My Fake Relationship

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My Fake Relationship Page 6

by V. R. Knight

  She saw it too and raised an eyebrow.


  I nodded and looked away from her. “

  Well, you guys are cute together. I think you, Tommy, Zane and I should go out together. It would be fun.”

  I smiled over at her.

  “That would be,” wait what are you doing Olivia?! You’re with Zane to make Grant jealous not to actually go on double dates with other people! But would it really hurt?

  “Tommy would love Zane. But my parents don’t like Tommy. They think he’s a bad influence on me.”

  I laughed.

  “But he’s sweet and so what if he smokes?! He’s a great guy.”

  I smiled at her. She looked like she was glowing when she talked about him.

  She looked up at me. “I see the way Zane looks at you.”

  I clenched my teeth.

  Her eyes were soft. “He looks at you as if you’re the sun itself in the sky. It’s really romantic.”

  Her words drowned in my ears. Was that for show too? Did he really look at me that way? Why would he? This whole relationship was fake! How could he do that? Questions swarmed in my head that needed answers.

  “H-he…really?” I asked my mouth going dry. She smiled and nodded.

  “You guys are really meant for each other.” There was a giant lump in my throat that I couldn’t swallow.

  “Thanks Candice,” I said.

  She nodded and went on talking about something. I looked down the hall but not really seeing. Why is he looking at me like that?

  Chapter 13

  I had been distant at school. I just didn’t feel like myself. Zane asked if I wanted him to stay but as much as I wanted him to, I needed space. So I said was just going to study. He had nodded but seemed suspicious and left. I watched him get back into his car and drive away. I changed my clothes and went out the back door, across the yard and Mr. Rogers’ yard. I needed air. I needed to get my head straight. I couldn’t get Candice’s conversation out of my head.

  “I see the way Zane looks at you,” Her eyes were soft. “He looks at you as if you’re the sun itself in the sky. It’s really romantic.”……it echoed in my ears. It was fake remember Olivia. He’s just a really good actor. He’s good at faking it. The looks, the smiles, the way he seems protective when Grant comes around…… It’s all fake. I opened up the old rusty gate and walked in my little play ground. I went to my swing and sat down. The air was cold, warning us winter was coming. Even though it was freezing, I took off my shoes and ran my feet through the sand beneath me. I sighed and started to swing. Other things were on my mind too. Things that I should be worrying about. My head started to hurt and I slowed to a slow back and forth. The thing squeaked every time I went back.

  “I knew I’d find you in here.”

  I jumped slightly and looked up startled. Zane stood at the gate and smiled at me. His blue eyes looked lighter today and kinder. My heart beat went faster.

  “Um, yeah,” I said and looked down. Part of me wanted to scream at him to go away and leave me alone. The other part wanted him to hold me. Huh…why?

  He sighed and came over to me. He sat in the swing next to me and started moving.

  “You going to tell me what’s on your mind?” he asked, kicking his feet up in the air.

  I couldn’t! I couldn’t ask him why he would look at me….look at me, a way you would only look at someone….someone like your real girlfriend. It would be so humiliating if he said it was just for show. I would embarrass myself too much. I looked over at him and he was wearing his leather jacket but a pack of cigarettes were in it.

  “Since when do you smoke?” I asked.

  He slowed to a stop and grabbed it out of his pocket. He shrugged.

  “Only once in a while; when I’m stressed. My friend buys them for me.”

  I nodded and he stuck them back into his pocket. “You got off the subject,” he said and looked at me with a half smile. I looked down at my hands and started to move my feet.

  “It’s nothing.”

  He groaned.

  “Would you look at me?”

  I wouldn’t.


  Before I knew it, I was spitting out something else.

  “My dad’s cheating on my mom,” I said cutting him off. The words I had spoken hurt me deeper than I thought they would.

  “What?” Zane asked confused.

  “I never wanted to admit it. But two years ago, I followed him to work. He didn’t go to work. He went to a prostitute house……I think my mom knows now.” it was silent. The only sounds were the wind blowing the dead leaves.

