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Superstar Page 8

by Joy King

  "I apologize. When I'm excited about a new idea I get a little touchy. But actually, this isn't a new idea. I got it when I first saw you on television. I even left several messages for your attorney trying to get a hold of you but he never returned my calls. Then so my luck, here you are. I guess when things are meant to be they happen."

  Those words sounded familiar to Chantal and she remembered that was the line she tried to use on Ian but he wasn't falling for it. But for some reason it sounded awfully nice coming out of Rupert's mouth. "So, Rupert, what did you say you did again?"

  "Glad you asked. I'm an agent, but not just any agent. I'm the biggest literary agent on the West Coast-some might say both coasts."

  Rupert pulled out his business card and handed one to Chantal and Shari as he winked his eye. Both ladies thought it looked official but they were still suspect of the flamboyantly dressed man. Then some snobby looking older white lady wearing designer labels Chantal couldn't even pronounce and enough ice to start her own diamond outlet gave him the two fake kisses on each cheek and said, "Rupert, you did wonders for my niece. New York Times bestseller! Not even I imagined that. I'll call you. We'll do lunch soon. Bye."

  "Rupert, why don't you have a seat? The drinks are on me," Chantal said as she quickly warmed up to him.

  "But of course. We have so much to discuss."

  "I do want to hear what you have to say, but I must tell you I barely passed English in high school."

  Rupert began laughing and shaking his head as if what Chantal told him was the funniest joke of the year. The two women were still puzzled by the man but knew he was the real deal so they let it slide.

  "I love that realness about you. That alone will sell us another hundred thousand copies of your book. But seriously, let me school you on a few things."

  "School me," Chantal said now laughing just like Rupert was a second ago. "Let me find out you got some gangsta with you."

  "Oh my dear, if getting money is what you define as gangsta, then arrest me now because I'm guilty."

  Chantal was beginning to like Rupert's style more and more.

  "Now as I was saying, most celebrities and other so called authors who pen tell all's aren't writers. They have either ghost writers or co-writers who do all the work. They couldn't put a storyline together to save their lives. But does the publisher really care? No, of course not. Their only concern is how many books they'll sell. I guarantee you, with your story this will be a number one bestseller-not two, not three-but number one!"

  Rupert paused and put his hands up above his head as if reading a headline from a Times Square billboard. "Beautiful would be bride runs over Hollywood starlet. It doesn't get any better than that. I see movie written all over it. Wouldn't it be a twist if Tyler Blake played your part on the big screen? And how about winning her first Oscar doing it? I love this business." Rupert bellowed as he bit down on his bottom lip. The guy was definitely `special'.

  "So you really think you can get me a seven figure deal?" Chantal cut right to it because the money was the only thing on her mind.

  "Think isn't a word I use. I know I can. And that's just for the book deal. We're not talking about speaking engagements and all the other opportunities that will come your way."

  "Speaking engagements; I don't have time to be speaking to no damn body."

  "Kitten, when you see the amount on those checks rolling in you'll have your lovely friend over there," he pointed towards Shari, "Booking them for you. That's how excited you'll be."

  "So what's the next step? I'm ready to make that money."

  "I'll send you over an agent agreement, have your attorney look it over, and once you give it back to me signed, I'll start a bidding war that even Senator Hillary Clinton would respect."

  "Alright, Rupert, you talk a big game. I'll give you that."

  "Darling, if it's not big then I don't do it." Rupert gave his signature wink and Chantal had no doubt that he would deliver.

  When Tyler woke up she was too tired to go for her morning run. After finishing off her second bottle of champagne before going to bed her body was weak, but she felt she had no other choice.

  After begging Andre to stay with her he explained that he had a session in the studio that he needed to finish up. He left a security guard to watch over her, but Tyler still felt alone. She was so lonely that she almost gave in to the urge to call T-Roc for comfort but reasoned that wasn't a good idea. So instead she opted for some champagne to put her in a comatose state of mind. But now Tyler needed something to boost her energy. She located a couple of Stackers in her drawer, but she hated taking them because although they did give her a major pick me up, her stomach also got queasy. But she was desperate. She knew it was imperative she be on point today so she went downstairs, made her power shake and swallowed her Stacker.

