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Superstar Page 4

by Joy King

  "Okay, we are always going to be Thelma and Louise out this bitch. Them chicks were official just like us." Chantal and Shari did their little pinky shake and burst out laughing.

  "So wait, back to what you were saying. They are trying to give you probation without you going away to the mental hospital or nothing?" Shari asked in shock.

  "Yes, honey. Like some outpatient program. I would still have to meet with a doctor for therapy sessions, but I would see him like three times a week and then take my ass home. As the doctor felt I was getting better my sessions would become less and less. And you know with all my charm, he'll be writing my discharge papers before you can say `Psycho'.

  "But what if it isn't a man, then what?"

  "Oh, Mitchell has that covered. In the plea deal he's working it out that I'm in a private facility, and since I will pay the cost he will find three suitable doctors for the prosecutors to chose from. All of them will be heterosexual males, trust."

  "Chantal, you're too much. It's not safe for you to be out on the streets, but I mean that in the most endearing way."

  Chantal couldn't help but laugh at Shari's statement because she meant it as a joke, but it surly had an underlining truth to it.

  "Baby, how do I look?" Tyler asked, twirling around in her couture white sapphire Monique Lhuillier gown.

  "Incredible! You really do look like an angel."

  "You always know exactly what to say to make me feel good," Tyler said, rubbing the tip of her nose on the tip of Andre's nose. "As always we're running late, so we better go."

  "Wait, you're forgetting something."

  "What?" Tyler questioned as she looked herself up and down. "I have my purse and I can't fit anything else in this dress."

  "What about something around your neck?" Andre said as he pulled out a Harry Winston box.

  When Tyler opened the box her eyes popped when she saw the diamond oval drop necklace. "Omigoodness, it's gorgeous! I had no idea Harry Winston was loaning me a diamond necklace for the premiere. Wow, this is amazing! Baby, put it on for me." Tyler admired herself in the mirror as the necklace complimented her dress perfectly. "This is the most beautiful necklace I've ever seen. I wish I could keep it forever."

  "You can."

  "No, seriously, you know how much a necklace like this cost?"

  "Yeah, especially since I paid for it."

  "What!" Tyler screamed, surprised by what Andre said.

  "It's my gift to you. Diamonds are forever and so are we."

  "Don't do this."

  "Do what?"

  "Don't make me cry right before it's time to go. The makeup artist is gone and there is no way I can touch up my face."

  "Don't cry. We can't have that. I want you looking like the movie star you are when you walk down that red carpet. Save those tears for tonight when I'm inside you and you're crying out my name from the pleasure I'm giving you."

  "I love you so much. There'll never be another man for me."

  "Better not be." Andre slid his fingers through Tyler's hand and they left to see the movie where they fell in love.

  "Girl, this spot, Les Deux is hot! I'm feeling this LA scene. It's not on fire like New York but it's cool. It has another kind of flavor," Shari said as she glanced around the spot.

  "Yeah, I like LA too. So much that I'm considering moving out this way."

  "What, and leave Chicago?"

  "I would keep my house but also get a place here where I would spend the majority of my time. I know Melanie would love it here too, and she could also be near Andre more. I'm sure now that he's going to be a movie star and is marrying one, he'll be spending most of his time in LA."

  "Chantal, I love you to death, you're like a sister to me, but you have to stop building your life around Andre. Because LA is his home, you want it to be your home too. It's time to move on and put Andre behind you."

  "I'm not following Andre around. We do have a child together."

  "Yeah, and a lot of kids grow up with their parents in two different states, that's why they have stuff like visitation rights. If I remember correctly, while you were living in Chicago Andre was living in New York. So no, you don't have to move here so he can be closer to his daughter. It sounds as if once again you're using Melanie to stalk her father. You need to just stop. I'm telling you this because I love you, Chantal, not to hurt you."

  There was no need for Shari to even justify what she was saying. Chantal knew for a fact that Shari was her best friend. All the shit that they had been through together, there was nothing but unconditional love between them. "I hear everything you're saying, Shari. And believe it or not, I'm listening too."