  “Oh,” Zane said quietly.

  I rubbed my fingers together.

  “I was going to tell her but I couldn’t. It would break her.”

  I saw him nod.

  “Olivia,” he said and the words made a shiver run down my spine. I finally looked over at him. “I don’t know how you’re feeling but I can understand somehow.”

  I searched his face for something that would indicate he was just messing with my head. That he didn’t care. But it was the opposite. His eyes were soft and sad but understanding was in them.

  “How?” I asked.

  His eyes glazed over a little.

  “When my dad left, he had a whole other family in California. He had another wife and 5 children. My mom was the other woman.”

  My mouth fell a little.

  “She got pregnant with me and my dad stayed here for a while, then he decided he didn’t want us anymore and went back to his old wife.” His teeth were clenched and his hands were in a fist. Finally, he came out of his thoughts and looked at me. His eyes were a little shocked that he had told me all of that. “See, we’re not so different, are we?”

  I smiled lightly.

  “No, I guess not,” I looked away but that wasn’t the big thing on my mind. He didn’t even know it was about him.

  “Cold out here isn’t it?” he said shrugging.

  I nodded.

  “A little,”

  “Here,” he slipped off his leather jacket and gave it to me.

  “Zane, you don’t have to,” I said shaking my head.

  He just smiled and put it around my shoulders.

  “You might be my fake girlfriend but I guess you can wear it,” he winked and sat back down on his swing.

  I laughed.


  He nodded and smiled. He was wearing a long sleeved navy blue shirt but he didn’t look the slightest bit cold. Then, I saw something I hadn’t seen before... a bruise on his shoulder.

  I frowned. Why would he have a bruise that big on his shoulder? I never saw that before. I didn’t comment. “It’s getting late,” I said. He kept on swinging.

  “I don’t want to go home.” he said, like a stubborn kid.

  I laughed.

  But he was serious.

  “Is something wrong?”

  He shook his head and looked over at me softly.


  I still was frowning. I stopped my swing and stood up. He stopped too. I walked in front of him and leaned down. He watched my eyes. I closed my eyes and kissed his cheek. It was soft and warm. Then slowly I slid my lips across his cheek to his lips. He didn’t move but I could feel his breathing pick up. I gently kissed him then pulled back. His eyes opened and he had something strange in them.

  “Thanks,” I whispered.

  He nodded but stayed quiet. I gave him back his jacket then left the play ground. For some reason my body was wanting to go back to him but I had to get home. I had to talk to my mom. I touched my lips and still felt the warmth from him there.

  Chapter 14

  I had talked to my mom about stuff. She and I were a lot more alike than I thought. We didn’t talk about dad or anything because I had tried to bring it up but she pushed it away; feeling uncomfortable talking about it. We wound up falling asleep in her room with her arms around me. It was nice. I felt li
ke I was 5 years old again, sleeping with mommy.

  A couple days passed. Nothing really happened. But Wednesday morning I got up late and quickly got a shower and got dressed.

  “Honey, don’t forget money!” mom yelled from the kitchen. She said dad would be back on Friday sometime. But that’s all she said. I didn’t know what was happening to my parents. I didn’t know what our family held in the future but I definitely wasn’t taking my father’s side.

  There was a knock on the door and I raced to the door slipping on my jacket. Zane looked good today but something was annoying about it.

  “Hold on,” I said and went to my mom in the kitchen. “Bye mom.” I kissed her cheek and she smiled.

  “Bye honey. Oh, I’m going to Sue’s this evening so I won’t be home.”

  I nodded and grabbed my bag and ran out past Zane and into his car.

  “What’s wrong with you?” he asked getting into the car.

  I looked at him and frowned.

  “I’m fine. What’s wrong with you?” I asked.

  He raised an eyebrow.

  “Women,” he muttered shaking his head.

