The Beast and the Homecoming Queen

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The Beast and the Homecoming Queen Page 6

by Khelsey Jackson

She jumps when she hears a knock at the door, and shoves the note under her pillow. “Justin?”

  Justin opens the door, and smiles at her. “I was--” he stops talking and sniffing the air.

  “What are you doing?” she asks, and he walks around the room sniffing. “Justin?”

  He looks at her, and his eyes seem more yellow. “Kaden was here.” He looks at the flower that is still on her pillow.

  “What?” she says and grabs the flower.

  He looks at the flower then back at her. “Quinn, I know he was here. Did he hurt you?”

  Quinn looks at him, there is no way Kaden would hurt her. He did tell her he loves her. “He would never hurt me.”

  Justin laughs. “You don't know him that well, he could snap you like a twig.” Quinn glares at him, and then looks at the time. It's six in the morning, which means he was here all night.

  She allows her eyes to soften. “You stayed all night?”

  Justin opens his mouth, and then shuts it. “Yes, I thought you would sleep better with me in the house.”

  Quinn smiles at him, and reaches out for his hand. “Thank you.”

  He nods, and smiles. “I didn’t mind, I wanted to make sure you slept.” He closes his eyes, and when he opens then they are his gray-yellow that she is used to. “I was coming up here to tell you that you needed to get up. I already took a shower, so go take yours. I will have breakfast ready down stairs.” He kisses her palm and stands up.

  “I don’t eat breakfast.”

  He lets her hand fall. “Today you do.” Justin winks and walks out of her bedroom.

  Quinn shakes her head, and pulls out the note from Kaden. She gets up and walks over to her desk and puts it in there with his other notes. She grabs her long sleeve black shirt, and a pair of light blue jeans, and then heads to the bathroom.


  Justin walks down the stairs and into the kitchen. He waits until he hears the shower until he takes his cell phone.

  It rings three times before Kaden picks up. “Justin.”

  Justin takes a deep breath to calm him down, and it doesn’t work. “What the hell were you doing here?” Justin is so mad he can feel his body trembling with is anger.

  “I don’t know what you are talking about,” Kaden says, and Justin can hear the grin in his half-brother's voice.

  “Don't give me that bull crap, I can smell you all over her freaking bedroom.” Justin has to lower his voice, he doesn’t want Quinn to hear him.

  Kaden laughs. “Jealous much?”

  “You know the rules, and Quinn likes me. And I know you have been trying to get her not to like me, I have news for you it didn’t work.” Justin smiles thinking about Quinn, and how she is now his girlfriend.

  “I don’t think you should keep things from her, it isn’t right.” Kaden's voice drops, and Justin knows the moon is affecting him too.

  Justin closes his eyes. “You think I want to keep things from her? I hate it, I want to tell her everything but our dad would beat me.” Justin knows that is true, you don’t go against what the pack leader orders.

  “Whatever, I don’t want to talk to you anymore. But know this, I care for her and if you hurt Quinn I will kill you. I won’t walk away from her either, not yet.” Kaden hangs up and Justin shakes his head.

  He puts his phone in his back pocket, and sets the table.


  When Quinn walks down stairs, she smells food. The only food that has been in her house in the past three months has been TV dinners and take-out. She knows how to cook, but doesn’t want to cook a meal and eat alone.

  Quinn stops and smiles at Justin's back. He is at the stove, and slightly singing to himself. She hasn't heard him sing before, and its heartbreaking beautiful. Justin is singing a song that she knows by Gavin DeGraw More Than Anyone. It is one of her favorites, it basically says if you need a friend he will be there, he is going to love you and holding more than anyone.

  Justin turns around after hitting a high note, and chokes when he sees her. Quinn is smiling, and he looks like he might cry. “I think you might sing that song better than Gavin.” She grins when she sees a blush darken his face and chest.

  He clears his throat. “How long where you standing there?”

  Quinn laughs, he is cute when he is embarrassed. “The whole time, and I loved the last note before you choked.” She winks at him. “I didn’t know you could sing.” Quinn spots bacon, and takes a piece.

  Justin nods towards the table, and she walks over to it. “Yeah no one knows, I don’t want to look like a wussy.”

