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Superstar Page 16

by Joy King

  Chantal felt as if the wind had been knocked out of her. Was she so hard up that she imagined Andre wanting to make love to her? "What about that talk regarding family and priorities?"

  "We are family. We share a beautiful daughter together. I'll always love you for that. But it isn't a romantic love."

  "Let me guess, that's the love you have for Tyler."

  "Yes, it is."

  "Then why are you here playing house with us and not with the woman you claim to love?"

  "Do you really want me to have this conversation with you?"

  Chantal thought hard about what Andre was asking. His underlining question was if she was ready to hear and accept the truth. "I'm ready, but let me sit down for this."

  Before he began speaking, Andre rubbed his fingers over his mouth like he always did when something was heavy on his mind. "Honestly, I never thought it was possible to love a woman as much as I love Tyler. So much so, that everyday I worry my past mistakes will make me a disappointment to her and she'll wake up and say she doesn't love me anymore. That makes me afraid so I'm running from her instead of to her."

  "But, Andre, Tyler is no angel. I told you about her relationship with T-Roc and Ian, so she's made mistakes too. And don't tell me she denied that mess."

  "No, she didn't deny it. Tyler never pretended to be perfect, it's just that in my eyes she was. When she admitted it was true it cut so deep because I never wanted to believe she had a life before me. I wanted to believe her life didn't begin until she met me."

  "Andre, I'm confused. You sound crazy right now. Of course Tyler had a life before you, and you damn sure had a life before her."

  "That was the problem. I was so caught up in my life with Tyler that for a moment I didn't care about the life I had in the past. It wasn't until I accepted she had a history with T-Roc and Ian that made a difference in her life that I had to remember that I had people that made a difference in mine too."

  Chantal was starting to understand where Andre was coming from but the clarity was painful. "When you say the people who made a difference, you're talking about Melanie?" Chantal paused for a second waiting for Andre to respond, but his silence answered her question. "Damn, Andre, you was so caught up in that broad that you forgot about your own daughter."

  "Not that I forgot, but damn sure took her for granted. That's what I meant about the importance of family and prioritizing. But I promise I'll never take Melanie for granted again."

  "Do you think you and Tyler will get back together?"

  "In my heart we've never been apart."

  "Can I ask you a question? And swear that you'll tell me the truth."

  "We seem to be having a meeting of the minds right now. If you want the truth, I'll give it to you."

  "Why do you love Tyler so much? Why is she the one you want to make your wife?"

  Andre let out a deep sigh as he folded his hands, resting his arms on the table. "You're not holding no punches, huh, ma?"

  "Nah, I figure this might be my only chance to hear the truth, and I want to know."

  "I believe I fell in love with Tyler the first moment I laid eyes on her."

  "You can't be serious."

  "I really am, but once I got past that initial infatuation, I became captivated by Tyler because at first glance, she appears to be this delicate flower that's supposed to sit there and be pretty. But when you zoom in it's clear there are so many more layers than meets the eye."

  "So she has layers. That's why you fell in love with her and you want to make her your wife?"

  "Yes, because it will take me the rest of my life to unravel them all. And with each layer I discover, I fall deeper in love. Tyler is the most complex woman I've ever met. She seems fragile, but Tyler is a fighter and a survivor."

  "I'm a fighter too."

  "No doubt, but you fight for all the wrong reasonshey, you said you wanted the truth. This is one conversation I never thought we would have, especially not with you in your underwear."

  "Funny, Andre. I feel like a fool prancing down here in my lingerie thinking I would seduce you back into my bed, all while you're still in love with Tyler Blake. How in the hell did I miss that one?"

  "If it makes you feel any better, you still got it."

  "You mean that?"

  "Definitely, but Chantal, get your mind right. Because all of that beauty isn't going to teach our daughter how to grow up to be a real woman. And on that note, I'm out."

  Chantal followed Andre to the door, "Goodbye," she said, giving him a hug and kiss. Chantal knew that Andre would always be an excellent father to Melanie, but it was time for her to finally close the chapter to that part of her life.

