Seized By Darkness

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Seized By Darkness Page 25

by Autumn Jordan

  “The house is falling apart. All the doors and windows need work.”

  Nicole stifled the chuckle in her throat at Luka’s mimicking Will’s words. Everything was in its place. If someone was in here, Max would be too, hopefully tearing whomever apart. She was just being paranoid. “Go get ready for bed.”

  “You’re being mean.” Luka stamped his foot.

  “Hey. You don’t talk to your mother that way, young man.” The voice came from behind Nicole, causing her to jump.

  The floor squeaked beneath her sneaker’s heel at her quick turn and she exhaled the breath caught in her throat. “What are you doing here, Sharon?”

  “I’m sorry.” Through the screen door, Sharon’s brow knitted, looking at Nicole’s fist. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  Nicole shook her fingers out and slid her purse from her shoulder and dropped the leather bag on the counter top. “It’s alright. Come on in. Luka, now. Upstairs. Get your teeth brushed and PJs on. I’ll be up in a few minutes.”

  Luka glanced Sharon’s way before dashing from the room.

  “Good boy,” Sharon called after him as she opened the door. “Ooops.”

  Max brushed along side of her and trotted to his water bowl and began lapping.

  Sharon’s brow furrowed looking at Nicole. “Is something wrong?”

  She shook her head. “I’m jumpy. I thought I’d locked the back door and yet it was open.”

  Sharon ran her hand over the door’s frame. “This looks okay. I’ll check the house?”

  “That’s not necessary. I was in a rush to get Tommy home and thought I locked the door and didn’t.” She pointed through the archway, toward Max who’d found his corner of the couch and prepared to settle in. “Besides, if anyone was in here, Max would have him backed into a corner. So, why are you here?”

  “I was over in Littleton and thought I’d swing by and drop off the roasting pan you’d asked to borrow. That way, you wouldn’t have to make the trip tomorrow. It’s in the SUV.”

  “Oh, thanks. I forgot all about using it. Luka wanted a big turkey.” She opened the refrigerator and pointed to the bird taking up most of the bottom shelf. “Well, he’s getting one.”

  “That’s a big bird for the two of you.”

  Smiling, Nicole closed the door. “Will’s coming.”

  “He is? I had a feeling he would.” Sharon’s grin brightened the room.

  “I’m glad you did.”

  “You didn’t?” Sharon’s right brow disappeared under her bangs. “Girl, you’ve got that man so tied up his nickname could be cornflake.”

  Joy threaded through Nicole listening to Sharon, making her want to dance around the room, but she kept her feet planted and just hosted a bit of a smile. “I don’t think so.”

  “I know so.” Sharon winked.

  Nicole wished everything Sharon said was written in stone, but truth be told, she didn’t know where her and Will’s relationship would end up. Until her life was hers, there was no future for them. She picked up the tea kettle from the stove. “Do you want some tea? Or, I can make a pot of coffee?”

  “I’d love to sit and chat, but my sitter is waiting for me and I’m sure Gary is ready for his sponge bath.” Sharon smiled.

  “I don’t know how you do it all. Taking care of Gary and the kids and still find time to volunteer your time. You’re one amazing lady.”

  “Stop. You’re making me blush and I don’t like to do that.” Sharon backed toward the door. “I’ll just go get the roaster and be back in a jiff.”

  “Okay, I’m just going to run upstairs and check on Luka. I’ll be right back.”

  Max’s big brown eyes looked up at her as she entered the room. Without moving his head, he watched her climb the stairs.

  Nicole found Luka, sitting on his bed, reading. “Did you brush your teeth?”

  “Yup.” He displayed his white teeth to her.

  “Good job on washing your face too and combing your hair.” She nuzzled his neck, breathing in his youthful scent.

  Luka laughed and tried his best to tickle her back.

  “Okay, enough. Time for bed.” She pulled back the covers and the book Luka had been reading fell to the floor. She picked it up and glanced at the cover and her hands trembled. “Luka, where did you get this book?”

  Her son’s eyes glistened as they danced beyond her to the darkest corner of the room. Her blood turned to ice. She didn’t need to turn to know Gorgon had found them.


