Seized By Darkness

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Seized By Darkness Page 21

by Autumn Jordan

  “I’d like to visit him, but I know that’s out of the question.” She sniffled and swiped her gloved finger along her lashes.” So will you tell him I asked about him? When you see him again?”

  “I already did.”

  A tiny smile turned the corner of her lips up. “Thanks.” She inhaled and looked toward the playground.

  To someone who wasn’t trained to watch people, Nicole’s brave front might’ve worked, but he noted her fingers tightened around the styrofoam cup.

  Will downed the last gulp of his drink, wishing the cider was something a bit stronger. Nicole’s past, his work, and Gorgon had somehow found their way into their date. He mentally slammed his fist against an imagery wall. Damn. They both deserved to have a good time. And he was going to do everything in his power to make sure they would.

  “You know when I was a kid, I used to work our community’s Halloween event.”

  “Really? Doing what?” Nicole’s eyes sparkled with interest and he knew he’d hit on the key to turning the night around. First dates were all about learning about each other, sharing memories, and likes and dislikes. If he wanted her to open up to him, he had to share something of himself.

  “Yeah. We had a haunted hayride too. I played a lot of parts, but I think my favorite was Dracula.” He swooped his arm in the air and then draped hand over her shoulder, pulling her close to his side.”

  Her chuckle chased the chill from his toes. He leaned in and gazed deep into her eyes. Then in his best Count Dracula tone, he said, “Deep within the woods, where the sun dares not enter, I would lie, waiting for my next vic— I mean wife to come to me.”

  “Isn’t that a little lazy or sexist to assume they would come to you?” Nicole nudged him with her elbow.

  “Oww.” He played injured, stared down his nose at her and wiggled his brows. “I was the count. They always came to me.”

  The chug, chug, chug of a tractor grew louder and louder, becoming deafening as John Deere pulled up to the loading dock which was about twenty feet from them. At a snail’s pace, the waiting line they stood in moved forward. The feel of her body moving against his, sent erotic thoughts to his brain and a second later every vein in his body burned with the rush of hot blood. Especially those to the south of his belt.

  He stopped the path his mind was headed onto and concentrated on his story. “Some came by foot, but most arrived on a wagon just like this one.” With a crooked finger, he pointed to the dark, dank forest beyond the wagon and then drifted his digit to the people climbing the straw bales and taking a seat in the wagon.

  Tiny bits of humor flared in her cynical eyes. “There are many women on the wagons, and many wagons. How would you know which woman was to be your next vic—” Nicole coughed into her shoulder. “—type?”

  Staring into her shimmering pupils, which darted on occasion to those around them, Will knew he acted carefree and a bit crazy. But damn if he cared. He cared little of what others thought of him. The only one he was trying to impress was the beautiful woman standing beside him, and she seemed to enjoy his antics.

  He trailed his hand across her back, brushing the nape of her neck with his thumb pad, and then down her arm, lingering at her wrist a moment, before he snatched the cup dangling from her grip. He tossed both cups into the nearby trash can and then took her gloved hand in his. “I just knew.”

  Open fervor widened her eyes as he slipped her glove from her hand and raised her warm fingers to his lips.

  “Mom,” Luka screamed.

  Nicole jumped, pulling her hand from his grasp. The same moment she turned, Luka dashed up to them and crashed into her. He wrapped his thin arms tightly around her waist and hung on as if someone or something would pry him away forever.

  “What’s wrong? Where’s Tommy?” Nicole asked.

  Over Nicole’s bent head, Will scanned the area searching for Tommy and saw the boy running towards them.

  “He’s after me,” Luka squealed, scooting behind Nicole.

  Will heard Nicole’s sigh of relief.

  Tommy slid to a stop. “Chicken.”

  “Don’t call me that,” Luka whined, peeking around Nicole’s hip.

  “Chicken, chicken. Luke is a chicken.”

  “I am not. Mom, make him stop.”

  “Tommy. That is not nice.”

  “He started it. He called me a girl lover.”

  Will chuckled, glancing at Nicole before bending over and looking at Tommy at his level. “A what?”

