Seized By Darkness

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by Autumn Jordan





  by Autumn Jordon

  Kidnap victim Nicole Carson carefully lays plans to escape from an eight year imprisonment. When her captor brings home another hostage to replace her, she acts fast, escaping with her son and the young girl. She leaves her captor for dead—only to learn later the mafia lord survived her attack and is offering a million dollar reward for her return. The only way to save herself and her son and family from the mafia’s wrath is to disappear forever.

  U.S. Marshal William Haus and his C.U.F.F. team are tasked with nailing a Russian mafia lord and closing down his child trafficking operation. Moments before their sting is to occur, C.U.F.F.’s inside man calls the operation off and the mafia lord slips through their fingers. When the latest victim is found, they’re relieved and stunned the mafia boss’ mistress is with her.

  Will is determined to gain Nicole’s help in bringing down the mafia ring, but staying close to the beautiful woman resurrects long buried desires. Nicole recognizes she is in love with the handsome lawman and realizes she wants to live forever in his arms. Will goes on the hunt, knowing the only way to achieve his dream of a family with the woman he loves is to find the mafia lord before Nicole is tracked down.

  Kudos for Author Autumn Jordon

  “Autumn Jordon writes with a real-world understanding of her characters. She lights up the page.” New York Times Best Selling Author Kasey Michaels

  “Autumn Jordon delivers delicious heat and heart-thumping thrills!” Joy Nash, USA Today Best Selling Author of ‘The Unforgiven’.

  “Jordon delivers a smart suspense with heart-warming romance”. 2009 Golden Heart Finalist & Carina Press Author of ‘Under Fire’, Rita Henuber.

  “Autumn Jordon writes with such a breathtaking ease, you forget you're reading a book and not living every delicious and heart-stopping moment yourself." Darynda Jones, NY Times Best Selling Author of ‘Third Grave Dead Ahead’.

  Other Titles By Autumn Jordon




  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events or locales, is entire coincidental.


  COPYRIGHT 2012 by Autumn Jordon

  A Noble Oak Publications/ published by arrangement with the author.

  All right’s reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted material in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  Contact Information: [email protected]

  Publisher: Noble Oak Publications

  Front cover design by Rae Monet

  Published in the United States of America

  Table Of Contents

  Chapter One-The Beginning

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Forty-The Final Chapter

  About The Author


  To Jim, as always, without your support and love,

  I would not be who I am. You are my hero.

  Thank you to my Ruby Sisters, Rita and Bev, and dear friend Mary Ellen.

  Without your encouragement and advice, I’d probably have no book.

  And a special thank you to my parents, children and Aunt Fannie

  for always supporting my dream. I love you all.

  And finally to Michelle for giving me the name C.U.F.F. Team. You Rock!


  Chapter One

  Nicole filled her lungs and steeled herself against the fear threatening to erode away her courage. Courage she’d worked so long to nurture. An escape attempt could cost her her life.

  Unbroken by the round-topped Appalachian Mountains to the west, a summer storm steam-rolled across the flat meadowlands of New Jersey. Heat lightning lit her son’s room for a split-second. Luka’s dog whimpered and snuggled closer to him.

  Nicole pushed away from the door’s frame, padded across the carpet and stood at the foot of Luka’s bed. She traced his tiny form through weary eyes. Not only did her life depend on her remaining strong, but so did Luka’s.

  Katrina was the name Gorgon Novokoff called her. She’d learned to respond to the Russian name quickly or suffer the consequences.

  Nicole Carson was the name she repeated to herself every single day for the past eight years so she wouldn’t forget who she’d been.

  Remembering her mother’s smile, tears welled in Nicole’s eyes, blurring her son’s face into a fuzzy profile. She brushed her fingers across the raised seal on the birth certificate clutched in her hand. “Becca Smith,” she said on the tail of a sigh. The name passed her lips again and again. Becca was the name of the girl who had become her comrade.

  Becca was dead.

  A tear fell to her cheek and Nicole swiped the drop away, fearing her son might wake and see her sorrow. She doubted Becca’s parents knew of her passing. There hadn’t been a death certificate issued in her name, which meant Becca’s body had never been found.

  Staring at Luka, love pushed against the boundaries of Nicole’s heart. She had no doubt Becca’s parents still prayed for her return. One day, she would fulfill her promise to her friend and find Becca’s parents. She’d tell them how much their daughter had loved them. Maybe knowing that Becca was with God would give them peace.

  She folded the priceless document she’d retrieved today from the post office. She’d rented a box several months ago under the assumed name Becca Smith. With everything to help her and Luka disappear now in her possession, Nicole had only to choose the best time for their escape. But when? Gorgon had no business trips planned.

  And then there was the matter of the guards he always left behind, ‘to protect her and Luka’. How would she get by them?

  Behind her, the window blinds chattered in response to a cool gust, and Max growled at the odd clamor.

