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Play Page 8

by Holly Roberts

  Malory was complete cheerleading material. Not that I knocked them. I’d spent countless hours envying their lives. They were short, cute, and never seemed lacking in boyfriends. I wanted to be Malory when I was in high school and a small part of me still did. Killian was changing that. He loved my body, my hair, and especially my long legs.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  Malory’s question brought me out of my daydream and my face flooded with warmth. She gave me a knowing smile.

  “Is Amanda coming? I’m going to pick her brain and see if you’ve given your BFF any inside sexual tidbits I can use.”

  “You’re horrible, you know that?”

  “I know, but believe me you’ll appreciate my fluff bunny demeanor sooner or later, I promise.”

  We chatted some more and within a few minutes the owner and his people arrived, followed by my people. Malory was great, but no one replaced Amanda and Lyle.

  Amanda jumped up and down, threw her arms around my midsection and her head against my chest. Her height and mine weren’t any better of a mix than Malory’s and mine, but I loved her anyway. Lyle pushed Amanda out of the way and threw an arm around my shoulder.

  “How are you, girlfriend?” His exaggerated deep voice made me laugh.

  “I’m good and glad you guys are here.” I looked at Malory and then back at my friends. “Maxwell Blitz’s wife has nothing on the Spanish Inquisition.”

  “Was she as closed-lipped with you as she was with us?” Amanda asked.

  Malory’s mouth tipped down in a frown. “Damn, I was hoping you had the goods.”

  “All I know is that he’s hung.”

  “Amanda Isabelle Frye.”

  “Oops, now I’m in trouble. I swear she would make a better school teacher than me. Anytime she uses my full name, I’m on thin ice.”

  Malory’s eyes got big. “Hung, huh? Do tell, please.”

  Malory looked at me and I looked around to see if anyone was paying attention to my loud-mouthed friends. When I was sure that no one cared, I turned back.

  “I’m asking to sit down in the family seats next time.”

  “Yep, he’s hung,” Lyle said.

  I placed my hands to either side of my head and exaggerated pulling out my hair. I’d learned long ago that the best way to get over Amanda and Lyle’s gentle teasing was to join in, so I took a breath, lowered my voice, and whispered, “You know why they call Stanley Johnson, Stump?”

  My audience’s eyes widened.

  “They compared him to Killian.”

  Malory laughed uncontrollably, but when she caught her breath she explained, “I guess the two of you haven’t seen Stump’s chunk of manly muscle, because really the guy’s a horse.” She turned to me and winked. “I’m surprised you can walk.”

  I was so out of my league when it came to any kind of sexual teasing, so I gave up.

  “Please tell me the game is beginning soon.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Much like the first game, Killian only played until he made a touchdown early in the first quarter. There was no blown kiss this time, and his intensity for the game only seemed to increase. He stood with the head coach talking for the remainder of the first half.

  During halftime, I took a walk with my friends on the lower level where we eventually checked out one of the crowded pro-shops. Amanda and Malory talked me into a team jersey with number “twenty” and “MacGregor” on the back. I don’t know why I worried, but I couldn’t help thinking it might bother Killian.

  We made it back to our seats when the third quarter started. When the final whistle blew, I was past ready to see Killian.

  He drove the four of us to dinner, and I had no idea where that was going to be until we pulled up at Tillomans.

  “You okay with coming here?”

  I didn’t have a problem, though as far as my co-workers were concerned, my dating Killian would be out of the bag. I gave him a shy smile.

  “Yes, but I hope you made a reservation.”

  “It’s taken care of.”

  Killian got out of the car and walked around, opening Amanda’s door then mine. I’d stayed put until he took my hand and assisted me out. I looked over my shoulder and saw that Lyle had Amanda’s hand in his grasp. He winked at me and Amanda smiled.

  Sabrina, the hostess, knew Killian on sight and immediately showed us to a table. She gave me a sharp “what-the-hell” look, but did her duty with a smile. Our party was slightly underdressed, but Tillomans cared more about their guests having a wonderful dining experience than what you wore. If you could afford the prices, they weren’t turning you away.

