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Superstar Page 1

by Joy King

  Joy King

  This Book is Dedicated To My:

  Family, Readers and Supporters. I LOVE you guys so much. Please believe that! !

  I got so many emails from readers screaming on me for how I ended Hooker to Housewife. I've had so much on my plate but I was DETERMINED to give readers the ending they deserved. I love all of the characters in this series, although they are scandalous in their own way. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I did them justice with my latest installment, because I'm truly grateful for the love, support and patience readers show me. I hope to continue to write books that you all enjoy. Hugs and Kisses!!

  I did want to take time to acknowledge a few readers who I feel ride for me extra hard, and words can't describe how much that means to me. For the ones I forgot to mention, I apologize and I'll get you on the next book O

  Tureko "Virgo" Straughter, Renee Tolson, Jeanni Dixon, Ms KiKi, Andrea Denise, Sunshine716, Ms. (Nichelle) Mona Lisa, Lady Scorpio, Travis Williams, Brittney, Donell Adams, Myra Green, Leona Romich, Sexy Xanyell. To vendors and distributors like African World Books, Teddy Okafor, Black & Nobel, DaBook Joint, The Cartel, DCBookman, Tiah, Vanessa and Glenn Ledbetter, Junior Job, Anjekee Books, Urban Xclusive DVD & Bookstore, Future Endeavors. Also, to Sherita Nunn, Troy Monaco, James Davis, Marcus & Wayne Moody, Ann Hopson, Trista Russell, Risque Cafe, Don Diva, Dolly Lopez and Jonesy...thank you all for your support! !

  Special thanks to Jonesy of Hot 97, you always show me so much love. . .you're the BEST! ! Keith Saunders of Marion Designs, Tracy Taylor, and Darren Coleman, I don't know what I would do without you-you truly are my rock. Larry Satterwhite-thanks for believing in me and being patient. Lastly, my parents Suzy Hoard and Ellery King ...I love you both so much.

  Much Love,

  Joy King

  Most importantly, to my readers, I know I left you hanging with Hooker to Housewife but I hope Superstar was worth the wait-Enjoy!! Please hit me up and share your thoughts. [email protected]

  Whoever said it never rains in Southern California was mistaken. When it rains it pours, and tonight it was a full blown storm. You could barely hear the loud noises coming from the ambulance and police sirens due to the combination of blistering winds echoing with the thunder and lightening.

  Instead of neighbors and passersby finding refuge in their homes or cars, they were fixated by the visuals that resembled images straight from a movie scene: A woman standing with her hands cuffed behind her back wearing what seemed to have been a beautiful dress. The gorgeous face masqueraded by makeup now smudged from the falling teardrops. As the officer read her rights she was too enthralled with the man holding the hands of the woman she had just hit with her silver Benz. It was reminiscent of Clara Harris except there was a psycho bride in a wedding dress behind the wheel. And instead of the intended victim being on his deathbed, the other woman was suffering for his mistake.

  "I'm so sorry," Andre said choking back tears. "This is all my fault, baby. Please don't die!" he begged to an unconscious Tyler. He was in shock that the love of his life was slipping away. She was slowly dying and there was nothing he could do about it.

  Chantal gazed from a short distance as Andre stepped into the ambulance with Tyler. "Would you please let me go?" she snapped at the police officer as she pushed her body forward. "My husband is leaving and I need to be with him."

  The police officers looked at each other peculiarly as if acknowledging they were dealing with a quack. "Lady, the only place you're going is jail. Now please follow me," the officer said as he escorted Chantal to the car.

  "Or the Looney bin," the other officer added, slightly laughing.

  "Jail! You sound stupid," she barked. "I'm Chantal Jackson, the wife of Andre Jackson. I'm sure you've heard of him. He will not be pleased with your manhandling. Now get your hands off of me!" Those were the last words the officers heard before slamming the car door in Chantal's face.