  Nicole slipped the certificate into her dressing gown’s pocket, crossed to the window and slid the pane closed, locking the frame in place. The Labrador mixed mutt closed his eyes and nuzzled his dark nose against the blanket covering Luka until he found the perfect position.

  Becca Smith was a good name. They’d be lost in a sea of Smiths.

  Becca Smith. She repeated her new name like a mantra. Her and Luka’s life would depend on neither of them slipping up, ever.

  The light from the hallway fell across her son’s angelic features, and Nicole smoothed Luka’s bangs back from his forehead. His ruddy color resembled her complexion. His hair was straight and auburn like hers. As was his button nose and full lips. But his eyes, they were the color of a raven’s wing, like Gorgon’s. However, they didn’t hold the spirit of death in them.


  They glistened with hope and innocence.

  She intended to raise her child as a compassionate man, not a killer.

  She kissed the sleeping four year-old’s forehead. Had her mother sung her to sleep and read endless piles of books to her like she did for Luka?

  Trapping one hand over her heart, she thought about the memory tucked into the black recesses of her mind. Her mother had done the same, and more. One day, she would like to see her parents and her twin siblings again. Ashley and Justin would be nearing their twenty-first birthday soon.

  Nicole Carson.<
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  Would her family still love and welcome her into their home, knowing she’d become the mistress of a Russian businessman? A businessman no one dared cross.

  Or would they turn their eyes away from her in disgust? Or in fear? And what about their grandson? Would they look upon Luka as the son of a monster?

  Nicole tucked the thin blanket around her son. She would never forget her little boy. With her last breath, she’d cry Luka’s name and she hoped her parents had never forgotten her. She had to believe they hadn’t, otherwise, she’d lose her courage. Her hope.

  She pulled her thoughts back from the brink of depression. Time was running out. She had to leave before Luka would remember his father, and Luka’s soul became part of the arch-angel’s plans.

  Luka was Gorgon’s only child. Gorgon’s pride. The one who would follow him as head of the Novokoff family. If the mafia prince knew of her plans to escape, he’d kill her and take Luka to be raised by his barren wife.

  She ignored the panic constricting her chest, and gave her son a final kiss. Then she tucked his precious over-sized, stuffed rabbit, which carried a portion of their escape funds, under the covers next to him and backed out of the bedroom.

  In her room, the king-sized bed she shared with Gorgon loomed in front of her.

  She touched the tender area below her eye. Two nights ago, one of his business acquaintances had engaged her in a discussion and after the dinner gathering Gorgon reminded her she was his property.

  She hadn’t done anything but listen to the man.

  As if God was prompting her to rush, thunder cracked overhead. She had to hide the birth certificate. If Gorgon found the document, she’d be dead.

  Rushing to the walk-in closet, she flung the double doors wide. The few possessions they would take with them were crammed into her gym bag under her work-out clothes and towel. Soon, no one would own her or Luka.

  She and Luka were healthy, thank God. Whatever they needed after their escape, she’d buy.

  Nicole snagged the bag from the back corner of the closet. As she crossed to the bed and opened the bag, the zipper whined, breaking the omnipresent silence which reigned throughout the house. Peeling back the padding inside her right running shoe, she stashed the onion-skinned paper toward the toe and pressed the lining back into place. The other running shoe held a key for the car she was never allowed to drive without Gorgon’s permission. The key had presumably been lost by Luka months ago.

  Inside the lining of the canvas bag, she’d sewn in hundreds of dollars she’d stolen from Gorgon’s sister-in-law, Gali, over the past four years. At last count, the stack of tens and twenties in her bag and Luka’s stuffed toy rabbit totaled nine-hundred and eighty dollars.

  The money had never been missed by Gali or her husband. Gali was a shopaholic and Donnie gave her free reins to his share of the family fortune.

  Gorgon was not like his brother in that aspect. He dished out only the obligatory funds when she needed them.

  Gali liked Nicole, despite the fact she was Gorgon’s mistress. They were the same age—not old like Gorgon’s wife, Eva. Gali adored Luka and visited them often which had proven fortunate for Nicole.

  Nine hundred and eighty dollars was not a lot of money to start a new life, especially with a child, but she had the diamond earrings and bracelet and a few other pieces Gorgon had given her as Christmas gifts. She’d pawn them when she could.

  If she wanted more upfront, however, there was the cash Gorgon kept locked in the wall safe. She turned toward the picture hiding the safe. She’d have to grow balls in order to take his money.

  What if Gorgon went into the safe before she and Luka could disappear?

  The memory of a previous insurrection surfaced and she felt the pressure of his fingers biting into her windpipe and recalled the burning of her lungs struggling for air.

  The security system buzzed and Nicole jumped a foot off the hardwood floor, knocking her gym bag off the bed. Looking at the keypad, she saw that the front door entry alarm blinked. Who had entered?

  Gorgon was not to come here tonight and his men would not dare enter the house without him.