  Tommy blushed while he twisted his sneaker’s toe into the gravel. “A girl lover.”

  “He kissed Brittani Wort.” Luca, showing his bravery came out from behind Nicole. “Under the sliding board.”

  Nicole tried hard to hide her amusement. “Is that true, Tommy?”

  “She kissed me. She chased me and I couldn’t get away.”

  Tears edged the boy’s lower lids.

  Will rubbed Tommy’s shoulders. “It’s okay, buddy. I understand completely.”

  “You do?” Nicole stared down at him.

  “Yeah. Us boys need to stick together.” Will turned to Tommy. “So why were you calling Luke chicken.”

  “Because he wouldn’t help me get away from her.”

  “I didn’t want to get kissed. Not by no girl.”

  “I see.” Will stood. A second later, Nicole and he both broke out in laughter while the boys stared at them.

  “Okay, guys. I tell you what. Why don’t you both stay right here with us—where Ms. Wort can’t get to either one of you. Besides, here comes the next wagon. Are you ready to get really scared?” He reached down and tickled first Tommy and then Luca.

  Both boys shouted with glee.

  A few minutes later, they were loaded onto the wagon and took their seats.

  The ride on the hay wagon wasn’t going to be as he expected. Will looked over Tommy and Luca’s heads at Nicole.

  She smiled.

  Will sighed.


  Chapter Twenty-nine

  The old steps creaked under Will’s weight.

  Through her pea coat, Nicole swore she felt the heat of his body as he followed her up the stairs to the second floor. Maybe the warmth making her want to shed her clothing was caused by the delectable images which slid into her mind as they climbed higher toward her bedroom.

  She’d dreamt a hundred times over about this trek. However, in her dreams, their climb upstairs had been a whole lot different. Their hands had been all over each other, fumbling to remove the clothing separating hot skin from hot skin. Her shirt had lay crumpled on the floor at the base of the steps while Will’s had been tossed haphazardly across the polished railing. The same smooth railing her hand slid across now.

  As her fingertips had relished in the feel of Will’s coarse chest hairs, he had removed her bra with a snap and zip and flung the scrap of lace wayward. His warm lips had then suckled her already taunt nipples and before her eyes had drifted closed with delight, she’d catch a glimpse of the lacy material twirling on the living room’s ceiling fan by its thin strap.

  Yes, her dreams had been totally different. She sighed, pushing her pulse kicking musings away, and concentrated on the here and now, and said over her shoulder, “You shouldn’t have troubled yourself. I could’ve carried Luka up to bed.”

  Will shifted the sleeping boy higher on his shoulder and smiled up at her. “No problem. I’m in no rush.”

  Nicole’s pulse kicked up. Did he mean he intended to stay for a while? She hoped so.

  Reaching around the door jamb and hitting the light switch, she entered Luka’s bedroom. She hurried across the carpet designed to look like a city block and dimmed the superhero desk lamp to its nightlight mode. She pulled back the fresh laundered bed comforter and sheets and the scent of a sunny autumn day wafted into the air.

  While a frost-promising wind rattled the window, Nicole’s heart warmed watching Will cradle Luka’s head and gently lay him on the bed. Will was a good man and
Luka worshipped the ground on which he stood.

  Her gaze trailed over Will’s strong shoulders and back. She laced her fingers together so as not to reach out and touch him, disturbing the picture. She wished Will was her son’s father.

  Nicole trapped her bottom lip between her teeth. This wasn’t the first time she wished Luka had different blood running through his veins, but it was the first time she allowed herself to wish Will was the man with whom she shared the bond. The only reason she had entertained the notion was because of Will’s actions last Sunday night, when he came to her and pleaded for her not to see any other men.

  She knew what had caused Will’s change of heart. It was because of what Gary had told him and because of the attack which had almost taken his friend’s life.

  “After all the running around he and Tommy did tonight, I think he’ll sleep until noon tomorrow,” Will said, glancing over his shoulder.