  Quinn laughs, and sits down. “Justin I don’t think anyone would think that, have you seen yourself? You are six foot something and you are covered in muscles from head to toe.” He laughs behind her, and she smiles.

  “I am six foot two,” Justin says, and squeezes her shoulder. He sets a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast in front of her. He sets down across from her, and she frowns.

  Quinn knows that she didn’t have any of this food in her house. “Where did you get this food?”

  Justin takes a bite, but she sees his grin. “I went out this morning before you woke up.” That explains how Kaden came in without Justin knowing.

  “Well thank you.” She eats another piece of bacon.

  Justin smiles and she continues to eat. “You know you don’t need to thank me, I want to be the one you turn to.”

  Quinn stands up and takes her empty plate to the sink. She keeps her back to him. “I will turn to you more when I know you aren’t keeping things from me.”

  Quinn feels an arm around her waist. “I will tell you everything after homecoming. I promise you.”

  She nods, he has told her that. “I have a question for you.”

  Quinn turns around, and looks at Justin. “What?”

  She watches him take a deep breath. “Have you kissed Kaden?” Quinn loses her smile, and stares into his eyes.

  She won't lie to him, they weren’t together so it should matter. But she has a feeling it will matter to him. “Yes, the night he stayed here.” Quinn watches many emotions flash on his face, and it settling on hurt.

  Justin closes his eyes, and Quinn feels bad. “Did you two--”

  “No!” She puts her hands on his shoulders, and shakes him. “Justin, look at me.” He slowly opens his eyes. “We kissed that was all, I am still a virgin.”

  He just stares into her eyes, like he is trying to see if she is telling the truth. “Okay, but I don’t like that he has kissed you. I could kill him for that.”

  “What, for a kiss?” He doesn’t say anything. “Please promise me you won't do anything.” Again she gets nothing from him. “Justin! Please, if you do anything I won't go to the dace with you and I won't be with you.”

  Justin narrows his eyes. “Fine I won't do anything to Kaden, but you have to promise me you won't see him alone again.”

  Quinn pushes him away, and puts her hands on her hips. “You can't tell me who I can see alone. What are you going to do follow me around?” He stares at her blankly again, and then nods. “You got to be kidding me. I don’t like this.”

  Justin shrugs. “Quinn, you have a choice. You don’t see him alone or I will deal with him.”

  “What!” Quinn has to close her eyes and count to ten before she says something she might regret.

  She wants the guy that was cooking and singing in her kitchen back. “Fine I won't see him alone again.”

  Justin nods. “Good, I am sorry to be like this, but I don’t share easily.” He smiles like he is remembering something. “And Kaden and I have never played well with each other.”

  Quinn shakes her head and moves away from him. “Whatever, I think you should go.”

  “Quinn.” She turns around, and shakes her head.

  “No, right now I am really mad. I don’t like you being a controlling ass face.”

  Justin bites his lips to hide his smile. “I am sorry, but it's who I am. Quinn I will do what you ask, I wi
ll see you at school.” He walks over to her to give her a kiss; she stops him by putting her hand on his chest.

  “Justin if you kiss me right now I will probably bite of your tongue.” He puts his hands up, and grins.

  “Okay, then I will see you later.” He blows her a kiss and walks away.

  Quinn waits until she hears his car pulling away, before she grabs her bag. She promised she wouldn't see Kaden alone, but didn’t say anything about writing him a note. She grabs her notebook and a black pen.


  Justin doesn’t want us to be alone anymore. He said he will hurt you if we are alone again. But I want us to still be friends; maybe we can work something out. What he doesn’t know doesn’t hurt him. But we do need to talk, I heard you say something this morning, and I want to make sure I heard it right.


  PS Thank you for my beautiful flower. How did you know it was my favorite?

  Quinn takes the note and folds it, then adds Kaden's name to the front. She wonders how she will get it to him without Justin seeing; she moans and makes her way to her car.

  When she gets to school she doesn’t see Justin's truck, but she does see Kaden's motorcycle. She parks by it and gets out. Kaden is just getting off of his motorcycle, and he is placing his helmet on the back. As she walks by him she puts the note on his motorcycle, and continues to walk.