  "You have to get over this need to protect Tyler. You're not her father and you're no longer her lover," Maria pointed out as she laid on the bed watching William pack for his trip to New York. "Must we keep discussing this?"

  "When you stop trying to keep such a tight leash on Tyler, then of course we can. It would bring me nothing but pleasure to stop making my daughter a topic of our daily chats."

  "Then stop."

  "How can I when you constantly baby her?"

  "I don't baby Tyler. But she is very dear to me and always will be. If you can't accept that, I don't see how..." William's voice trailed off, not wanting to leave for his trip on the outs with Maria. He was actually very fond of her and enjoyed the time they shared. But her constant nagging about Tyler was a sore spot for him. He cared deeply for Tyler and always would, but he had longed accepted that their love affair was over and would never be again. But the need to protect her remained intact.

  "See how what, William?"

  "It was nothing."

  "Oh it was something. But so we're clear, I won't be competing for your affection against my daughter."

  "I'm not asking you to."

  "Your actions are showing otherwise. I suggest you use this trip to decide what direction you want this relationship to go. I never believed in playing second fiddle and I'm not about to start now."

  "Are you giving me an ultimatum, Maria?"

  "Well, now that you've brought it up, I would say that I am." Those were Maria's parting words before entering the bathroom and slamming the door behind her.

  Tyler double-checked that she had everything she needed for the trip before heading to the airport. "Deanna, are you ready? We're already running late."

  "Yes, Ms. Blake. I was making sure I had all my belongings in order."

  "I'm thrilled you're accompanying me on this trip. That way even when I'm working I can have Christian nearby, especially since we're running behind on filming and I know William is going to work the hell out of me."

  "Whatever I can do to help, Ms. Blake. I know how stressful your life is, being a movie star and all."

  "You have no idea. It's one headache after another. I've been in such a slump, but seeing Christian will be an incredible boost. I hope you enjoy yourself too. You haven't been yourself these last couple of weeks."

  "I'm fine. I'm just getting up there in age and my bones don't work like they used too."

  "Oh please, you're only sixty and you look gorgeous." Tyler was only somewhat lying. It was apparent that Deanna had been a beautiful woman at one time in her life, but that beauty had long faded. Her stunning mahogany complexion and delicate features were graced with premature wrinkles and heavy eyes that showed signs of a life full of stress.

  "Thank you, Ms. Blake, that's truly a compliment coming from a woman as beautiful as you."

  "It's the truth. Now let's get out of here. We have a private jet to catch."

  When Tyler arrived in New York, the first thing she did was go pick Christian up from Brian's home in Alpine, New Jersey. It was as if Christian could feel his mother's presence, because even before the Limo pulled up to the winding driveway, he came running out the Palm Beach style facade, done in concrete stucco. Tyler didn't wait for the driver to open her door. She jumped out, ran to her son and grabbed him. "Oh, Chr
istian, I've missed you so much," she said, squeezing him tightly.

  "Mommy, I missed you too." Christian's little arms and hands wrapped around Tyler's neck was the best warmth of love she had ever felt.

  Tyler noticed Brian walking out carrying a couple of bags. "I packed some of his clothes and favorite toys."

  "Thank you for taking such wonderful care of Christian while I was in the hospital and working. But I'm thrilled he's going to come back home with me."

  "I'm happy to be going home with you too, Mommy," he said, holding on tightly to his mother.

  "I'm going to miss you, little man." Brian nuzzled the top of Christian's head.

  "I'll see you again real soon, Daddy."

  "You promise?"

  "Promise." They gave each other a high five.

  "I'll call you," Tyler said, feeling lightened that her encounter with Brian went with such ease.

  When they got back in the Limo Tyler introduced Christian to Deanna. "Baby, Deanna lives with me in Malibu. While I'm working she'll watch over you and make sure that you're having fun."

  "Hi there. Aren't you a handsome little boy," Deanna said, reaching over to pat Christian's hand, but he moved it away.

  "You don't have to be scared, honey. Deanna is a friend of Mommy's."