  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Just inside Luka’s room, soft footsteps padded the floor behind her.

  “I’ve missed you, my kitten.” Gorgon’s warm, minty breath tickled her ear.

  Nicole froze.

  His hand skimmed along her spine, threaded under her hair, and seized her neck, squeezing just enough to let her know he was in control of her life.

  Her held breath burned in her chest, a sign she should twist away from his hold and run for her life, but she wouldn’t—not without her son.

  Drawing courage from deep within, she met Gorgon’s dark gaze. She expected to see a weakened, shadow of a man after the damage she had inflicted on him, but this man oozed strength that the monster that had enslaved her never had. His chest was broader and the flecks shining in his eyes held a wisdom she’d not seen before.

  A smile ballooned on his face. He’d felt the shaking of her bones. Good. Let him believe she feared him.

  “We have a good boy. He plays the game of secrets very well.”

  She had sworn if he ever touched her again, she’d kill him. Nicole stalled the impulse to lash out. Deep inside, she’d known this day would come. She’d prepared herself mentally. She had to buy her time.

  Downstairs the screen door banged against its frame, causing Nicole’s heart to stop in mid-beat. Oh, my God, Sharon.

  Gorgon’s eyes shifted toward the door, his grip tightening slightly on her neck cords. “Who is the woman?”

  Sharon had been a cop a number of years ago, but unarmed, she’d be defenseless against Gorgon. Nicole shrugged. “Just a friend, dropping off a baking dish I needed to make Thanksgiving dinner.”

  “How nice.” His hand dropped to her shoulder and he tugged her closer, planting his hip solidly against hers. “Too bad you will not need it.”

  His plans for her were evident in the way his gaze dropped and lingered on her lips before shifting back to the door.

  Sharon stood in his way. Nicole knew she had to get rid of her friend before Gorgon did.

  “I want Aunt Sharon to meet daddy.” Luka’s bedsprings squealed an off-key tune as he bounced on his knees. “Aunt—”

  “No,” Nicole snapped and broke from Gorgon’s hold, putting her hand over Luka’s mouth. “Aunt Sharon will meet daddy another time. She’s late getting home. The twins are waiting for her.” Nicole’s hands trembled as she pushed Luka back onto his pillow and pulled the covers over his belly.

  “But I--”

  “No buts.” She had to think of some way to first save Sharon and then both Luka and herself. She kissed his forehead, like she did every other night. “You go to sleep. Daddy and I need to talk.”

  “I don’t want to go to bed,” Luka pleaded. “Daddy said we’re going to see Mama and Papa.”

  “We are leaving, Katrina,” Gorgon said behind her, in a tone that told her there wouldn’t be a discussion of any kind.

  Nicole spun on her heel with her hand extended.

  “Nicole, I’ve got to run?” Sharon called from the bottom of the stairs.

  Gorgon took a step toward the door.

  “No.” Nicole grabbed his hand, the one that reached inside his coat where she knew he holstered his gun. “You will not hurt her,” she ordered with a low growl between clenched teeth. “If you do, I swear I’ll—”

  He gasped her wrist with a bone crushing force. The angles of his face hardened. “You’ll what? Kill me,” he said soft enough for her ears only. “You will never try
that again, if you want to see our son grow into a man. In fact, the day you fail to make me the happiest man on the face of this earth, that day will be your last.”

  Nicole fought the years of training the monster had instilled in her and refused to look away. “And you will have to go through me to get to her.” She flicked a glance toward Luka. “Do you really want your son see you kill his mother and her friend? I think not.” She jutted her chin out, waiting for Gorgon to give her any excuse to strike out.

  “Nicole, are you okay?” Sharon’s voice sounded closer. She was climbing the stairs.

  “I’ll be right there,” Nicole called out, holding Gorgon’s angry stare. After hearing Sharon’s retreating footsteps fade, she whispered. “You stay with Luka and I’ll get rid of her.”

  Nicole pulled away, but Gorgon held onto her wrist, twisting her arm just enough to be uncomfortable.