  Killian looked around the table. “I’m hoping everyone here is over twenty-one because I’d like to order a bottle of wine.”

  I gulped slightly because I knew the wine prices began at more than one-hundred dollars a bottle. Of course, that was if you went for a house wine. Killian didn’t. I pulled my big girl panties up and enjoyed dinner and the expensive wine.

  “Tell me about your major, Lyle, and what your plans are after graduation.”

  Lyle began talking about his desire to move to New York, and the college’s latest up-and-coming production. Killian focused his attention on Lyle, showing keen interest.

  “What did you major in, Killian?” Lyle asked after speaking non-stop for ten minutes.

  Killian took a drink of wine before answering. “Entrepreneurial management with a minor in accounting.”

  I knew about the management, but not accounting. My nemesis is math and I looked at Killian hoping he would tell us more, but our food arrived. Amanda changed the subject and asked Killian questions between bites.

  “So what do you think are the chances for the Scorpions heading to the Super Bowl this season?”

  Killian gave her an indulgent smile. “They’re damn good, but anything can happen between now and the playoffs. You intend to place any bets?”

  Amanda laughed. “No, I just wondered what you thought since you kind of hold the game in your hands.”

  I wanted to bury my head. Amanda had decided now was the time to see what Killian was made of. I knew she worked her scheme with my best interest in mind, but doing it here, when he was paying an exorbitant amount for our meals, wasn’t the best time.

  Killian didn’t miss a beat. “Hmm, I hadn’t thought of it quite that way. Before dinner tonight, I was more excited than nervous about the season starting. Now that you’ve laid the pressure at my door, I’ll work extra hard.” His face was entirely deadpan for about five seconds.

  Amanda’s mouth fell open in shock until Killian’s dimples flashed. His smile grew and I saw Amanda’s eyes go dreamy. I probably had the same look on my face.

  A moment later, not having learned from her previous mistake, Amanda made me want to crawl under the table again.

  “So exactly what are your intentions for my best friend, besides keeping her hidden away on the weekends?”

  I saw Killian’s shoulder stiffen for a fraction of a second, but then he relaxed and took my hand, kissing my fingers. His gaze turned back to Amanda.

  “Since your best friend considered this nothing more than a fling, I think I’ll let her decide where it goes from here.”

  Amanda didn’t blink. “So you heard that conversation?”

  “I heard.”

  Amanda gave me a look then turned back to Killian. “She tends to think poorly of herself, but I’ve been trying to break that habit.”

  Killian cocked his eyebrows. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  I wanted to run from the restaurant. Killian’s fingers were steel around mine, and I knew I wasn’t going anywhere. I decided to give her a piece of my mind. “You know, Amanda, your best friend is sitting right here and you are embarrassing her horribly.”

  “Actually, I find this fascinating.”

  All eyes turned to Lyle.

  He very carefully lay his napkin on the table and fell into a lofty British accent. “I’ve
often wondered how the heterosexual crowd handles jealousy between girlfriends and lovers. The complexities of relationships becomes quite enthralling when the opposite sex is involved.” He looked at each of us and continued while staying in character. “I believe if I was the one who started this conversation, Killian and I would be out in the auto lot discussing the rules of courtship.”

  Amanda and I were used to Lyle’s acting flair and immediately gave our own imitation of Downton Abbey.

  I raised my chin. “Why does every day involve a fight with an American?”

  Amanda gave us all a deadpan look. “He’s a fortune hunter, my dear, and really, I hate drama.”

  Killian shook his head. “I think I’ve lost this round, or rather lost my marbles.”

  Lyle dropped his jaw in exaggerated wonder. “You haven’t turned him onto Downton Abbey?”

  I looked at Killian. “Sorry, dear, I save Downton Abbey for my best girlfriends.”