  "That's all I ask. Now pour me some more of that bubbly and let's make a toast."

  "Wait, hold up a minute," Chantal said, zooming in on some guys that just sat down at a booth across the floor from them. "Is that Ian Addison that just walked up in here?"

  "Where? That motherfucker fine as shit. He in here?" Shari questioned, wanting to get a good look at the heavily hyped athlete.

  "I think so, right across over there," Chantal said, nudging Shari's arm but still trying to be discreet.

  It didn't matter though, because nobody was paying attention to them. All eyes were on Ian Addison and his crew. After Shaq was traded to Miami, they brought Ian to the Lakers to be Kobe's partner. They have been dominating the West Coast ever since. The fans and media couldn't get enough of the good looking pair and the women especially loved the charismatic Ian Addison. When he smiled it seemed as if the whole basketball court lit up.

  "Girl, that is him and he is even finer in person than on television! I would do anything to wake up next to that every morning. Oh shit, that's Jalen Griffin with him too!"

  "That name sounds familiar."

  Yeah, he was the first round draft pick last year and signed that ridiculous eighty million dollar Nike contract. Girl, I would welcome either one of those cats in my bed."

  "That ain't nothing but the truth. You know that Ian used to be Tyler's man," Chantal informed Shari.

  "Tyler Blake?"

  "Yes, what other Tyler do we know?" Chantal mocked sarcastically.

  "Damn, she has fucked with some prime dick. But how did she let Ian Addison go?" Shari licked her lips as if she was about to serve him up on a plate.

  "I don't know all that. But what I do know was there was a time she was going hot and heavy with him. You remember Keshia?"

  "Yeah, one of our semi homegirls from around the way."

  "Hum hun, well she used to fuck with some guy that played on the team with Ian when he first got in the league. When they had games in Chicago I would go with her to see him play and Tyler would be there. So I asked Keisha about her because after the games they would be all up on each other like they were tighter than those jeans you got on."

  "So what did Keisha tell you?" Shari asked, becoming impatient with Chantal's long winded inside scoop.

  "Well, she said that even when that dude she was fucking with would fly her out sometimes, Tyler would still be right there. The dude on his team told her that Tyler was Ian's woman and he even heard rumors one time that they were going to get married. Why cats want to marry that silly broad is beyond me."

  "Yo, that shit is crazy. But I heard he did get married a couple of years ago."

  "Me too, but from what my sources tell me he's already headed to divorce court. He had a baby with the chick and decided to take a walk down the aisle, but from what I understand he realized he picked the wrong aisle, or better yet, the wrong girl to stroll down it with."

  "She be alright when they get that divorce. I'm sure she'll be getting a nice piece of change," Shari reasoned.

  "Think again. From what they tell me, before he even put the engagement ring on her finger his lawyers had an airtight pre-nup drawn up. I don't know what exactly is in it but she not walking away with much. She was just so happy to be marrying his fine ass she didn't care what it said."

  "But can y
ou blame her; he is one slice of perfection."

  Both women sat there scheming on how they could make their move, along with every other female in the club.

  Tyler was overwhelmed when she stepped out of the Limo and the paparazzi swarmed her. She was so relieved that Andre was right by her side. But what amazed her even more were the thousands of fans lined up against the ropes screaming her name and begging for an autograph. Tyler was used to fans but not this many. They were chanting her name as if she had been staring in movies all her life. Chrissie immediately came up to Tyler and Andre to walk them down the red carpet and for them to speak to the press that was waiting to get a quick interview.

  "Wait, I want to speak to my fans and sign a few autographs before going in," Tyler insisted.

  "Tyler, you really don't have time."

  "Well, make time." Before Chrissie could say another word Tyler grabbed Andre's hand and began waving and shaking hands with her adoring fans. Andre got caught up in the moment and began doing the same. They signed autographs and the crowd went wild. The security was surrounding the couple trying to keep the hordes of people under control.

