Seized By Darkness

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Seized By Darkness Page 19

by Autumn Jordan

  “Break the date. I’ll take you.”

  His thumb made tiny circles in the small of her back, sending heated charges to her womb. She licked the want from her lips before she asked, “What about going out with other men.”

  “No. No more.” His voice grew huskier. “I was a stupid, stupid man. Please forgive me.”

  Before her happiness showed on Nicole’s lips, Will lowered his head and his lips moved softly across hers in a sensual dance, whispering promises.


  Chapter Twenty-six

  Hospitals gave Will the willies. The air was thick with suffering. Sobs seemed relentless. Even the cushion under Will moaned as he leaned forward. He placed his elbows on his knees and dangled his bottle of water from his hands. He glanced out the large window and swore he saw a couple snow flurries dance by on the blustery October wind. Tonight was going to be cold.

  That thought was followed by another. One that made him shift on the seat again as he imagined how Nicole would fit perfectly under his arm and cuddle up against him for warmth, while under a blanket. He checked the clock on the wall next to the door. A few minutes past noon. The hayride was tonight and he was to pick Nicole and Luka up at seven.

  The crack of a bat brought his attention back to the game he watched with Gary. Will stared up at the small flat screen television as the ball flew over the second base man’s head to the outfield, only to be caught by the center fielder at the wall. The baseball pennant race was in full swing and their team was in deep shit.

  “Ahhh,” Gary moaned between clenched teeth. His jaw was wired to minimized movement. The doctors who cared for Gary had stated more than a dozen times how he was damn lucky. Three inches higher and the bullet that had cracked his jawbone and exited through his right cheek, would’ve entered Gary’s brain at his temple, killing him instantly.

  Gary grumbled as he grabbed the side rail and with effort inched himself and the cast on his left leg further up on the bed. “Damn. Carlos always goes for the high balls.” At least that was what Will thought he’d said. His friend’s grumble sounded more like a foreigner’s gibberish.

  “He should’ve seen it coming.” Will kept his eyes focused on Gary’s eyes and not the bandages covering his right cheek. Will sat his bottle down on Gary’s bedside table. “Relax, the game’s not over.”

  In the bottom of the ninth, two men stood on first and third base with two outs and the Phillies pitcher was up to bat. They were down by two against the home team, The Yankees.

  “Umph, relax he says,” Gary mumbled, but Will got the meaning.

  “We’re coming to the top of the order. You want a sip of water?” Will slid Gary’s styrofoam cup to the front of the lap table.

  Gary waved the cup off. “Beer. I’d like. And—” He drew a breath and took a second to muster his strength. “To go to the john instead of a freakin’ pan.”

  “Hey! The doctor told you not to overdo the talking,” Sharon said as she walked into the room. She flashed a smile at Will, letting him know she was happy to hear her husband complain.

  She dropped her purse and coat on the hardback chair in the corner and rounded the bed. Squinting, she waggled her finger between them. “I heard the two of you grumbling about the game the moment I entered the wing. You know, if you keep acting up, they’re going to sedate you and throw Will out. Then, neither one of you will see the end of the game.”

  “Will.” Gary tapped the bed railing and then wiggled his fingers. “Gun? I need protection.” He coughed while splaying his hand over his chest.

  “I mean it. Stop talking.” Sharon bent over the rail and planted a kiss on Gary’s forehead, marked with cuts from the flying glass.

  Will looked away, giving them a bit of privacy. He really never envied Gary, but he did now. If he was lying in the hospital bed, instead of Gary, who would be here to adjust his pillow like Sharon was doing right now for his partner? Who would take care of him when the time came to go home? Both questions brought Nicole’s beautiful smile to mind.

  Another crack of the bat resounded through the room followed by Gary’s bellow. His partner’s fist shot into the air while his face beamed with excitement. If Gary could get up, he’d be spinning Sharon around the room, but for the next two months he would be wearing that cast, until his femur mended.

