Terran Realm Vol 1-6

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Terran Realm Vol 1-6 Page 93

by Dee, Bonnie


  Nolen gazed impassively as Lorraine followed his command and the first swell of blood dribbled from her breast. And then the screaming started. Perhaps he would have ordered her to remain quiet until he noticed an unexpected, amazing response.

  The woman was having an orgasm even as the excruciating pain shot through her. Her free hand had found its way to the elastic waistband of her slacks and, as he watched, she finger-fucked herself.

  “Drop the knife. Strip and kneel and ready yourself for me.” Nolen watched impassively as Lorraine complied, presenting her ass for his penetration. He didn’t disappoint.

  And when James returned from his weekly excursion, he’d find out for himself if he was cheating on him. If he were, he would pay.

  One finger at a time.

  * * * *

  Donegal, Ireland

  Dagda’s Cave

  “Download the music, will you, Eileen? I’m eager to hear what a recorded Singer song sounds like. I never imagined I’d see the day that anything like this could happen. ‘Tis wondrous.” A broad grin crossed Dagda’s face.

  “Wondrous, indeed,” Eileen said. Gabe had called and reported on the amazing progress they’d made in tracking Nolen down. Donovan Callahan had approved the plan they’d come up with, and now it was up to them to put the training of the newly-awakened Irish Terrans into warp speed.

  But first, some entertainment.

  The music downloaded, the young Terran-mheasctha gathered in the main chamber to listen to the Desert Terran’s music. “Done. Are you all ready? The first track is labeled Play Time.”

  The music filled the room and the response amazed them all. Even Dagda and Mach were affected by the melody. Tears of laughter rolled down Dagda’s cheeks and Mach doubled up with huge guffaws. The younger Terrans were extremely susceptible to the Singers’ powers.

  By the time the three and a half minute track ended, everyone in the chamber lay limp on the ground with sides aching from laughter. Eileen tried to catch her breath. How she wished that Casey had been in the Cave and not out in Dublin engaged in one-on-one recruiting. She missed him. Mach missed him.

  But now they knew where Nolen lived and had a way to get to him. Hopefully before he set his plan in motion.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Manhattan, East 92nd Street

  “Do you have your times set, Aviva?” Brigid’s voice was laced with uneasiness. They had all agreed that Aviva would have to visit the clubs on her own, but Brigid still didn’t like the idea. “Remember, if you think you see Nolen in the audience, leave. We don’t want to take a chance that any humans will get injured if Nolen feels he’s been spotted and turns desperate.”

  “Listen, my friend, I thought we already agreed that he wouldn’t chance leaving his lair; that’s why we’re going to invite ourselves inside.” Ethan tried to be objective while he watched the provocative Desert Terran adjust the deep cowl neckline of her shimmering blouse. The gauzy material would have left little to the imagination if she hadn’t worn a sleeveless top underneath. He bit his tongue as he noted the top was so skintight, she might as well have left it off. He shoved his apprehensions to the back of his mind. “If you feel the slightest concern that James is suspicious of you in any way, signal Anthony. He’ll get you out of the place safely.”


  Aviva caught Ethan’s furrowed brow in his reflection in the foyer mirror. He cared for her, she knew that, just not enough or as deeply as she wanted. She shrugged and turned back to her fellow comrades, for that was how she had to view them. “Listen, all of you, I know what I am doing. I didn’t only serve in the army; I also was a member of Mossad.” She grinned, trying to lighten the mood. “Do you know what my code name was? Chameleon. I have gone after terrorists before. And I have the big, strong Tony to cover my ass if need be. Kol b’seder. Everything’s okay.”

  Gabe had remained silent, but now drew Aviva into his arms and kissed her on each cheek. “Your father would be proud of you. I have absolute confidence in you. We’ll look forward to your report later tonight.” He smiled. “Knock ‘em dead.”

  “Why would I want to kill anyone? Oh. Kayn, yes, I’ll try my best.” Aviva admired Gabe so much. He was a good leader, knowing when positive reinforcement was needed. Invoking her Protector father reminded her of how many of her people had fought against Ba’al and the humans he enslaved and trapped into doing unspeakable acts.