  I don’t know why I was mad. I just was. I was mad because Zane acted as if everything was ok. I was mad that he let me kiss him. I was mad that he didn’t care about me like I think I did for him. Zane just thought I was PMSing but seriously I wasn’t! He was just making fun of me I think.

  “You want to sit with us?” I asked Candice.

  She smiled.

  “Sure.” We sat at our usual table. Kendra and Grant hadn’t sat with us for a while but other friends of ours sat on end of the table. Zane sat down next to me putting an arm around my shoulder. I looked over at him and he grinned.

  “I wonder where Tommy is?” Candice looked around and that’s when I threw Zane’s arm off. “Ouch!”

  Candice looked back at us and we smiled. She frowned slightly.

  “Hey,” Tommy said as he kissed Candice on the head and smiled.

  “Tommy, this is Zane and Olivia. Remember I told you about them?”

  “Yeah!” He smiled. He was a tall boy and big. He had blonde hair and brown eyes but very handsome. “Hey man!” he said and slapped hands with Zane.

  “How’s it going?” Zane asked, already enthralled with talking about stupid boy stuff.

  Candice sighed and I laughed a little.

  “So how’s the play going?” I asked her.

  She smiled.

  “Great! It’s going great! I still think you should try out.”

  I gasped.

  “I don’t think acting is my thing.”

  Zane looked over at me, his lips twitching a little.

  “Babe, I think you’re a good actress,”

  I narrowed my eyes at him.

  “Really? You know I just can’t see myself like that. Though you, you would be perfect for the jackass costume but you wouldn—“

  “Ha-ha!” he said cutting me off.

  I smirked.

  Candice and Tommy were laughing.

  Zane glared.

  “Sorry baby, just helping,” I pouted and he looked pissed for a moment then went to talking to Tommy.

  Candice laughed.

  “Oh! Hey do you guys still want to go out on a double date?” She asked Zane and me.

  “Um, Candice I don’t—“

  “Yeah, that would be great!” Zane said cutting in once again. I looked over at him clenching my teeth. He put his arm around me and it took everything not to hit him.

  Candice grinned. “Awesome! It’ll be fun. You guys just want to get together and watch movies and have popcorn and stuff?” she asked. Zane nodded before I could say anything. “So maybe like Friday night after school?”

  “Sure,” I said sounding sarcastic.

  “Um, Tommy do you have a big TV?” she asked. He took a big bite of his sandwich and looked over at her.

  “It’s not that big,” he said with a mouth full. She rolled her eyes.

  “We can have it at Olivia’s. She has a big TV I’m sure Mr. and Mrs. Taylor’s won’t mind.” I grabbed his leg and squeezed. He jumped and breathed in.

  “Oh ok cool! Is that ok Olivia?” she asked sounding sweet.

  I nodded.

  “Yeah, that’s fine,” I was still grabbing his leg and gripping it hard. He groaned a little and squeezed my shoulder. I jerked my head to the side as he pinched a pressure point. Candice and Tommy were talking not bothering to see us fighting.

  “Zane!” I yelled quietly.

  He was gritting his teeth together.

  “Let go,” he said.

  I did and he did too. We both let out a breath and rubbed where the other person had hurt us.

  I glared at him.

  “We’re talking when we get to my house!”

  “Nuew,” he said shaking his head making fun of me.

  “I can’t stand you!” I yelled in his ear.

  He gasped. I stood up and took my tray to throw out.

  “Damn-it Zane!” I yelled as we got into my house. He dropped his stuff by the door like me. “What?!” he yelled throwing his hands in the air. I threw my coat on the couch angrily.

  “You!” I yelled and stomped up the stairs.

  “Wait a minute I’m not done!” he yelled stomping up too behind me. I ignored him and went into my room. I heard him running so I started to run. I got to my room and slammed the door. I pushed on it so he couldn’t get in. He banged and started to push it open.