  Applauding their team’s win, Will rose and high-fived his partner. “I told you. Didn’t I tell you? Never doubt your team, buddy.”

  Gary winced, after a chuckle.

  “Well, this is totally unexpected. What’s all the cheering about in here?”

  At the sound of her voice, Will’s past fell on his shoulders with a thud. The floor seemed to open up and their camaraderie, which had brightened the room, slid into hell.

  No. Not Laura. His hearing was playing tricks on him. She lived and worked in Virginia. As far as Will knew, Gary and Sharon hadn’t spoken to her in years.

  Staring at Gary’s wide eyes, his grin disappeared and the hair on the back of his neck bristled. Why in the hell was Laura here?

  Gary’s eyes shifted several times between him and the woman who stood behind him. Finally, his partner shrugged with some effort, affirming he had no knowledge of Laura’s visit.

  Will shifted his eyes to Sharon who looked as guilty as anyone could with a smoking gun in their hand.

  While ignoring Will’s glare which asked the question, “What in the hell was his ex-fiancée doing here?”, Sharon gave Gary one of those I-didn’t-mean-for-this-to-happen looks. “I...”

  Sharon’s strained smile should’ve told Laura to run, but Will didn’t hear steps of retreat.

  “Laura heard what happened and called me last night,” Sharon quickly explained, while stoking Gary’s arm. “She wanted to stop by and see you.”

  Will snatched Sharon’s gaze for a second as she looked from her husband to Laura. The second was all he needed to let her know that he was pissed beyond being pissed.

  A quick dash of her tongue crossing her lips told him she clearly got his message.

  “Come on in, Laura.” Pasting a cordial smile on her face, Sharon waved. “These two were just celebrating. Their team just knocked the Yankees off.”

  “Go, Phillies,” Laura cheered as if she was still part of the foursome who’d go out together whenever all their schedules allowed.

  Will remained standing, much like a statue, with one hand curled into a fist and the other still pointing ‘YEAH, MAN’ at Gary. Feeling Laura’s stare boring into the back of his skull, he dropped his hand to his side. They hadn’t seen each other in three years — ever since she had walked out on him for a lousy career move. She hadn’t thought the job was lousy. In reality, the opportunity had been a great career move, but it had been lousy in his book, since she had to decide between the job and him. His heart shattered into a million pieces when she had chosen her career.

  Over the years, he heard bits and pieces about her or her work. The most recent, being that she’d received another promotion and was now head of some task force for the Virginia senator’s security detail. She was a big wig working closely with the Secret Service, since Virginia and D.C. shared so many faculties.

  Her exotic scent wafted over his shoulder, tantalizing him. She still wore the perfume he’d purchased for her while they’d vacationed in the south of France.

  Will stiffened his spine and pushed aside the flood of memories causing his pulse to dance— especially those of Laura’s naked body silhouetted against a moonlight night. With every ounce of willpower, he focused on his plan of action to get the hell out of there.

  Rumors and stories were easy to brush off and walk away from, but Laura in the flesh couldn’t be ignored. He had no choice but to turn and face the woman he thought he’d love forever and who had stomped on his heart until it resembled chopped dog food.

  “I need to get going. I have that thing tonight,” he said, grabbing his ski jacket from the back of the chair and slipped into the sleeves.

nbsp; “Don’t be late. A good thing.” Gary pulled his lip up in a lopsided smile and winced in the process.

  Will smiled, thinking of the way Nicole looked up at him last Sunday night all starry-eyed while he held her in his arms and kissed her. He could’ve made love to her then, but he hadn’t. He wanted more than sex. She needed to trust him. “Yeah, I think you’re right. You rest, buddy. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  Will had intended to pin Sharon with a glare, but her expression filled with remorse changed his mind. How could he not pity her? He knew exactly what happened. Laurie called, insisted on seeing Gary for just a few minutes and hadn’t taken no for answer.