  "How about later on I take you out for ice cream?" Deanna suggested.

  "Okay, ice cream sounds good," Christian cheered.

  Tyler turned and smiled at Deanna, happy she was able to break the ice with her son.

  Shari and Chantal parked in front of Charlie Trotter's which was discreetly located in Chicago's Lincoln Park area. Shari handed her keys to the valet and then they made their way to the entrance.

  Upon walking through the front door they were greeted with the aromatic sweetness of magnificent floral and fruit arrangements. The ladies followed the host as they passed the two-story bar before being seated in one of the unique dining rooms, all of which was presented in an elegant, quiet style. The host knew to seat Chantal and Shari in the South dining room, which was designated to accommodate smaller parties. Due to the obscene conversations they engaged in, privacy was always of importance.

  "Girl, tell me what the hell is going on. You've been here for damn near a week and this is our first time hooking up, and I know it got something to do with that damn Andre," Shari said, sipping a glass of Santiago Ruiz wine.

  "Bitch, you know it do," Chantal admitted.

  "Do not tell me you lured that man back in your bed."

  "I ain't going to lie, I tried, and tried hard. I put on my fiercest bra and panty set with the hooker shoes to match. Girl, I was smelling all good. If I wasn't me, I would want to fuck myself."

  "I know that's right," Shari said, smacking Chantal's hand.

  "But Andre was not having it. His nose is wide open for Tyler. Girl, he is really in love."

  "He told you that?"

  "Yep, and you know what? I'm actually happy for him."

  "What?" Shari asked, surprised.

  "You ain't the only one surprised. I was shocked that I took it so well. But after I played myself trying to seduce his ass, we really sat down and he kept it real with me. There was no bullshit excuses or games being played, he was being sincere. How can I not respect that?"

  "True, but it still must hurt. You've known Andre for a real long time and the two of you have Melanie."

  "And maybe that's what makes it easier to let go. Melanie loves Andre so much, and I don't want him not having that relationship with her that she deserves because the crazy baby mama trying to tempt him into bed every time he comes over to visit. My daughter don't deserve that shit. It's time for me to let go and get my own life, and let the relationship I have with Andre be just about our daughter."

  "Bitch, who the hell is you and what happened to my friend, Chantal?"

  "Stop playing."

  "You need to stop playing like all of a sudden you `un got some good sense."

  Chantal couldn't help but laugh at Shari's comment. "I have acted like a fool when it came to that man. Girl, you know when I got in that fight with Tyler at the charity event we both fell in the pool. So I asked Andre why he loved Tyler so much. He said one of the reasons was because she was a fighter, so I told him I was a fighter too. Shit! He said yeah, but you always fighting for the wrong reasons-if that ain't nothing but the truth. So, child, when they say the truth will set you free, I needed to hear that."

  "Are you saying you're turning over a new leaf?"

  "What's that saying... a leopard can't ever change its spots? I'm still the same Chantal, but after that talk I had with Andre I've just wised up a bit. I've finally accepted that Andre Jackson doesn't want to be with me, let alone marry me, and never did. He's in love with Tyler and I wish them nothing but misery." Both ladies burst out laughing and Chantal clapped her hands. "But seriously, I wish them the best, but instead of wasting all my energy on them I need to find a man who is perfect for me."

  "And that would be..."

  "Someone who accepts all my flaws and appreciates me more because of them."

  "I don't know anybody that crazy."

  "I do."

  T -Roc mentally prepared himself for a second day of grueling work. They were behind on filming and William was anxious to wrap up the movie, and so was he.

  He enjoyed the time he was able to spend with Tyler, but his entire life was on hold during filming and T-Roc wasn't use to those sorts of restraints. He was also becoming frustrated because with all the schemes he pulled, he didn't seem any closer to making Tyler his. He underestimated Tyler's love for Andre because even though he pushed her away, Tyler remained committed to him. "But maybe all hope isn't lost," T-Roc said as he passed the gift store on his way out the Essex House Hotel lobby.