  “If you do anything—”

  She fought to keep her knees from bowing as she looked into his eyes which promised death. “I won’t, and I will not go anywhere without Luka.”

  The seconds that passed seemed like minutes until Gorgon finally released her and nodded toward the door.

  Looking at Luka, she forced a smile to her lips before heading downstairs. How in the hell was she going to get away again? Her heart cried out for Will. She’d kiss the devil to have him here, holding her safe in his arms.

  Nicole hesitated at the bottom of the steps where a notepad and pen laid on the sofa’s end table. She sensed movement behind her. No. She couldn’t take the chance of jotting and passing a quick note to Sharon. Gorgon might see her. She wouldn’t jeopardize Sharon’s life. She’d never forgive herself if anything happened to her friend.

  Instead, Nicole scowled at Max for not warning her of Gorgon’s presence. She drew a deep breath and exhaled before entering the kitchen where Sharon waited. “I’m sorry. I know you’re in a hurry. Sometimes that kid has an agenda he needs to cover before saying goodnight.”

  “You don’t have to tell me about boys.” Sharon tilted her head to the side and squinted at her. “Are you alright?”

  “Yeah, sure. Why?” Nicole glanced away and then mentally slapped herself for doing so.

  “You’re holding onto the roasting pan like a life jacket in a stormy sea.”

  She let go of the pan and smoothed her moist palms along her sides. “I’m just nervous about cooking. I never made Thanksgiving dinner and Will called earlier. He’s coming.”

  “There’s nothing to be worried about.” Sharon chuckled and reached out and took her hand. “You could serve Will a burnt peanut butter and jelly sandwich and he wouldn’t notice the difference. You’ll do just fine.”

  Knowing Gorgon could be listening, she said, “Thanks. You better go. I’ve held you up enough.”

  With a wink, Sharon let her hand go and turned toward the door, glancing toward the stove top. “The apple pie you baked looks fabulous by the way and smells delicious.”

  Unable to speak or smile, Nicole simply nodded.

  “Don’t worry about a thing.” Sharon patted her arm. “Call me if you need anything else.”

  Nicole followed her friend as far as the door. Tears welled up in her eyes, knowing she’d never see Will again, or Sharon and Gary and their twins, or any of the many friends she’d made in the last few months. And her hopes of seeing her family again disappeared like a puff of smoke in a hurricane. She blinked the moisture from her eyes while Sharon crossed the porch and jogged down the steps. “Sharon.”

  “Yes.” Standing on the fringe of light cast by the back porch light, Sharon smiled up at her and Nicole bit back the emotions clawing at her heart, wanting to be made vocal.

  She clamped her fingers together, so as not to reach out. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. Tell Gary the same.”

  “No problem.”

  “And Will…”

  Sharon’s brows arched. “What about Will?”

  Nicole pasted a smile on her face and chuckled. “Nothing. I’ll tell him myself.”

  “Remember to call me if you need anything.” Sharon jiggled her keys in hand and headed for her car.

  Nicole switched off the porch light and stepped outside. Holding the screen door open with her right hand, she watched her friend back out of view. As Sharon’s headlights swayed away from the garage and moonlight took over the back yard, Nicole saw what she should’ve noted before-a motorcycle parked in the darkest corner of the yard, beyond the huge oak tree whose empty fingers candled the pale moon.

  She was so stupid. And Gorgon was smart. No cop would look for him to ride a motorcycle.

  A shiver ran through her. The bike was no big hog. How could all three of them ride on it? The cool night air assaulted her lungs. Had Gorgon planned to leave her behind and take Luka?

  Behind her, the kitchen lights went out. Dipping her head, she listened. A soft, long scrape like a blade raking across a sharpening stone filled the silence. Her heartbeat drummed in her ears. She could try to make a run for her life, but she wasn’t going anywhere without Luka.

  Her mind tumbled over itself as she recalled every possible weapon her kitchen housed. None within easy reach.

  With fists clenched, she turned, ready to face whatever the monster had planned for her. In the dim shadows, Gorgon stood next to the stove. The butcher knife in his hand glistened red with the stove top’s red digital time.