  Without a glance over his shoulder to check where Laura stood, Will walked around the bed, nudged Sharon’s upper arm with his fist and then planted a kiss on her cheek. “You make him behave. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  “Thanks, Will.” She grabbed his hand and squeezed. “And have a great time tonight. You deserve the best.”

  With his best friends’ approval of his and Nicole’s budding relationship, Will’s spirits rose. He inhaled, knowing he had to get past Laurie before he’d truly feel happy, however. “Okay, I’m off.”

  He turned and his heart flipped unexpectedly against his chest. Laura’s jet black bangs fringed emerald eyes that challenged Cleopatra’s. Eyes that had haunted every lonely moment he’d had over the past three years. Once upon a time, they had looked up at him, glistening with the afterglow of their love making. Now, Laura’s eyes neither sparkled nor glistened. They simply reached out to him.

  For what?

  Her long fingers worked the belt of her trench coat while her full red lips pulled up into a tentative smile. “Hi, Will.”

  The breathless two words were filled with questions. Questions he didn’t want to answer and didn’t intend to give the time of day. “I’ll get out of your way.”

  He wanted to run, but couldn’t believe taking the first step was this hard. His sneaker’s soles felt cemented to the floor. Pulling his eyes from hers, the trance between them broke. Will side-stepped his ex-girlfriend, ignoring the hand she offered and rushed out into the brightly lit hallway.

  Why hadn’t he just thrown the fact he had a date in her face and rejoiced in her reaction? Because his life and who he spent his nights with wasn’t Laura’s damn business, that’s why.

  Will shook his head. Unbelievable. Laura really thought he’d forgive her for dumping him and just pick up as pals? Fuck her.

  Relieved to be away from her, Will stalked toward the wing’s exit. In the short time it took him to reach the elevators, anger had beaten up his past and kicked the baggage to the darkest recesses of his mind. Now, he was mentally ready to move on with his life. He stabbed the down button.

  “Will, wait.”

  Laura’s cry caused frustration to flare in his gut and he inhaled through his nostrils, trying to calm his angst.

  The elevator’s bell binged above him and the doors slid open. The passengers inside shifted their positions and then frowned with impatience at his hesitation to enter. They wanted to be on their way. He wanted to be on his way, but again, his shoes were glued to the floor. If he got onto the elevator, he’d always wonder what would’ve happened if he’d stayed and faced her. He had enough what-ifs in his life.

  He turned.

  Their gazes locked and Laura’s gait slowed to a halt. Her fingers clasped together in prayer fashion. “Please. I need to talk to you.”

  As if some power with more insight into what was good for him and his future had made the decision, the elevator doors swished closed, leaving the two of them alone in the small foyer.

  Laura’s heels clicked against the vinyl flooring much like the slow tick-tock of a bomb.

  Outside the large paned windows, the world moved on. Will shifted his weight to his other foot as she closed the short distance left between them.

  Stopping within a foot of his personal space, warily, Laura reached out and wrapped her soft hand around his fingers.

  Tingles charged up Will’s arm and spiraled around his heart, searching for a way inside. Suddenly he wasn’t so sure the past was behind them. And that frightened him. “What do you want?”

  Laura squeezed his hand. “I just wanted to say good to see you.”

  Noting the smile playing on her lips, Will denied the urge to pull back from her touch, and held his position. He was aware of the way her body leaned toward him, the planes of her heart-shaped face, and the unyielding steadiness of her stare. Laura wanted something from him and was willing to use their past and his heart to get it.

  Well, whatever it was, in order to get it, she was going to have to take as good as she gave. “I wish I could say the same.”

  The brown specks in Laura’s green eyes flashed and her irises darkened into huge drops of resentment.

  Her reaction confirmed his suspicions. It wasn’t a reconciliation she was after. What was her game?

  Taking the verbal slap like a champ, she tilted her chin up a notch and stared into his eyes. Then she reached out and laced her fingers with his. “I thought after three years you’d be over me.”