  "Ms. Blake, what time would you like to leave?" the burly security guard asked.

  "I'll be ready in about an hour."

  "That's fine. I'll be waiting. Just let me know when you're ready."

  "Thanks. By the way, do you know what time Andre left this morning?"

  "He didn't come home. He had an all-nighter at the studio. He called and checked up on you a few times but you were asleep."

  Tyler couldn't help but feel neglected. She knew Andre had left her protected but she wanted to fall asleep and wake up feeling secure in his arms. All she had was a cold bed and an empty bottle to snuggle up with.

  She picked up the phone and called Andre, first on his cell and of course it went straight to voice mail. She then called him at the studio, but no one was picking up. It was early and Tyler figured he was still sleep, but that didn't help ease her displeasure.

  After Tyler showered and dressed she got in the back of the SUV and headed over to the movie set. She kept looking at her phone hoping that Andre would call. She needed to hear his voice so he could reassure her that everything would be okay. Since she woke up, she had been replaying the horrific images of dead rats and splattered blood over again in her head. She desperately wanted to get the images out of her mind but she couldn't. They were absorbing her every thought.

  When they pulled up to the front entrance, Tyler instantly noticed all the extra security that William put in place, and that made her feel somewhat better. Besides that, she also had the two security guards that Andre put in place. When she walked up both William and Chrissie were there to greet her.

  "Hi, guys. I'm so happy to see both of you."

  "I'm so proud of you. I know this must be difficult but I knew you wouldn't let me down." William hugged Tyler and he was right, Tyler felt a great sense of obligation to William and she wouldn't let him down.

  "We have a new trailer set up for you and I checked it myself. It's perfect. You have two guards at your door and I see you brought along some extra beef. You might be a little over protected."

  "I'm starting to feel that way, but I need that right now."

  "Everything will be fine. Go to your trailer relax for a second. Then we'll get you in hair and makeup so we can get things started." William gave Tyler a playful massage on her shoulder trying to keep her spirit upbeat. He knew they needed to stay on schedule, but he also wanted Tyler to feel comfortable.

  Chrissie walked Tyler to her trailer and stayed for a few minutes trying to put her at ease. But with so much protection Tyler had no problem letting Chrissie leave so she could get her own work done. Tyler sat down and looked over the morning schedule so she could see exactly what William had planned for them. All but one of her scenes was with T-Roc, which was to be expected.

  As Tyler went through a couple of minor revisions that were made to the script she heard a knock at her door. "Yes, what is it?"

  "You have a visitor, but you locked the door," the security guard posted outside her trailer said.

  "Well who is it?" Tyler wasn't sure if she wanted to see anybody right now.


  "Oh, here I come." That was one person Tyler
was looking forward to seeing. "Come on in." Tyler unlocked and opened the door.

  "Wow, it's like Fort Knox out there."

  "I know, right. At least that maniac can't get to me now."

  "I wasn't going to let that happen anyway."

  "T-Roc, you're so sweet."

  "I just don't want anything to happen to you. You were pretty shaken up when I left you yesterday. Were you able to get some sleep last night?"

  "Finally, after I finished my second bottle of champagne."

  "That will no doubt make you pass out, but I'm sure Andre tucked you in bed."

  "Actually Andre had to go back to the studio last night, so technically my bottle tucked me in. I mean he did leave security with me but I just got a little restless and needed something to put me to sleep."

  "You don't have to defend Andre. I can't believe he left you alone last night."

  "I said I had security," Tyler snapped, becoming defensive.

  "You know what I mean by `alone'. Andre should've been there for you. He saw how distraught you were. Well at least you woke up with him by your side." T-Roc saw Tyler look down at the floor and then away without saying anything. "Andre did come home last night?"