  Quinn's heart is pounding when she sees Justin's pick up pull in. At least she knows he didn’t see her, Breanna pops out of nowhere. She does that a lot.

  “Hey Quinny! So how last night?”

  Quinn laughs, this is her Breanna. “It was good,” she says, and Breanna stops.

  “What happened? When I left you were having fun, and you and Justin were connecting.” Breanna looks a little mad.

  “He is a controlling ass face,” Quinn says, as she hears Kaden's voice behind her.

  Breanna giggles. “Ass face?”

  Quinn grins, and glances behind her shoulder. She sees Kaden and Mark talking and laughing.

  Justin is walking towards her.

  “Yes, look I’m going to head to class. I don’t want to deal with him right now.” Breanna's eyes look behind Quinn.

  “Well you better hurry, he is almost to you.” Breanna winks and Quinn walks pass her best friend.

  “Hey Justin!” She hears her best friend say, and Quinn smiles.

  During the first part of the day she avoids Justin, but now as she is walking in the lunchroom she knows she will be seeing him. Breanna waves Quinn over to her, and her heart stops when she sees Kaden and Justin sitting with her.

  “Quinny, sit by me,” Breanna says, and smiles. Too bad that open seat is between her and Justin.

  Quinn glares at her best friend, but sits in the open seat. Justin is talking to Jenna, which is sitting next to him. Great just what she needed.

  “Are you still up to going shopping today?” Quinn looks at Breanna as she asks the question.

  Breanna smiles over Quinn's should at Justin. “Yes, do you want to ride with me?”

  “Sure meet me at my house, I want to leave my car.” Quinn feels a hand on her leg, she looks over at Justin, and he leans into her.

  “Are you still mad at me?” Justin whispers.

  “Are you still a controlling ass face?” she asks him sweetly, and she sees a smile forming on his beautiful face.

  Justin takes her hand. “Quinn I’m sorry, but soon you will know why, and you can do whatever you want. But right now I am protecting you and him.”

  Quinn sighs, and squeezes Justin's hand. “I'm not mad, anymore.” Justin smiles, and Quinn sees Kaden looking at her.

  “Good I don’t want you mad at me.” Quinn smiles, she really doesn’t want to be mad at him.

  Quinn turns her attention to Breanna, she is talking about the dance. Justin rubs his thumb along her knuckles and she smiles.

  She eats her food and hold Justin’s hand under the table. She has never been a lovey with any of her ex-boyfriends before.

  Jenna flips her hair, and turns her blue eyes to Quinn. “So are you ready for everyone to be staring at you, and noticing you again?”

  Quinn narrows her eyes, she doesn’t like to be the center of attention, and the only the reason she didn’t like to be was because people usually ask about her father.

  “I’m ready as long as I have Justin by my side.” She grins at Jenna, and Justin squeezes her hand.

  “Lame,” Jenna says, and rolls her eyes but Quinn doesn’t care.

  “I don’t think it’s lame, I think it’s cute. I love seeing you this happy Quinny,” Breanna says and places her hand on Quinn’s shoulder. “I think you’re just jealous, Jenna.”

  She has to bite her lip so she doesn’t smile, and she rubs her thumb along Justin’s knuckles.

  Jenna’s laugh catches her attention and she looks over at her. “Me? Jealous of Quinn! That will never happen.” She stands up, and glares first at Quinn then Breanna; then she walks away.

  Just brings her hand to his warm soft lips, and gently kisses her knuckles. “Don’t listen to her.” He winks one gray-yellow eye and grins at her.

  Quinn walks into her last class of the day, and is happy she is only the TA. Mrs. Schmidt is talking to Kaden, so Quinn just walks over to the desk. She sits down and wants to be away from school, she hates that she can't talk to Kaden. But she doesn’t blame Justin; she doesn’t want him to have anything to do with Jenna. Quinn touches her chin, and runs her finger tips over the scabs from Jenna's fingernails.

  “Quinn?” She jerks her head up at the sound of Kaden's voice. His beautiful dark blue eyes are staring at her. “Mrs. Schmidt told me to bring you this book, she wants some copies made. She marked the pages.” Quinn glances at Mrs. Schmidt, and she smiles at Quinn.

