One True Thing

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One True Thing Page 26

by Nicole Hayes


  This is my favourite part of the whole writing process – I get to thank the many people who have helped me transform the idea of a story into an actual book.

  Starting from the top, a huge thank you to my daughters Hannah and Emily. Although the characters in this novel are fictions, I borrowed bits of their lives and loves to create the triumvirate of Frankie, Kessie and Luke. In particular, I drew on my daughters’ passion for music, their acute sense of justice, as well as their no-nonsense view of the world. They also suffered endless ‘what would a teen say?’ questions without rolling their eyes. Much.

  Thanks to my family in Australia and America for their unwavering encouragement and for humouring me during those long years when the idea of my novels ever finding a publisher seemed as remote and impossible as Luke Mulvaney-Webb winning Olympic gold. I couldn’t do it without you. In Australia: Ryse, Amanda and Damien Hayes; Jessica and Kirsty Spargo; Ellyahne and Liam Childs; and Lori Henderson. In America: Madeline, Allan, Steve, Amy, Maddie and Bill Webb; and Jo, Bob and Jack Dunstan. Thanks to my husband, Frank, formerly known as Frankie Webb, for allowing me to name a 16-year-old girl after him – and being only mildly appalled. To my mum, Linda (Yolanda), for being my loudest and proudest fan, and to my dad, Geoff, for gifting me this writing itch without realising it. I miss you every day, Dad.

  The idea for this novel was fuelled by my frustration with the treatment of women in public life. That this novel is about so much more than its fiery inspiration is a testament to the talented professionals at Random House: publisher Zoe Walton, who found the heartbeat beneath the rant; Catriona Murdie, whose dedication and patience helped me belt this ungainly beast into shape – it was as brutal and as taxing as it sounds, but so worth it. I simply could not have done it without her. Thank you and hooray to Christa Moffitt for, once again, successfully capturing the essence of this story in her beautiful cover design. I want to frame it and put it on my wall. And a special thank you to my agent, Elizabeth Troyeur, for her unshakeable support and steady guidance.

  My first and most patient of readers, chapter by chapter, were the members of my writers’ group, the original and fabulous Sybylla’s Sisters – Annie Collins, Kathryn Moore, Phoebe Stevens and Deborah Vanderwerp. Thank you for your boundless encouragement, your insightful feedback and your generous friendship. The wine and chocolates were the icing on that delicious cake.

  Veronica Pardo was the first to read the entire manuscript and offer feedback and (much-needed) encouragement. Always my champion, always my friend – thank you for cheering me on and setting me straight.

  Every week I enjoy the privilege of sharing the stories and lives of the Phoenix Park Writers, whose energy, enthusiasm and intelligence provide just the right amount of accountability and inspiration for me to apply to my own writing. Thank you for spurring me on. Also, a hearty thank you to the many writers who have dipped in and out of my life via my workshops at the Australian Writers’ Centre and Writers Victoria. It’s a cliché because it’s true – I learn far more from our classes than you do.

  I’d also like to shout out to the awesomeness of local authors who have barracked or sympathised, supported or promoted, listened or read, or simply been available to talk when no one else got it. Specifically: Melissa Keil, Ellie Marney, Jacqui Tomlins, Kylie Ladd, Jo Case, Rebecca Lim, Alicia Sometimes, Emily Gale, PD Martin, Fleur Ferris, Tony Wilson, Erin Riley, Holly Ringland, Jesse Blackadder and Kate Forsyth. Extra love to Melissa and Ellie for the last-minute read and the generous feedback, and to Rose Giannone and Elena Christie for always knowing what to say.

  Thanks again to those dear writer friends with funny accents: Melanie Benjamin, who read and loved this manuscript right when I needed her to, and who is in the unique position of having read every single one of my stories – the good, the bad and the ugly – since this whole thing started. Incredibly, she’s still talking to me. And Eliza Graham, who has supported me across oceans for more years than I care to remember.

  Anyone who has taken one of my writing workshops will have heard me recommend the Scriptnotes podcast, featuring Craig Mazin and John August. It is from one of these episodes (#178) that I borrowed Craig Mazin’s idea of the ‘two-week rule’ – John tagged it the ‘two-week cure’ – though in the novel I attribute it to Harry Norfolk. Thanks to Craig and John for allowing me to appropriate it and for so generously providing an entertaining, informative and free resource for writers of all kinds.

  There were lots of technical questions I had and advice I sought: thanks to Mandy Finegan for her help with some of the more pointed queries regarding how security might work. And to Lillian and Jasmin Gonzalez for answering random questions about teenage life and ‘what’s cool’ without mocking me to my face. Thank you to the professionals, past and current – who chose to remain anonymous – for patiently explaining procedure and protocol surrounding the Premier’s office. While I attempted to fit within the fundamentals of our political system, there was some licence taken in minor ways for the sake of story, so forgive me these aberrations. Any errors or omissions are entirely mine.

  Finally, to all the amazing young readers and writers I have met in schools, at festivals and on social media: thank you for proving over and over that the future is safe in your hands.


  Nicole Hayes is back in her hometown of Melbourne after stints living in England, France, Japan, Hawaii and Canberra. When she’s not yelling at the Hawks on TV or ABC talkback radio, she teaches writing and writes fiction, essays and scripts. Her debut novel, The Whole of My World, was published in 2013 and was shortlisted for a Young Australians Best Book Award and longlisted for the Gold Inky Award. She lives in Melbourne with her husband, two daughters and a dog called Brody. Say hi at or tweet @nichmelbourne.



  Desperate to escape her grieving father and harbouring her own terrible secret, Shelley disappears into the intoxicating world of Aussie Rules football. Joining a motley crew of footy tragics – and, best of all, making friends with one of the star players – Shelley finds somewhere to belong. Finally, she’s winning.

  So why don’t her friends get it? Josh, who she’s known all her life, but who she can barely look at anymore because of the memories of that fateful day. Tara, whose cold silences Shelley can’t understand. Everyone thinks there’s something more going on between Shelley and Mick. But there isn’t – is there?

  When the whole of your world is football, sometimes life gets lost between goals.

  An unputdownable novel for anyone who’s ever loved or lost, drawn a line between then and now, or kept a secret that wouldn’t stay hidden …


  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted by any person or entity, including internet search engines or retailers, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including printing, photocopying (except under the statutory exceptions provisions of the Australian Copyright Act 1968), recording, scanning or by any information storage and retrieval system without the prior written permission of Random House Australia. Any unauthorised distribution or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author’s and publisher’s rights and those responsible may be liable in law accordingly.

  Version 1.0

  One True Thing


  First published by Random House Australia in 2015

  Copyright © Nicole Hayes 2015

  The moral right of the author has been asserted.

  A Random House book

  Published by Random House Australia Pty Ltd

  Level 3, 100 Pacific Highway, North Sydney NSW 2060

  Random House Books is part of the Penguin Random House group of companies whose addresses can be found at

  National Library of Australiar />
  Cataloguing-in-Publication entry

  Creator: Hayes, Nicole, author

  Title: One true thing/Nicole Hayes

  ISBN: 9780857986894 (ebook)

  Target Audience: For young adults

  Subjects: Family secrets – Fiction

  Young Adult fiction

  Dewey Number: A832.4

  Cover image: Melbourne skyline © paulrommer/Shutterstock

  Cover design by Christabella Designs

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