  "That's enough, baby. We really have to go now."

  "Okay," Tyler said with slight resistance. This was the life she always dreamed of. Her name up in bright lights at her movie premiere and adoring fans chanting her name. She never wanted the moment to end.

  From a distance T -Roc watched as the new `It' couple of Hollywood signed autographs and smiled for the cameras. It burned him up that Andre was the one shining in all his glory. That was supposed to be him holding Tyler's hand and speaking to the press. But soon he knew his day would come. Next week T-Roc and Tyler would start filming their own movie and he would seize the opportunity to win back the woman he was determined to make his own once and for all. "Yeah Andre, enjoy this moment because it won't last. Once I unleash the sordid secrets of your past you'll be like the plague in this city,"

  T-Roc grinned, relishing in Andre's impending demise.

  "Let's go dance," Chantal said, grabbing Shari's arm and heading to the dance floor when T.L's new club banger started roaring out of the sound system. Chantal began doing her best Beyonce booty dance to the crazy hot beat as all the fellas were eyeing her, even the ones who were with their girlfriends. That was all cool to Chantal, but she was only interested in catching the eye of one fella in particular.

  Shari coolly danced to the music, keeping a close eye on Chantal. She knew exactly what she was up to from the moment she wanted to hit the dance floor. See, Chantal never liked being all in the crowd dancing with everybody else. She thought she was too elite for that. She preferred to be dancing at a spot around her booth, or if she was really feeling herself, on the table. But she wanted to go to the dance floor to be as close to Ian as possible without it looking too obvious. Chantal hoped that once he saw her dropping it like it's hot that he would become enamored and invite her to have a drink at his table.

  Shari had seen Chantal play this same game several times before, but for whatever reason it didn't seem to be working. If Ian was checking for Chantal then he was keeping it under wraps. That didn't deter Chantal though; she started twisting her torso even harder to the music and sticking out her shapely ass with more grind. And finally it seemed that her hard work paid off.

  "Pretty girl, you sexy as shit. Why don't you and your friend come over and have a drink with us," the tall basketball player asked. He was one of Ian's teammates and sitting at the table with him.

  "Maybe Ian didn't ask, but at least I'm one step closer to getting to him," Chantal whispered in Shari's ear as they followed the guy back to his table. Besides him there were four other guys sitting at the table, including Ian.

  "Ladies have a seat. I'm Glen and this is Jalen, Kirk, Roger and Ian." The guys all nodded their heads saying what's up.

  "I'm Chantal and this is Shari."

  "I thought your name was Beyonce the way you was putting it down on that dance floor."

  "That's funny," Chantal said, trying to catch a glimpse of Ian. A couple of the other dudes were cute but Chantal had her eye on the number one stunner.

  "But seriously, are you some type of entertainer? Because you look mad familiar," one of the other players said, trying to place Chantal's face. The last thing Chantal wanted was for one of them to realize she was the deranged would be bride that tried to mow down her fiance. Ian could find out all that after she had put it on him in bed.

  "No I'm not a famous entertainer yet, but give me some time."

  "With moves like you got, there is no doubt that you will be."

  They all started laughing and clicking their glasses, except for the one person she wanted to. Chantal was now becoming annoyed. Ian wasn't paying her any attention. He was too busy small talking to some obvious groupie that was all up in his face. The players were now laughing and joking with Shari and getting their champagne campaign on, so Chantal used the opportunity to have a few words with her target.

  "Is that what I need to do? Come up and speak in a baby voice and dangle my tits up in your face?" Chantal asked with a seductive twinkle in her eyes.

  "Excuse me?" Ian asked, not sure if he heard correctly what the woman sitting next to him said.

  "If I want to get your attention do I need to babble in baby talk and dangle my tits up in your face? That's what I said."

  "Are you referring to me?" the bimbo looking woman asked, sounding like a complete airhead.

  "Yeah, I am. Do you have a problem with that?"