  The dim light reflected the amusement dancing in Will’s hazel eyes and Nicole wondered if he was recalling a similar good time from his own past. She’d lay odds he had been a handful growing up, questioning and investigating everything. Or maybe he was the boy who stood guard over those who needed help.

  “I think you’re right.” She smiled, imaging Will as that boy.

  Will tapped Luka’s chin just like he always did before he stepped back from the bed and allowed her to take over.

  While she removed Luka’s shoes and coat, she remained conscious that Will lingered at the foot of the bed watching her every move. Did he contemplate what life would be like to be a family?

  She quietly placed Luka’s shoes under the bed and handed his coat to Will. Their fingers brushed and tingles shot up her arm, but Will, seemingly unaffected, just turned and hung the jacket on the peg behind the door.

  Nicole quickly turned back to Luka. What the hell was she doing to herself? Of course Will didn’t think about them as family. He cared about her and Luka—that was a given. And the attraction between them was undeniable, but men didn’t think about a long term commitment the way women did. Girls started to plan their weddings, homes, and families the moment their first love looked at them. Guys, they planned what kind of car or bike they’d drive in high school, college and after they landed a great job. Something that made them look cool. A chick magnet.

  Maybe Will wasn’t the marrying kind of guy and never would be. Did it matter? She’d given up on the dream of true love, marriage and a happily ever after life a long time ago. She was happy here in Logan’s Summit. She was happy to see Will and be with him.

  As she unbuttoned Luka’s shirt, she realized the stir of want she’d felt a few minutes ago was gone.

  Luka moaned and his eyes fluttered open while she pulled his sweatshirt over his head. She brushed his soft hair to the side and hummed his favorite tune, lulling him back to sleep.

  “Should I hang it up on the peg too?” Will whispered while reaching for Luka’s shirt.

  In the dim light, their gazes locked and something about the way he looked at her made Nicole’s heart skip. What was he thinking? “Yes, please.”

  Luka’s zipper sang as she undid his jeans. Careful not to wake him again, Nicole wiggled his jeans down over his trim hips inch by inch and pulled them off. Leaving him dressed in his thermal underwear, she tucked the covers around her son and placed a kiss on his head before she stood and faced Will.

  A smile pulled the corners of his mouth upward. “You’re a good mom.”

  What a nice thing to say. “Thanks,” she clipped softly, more out of embarrassment than out of fear of waking Luka. In the dim light, she was sure Will couldn’t see her blush, but she certainly felt the fire in her cheeks, and lowered her head.

  Will’s warm hand enveloped hers, sending her pulse racing. He led her from the room. “Come on. Our turn to get comfortable and warm.”

  His voice was soft and deep, and sexy as all hell. Its tone sent her pulse rushing.

  Maybe she was just wishing. “I’ll make us some hot cocoa.” She closed the door behind them and turned to find Will stood so close she had to tilt her head back to look at him.

  He stared down at her with hungry eyes. “I don’t want cocoa, Nicole.”

  She wasn’t wishing or dreaming or fantasizing. A list of things she wanted this man to do to her since she’d she first seen him whirled through her mind. The images sent her blood flooding south, sensitizing every nerve in its quake. Her nipples hardened against the soft material of her blouse, aching for his touch. “What is it you—” Her tongue darted out, swiping her dry lips. “you want?”

  His hands trailed up her arms, massaging her skin through the thick layers of her sweater and blouse. “I think you know.”

  He backed her against the wall, trapping her with his body.

  Nicole swallowed hard. His male scent mixed with fresh air and a hint of straw swirled around her. His hard rise pressed against her stomach causing her to gush with need.

  In the depths of his eyes, she saw he wanted her as much as she needed him, here and now. But what about tomorrow, and the day after that, and next month? And a year from now? Would he still want her as much? And would she be happy being the woman to share Will’s bed whenever he wanted someone without further commitment?

  Yes. The answer came to her without reservations.

  Nicole traced her fingers along his jawline. She liked his shadow of a beard and wondered what delicious sensations the stubble would cause for both of them if he ran its roughness against her extended nipples and lower.