  “I guess I need to go to the parking lot with Lyle and learn the rules. I don’t even know what a downtown abbey is and I have no idea if Rebecca uses it to turn me on or not.”

  My cheeks went red, but Lyle had broken the interrogation spell and we all laughed.

  Killian drove them back to the stadium and they talked football the entire way. I was wondering if there was a Football for Dummies book. If so, I was buying and reading it at the first opportunity.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “I like your friends,” Killian said into the quiet car after making sure Amanda managed to get out of the stadium parking lot.

  He squeezed my fingers slightly and then kissed the back of my hand, his lips hot against my skin.

  “I’m glad, and very sorry Amanda put you on the spot.”

  His gravelly chuckle made my thighs clench. “Wait until you meet my mother. She’ll know your shoe size within thirty minutes.”

  “I have big feet, so that’s kind of harsh.”

  “Your feet are perfect, but I agree with Amanda.” His grin went a little crooked.

  I rolled my eyes. “This can’t be good.”

  “No, I don’t think it is. You tend to think poorly of yourself. Mind telling me why?”

  Here it was…our first in-depth personal conversation. How I wished I’d asked the first question.

  I took a deep breath before speaking. “I was taller than anyone I knew by sixth grade. I grew so fast that my coordination didn’t catch up fully until around sixteen. I remember falling in the hallway once. My books went everywhere and the kids just laughed. No one stopped to help me. I ran to the bathroom and cried until a teacher came looking for me.” I spoke quickly, took a few deep breaths, and continued. “I hated every day of school, and being incredibly shy didn’t help me make friends.”

  “How tall are your parents?”

  I heard sympathy in his voice.

  “My dad’s tall at six two, but my mom is only five five. She is also one of those butterfly girls like Malory and fits in regardless of the situation. I take after my dad. He’s always thought he was the luckiest man on earth for winning my mom.”

  “Hmm, butterfly girls. I’d love to hear your definition.”

  I was looking out the side window then turned his way. “I don’t mean it in a bad way. The butterfly girls bloom early. Malory is the perfect example. She’s cute, fun, and shines in every situation.”

  “I don’t know if that’s totally true. Have you asked Malory about her awkward moments? I think everyone has them.”

  I tried to keep frustration out of my voice. Killian was gorgeous and might never understand. “You’re right. So I’m cocoon girl with big feet, and to top it off self-centered. Why don’t you give me a few of your inadequacies so I feel better?”

  He only took a second before he answered. “I’m grumpy on game day, and don’t like my girlfriend saying bad things about herself.”

  I think my heart stopped for several beats.

  “Am I your girlfriend?” I tried to keep emotion out of the question, but failed because all the air left my lungs.

  This time he brought my hand up and rubbed it against his scratchy jawline. “To me, you’re my girlfriend, though that might be a tame word for what I hope we have so far. What am I to you?”

  The words tumbled out. I couldn’t stop them. “The future father of my children.”

  Killian gave me a quick glance before returning his eyes to the road. I couldn’t believe what he said next.

  “That might make up for your uncool behavior today. Does that line usually scare the guys away?”

  His voice dropped an octave on the last sentence. I all but told him I loved him, and I couldn’t hold back tears. They slipped down my cheeks, though I fought each one.

  “I always scare the guys away.” I felt raw, exposed to the point that I wanted to curl into a ball and cry.

  He didn’t release my hand until we pulled into his garage. I hadn’t wiped my face, but most of my tears had dried. I could feel Killian looking at me, but he still didn’t say anything. Finally, he got out and walked around to open my door before leading me into the house. It surprised me when he walked to the weight room. About ten steps in, he pulled me against his chest. The warmth of his breath flowed across my cheek.

  “I don’t know if I’m ready for you to have my babies, but you’re not scaring me away, Rebecca Cavanaugh.”