  The woman was taken completely aback by Chantal's candidness. She was no fighter and it was obvious she wasn't into drama, because without saying another word she turned around and almost ran away.

  "Back to you," Chantal continued as if the woman had never been there.

  Ian just sat for a second staring at Chantal. He'd never seen a woman be so raw and cool at the same time. "What about me?"

  "You didn't answer my question."

  "Oh, about getting my attention, well you definitely have it now."

  "How do I keep it?"

  Ian let out a slight laugh. "Well that's on you."

  "All I need is a chance. Will you give me that?"

  "Damn, your approach is a little crazy. I'm used to women coming at me and your style of confidence is different, but I'm feeling it."

  "That's all that matters then. I like what I see and I'm hoping you'll give me the opportunity to let you like me too."

  "I believe in equal opportunity. But didn't my man invite you to the table?"

  "Of course, but I put that show on hoping that you would be the one inviting me to this table."

  "So that little performance was for my benefit?"

  "And you know that. I'm relieved to know that you noticed me while I was doing my best video vixen dance impression."

  "That's cute." Ian was truly digging the honesty that Chantal was spitting. Most women schemed to meet him, but none of them would admit it, so hearing Chantal's confessions was a breath of fresh air. And besides that, Ian had to admit that the woman sitting beside him wanting his attention was drop dead gorgeous. He had noticed her before she even hit the dance floor and was positively impressed with the way she moved her body to the music. The only reason he didn't invite her to have a seat was because besides having a wife, he had two mistresses, a hand full of jump offs and wasn't interested in adding any new blood. Plus he could tell by just looking at Chantal that she was not new to the game. Her appearance was straight perfection. There would be no hit and run with her. She would have to be an official member of his cipher.

  "So have you made up your mind?" Chantal asked as if she knew he was debating if he wanted to take it there with her or not.

  "Made up my mind about what?"

  "Whether or not you want me to make you fall in love."

  "You're too much," Ian chuckled.

  "Is that a yes or a no?"

  "Like I said, I believe in equal opportunity."

  "Great. I'll take that as a yes."

  "I mean, I'll think about it and get back to you," Ian said as he licked his lips and gave Chantal a hypnotizing stare that almost made her come in her silk panties. But once she snapped out of her trance and digested what she considered a cold diss Ian just gave her, she was mortified. Nobody ever had to contemplate getting an opportunity to feel between Chantal's legs and she was offended that it was starting now.

  "Come on Shari, let's go," Chantal said calmly.

  Shari was in the middle of drinking her glass of champagne and listening to another one of Jalen's silly jokes. His jokes weren't that funny but all Shari kept focusing on was his basketball sized diamond stud and the pretty dimples that decorated his face every time he smiled.

  "You ready to go already? But we just sat down!"

  Chantal stood. Burning up inside that Ian had just given her the brush off and her best friend was putting her on the spot. She didn't want to light into Shari in front of these guys because she would be playing herself and Ian would know just how bad he got under her skin. Instead, Chantal decided to come up with what she thought was a lady like excuse. "No, I would love to stay longer because I'm having a great time but my stomach is getting nauseated from drinking this champagne. I made the stupid mistake of not eating anything before coming out." Chantal gave a demure smile and the guys nodded their heads as if understanding her dilemma.

  But Shari knew better, especially since they had a very expensive Italian cuisine at a restaurant right before coming to the club. She knew that was Chantal's way of saying "Let's get the fuck out of here now!"

  "Oh, girl, I understand. Let me get my purse so we can go."

  "Wait a minute, can I get your number before you leave?" Jalen asked as he put his hand over Shari's hand.

  "No doubt." Shari gladly wrote down her digits hoping she would be seeing the sexy basketball player sooner than later. Glen, the guy that originally invited them over was about to ask Chantal for her number, but he had picked up the vibe that she only had interest in Ian.

  The two ladies made their way out the booth and Shari could feel the fire coming out of Chantal's head. "Girl, you alright?"


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