  "He got caught up at the studio. You know how those things go."

  T-Roc couldn't believe how easy Andre was going to make it for him to steal his girl. He was already neglecting Tyler as if they had been married for over ten years. T-Roc knew what his problem was. Andre was used to dealing with women like Chantal who would put up with any bullshit he threw their way because he was the best they dreamed of ever getting. Because of that, when a real jewel like Tyler comes along, he doesn't even know how to appreciate her. But T-Roc figured what was Andre's loss would be his gain.

  "Tyler, I'm not going to lecture you about your relationship with Andre because that's the man you love and have chosen to be with, but if you ever need to talk I'm here for you."

  Tyler was surprised by T-Roc's approach. She knew he would start bashing Andre and giving her the riot act for accepting his treatment, but she got none of that from him. So instead of using her energy defending Andre, she was now left with questioning herself as to why she was tolerating how Andre was treating her, which was exactly what T-Roc was trying to accomplish. "I appreciate that. I was actually tempted to call you last night but changed my mind. I knew you were probably busy anyway."

  "I'm never too busy for you. No matter what's happened in the past, I always have your best interest at heart." While T-Roc was talking he noticed Tyler holding her stomach so he asked, "Are you feeling okay?"

  "If it isn't one thing it's another."

  "You're not pregnant are you?" T-Roc never liked the word "no" coming from a woman, but this was one time he was praying that would be the answer to his question.

  "No. I woke up this morning with absolutely no energy so I took a Stacker, and now my stomach is so upset."

  "Tyler, you shouldn't fuck with those Stackers. They aren't good for you. If you need something to give you a boost, I have some all natural pills that will do the trick."

  "You mean like those pills you used to give me before, that I called dolls," Tyler said with a smirk.

  "Yeah, those."

  "I'll keep that in mind. Hopefully I'll pull it together and I won't need the pills or alcohol. I think two bottles of champagne in one day is a bit too much."

  "I would recommend you slow down."

  "I know, but it's so hard. It's crazy because ever since I was a little girl all I did was dream of being a movie star. Never did I realize that so many other things come along with that. Between all the tabloids, media scrutiny, then getting hit by a car, and now some crazy person out there who wants me dead, I didn't sign up for all of this. I just wanted to act and be loved by adoring fans. To have people tell me how wonderful I am, what a great actress I am, and how beautiful I am. That all sounds so superficial but it's the truth. I'm starting to feel as if I'm losing myself. It seems one day I was the rising star of Hollywood and now I can't pick up a newspaper or a magazine without my face being splattered across it. It's all happening so fast and I just wish I could push a button to slow it down."

  T-Roc was at a loss for words. For the very first time he could see clearly that this was real. Bit by bit, Tyler was falling apart. "Tyler, don't," T-Roc said as he saw her pulling out a container that he assumed was alcohol.

  "I just need a small glass to get me through the morning. I'll be fine."

  "I'm going to get you through this. I promise I won't let anything happen to you." T-Roc meant every word. No matter how conniving and cruel T-Roc could be, he truly had a soft spot for Tyler. He always felt the need to save her.

  When Tyler arrived home from being on the movie set all day she was hoping Andre would be there waiting with open arms. But once again she came home to an empty place with nothing but her bodyguard to keep her company. She only spoke to Andre briefly during the day when he called to check on her. It seemed lately he had no time for Tyler, and she was feeling isolated from the man that she loved.

  Although Tyler was craving for a drink, she opted to take a long hot bath instead. She was feeling groggy all day while working and couldn't afford to have another day like that. The combination of the hot bath and Sade's greatest hits playing on the CD player did calm her nerves. She began closing her eyes and falling into a deep sleep until she was awakened by the touch of the softest lips on her neck.

