped. “It can’t be. Gabe, Brigid, come to the window. Look at the moon.” They stared up at the heavens, and an overwhelming sense of dread filled their hearts. The clear, evening sky revealed a
faint red pall over the face of the moon. Even as they gazed, the wash of color faded. Was it a trick of light? Their fears manifesting?

  None of the three thought so.

  “He’s done it.” Bitterness laced Gabe’s words.

  Ethan couldn’t conceal his revulsion.

  “Aye. And Ba’al must have accepted it, judging by the red tincture drowning the moon.” “I hope whoever he slaughtered died an easy death … though I doubt it,” Brigid muttered.

  Gabe slammed his fist on the sill and turned from the window. “There’s nothing we can do about it now. We can only make sure there isn’t another sacrifice next time!” Brigid and Ethan joined him as he headed toward the door. “I suggest we have something to eat and then…” he paused and extended his hand to Brigid, she grasped it and took Ethan’s hand, “let’s join together tonight.”

  There was no question or hesitation from either Brigid or Ethan. Only eagerness, anticipation and joy … and hope.

  * * * *

  Ethan paused at the threshold to Brigid and Gabe’s bedroom. Although he joined them now in their massive bed, he still kept most of his clothes in the bedroom on the upper level. That would change tonight. In his arms he held several pairs of slacks, jeans, some shirts and socks and underwear. And his toothbrush. A little thing, but one more way to express their new connection.

  He could hear the water pattering in the shower. He placed his clothes on a chair, stripped quickly, tossed his socks and underwear in the laundry chute and opened the bathroom door.

  The size of the shower stall was bigger than his entire bathroom back in Ireland. Steam billowed above the glass enclosure but he could glimpse Gabe and Brigid’s bodies. He paused to lay his toothbrush on the sink, and opened the stall door.

  “Ethan! I didn’t expect you this soon.” Gabe’s voice was laced with humor. “Brigid did, though and we made a wager. I’m sure you’ll enjoy watching me address her as ‘Mistress’ both in and out of the bedroom.”

  Ethan laughed and stepped into the stall. As large as it was, it still was a close fit for three adults; a close and intimate setting that encouraged more erotic activities. His cock brushed Brigid’s smooth ass and he smiled. “Brigid already is the mistress of my heart.” He knelt and positioned her so that the wet, blonde curls shielding her pussy were at eye level. He looked up at her, water falling into his eyes. “I kneel at her feet.”

  “I accept your worship, Uaithne. I demand that you demonstrate your skillful playing immediately.”

  Ethan lathered his fingers with the lubricating liquid soap Gabe passed to him and smoothed his hands along Brigid’s hips, all the way down to her trim ankles. He clasped her slim legs and massaged her calf muscles, working his way back up to her rounded derriere.

  Water poured down on him, as he felt every muscle and tendon in Brigid’s thighs. He grasped her ass cheeks and fondled them, the soft skin begging to be kissed and adored. Adored. Aye, like the humans in ages past adored the goddess Brigid, he adored the woman … every inch of her and every aspect of her being. He pressed his lips to her tender flesh and slowly sank first one, then another finger within her opening, caressing her warmth. He felt her tremble and heard her whimper and knew that he’d given her pleasure … but not enough yet.


  Brigid looked over her shoulder at Gabe standing so close she could feel his penis nudging her butt. He kneaded her breasts and squeezed her nipples, exerting some of his Protector strength. She moaned and gasped out Gabe’s name. Ethan thrust his fingers deep within her core and his name fell from her lips.

  “Hold onto the showerhead, darling. And don’t let go.” Brigid reacted without hesitation to Gabe’s command. Reaching toward the shower fixture she arched her back and offered Gabe better access to her rear. Ethan shifted so that he could thrust his tongue deep within her pussy and savor her taste.

  It was the most arousing experience she’d ever had. She was in her Element. The water was as soft as silk against her skin and caused a tingling charge deep within her. Concentrating as much as she could, she increased the temperature with her Fire Element until the water was near scorching.

  And then her men moved within her. Gabe’s cock, coated with the special lathering lube created in KOTE’s labs, sank in inch by inch, thrusting in and out in an ever-increasing tempo. Ethan gripped her thighs and spread her legs further apart so he could devour her.

  Brigid would either go up in flames or melt. Her arms strained to hold herself up as the men’s movements grew frenzied but she couldn’t do it. She wilted and felt her knees cave in. Gabe’s arms were around her waist, supporting her. Ethan gripped her calf muscles so tightly she knew she’d find bruises in the morning but she didn’t care. Not when she came again and again.

  And finally collapsed into Gabe and Ethan’s waiting arms.