  She let the screen door close softly behind her, thinking, the clock ticked away. Her time here was short.

  “Who is Will?” Gorgon’s tone sent a shot of fear rushing through her veins with every rapid beat of her heart.

  The man I love. She swallowed. “Just a guy who has been very nice to Luka and I.”

  As long as Gorgon thought she fled and had made a life for them all on her own, without the aid of federal agents, he might relax his guard and give her a chance to finish him off herself. Was she strong enough? She set her shoulders. Yes. Damn it. She’d done taken him out before. With her hands behind her back, she inched along the counter. “He’s sort of a handyman.”

  “Is that so? Just a handyman.” Gorgon shook his head. “You’re a beautiful woman, Katrina. No man could look at you and not want you for his own.”

  “Not every man is like you.”

  “True.” His chuckle sent a chill shimmering down her spine. “Did you make this for him?”

  He sliced the pie she’d baked for the man she loved. She wanted to take that knife and drive it through the Russian bastard, but she had to be smart. By her time for the right moment. “No. For Luka and I. For Thanksgiving.”

  “Ah, yes Thanksgiving. The day Americans give thanks for their blessings. We should count our blessings each and every day, for we know not what tomorrow holds. Don’t you agree?” His gaze locked onto hers as he brought the slice to his lips. He didn’t trust her.

  “Yes. Yes, I do.” She relaxed against the counter and out of the corner of her eye scanned the items for anything she could use as a weapon.

  The sight and sound of Gorgon lapping and licking his lips and fingers slammed her with memories of him eating away at a part of her soul. She wasn’t going to let him steal away another moment of her life. “What do you want, Gorgon?”

  With the knife still in hand, he crossed the distance between them before she’d had time to blink and trapped her against the counter. He pressed his weight against her. His breath was laced with the remnants of her pie. “I think that is obvious. I want my family back.”

  He dipped his head and nuzzled her neck, causing her skin to crawl.

  “We are not a family,” she spat into his ear, pushing against his chest, fully aware that fighting him was not the smartest move. She’d seen the results of Gorgon’s anger when he lashed out. He still held the knife, but her hatred for him was too hard to subdue. “Luka is your son, but I’m just the woman who you raped.”

  Gorgon pulled back. Instability flashed in his raven eyes. “Rape?”
He shook his head. “No. I loved you. I loved you from the moment you were first shown to me.”

  “You know nothing about love.”

  He tilted his head and looked at her mockingly. “And you do? Perhaps this Will, who you told your friend was coming to Thanksgiving dinner, has taught you about love.”

  Gorgon grabbed her face, pinching her skin together with vice grip pressure and forced her to look at him. His pupils widened as his face darkened. He had seen her love for Will.

  Nicole thrashed to the right and shoved him with all her might, throwing him off balance. Gorgon stumbled back a step and she searched for anything within her reach to use against him.

  The knife’s blade skimmed across her forearm. “Owww.” Immediately, warmth streamed down her arm.

  Gorgon grabbed her by the hair and slammed her against the counter face first. Stars splintered her vision while pain ripped the breath from her lungs.

  A second later, his arousal pushed into her backside. Her lungs said breathe, but the tip of the blade poked at her jugular. If she moved just a fraction of an inch, she’d be dead.

  “Let me assure you, the cut of a knife doesn’t hurt as much as the breaking of one’s heart,” he snarled and snatched the tea-towel from her grip and forced the terrycloth into her mouth.

  Nicole’s eyes widened. He was going to kill her.

  Well, she wasn’t going to make it easy. The second he moved the blade away she grabbed the counter with both hands and pushed against him.

  Her arm wrenched with pain as he swung her around to face him. Gorgon’s evil laugh echoed in the small kitchen. He slapped her across the face, causing her to go dizzy and then threw her to the floor.

  She squirmed away on her hands and knees, then rolled over and kicked out, intending to ring his tonsils with his balls, but Gorgon jumped away from her strike, grabbed and twisted her foot. She didn’t know whether she’d heard the crack of her bones first or felt the horrific pain shooting up her leg. Stars popped in front of her closed eyelids as her limped foot hit the floor with a bang.


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