  My tears began again, but I was solidly against his chest and he couldn’t see them. My voice somehow remained calm. “I started dreaming of having your babies on the night we met. Now, we’ve only been together for a week, but I always latch on tightly. You’re my third boyfriend and I did the same thing with the other two. I’m sorry, Killian. I’m only twenty-one, but my biological clock must tick faster than other women.”

  His rumbled laughter beneath my cheek took me by surprise. He pulled back and turned me around. I stood looking at a floor-to-ceiling wall mirror. Killian was behind me, his hands resting on my hips. I loved that he was taller than I was.

  “Don’t move.” His low whisper held command.

  He left me standing there and walked away. When he returned, he placed my hair up into a hair tie before returning his hands to my hips.

  His sculpted arms, holding me, made my lady bits quiver. I looked up, meeting the chocolate pools of his eyes. I would have turned, but his hands went to the hem of my shirt and pulled the cotton material over my head before I could protest. He dropped it to the floor and unhooked my bra, letting it fall from my body so that I was naked from the waist up.

  His hands rose and covered my breasts. My nipples peeked between his splayed fingers while his lips gently pressed against my neck.

  “I love these.” His fingers flexed in slow, sensual motion.

  He continued placing small kisses down to my collarbone, traveling behind my neck, and moving up the other side.

  “I love your taste.”

  He slowly released my breasts and moved down to the button on my pants while beginning to alternate his kisses with small nips. I squeezed my thighs together until he pushed my pants over my hips.

  “Kick off your shoes.” He placed a harder bite to my shoulder and then harder still when I didn’t immediately follow his order.

  My shoes flew a few feet away and he peeled my pants down until they hit the floor. His foot slid between my legs, stepping on my pants, giving me leverage to step out of them. He held me steady as I kicked them off. His lips and teeth continued their magic on every inch of flesh he could reach.

  My entire body trembled when Killian’s eyes met mine in the mirror. He was so exquisitely beautiful.

  “Please take your clothes off, Killian,” I groaned out in desperation.

  “I will… later.”

  His warm hands traveled over the curve of my hips, up my sides and continued back to my breasts, making me clench my legs in anticipation.

  “I love these,” he said again.

  “They’re too small.” The words came ou
t on a sigh.

  “No.” He released my breasts, taking my hands and bringing them upward.

  It took me a startled second to realize he wanted my hands covering my breasts, but as soon as I did, I tightened my arm muscles, pushing down, and made a sound of protest.

  “Trust me, Rebecca. I won’t hurt you.”

  I’d never touched myself with someone watching. It might only be my breasts, but my embarrassment went into overdrive.

  He kissed my neck again, whispering, “Trust me.”

  My arms went lax. His hands covered mine while mine covered my breasts.

  “That’s how they feel to me—soft, warm, perfect.” He accented each word with kisses against my neck and shoulder.

  He pulled our hands away slightly and his thumbs came up and slid across my nipples. He used my fingers to do the same. The tips pebbled and my groin pulsed; I needed Killian’s touch down there, too.

  He released my hands. “Leave them there, Rebecca.” His hands moved between us until he cupped the cheeks of my bottom.

  “Your ass is so perfect. When you looked for your sister at the party, I stayed just far enough away to watch every sway in that damned skirt. I dreamed about you wearing that skirt and nothing else. I woke up every morning with a hard on that wouldn’t stop. I took showers to relieve myself, but nothing helped.”

  I whimpered and saw Killian smile into the mirror. He moved his hands around until he reached the tops of my thighs.

  “God, your legs, Rebecca. I dreamed of that skirt pushed up and your legs over my shoulders while I tasted you. The dream had nothing on that first night you were in my bed. I could run my fingers along your legs for hours. I think it’s turned into a personal fetish.”

  He pulled back slightly and kissed low on my shoulder while his fingers traveled down the front of my legs. He sank to his knees, his hands never leaving my body. His eyes, peering into the mirror, traveled upward. I could feel his gaze like a caress.

  I studied his face, admiring each sculpted hollow and line. No matter how rugged his features, I found him beautiful.


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