  She shifted the slim case that held the CD she and Ethan had worked on into her clutch purse. The final touch had been the photo on the cover. They’d used a picture a former boyfriend had snapped of her on a private beach. Stretched out on the sand, shells strategically placed to cover her areolas and seaweed draped to shield her pussy, she looked like a wet dream. Her face graced the cover, and when the CD case was opened and the disc removed, the pose filled both sides of the holder. “I liked your idea for the title, Gabe. Nothing Left to Hide is perfect on so many different levels.”

  “Well, your picture is nothing less than … inspirational. Hell, if Nolen sees the cover, he’s a goner.”

  “Speaking of gone, Anthony is waiting for me outside, I’m sure. L’hitra’ot. See you later!”

  “Good luck.”

  “Be careful!”

  * * * *

  Manhattan, SoHo District

  “You’re up next, Viv. Your first time, play it by ear. If they like you, fine. If not,” the host shrugged, “do everyone a favor and cut it short, okay?”

  “Okay.” The timing had been perfect. She’d arrived just as the host was going over the lineup for the evening. Using her Singer ability to facilitate their plan, she compelled him to put her on right after Macalister. That part of the mission accomplished, she had sat back and enjoyed the evening. Sipping a glass of wine, fending off the occasional male—and female—wishing to get to know her better, she’d tried to relax and not worry about Macalister leaving right after he performed. That was not his pattern.

  When he finally got to the tiny stage at the Take Five club, she let out the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding in. He was good. Had a real feel for music as Ethan had said. It was a shame that he must be evil and corrupt to join forces with Nolen. Perhaps that was the bait Nolen had used: fame. Whatever, now he was their means of getting up close to Nolen. If all went as planned.

  Aviva squared her shoulders and pushed her way to the stage. Step one: bump into Macalister as he exits the performance area. “Excuse me.” She stepped on his toe, and he winced.

  “My fault.”

  A touch of admiration in her voice ramped up with her Singer talent. “I so enjoyed your set. I hope you’ll listen to mine and tell me what you think.” Step two: Try to insure that the target will remain in the vicinity.

  “Er, sure. Good luck.”

  Step three: Trigger the trap. “I’ll buy you a drink and you can give me your opinion.”

  At last, the easy part: Perform.

  Aviva sat down on the bench, adjusted the height an inch, flexed her fingers, took a deep breath and began. Within a few moments, the bar quieted as one by one, conversations stopped and people actually listened.

  Play Time produced the desired effect, tempered down a notch so the hysteria didn’t get out of control. The rhythmical second section had everyone clapping in unison and grinning from ear to ear. As the last strains faded, people cheered, whistled, stomped their feet and stood. Aviva caught Macalister’s reaction. The good-looking Canadian was smiling for the first time that evening.

  Aviva glanced at the host, who nodded, and she started playing her next song. This was a vocal called Night Watch. It was risky. The lyrics told of a woman who watches the man across the street as he comes home each evening from work. It was a sexy, provocative melody with a recurring line: I watch you every night. Why don’t you watch me? It ends with the singer hearing a knock on the door. The woman looks across and, though it’s time for the man to be home, he isn’t. Could it be him on the other side? She opens the do

  The song ended on an unfinished chord, leaving the audience up in the air and off balance. And that was Aviva’s cue to leave. Grabbing her clutch, she moved away from the stage to thunderous applause and hurried to the bar. No matter what, she needed a drink before she faced Macalister. If he even kept his promise to talk with her.

  The bartender didn’t need a Singer nudge. He filled her glass and shook his head when she took out her credit card. “On the house, gorgeous. Sam told me the next drink was on him. Great playing. Liked the song. How come you haven’t been in here before? You’re damn good.”

  “You’re better than good. You’re incredible.” Her target. He held out his hand. “James Macalister. Please call me Jamie.”

  Macalister! He must have been watching her when she left the stage. Target acquired. “Viv Shiron. So you liked my set? I was good?”

  Macalister gaped at her. “Good? I told you—incredible. How come you haven’t done any professional recording?”