  “We need to talk.” His tone suggested there would be little talking between them.

  Nicole pushed inside his jacket and skimmed her hands over his hard chest, longing to feel his skin against her palms. Through his sweater, Will’s nipples grew hard as she swirled her palms over them. Smiling, Nicole threaded her hands around his neck. “I think you’re right.”

  He bowed his head and she rose up on her toes to meet him. His lips made love to hers, first brushing them lightly and then deepening the kiss until the fever inside them became too much and they broke apart breathlessly.

  Will’s forehead pressed against hers. “I’m dying here.” His eyes drifted closed. She felt the flutter of his pulse in his neck against her wrist. He opened his eyes and stared into hers. “I want to make love to you, but the decision is yours, Nicole.”

  Her decision. Nicole trembled inside with joy. Will was letting her make the decision to take their relationship to the next level. Her decision. There was no doubt in her mind that if she said, “No. Stop.” he’d back away.

  His soft hair bristled through her fingers. Over the past several months she had fallen in love with Will, and if being his mistress is what her life was to be, making love to the man she loved without commitment, she’d take it.

  Her heart rejoiced with her decision.

  “Come with me.” She grasped his hand and led him across the hall to her bedroom. Stepping inside, the street light pouring through the tiny panes of the two half-moon stained glass panels above her windows caused a dreamlike glow to dance about the room. Her bed, covered with a pale blue country quilt and an assortment of a half dozen pillows, shimmered in the luminosity.

  The door’s lock clicked behind her. She heard a swish and thud and knew Will had removed his coat and tossed it on the rattan chair in the corner of the room. A moment later, he was behind her, peeling her coat from her shoulders and sliding the weighty garment slowly over her arms.

  In the dim light, she waited for his next move. Her heart thumped wildly with anticipation.

  His arm circled her waist, drawing her against the solid plane of his chest. She leaned into him, swayed her hips a bit and was rewarded with the feel of his shaft nestled between in the valley of her ass cheeks.

  Will’s groan feathered her ear.

  Her knees weakened as his free hand lifted aside her hair and his warm lips nibbled at the sensitive skin at the nape of her neck. Under his wet, delicious
assault, her eyes rolled back and closed. Thank goodness he supported her, if not, she’d be at his feet.

  His urging rock against her backside had her wanting more of him. She twisted in his grasp, wound her arms around his neck, and stood on tip-toes to press her lips to his. Their tongues mingled and danced, probing and fueling the fire building in them.

  She pressed her aching breasts against his hard chest seeking relief while Will cupped her rear-end and lifted her up against his hard cock, grinding against her mound. She moaned and behind closed eyes she saw the white plain of a climax on the horizon. Her blood surged through her veins in a free-fall. She sent a quick prayer to the heavens not to have a heart attack before she knew what having Will inside of her was like.

  Needing to feel his skin against hers, she yanked his tee-shirt from his jeans, skated her hands up under the soft material and over compact muscles covering. His rough chest hair tickled the inside of her fingers as she combed and moved her palms over his tight pecs. His nipples peaked under her touch. He muttered into her mouth, “I need you.”

  She wanted to drive him out of his mind with want the way he was driving her insane and reached down and cup his balls.

  “Nicole.” He kissed her temple, her cheeks, her eyelids. “If you keep that up, I might not make it to the bed.”

  “We don’t want that.”

  They fumbled and nipped while Nicole pulled Will across the room. She wanted to stand in the light where he’d be able to see her while she undressed, and, more importantly, she’d be able to see every inch of him.

  She kissed him deeply, trailing her hands over his strong biceps, before she arched her back and broke their full body contact.

  “You sure about this?” His fingers brushed the sides of her breasts, causing them to tighten.

  Nicole’s soul cried out in joy. Gorgon had never asked her permission. As quick as her past had popped into her thoughts, she shoved them away and focused on her future. “I’ve had sex a few times, Will. I’m not a virgin. But, I’ve never wanted to have sex.” She brushed her fingertips across his lower lip and stared longing into his eyes. “I want to make love to you. I want to feel the passion of sex.”


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