  The drive to the hospital seemed to be the longest ride of Andre's life. After they rushed Tyler in for emergency surgery he went into the hospital chapel and prayed. He felt he had no right to beg for God's mercy, but Tyler shouldn't have to suffer for his sins. First Chantal, and now Tyler was clinging to life, but Tyler was so innocent in all of this. He was the one who had drove Chantal to the edge of insanity, and now Tyler was the one fighting to live. He was positive their baby she was carrying didn't survive, but if she pulled through then they could try for another one. Andre was determined to have a family and future with Tyler. He just hoped that she was just as determined.

  When Andre finished pouring his heart out to the Lord he walked back to the waiting room to see if there was any word on Tyler's prognosis. As soon as he stepped through the door every eye was on him. He could hear the news reporter from the television giving an elaborate breakdown of the evening's tragic events. The loud whispers said it all.

  "Is that him? Is that Andre Jackson, the man who left his fiancee at the altar and got that poor actress hit by a car?" he heard one heavyset woman whisper to the man sitting beside her.

  "Mr. Jackson, can I speak to you for a moment?" the doctor asked, answering everyone's questions. Andre was somewhat relieved that the doctor showed up and he could escape the intensity in the room. They stepped in the hallway and he felt bubbles in his stomach as the doctor spoke. "Tyler suffered serious internal injuries and she's in critical but stable condition. The next twenty-four hours are crucial. If she's able to survive then a full recovery is likely."

  "Thank you, doctor," Andre said, not wanting to breakdown. "Can I see her?"

  "She just got out of surgery and they're moving her to intensive care. I'll let you know when you can see her."

  Andre felt numb. He knew if Tyler died then his life would be over with. His mind was so clouded with sorrow he almost didn't hear his cell phone ringing. He didn't recognize the number but still opted to take the call. "Hello."

  "Andre, it's me, Shari. What the hell happened? I'm hearing all these crazy reports on the radio that your fiancee hit Tyler Blake with a car and she's in the hospital. I know they're not talking about Chantal."

  Shari was talking so fast he had to take a second to digest her question before answering. "Yes, they are. Chantal outdid herself this time," Andre said calmly.

  "What! I don't understand. There must be some mistake," Shari belted out, sounding confused.

  "There is no mistake, Shari. Chantal tried to run me over and Tyler pushed me out the way. She's barely hanging on to her life because she tried to save mine."

  Andre took a deep breath as he had a quick flashback to the incident. One minute he was holding Tyler, gazing into her eyes and stroking her hair. Then next he was walking to the car and heard Tyler screaming for him to move. But the astonishment of seeing Chantal speeding towards him with her weapon left him motionless. If Tyler hadn't pushed him out the way he would've definitely been rolled over and splattered across the ground. But after the impact of the car sent Tyler flying 20 feet, Andre wished it had been him that was hit. "I'm sorry what did you say, Shari?" he said after finally realizing she had asked him about five questions, none of which he answered.

  "Where is, Chantal?"

  "I would suspect jail, Shari. That's what they do to people who commit crimes and get caught."

  "Listen, Andre, I know you're a little pissed right now."

  "Little? That's an understatement!" Andre trilled.

  "Okay a lot, and I do understand. But Andre, Chantal is the mother of your child and your fiancee, until you left her standing at the altar and had one of your cronies break the news that you wouldn't be showing up now or never."

  Shari's attempt to make Andre feel guilty was actually working even under the circumstances. He knew a lot of this was his fault. Chantal prove
d she was unstable after slitting her wrists when he told her he planned to marry Tyler. But after things didn't initially work out with Tyler he took Chantal back knowing he wasn't in love with her. He locked himself down to a farce of a wedding with the complete knowledge that his heart belonged to another woman. He dragged Chantal along by a string until she reached her breaking point. Now she was in jail and Tyler was in the hospital. He felt like shit.

  "What do you want me to do, Shari? Chantal tried to kill me and ended up hitting the woman that I love."

  "It's always about you, Andre. You are so fucking selfish. While you sit there licking your wounds I'm going to figure out a way to get Chantal out of jail. I'm sure you all's daughter is concerned about her mother." Shari slammed the phone leaving Andre to wonder how he became the villain in all of this.

  The commotion of the paparazzi, a belligerent woman and hospital security woke Andre. He fell in a deep sleep while holding vigil at Tyler's bedside. He looked at his timepiece and it was now eleven o'clock in the morning. Tyler still wasn't conscious, but when she did come too he didn't want her surrounded by chaos.