  “Olivia!” he yelled grunting as he tried to get in my room. I pushed my whole body on it so he couldn’t get it. But he was already pushing me back. I grinded my heels into the carpet but knew it was useless. He was stronger. He was laughing a little. Finally, I failed and fell back as he burst it open, hitting my wall. He looked down at, my angry eyes. He smirked. I stood up and glared.

  “I just want Grant back, ok?!” I said.

  His eyes became something different that I had only seen once but then it vanished.

  “And I just want Kendra back!” he said.


  “Fine!” we both said to each other. We stared at each other for a moment then something quickly passed. We both reached for each other and we started to kiss. It was rough and forced. I grabbed at his hair and he grabbed at my waist tightly. I pushed him up against the wall almost knocking over a picture frame. Zane put his hands under my shirt as I rubbed myself against him. He groaned and flipped me over so he was pushing me against the wall. His lips were heating me everywhere. Everything was getting dizzy. Our tongues came together and I felt like I was floating. I sucked on his bottom lip and pulled back.

  “I hate you!” I said gritting my teeth together.

  “I hate you too!” he said and picked me up.

  I kissed him again and down across his cheek and onto his neck. He dropped me down onto the bed and at that point my body was on fire. I put my hands under his shirt and started to lift it. His hands were on my stomach almost getting my shirt off. He grunted as I reached his chest. I frowned but kept kissing him. As I lifted off his shirt I saw the bruise. I paused and pulled back. I put my hand on his shoulder where the bruise was. He frowned then looked down. He jumped off me like I was a disease and pulled his shirt back on.

  “Zane,” I breathed my breath short.

  He clenched his teeth.

  “What was that? How did you get that?”

  He looked down not meeting my gaze.

  I stood up my body still hot. He wouldn’t look at me.

  “Zane!” I demanded.

  He looked up his eyes mean and it scared me.

  I backed up a little.

  “It doesn’t matter,” he said coldly.

  “What is wrong with you?” I asked disgusted.

  He looked at me and I didn’t recognize him.

  “Why don’t you do yourself a favor and stay out of my business!”

  My mouth dropped a little. I shook my head at him.

�Fuck you,” I said.

  He shook his head and without another word he left slamming the front door.

  I stood there for a couple minutes trying to replay the event over in my head. Why did he blow up like that? Something was going on. Damn, why won’t he tell me?! Ugh I hate him! I guess we are done. I’m not talking to him. If he wants to be this way then fine, he can, but I’m not taking it! Forget him!

  Chapter 15

  When my mom got home, that night, she came into my bedroom to see how I was.

  “Olivia,” she whispered.

  I looked up from my homework my eyes sore and tired.

  She smiled. “You should be in bed.”

  I smiled a little.

  “So should you.”

  She nodded her head and laughed.

  “I’m just about to.”

  I put my head back down in my books.

  “Olivia is something wrong?” Mom came into the room and looked at me; worry in her eyes. She could always tell when something was wrong. I pulled off my reading glasses and set them on the night stand.

  “Zane and I got into a fight.”

  “Aw honey,” she said and gave me a hug. I almost broke down but I decided to say strong. She pulled back and gave my shoulders a squeezed. “It’s ok. Things like this happen in a relationship. It happens every day. You just got to stick through and eventually things will work its way out.”

  I smiled. But it’s a fake relationship mom. Zane doesn’t really like me and I…..I’m still not sure. But he wouldn’t want me anyhow! And besides, we can’t get along

  “He’ll come around” she whispered.

  I sighed.

  “Sure mom when pigs fly”.

  “You’re probably right.” she smiled.

  “Yeah, thanks mom.”

  She smiled and kissed my forehead.

  “Night sweetie.” She left my room shutting my door. I looked out my window at the stars and smiled. I coughed which surprised me. Great I was probably getting a cold.

  “Ugh, mommy!” I called; my nose stuffed up. My mom rushed into the room.

  “Oh what’s wrong?” she asked. She put her hand to my head.

  “You have the flu I think. I’ll call the school.”


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