  “It takes money to do anything up to the standards I set. I only have a semi-professional CD I made.”

  “Do you have a copy with you? Maybe if I play it for my employer, he’d be willing to give you some financial backing.”

  Aviva grinned and opened her purse, withdrawing the disc. “I always have at least one copy with me. It’s rough, but maybe if I could perform in person for him. Does he live in the area? Does he ever come to the club?”

  Macalister shook his head. “He’s pretty much a recluse. He has an estate up state where I share quarters with him.” He turned the disc over and over in his hands. “Maybe I can play this for him, and, if he enjoys it, you can come up to the house and sing for him.”

  Aviva threw her arms around James and pressed her breasts to his chest. “Thank you so much! Here’s my card. Please let me know what he thinks. I hope this will be a change for the better. I’ll be waiting for your call.”

  James took the glossy business card from Aviva.

  And with that, she was gone.

  * * * *

  “How did it go?”

  Aviva leaned back against the comfortable leather cushions in Gabe’s town car. Anthony had insisted that she take the passenger seat, assuring her it would make more sense if she were seen entering the back. He’d worn a chauffeur’s cap to maintain his image.

  Aviva had nearly choked on laughter when he told her he had a nickname for the hat: Odd Job. The bill of the cap could be removed instantly and turned into a curved, flying knife.

  Now, she rubbed her shoulder muscles and fought back a yawn before she answered. “He took the CD and my card. He loved the music. Sometimes I can sense a person’s aura—just a little. I think I inherited a touch of my mother’s Spirit Keeper power. Anthony, I didn’t sense any evil in James. His aura was murky and confused. I think Nolen is controlling him. The only time he seemed at peace was when he played the piano.”

  “If he’s an innocent being controlled by the Destroyer, we’ll try to save him. But listen, Aviva. He may not want to be saved.”

  “I know. It was far too easy to control the emotions of the humans in the club. Having so much power is very tempting. I can see why other Terrans fear Singers. I understand why Speakers envy our superior power.” She tried to see Anthony’s eyes in his mirror, but couldn’t quite catch a glimpse. Were his eyes filled with fear? Aviva hoped not.

  “Anyone who knows you could never be afraid of you, sweetheart.” He chuckled. “Don’t tell Marty I called you sweetheart. Now she’s someone to be afraid of!”

  The car drew to a halt in front of Gabe and Brigid’s town house and Anthony leaned over to open the door for her. “I’ll say good night and go park the car.” A smile filled with affection passed his lips. “Remember what I said: to know you is to love you!”

  Aviva’s heart swelled. Though she might not have found a lover in the Terrans she’d met recently, she’d found new friends.

  * * * *

  “What happened? You’re home earlier than we thought. Did Macalister show? Give!”

  Aviva had barely finished buzzing the door when Brigid threw it open, bombarding her with questions. “Od shniya! Just a second! Let me get a chance to breathe! Where are Gabe and Ethan? Why don’t I wait until they join us?”

  “They’re upstairs.” Brigid grabbed Aviva’s purse and tossed it onto the foyer table. “Hurry. We’ve gone crazy waiting for you.”

  Aviva laughed, but slipped off her heels, and raced up the stairs with Brigid beside her. It seemed Aviva was just as anxious to get their reactions to the evening’s events as the younger Irish Terran.

  “She’s back!” Brigid announced as they entered Gabe’s study.

  “We know. Anthony called us earlier from the car to inform us.”

  “You knew and you didn’t tell me? Why not?” Brigid crossed her arms and tapped her foot, quirking one golden eyebrow.

  “You’d already gone downstairs to pace in the foyer,” Ethan said. Brigid shrugged. “You’re lucky Aviva wanted all of us to hear her report, otherwise…”

  Gabe snagged her around the waist and hauled her into his embrace. He bent his head and whispered into her ear, “You look so adorable when you fume, we couldn’t resist.” His voice deepened. “And it’s so much fun chastising you when you get overexcited.”

  Brigid relaxed in Gabe’s grip and looked over at Ethan. He, too, was smiling, a smile filled with mischief and desire. It was going to be harder than she’d thought to keep her mind on Aviva’s information when all she wanted was to take Gabe and Ethan to their bedroom and make love to them.