  “Katrina, where are you? Come here, now.”

  She gasped at Gorgon’s bellow. He was home.

  “Coming,” she answered, pushing fear from her tone. Her fingers fumbled as she struggled to zip the zipper. She haphazardly tossed the bag to the back of the closet as was her custom to do and with a soft click closed the double doors.

  She scanned the bedroom, looking for anything that might give away her plans to escape. The bedding was still untouched. On the dresser a candle flickered, a soft lilac scent wafting the air. The book she’d been reading earlier in the day laid on the divan. Everything appeared as if she’d been enjoying a quiet night reading.

  Satisfied her secret was safe she hurried from the room and stopped at the hall mirror. She touched the makeup covering the purple skin under her eye while willing her pounding heart to stop its clamor.


  “I’m here.” She smoothed her palms along her nightgown and headed down the spiral staircase, wearing the smile Gorgon loved.

  The octagon foyer, dimly lit by the chandelier above, cast faint, multi-colored leaf patterns on the marble floor.

  “I’m sorry. I was reading. I was not expecting you.”

  Before she reached the bottom step, Gorgon stepped out of the shadows and she stopped. Her smile faded. On his six-four frame he carried a motionless young girl. Her head rested against his broad shoulder and her long blonde hair cascaded over his black Armani suit.

  “What has happened?” He frowned at her stupid question. Her stomach twisted with the knowledge of what had happened to the girl.

  “Take my briefcase,” Gorgon ordered, while shifting the girl up against his chest.

  “Who is she?”

  “That is no concern of yours.”

  Feeling the strength leaving her legs, Nicole steadied herself with the banister as she climbed down the remaining steps. By the careless way Gorgon jostled the young girl, Nicole knew the teenager was not just asleep. She’d been drugged.

  Gorgon handed off his briefcase. “Open the door to the guest room.”

  His dark eyes, made narrow by his pulled brow, made her heart pound a wild rhythm as she scurried by him. She knew the family business, particularly this part. She had been a stolen jewel plucked by Gorgon off the child prostitution train. He reminded her time and again that he had saved her and she should be grateful.

  Placing the briefcase next to the staircase, she wanted to ask, “Why have you brought her here?” But, questioning Gorgon would bring his wrath.

  “Turn down the comforter,” he ordered, after following her into the guestroom.

  The girl moaned behind her and Nicole peeked over her shoulder.

  “Shhh, my treasure.” Gorgon laid his cheek against the girl’s forehead and smoothed her hair while he held Nicole’s gaze.

  Bile rose in her throat. My treasure. Gorgon had used the pet name he’d given her eight years ago.


  Chapter Two

  Nicole fought the urge to run from the bedroom. Her blood thundered through her veins. She jumped when Gorgon snapped his fingers, gaining her attention, from the other side of the bed.

  “I’m going to take a shower. Undress her. Wash her,” he commanded.

  The girl lay motionless on the bed between them.

  His hands remained at his sides, but her windpipe closed as his lust-filled gaze held her in place. He notched up his chin trying to hide the truth from her, but she knew. He intended to take another mistress.

  “I was told she is a virgin. Make sure I was not lied to. I will be back.” Without waiting for an answer, Gorgon stalked from the room, leaving Nicole alone with the girl.

  Disgust coated her tongue and caused her bile-laden stomach to roll.

  The door clicked closed. Nicole turned and stared down at the child. She smelled
of cigarettes, urine and semen soaked blankets. And, filthy handlers.

  Nicole knew from experience that the girl had already been inspected. Being a virgin had saved her from a life of prostitution, for the time being.

  The girl’s blonde lashes rested against her sun-kissed skin. Freckles bridged the child’s nose and danced across her cheeks in a light sprinkle. A small blemish below the right lobe of her button nose off-set the symmetry of her pink, plump lips. Lips that had never been kissed by anyone other than a parent, grandparent, or a young boy after a football game.

  The girl couldn’t be more than thirteen years old, two years younger than she had been when Gorgon had bought her here.

  “Susie.” The denim jacket had the name blinged across the collar on one side and a multi-colored butterfly on the other.

  The child’s skin was warm to the touch, and even though Nicole used the best creams to moisturize her body, this child’s skin was much softer than her own.

  Tears moistened Nicole’s eye as she struggled to remove the jacket under the girl’s dead weight. Butterflies were free. Susie would never be again.

  Susie dropped back against the plush satin pillows like a rag doll. Her long blonde locks held a hint of red and sprawled across the white pillowcases, resembling shoots of a searing fire.

  Luka’s presence had stopped Gorgon from bringing others home before this girl. What had changed?

  Was it her disgust for him? Her dreams of freedom? Her need to feel love the way a woman should? All had driven her to refuse his wants on several occasions over the past few months, only to provoke Gorgon’s anger for doing so.

  Had she cursed him in her sleep? Had she spoken of her plans?


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