  "Baby, I've missed you," Andre whispered in her ear. Tyler turned her head to face his and just began letting her ardent kisses speak for her. Andre lifted her out the tub and Tyler's body went limp in his arms, freeing her of all the tension that had been building up inside her. He laid Tyler down on the bed and admired her still damp body. The water that lightly layered her body highlighted every curve on her butterscotch complexion.

  "Andre, please make love to me," Tyler purred, yearning for his touch. Having Andre inside of her was what she needed to feel safe again.

  "Shh!" he gestured as he put his finger over Tyler's open mouth. "I just want to take a moment and be in awe of my precious lady. I can't wait for the day I can say `my wife."' Andre took his hand and gently caressed the outline of Tyler's body. He took his time exploring every curve, appreciating what he had.

  Tyler was becoming eager. She desperately needed to be close to Andre. She was tempted to reach up and rip off his clothes but instead tried to remain patient. But finally Andre began to undress, exposing this powerful cocoa colored body. The muscles in his arms flexed as he lifted his thermal shirt over his head and Tyler couldn't wait for those arms to be wrapped around her body as Andre thrust in and out of her.

  Tyler would've been fine ifAndre skipped the foreplay but he wanted to satisfy her in every way. He lifted one leg a time and sprinkled each with kisses, slowly making his way up to his heaven. He used the tip of his tongue to glide back and forth, giving her clitoris a tingling sensation.

  Tyler latched on to the bedpost as her hips began to wind to the beat of Andre's tongue. Right when she was at the point of reaching her climax, Andre pulled his tongue out and put his manhood in. All Tyler could do was let out a scream of passion as she finally got what she'd been craving for.

  Chantal and Shari were still babbling on about their conversation with Rupert Douglass as they sat on the couch in Chantal's apartment. "So you think he can deliver what he promised?" Chantal asked Shari, just wanting her best friend to reaffirm what she already believed to be true.

  "Girl, you know that flaming white boy was official. He is definitely about his paper, and if he's eating you're eating. He seem a little greedy to me so he is gonna make sure you are eating real good. I'm talking filet mignon, lobster tail, all that tasty shit. The real question is if you're ready to put all your business out there on front street like that. You saw how everybody dogged that Superhead chick out. And let's not forget Nas baby mama, calling herself the Helen of Troy of hip-hop. These hoes out here kill me. Pretty soo
n every groupie bitch is going to drop a book."

  "Yeah, but them silly broads was running around talking about all the dick they sucked and then spinning it as a cautionary tale. That's bullshit! Them chicks need to have kept it real and just said they were trying to get that loot anyway possible, then they could've told everybody to kiss they ass on those interviews. You can't play good girl/bad girl at the same time. You need to pick a team and stick to it. When I come out with my book I'm being straight up with people. I was basically a money getting hooker trying to score a rich man to make me his housewife. Unfortunately I ended up behind a wheel of a Benz knocking over Tyler Blake in the process. Fuck it! People are either going to cheer for me or hate me, but regardless, I'll be laughing all the way to the bank."

  "You have a point there. But you know Andre is going to be pissed as shit."

  "Who gives a fuck? His dumb ass still got a restraining order against me in effect. I'm the mother of his child, for heaven's sake. What, we never going to be in a room together again?"

  "It's just going to take time. I mean damn, you did try to kill him."

  "I blacked out for a minute, that's all. Andre knows that I don't stay mad that long over nothing. It's all love."

  "Girl, you just silly as shit, that's all. Maybe once you start your therapy sessions he'll see you're serious about making things right and he'll come around."

  "I can't really worry about that right now. I'm too interested in this book deal. Rupert is going to have the agent agreement delivered to me tomorrow and I'm sending them right over to Mitchell so I can get this party started." As Chantal was continuing to talk, they both heard her cell phone ringing.

  "Maybe that's Rupert right now," Shari said with a snicker.

  Chantal didn't recognize the number but picked up anyway. "Hello."

  "You got a minute?"

  "That depends on who it's for," Chantal said, not recognizing the voice on the other end.


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