  “Brigid? I thought you were so eager to hear what happened?” Aviva said.

  “Huh? Oh, yes. I was just thinking of, of—”

  “Making love?” Aviva laughed. “Sometimes I see auras, and yours turned deep purple just at that moment. It usually means the person is aroused.” She turned to Gabe and Ethan seated by the desk and loveseat. “You men must be keeping her very happy!”

  Gabe dipped his head. “We do our best, ma’am.”

  “Keep up the good work.”

  “Well, now that everyone has commented on my love life, are we ready to hear Aviva’s report?”

  “Aye, agra. We’re ready.”

  “Tov m’od. Here’s what happened.”

  * * * *

  “Bloody unbelievable! Finally, we’re getting closer to tracking down that son of a bitch!” Ethan hurled his vehement words like a challenge.

  “I’m not there yet, my friends. James will need to call me first.” Aviva unclasped the barrette that had held back her hair and shook the tangled locks. Rather than raising any false hopes with empty platitudes, she ran her fingers through the curls in silence. Finally, she took a deep breath and let it out slowly, relying on her meditation techniques to squelch her own uncertainties. “We can do nothing now but wait.”

  “You’ve accomplished your part in the plan. Now it’s up to us to put the puzzle together and see what pieces are missing.” Brigid rose gracefully from the carpet and moved to Aviva. “You should return home. I doubt James will call tonight. He first has to play the CD for Nolen and get his approval to invite you to his home, but, Viv, I can’t tell you how in awe I am of your talent, what you did this evening. We couldn’t have gotten this far without you.”

  Aviva blushed, yawned, and blushed again.

  “I think it’s time that our little general grabs some sleep,” Ethan teased. “Stay here tonight. Anthony will—”

  “No. I want my own bed and some cuddling from Khat. And I doubt even your shower can match mine. I’ll call a cab.”

  “No. I’ll drive you home. No arguing.” Gabe stood and strode to the doorway. “I’ll be back soon. No need to wait up.”

  Brigid rushed over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist, burying her head against his back. Her muffled voice was difficult to hear. “We’ll wait. We’re incomplete without you.”

  Gabe turned around and kissed the top of her hea
d. “I know.”

  Aviva shielded her feelings and followed him out the door. When they reached the top of the stairs, she touched his arm. “You really don’t have to drive me home, Gabe. Let me use the phone and I’ll call a car service I’ve used before.”

  “No discussion. I’ll see you to your door.”

  Aviva laughed, the sound laced with a hint of bitterness. “You become more and more a Protector, yes? Doesn’t matter who you guard.”

  Gabe sighed, but kept moving, leading her to the back where the cars were parked. He locked the door to the house and stopped. “I don’t know how to respond to what you said. Yes, I am a Protector. It’s in my bones to defend those who are too weak and need my strength. But, listen to me, you are not weak or needy. I choose to see you home because you’ve become dear to me. If you were Xena the Warrior Princess, I’d still see you home.” He strode the few feet to the car and opened the front passenger side. “Now, get into the car and stop being such a—”

  “Brat? You are right. I should thank the Shekhinah for friends as dear as you three.” She sighed. “I haven’t had many for a long time. Only my clients and a few fellow musicians. You know how difficult it is to maintain friendships with humans.” She slid into the front seat, leaned back with a contented sigh and closed her eyes. “I think I’ll just relax and enjoy the feeling.”

  “Good.” Gabe bent down and placed a kiss on her forehead. “Do that. I’ll get you home in no time.”

  “Todah rabah. Thanks so much, Gabriel. I’ll just keep my eyes closed…” All the way home.

  * * * *

  Boynton, New York

  James parked the car in the garage, being careful to align it properly in its space. He knew Arven didn’t like it if things were not done precisely as he wished.

  He clutched Viv’s CD in his hand, eager to play it for Arven. Finally, he could share some of the excitement he experienced when he heard an incredible talent. Of course, thus far, he had never heard anything to compare with Viv’s music. That voice. Those songs. If she had continued playing music like that last song, he would have wanted to fuck her.


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