  * * * *

  “I’m hungry.” Brigid tried not to whine but she really was hungry. The light supper they’d eaten earlier hadn’t done much to fill her up. And of course there was the after dinner shower entertainment. But she was hungry. Gabe pinched one well-rounded thigh. “Ow! That hurt!”

  “Sorry, darling. Just wanted to make sure you weren’t getting too plump.”

  “Are you looking for a hotfoot? Remember, I have more than one Element to take you down.”

  “I’m with Brigid. I think I could use a couple of those roast beef sandwiches Marty makes.” Ethan rubbed his stomach and sighed with anticipation.

  “It’s late. I don’t want to wake her.” Gabe frowned at the younger Terrans. “Why don’t we raid the kitchen?” He grinned. “I haven’t done that in years.”

  With much giggling and shushing they crept down to the kitchen level. Within minutes they were wolfing down thick, beefy sandwiches and mugs of hot tea. Brigid idly eyed her steaming cup. “You know, it’s interesting how the word for some things is similar no matter what language.”

  Ethan inhaled the aroma and closed his eyes in appreciation before he responded. “Aye. The word for tea, for instance.”

  Gabe dug into the beefy sandwich slathered with horseradish. A beatific smile crossed his lips, then faded. “The same word. Could Nolen be so egotistical that he’s used a variation on his name?” All relaxation died. “Let’s get to the office. We’re going to track down that bastard tonight!”

  * * * *

  “Where’s that list of names that Eileen put together that refers to Terran terms? It’ll save us a hell of a lot of time if we use it as a jumping off point.” Even as Gabe asked the question, he found the folder he had been looking for.

  “Gabe, why don’t we crosscheck the names with anyone purchasing or building property in the areas in North America,” Ethan suggested.

  “Already on it.”

  Brigid leaned over Gabe’s shoulder as potential matches appeared on the screen. There weren’t many. Three looked like possibilities, but only one met several criteria.

  “I’ll set these up in a separate file,” Gabe said. “Let me transfer the remainder of Nolen’s files to your PCs. They’re still some I haven’t been able to crack.”

  With everything transferred to their individual computers, they got down to work.

  * * * *

  Ethan looked twice at the word in the ancient dialect that had been the language of the Irish people thousands of years ago.

  Fluichlari. Water demons.

  They fed off blood. He had never believed in their existence—not now as a modern Irishman or in the days when he was Uaithne. Could they exist? And if so, what had Nolen planned for them?

  Gabe’s excited voice interrupted his thoughts. “This has to be Nolen. Listen, here’s the sales report from Classic Realty in upstate New York. ‘Agent Bryan Cole reports the sale of the Cranford estate for over eight million dollars to Mr. Arven Lowery.’ The rest is unimportant, but the property is within close proximity of that reservoir system you found earlier, Bridge.”

  “He never changes. Lowery comes from the word
for speaker and Arven is simply an anagram for raven.”

  As soon as Ethan heard the words ‘reservoir system’, he knew he’d found the first glimmer of Nolen’s plans. “The water system! That bastard! Listen to what I unearthed. Nolen has a file listed with the name fluichlari. It’s an old name for water demon.” Ethan spat out the vile tasting words.

  “By the Maker, what does he plan on doing with them?” Gabe’s fist crashed onto the desk, leaving a gash in the fine antique. “We have to share these findings with Donovan.”

  “There’s more.” The urgency in Brigid’s voice captured the men’s attention. “Listen. I’ve found another interesting file. It’s labeled Bourne.”

  “As in The Bourne Identity?” Ethan managed a smile. “Didn’t take Nolen for a Robert Ludlum fan.”

  “Shut up, Ethan, and pull up the file.” Gabe found it first and opened it. “The Song of Amergin. Who’s Amergin?”

  “Mil’s bard. He chanted it when they landed on Ireland’s shores,” Ethan answered. “But why he only has this poem in the file…” His voice trailed off.

  Brigid’s voice shook. “I’m not sure, but I’ve found out the definition of the word bourne.” She took a deep breath. “It means ‘end-all’.”


  “My feelings exactly.” Gabe unclenched his fists. “We’ve achieved incredible progress tonight, but it won’t serve any purpose to overextend our energy.” Gabe shut down his laptop. “We’ll get an early start on this tomorrow morning. I’ll transmit what we’ve learned thus far to Donovan at that time. We’ll talk to Dagda and Mach and send them the info, also. Maybe they can figure out the connections.”

  Brigid yawned. “I am so beat I could fall asleep right here.”

  “Ceol Mhor can remain in its case. I don’t think we’ll need a sleep spell this evening.”

  “Tomorrow, we’ll get an early start. We’ll track down Nolen’s headquarters.” Gabe’s mouth thinned.

  “We’ll figure out the importance of Amergin’s Song,” Brigid stated.


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