  “Okay, thank you,” Quinn says and stands up. She reaches for the book, and he nods.

  “No problem.” Kaden smiles, and she can feel her heart speed up. He turns around, and of course Justin is stand there. He doesn’t look happy, so she holds up the book. He just looks at her, and she sighs. Quinn doesn’t want to deal with this, she isn’t good in relationship. She shakes her head, and walks out of the classroom, and towards the office to get copies.

  When she gets to the office she walks into the copy room to get what she needs. Mrs. Schmidt left sticky notes saying how many she needed, and Quinn did what was on them. The last set she sees a note with her name on it in Kaden's handwriting. She smiles to herself.

  Quinn scans and copies the last page, but takes out the note. She wants to read it before going back to class, she has a feeling Justin won't like her and Kaden trading notes.


  Justin can't keep me away. I know I should stay away, but all I can think about is our kiss. The way you taste is inscribe in my brain, and I want to taste it again. Justin can't really help the way he is feeling, like I can't when I see you with him. I want to tear off his hands when he touches you. About what you heard this morning, I meant it, and still mean it. I love you, I know it’s crazy but it’s how I feel. You are the reason I want to be in this stupid town with my dead beat dad, and spoiled half-brother. You take my breath away when you look at me, and I want to be the one that makes you happy. I want to take away your pain that is in your hazel-blue eyes. About the flower, sweetheart I know more about you than you think. If Justin isn’t at your house tonight I will stop over, and we will talk more. I want to take away your pain that is in your hazel-blue eyes. About the flower, sweetheart I know more about you than you think. If Justin isn’t at your house tonight I will stop over, and we will talk more.


  Quinn takes a deep breath and rereads the note. She can't believe how sweet he is, and that he loves her. She grabs a blank piece of paper, to write Kaden back. Now how she is going to get it to him without Justin knowing is beyond her. Quinn takes the red pen that she has for grading Mrs. Schmidt papers.


  We do need to talk, that i
s a lot to take in. I don’t even know where to start. But I don’t want you to get hurt because we can't stay away from each other. And I am with Justin so that means we can't kiss again. I feel bad that I am writing you behind his back. I can't say the L word to you or him. I don’t really know you or him. I do like you both. Let me think about things, and you shouldn't come over tonight. I need to figure things out.


  Quinn folds the note, but doesn’t add his name. He will know what it is. She grabs the last set of copies, and leaves the office. As she walks out of the office she sees Ryan walking out of the bathroom, Ryan he is sitting behind Kaden.

  Ryan is nice, even though she hasn’t really talked to him. He is kind of geeky, but she has always been nice to him. “Ryan?” Quinn says, and he turns around.

  Ryan's eyes widen. “Hey Quinn.”

  She reaches in her back pocket, and pulls out the note. “Can you do something for me?”

  Ryan smiles, and shrugs. “Sure.”

  Quinn holds out the note, and smiles. “Can you give this to Kaden?”

  Ryan glances down at the note, and nods. “Sure.” He takes the note and walks away. Quinn closes her eyes and slows down her breathing.

  When she gets back to the classroom, Mrs. Schmidt is talking, and Quinn head to the desk. Justin glances at her when she sits down, and she smiles. He gives her a little smile and then turns his attention back to Mrs. Schmidt; Quinn allows her eyes to look at Kaden. He winks at her, and pats his chest. She groans and decides to listen to Mrs. Schmidt.

  Quinn watches the seconds tick by, she wants today to be over with. One minute and she will be out of here, and heading home to meet Breanna.

  When the bell rings she stands up and Justin is waiting, in front of the desk. He smiles and puts his hand out waiting for hers. Quinn's eyes look behind Justin and sees Kaden talking to Ryan. She looks back to Justin and he has lost his beautiful smile.

  Just as he is starting to put his hand down, Quinn grabs it. “Want to walk to me my car?” she asks, and he just stares at her. She moves closer to him, and places her hand on his heart. Quinn looks up into gray-yellow eyes, and smiles. She feels happy and safe with Justin.


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