  "What the hell is going on?" Andre asked the bodyguard he hired to stand watch in front of Tyler's room.

  The paparazzi immediately started flashing their cameras and shooting off a million questions. "Andre, over here!" one familiar looking television reporter screamed while walking towards him and jamming a mike in his face. "How is Tyler? Is she going to live?"

  "Get that mike outta my face!" he spit as the bodyguard shoved the camera crew out the way. "How in the hell did all this press make it to ICU?" a frustrated Andre asked the nurse.

  "I don't know, Mr. Jackson. The police have been called and security is trying to control the situation until they arrive."

  "Well, they need to step it up. This is outrageous. And who is that woman arguing with Tyler's doctor?" Andre inquired, thinking to himself that she had a familiarity to her.

  "I'm not sure. She got here about fifteen minutes ago and has been yelling at the doctor ever since."

  "Excuse me," he said heading towards the irate woman and the visually shaken doctor. "Pardon me. Is there some sort of problem?"

  The woman gave him a defiant stare that made Andre feel like he was five years old. "Who are you and why are you interrupting me?" she snapped.

  "I'm, Andre Jackson, and who are you?"

  "Don't question me, young man. You're the reason my daughter is lying in that hospital bed barely alive. You should be ashamed of yourself."

  Andre's heart dropped when the woman said "daughter". Tyler only mentioned her mother on a few rare occasions. Once, when she was getting married for the fifth time and the others when she talked about how beautiful her mother was, which she was. Her silky smooth walnut colored skin was adorned by delicate features, which were further highlighted by her chinlength golden-brown bob cut. In her tapered two-piece skirt suit it was evident that she had a dedicated workout plan given the muscle tone on her five-foot six-inch tall frame. But through all that beauty, Andre was at a loss for words as her icy eyes sent chills down his spine.

  "Excuse me, I need to check on Tyler," the doctor said, realizing this was a chance for a clean getaway. Andre couldn't blame him, her stare alone was vicious.

  "I'm so sorry, Mrs. Blake," Andre finally mustered enough courage to say.

  "I haven't been Mrs. Blake in over twenty years. That's Tyler's biological daddy's last name. It's the only thing he gave her that was worth keeping. My name is Maria Chambers, but that's Mrs. Chambers to you." Andre couldn't believe that someone as sweet as Tyler had a mother that literally spit fire when she spoke. "Also," she added putting her hand in the stop position. "Don't insult my grief with some pathetic sorry. Your sorry ass is the root of all my daughter's problems."

  Before Andre could defend himself the nurse ran out of Tyler's room saying that she was awake. He was relieved that security had gotten rid of all the press. Both he and Maria ran towards the room simultaneously as if in a race to the finish line. The bodyguard put his hands up blocking Maria's path. "If you don't get out of my way, you overgrown GI Joe!" she belted.

  "She's okay, this is Tyler's mother," Andre said, regretting he defended the woman. Before they could get any further, the doctor was the next stumbling block.

  "Tyler, can only have one visitor at a time," he said before catching a glimpse of the determined mother figure. "She's very weak, so please don't excite her and keep the duration of your visit as short as possible."

  Maria abruptly pushed past the doctor making way to Tyler. "Oh, Tyler, I'm so glad you're finally up," Maria said as she stroked Tyler's hand.

  "Hi, Mother." Tyler's voice was barely audible.

  "Oh, honey, I'm so sorry this happened to you. But Mother is here now and I'll take care of you." Maria carefully did a close examination of her daughter before saying, "Oh, baby, thank goodness your face is still beautiful. You only have a couple of minor scratches that will heal in no time."

  Andre stood to the side for a minute, trying to take in the piece of work of a mother Tyler had.

  "Where's Andre?" he heard Tyler whisper.

  "I'm right here, baby." Maria gave him the screw face as he approached the bed. "Tyler, God heard my prayers. If you didn't make it, I couldn't have survived without you." Tears rolled down Andre's face as he held on to Tyler's hand on bended knee.

  "I'm so glad you're alright. I'm still groggy and I only remember bits and pieces of what happened," Tyler said.