  Tyler kissed a still sleeping Christian on his forehead before leaving out. She closed the door and saw Deanna coming out of one of the other bedrooms in the penthouse suite. "Good morning, Deanna, I hope you slept well."

  "I did, but I still can't get over how big this hotel room is. It's like a house."

  "Yes, but we need it with all three of us staying here. It's not home, but close enough to it."

  "Being a Hollywood actress sure does come with a lot of perks. It must be like living a fairytale."

  "It can feel that way sometimes, but I know you've heard of that saying, everything that glitters isn't gold. It's nothing but the truth. For every wonderful thing that happens in my career, it seems my personal life takes all the punches. But enough of me feeling sorry for myself. I can't be late or William will have a hernia." Tyler grabbed her purse to head out. "I left money on the table for you and Christian's activities for the day, but make sure you bring him to the set for lunch."

  "I will, Ms. Blake. See you later on."

  On her way to the elevator, Tyler turned her cell back on after cutting it off before going to sleep last night, not wanting to be disturbed since she had been exhausted. In less than two seconds it started going off and she wondered who was calling so early. "Hello."

  "Hi, Tyler, it's me Ian."

  "Hi. You got my message I left last night?"

  "Yeah, but my battery was dead and I just checked them. It's too bad you and your son can't come to the game. I was looking forward to seeing you and meeting him."

  "I know, but we're working our asses off finishing this movie and I won't have the time."

  "What time are you going to be done?"

  "Probably around ten or eleven."

  "Can you squeeze me in for a drink?"

  Tyler hesitated before answering. "I guess one drink wouldn't hurt."

  "Wonderful. Where are you staying?"

  "The Essex House."

  "Over there on Central Park South?"

  "Yep, that's it."

  "How about we meet at Journeys Lounge? It's right inside your hotel."


  "Okay, so I'll call you when I'm on my way."

  When Tyler hung up with Ia
n, she checked her voicemail hoping Andre had called, but in her gut knowing he hadn't. The distance between her and Andre was breaking Tyler's heart. That feeling of abandonment was ripping through her soul and brought back memories of when she was a little girl waving good-bye to her daddy from the backseat as he chased after her mother's car, sobbing and begging for them to come back. But they never went back, and Tyler's father never came back looking for them-or so she thought.

  T -Roc was on set ready to work when Tyler arrived. He waited patiently while she was getting done in hair and makeup. He welcomed the extra time to plan how he would make his move.

  "Let's go everybody," William yelled, interrupting T-Roc's scheming. "Where's Tyler?"

  "Still in hair and makeup," T-Roc answered.

  "Not anymore. Sorry about the hold up," Tyler said, stepping out the trailer.

  "Come on people, let's go. Time is money," William declared.

  T-Roc realized now wasn't the time to make his move. They spent the rest of the morning and early part of the afternoon shooting in front of Radio City Music Hall on Sixth Avenue and 51st Street.

  At around two o'clock William finally screamed, "Cut." to everyone's relief.

  "Tyler, can I talk to you for a second?" T-Roc asked before she headed towards her trailer.

  "Can it wait? Deanna just brought Christian for lunch and we only have an hour."

  "Sure." T-Roc went back into his trailer and kept checking until he saw Deanna and Christian leave. They stayed longer than an hour, and T-Roc knew he had a small window of time to talk to Tyler before William made everyone get back to work. He hurried to Tyler's trailer and knocked on the door.

  "Who is it?"


  "Hi. Is William ready for us?" Tyler asked, letting T-Roc inside.

  "Not yet, but I needed to speak with you anyway."

  "I forgot about that. What did you want to tell me?" Tyler sat down in front of the mirror touching up her makeup.

  "I think there is something you should see before you're bombarded by the paparazzi."

  Tyler turned around and saw the magazine T-Roc was holding. She grabbed it out of his hand. On the front cover of the US Weekly was a small snapshot of Andre in front of a house, kissing a woman clad in her lingerie who appeared to be Chantal. The caption above read, `Andre Jackson caught in the arms of another woman.'


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