  “Don’t flatter yourself. I am over you.” He chuckled, squeezing her fingers, maybe a tad harder than he should’ve. He saw Laura flinch before she pulled her hand back. Nicole’s smile entered his mind. “I’ve moved on.”

  “You have?”

  “You say that like you’re surprised. You always told me I was a catch. Don’t you remember?”

  “I remember.”

  “Look, you don’t have to fish, Laura, or pry me with compliments. What do you want?”

  Her perfectly plucked brow arched under her bangs. “What makes you think I want something?”

  “Come on. You haven’t had any contact with Gary or Sharon since you moved on with your life.” He’d said moved on with your life as if he’d scratched the space between them with air quote marks. “So it’s a safe bet you didn’t drive all the way up here from Virginia to see Gary, not without a reason. You knew I would be here. After three damn years, what could you possible want with me?”

  “You’re right. I knew you would be here.”

  Will clamped his jaw together and looked up at the dropped paneled ceiling. His anger seemed to tighten the collar of his Henley thermo shirt around his neck. He glared at Laura. “Sharon?”

  “No. Sharon didn’t say a word to me.” Her long, black hair fell over her shoulder, cascading past the mounds of her breasts.

  He quickly changed direction of his attention away from the area he had loved to nuzzle and where he had laid his head after a long, hard day. “You’ve been spying on me?”

  She sighed. “I reasoned you’d be here. Gary’s not only your partner, but your best friend. I know you were with him when this happened. Sharon told me that much. And I know you. You’ve undoubtedly been beating yourself up thinking what happened to him was your fault. Even though, it wasn’t.”

  “How would you know whose fault this is?”

  “I know you’re the best.”

  He felt the wall he’d built between them wobble. He was such a fool. How did the old saying go? Fool him once…

  Will stretched his arm and pulled the sleeve of his jacket back to look at his watch. He knew what the time was, but he wanted to impress on Laura that he had more important things to do with his life than share chit chat with her. In about six hours, he’d be keeping Nicole warm and having a hell of a great time. “What do you want? I have a date.”

  “A date?” She blinked.

  “Yes. A date. Is that so hard to fathom?” He didn’t bother holding back the irritation he felt from echoing in his tone. Will turned and stabbed the elevator button again. The lit numbers above the doors showed both elevators had climbed to the top floors. Taking the stairs would’ve been faster, but they also would’ve been the coward’s way out. “If you’re going to tell me what you want, you’ve better do it now.”

  Apparently catchi
ng the elevator’s light signaling its descent, Laura slipped in between him and the stainless steel doors. She tilted her head slightly to the left, the green of her eyes catching the sunlight steaming in the window and reflecting back at him with sorrow. In that split second, the wall crumbled and he couldn’t help but think how beautiful she was.

  “I don’t want anything, Will. Just the opposite. I have something for you. Here.” In her palm, his grandmother’s engagement diamond ring sparkled. The ring he had given her when he had confessed he’d love her forever and asked her to marry him. “I thought it was about time I gave this back to you.”

  His brows pulled together. “I thought—,” he stammered.

  Laura’s shoulder’s relaxed and the strong lines of her face took on a humble appearance. “I know. I deserve every thought. The way I ended things between us was bad. Real bad.”

  She was right there. His heart cringed recalling the pain she had inflected upon him.

  “I should’ve been more honest with you about my feelings and where I stood as far as marriage. I never wanted to get married, Will, not to anyone. Ever.” She ran her tongue across her lip and peeked up at him through her dark lashes. “But I want you to know, because of you, I came damn close to changing my mind.”

  The elevator dinged.

  Glancing at the doors, she drew a breath leveling her shoulders again, and smiled up at him. “Here.” Her warm hand caressed his and she gently pressed his family’s heirloom into the soft bed of his palm.

  The tenderness of her touch remained with him for a moment after she withdrew her hand. He trapped the diamond in his fist, the stainless steel doors slid open.

  Ignoring the world, Laura reached up and drew him into a hug. She whispered into his ear, “It was good to see you, Will. I wish you the best.”


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