  "Well, from what I understand, dear, your boy toy here sent his fiancee over the edge and she tried to run you over with her car."

  "No disrespect, Mrs. Chambers, but I don't think this is the time to talk about what happened. Tyler needs to get some rest," he said, wanting to bitch-slap the woman.

  "Andre, don't leave. Mother, can you give us a few minutes please?"

  "Sure. I'll be waiting outside." When Tyler heard the door shut she collected enough strength to give Andre an endearing smile. "Don't pay attention to my mother. Her bark is louder than her bite."

  "You sure about that? She seems awfully treacherous to me."

  "I'm sure. Don't let her scare you away."

  "From you, never. I'm not leaving your side until you come home with me. Tyler, I was so scared. I know this is all my fault, I hope you forgive me."

  "Stop it. This isn't your fault. Chantal is the one who hit me, not you. So stop blaming yourself. I need for you to be strong for both of us, because right now my mind and body are so weak."

  "Don't worry, you're my angel. I'll take care of you, I promise." The guilt slowly began to lift off of Andre's shoulders as he lovingly gazed into Tyler's eyes. Even with the scratches on her face and the bandages wrapped around her head he still thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

  "Baby, I'm really tired. I want to go back to sleep and you need to go home and get some rest."

  "Okay, but I'll be back later on," he said before kissing Tyler on her forehead.

  "Do me one little favor before you go."


  "Tell my mother to come in. I want to talk to her before I go to sleep."

  "Anything but that," he said seriously.

  "Pleeeeeeease," Tyler begged.

  "Only because I love you, but there's a bodyguard right outside your door if you need for her to be escorted out."

  "Andre, stop it. She's my mother."

  Andre left the room to locate the mother from hell. He didn't have to go far, since Maria was impatiently standing against the wall, tapping her pumps on the floor. She didn't even wait for him to invite her in. She briskly walked past Andre straight into Tyler's room.

  "That's some mother Ms. Blake has," the burly bodyguard said. He took the words right out of Andre's mouth.

  The moment after closing Tyler's hospital door, Maria let her thoughts be known. "Tyler, I wish I could take you home with me right now. Your doctor is incompetent and these nurses look and
act like they belong at some sort of city facility."

  "Mother, please. I'm alive aren't I?"

  "No thanks to that friend of yours, Andre Jackson. He has some nerve being here when he's the one responsible for your predicament."

  "Stop! Andre and I are in love."

  "Tyler, Tyler, Tyler. When are you going to learn how to choose your men? You would've thought after that psycho high school boyfriend of yours, Trey blew out his brains, you would use more caution. And let's not forget Brian, my poor grandson's unstable father, now Andre Jackson. You can do so much better, dear. If you continue on this path I'm afraid next I'll be making your funeral arrangements."

  "How can you say such a thing?" Tyler said, mortified by her mother's prediction of death.

  "Now calm down, you're still weak. I'm not trying to upset you. I'm simply stating the obvious. You go from one dysfunctional relationship to the other. You could've been killed yesterday and that is every parent's worst nightmare. You have a baby to think about."

  Those words stung the most. The little brother or sister her son Christian would've had was gone. There was no way she could still be pregnant after taking a hit like that. Tyler figured Andre or did the doctor probably mention it because they didn't want to cause her more grief.

  "Mother, can you please go? I'm exhausted. I really need to get some rest."

  "But we're not finished," Maria said.

  "Yes, you are. I'm going to have to ask you to leave. Your daughter needs to get some rest," the doctor stated as he entered the room.

  "Fine, but I'll be back later. You get some sleep, honey."

  Tyler closed her eyes yearning for the day her and Andre would make love again.

  It had been a little over a month and Tyler was finally going home. With great resistance from her mother, Andre rented a beach house in Malibu. He didn't want her returning to his home and having to relive that horrible night, and due to the enormous press coverage the paparazzi were stalking out her place 24/7. Although Tyler had basically made a full recovery, Andre hired a live-in nurse just in case anything went wrong. He was determined to make sure she had everything she needed. So much had happened in the last few weeks and he didn't want to bring Tyler any more unnecessary stress.


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