Out of Control

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by Glenn, Roy

  Out of Control


  Roy Glenn

  Copyright © 2011 Roy Glenn

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or to real locals are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.

  Discover other titles by Roy Glenn

  Beneath The Surface

  The Cost of Vengeance

  Killing Them Softly: An Erotic Tale of Murder

  Going Down: An Erotic Tale of Murder

  Commit To Violence

  Bury Me Deep

  Private Deceptions

  The Mike Black Saga: Book One

  The Mike Black Saga: MOB

  The Mike Black Saga: Payback

  The Mike Black Saga: Outlaw

  The Mike Black Saga: In A Cold Sweat

  The Mike Black Saga: No More Tears In The End

  An Urban Drama

  The Playa Chronicles

  All About The Money

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  Southern Comfort by La Jill Hunt

  Whatever It Takes by Angela Jones

  Somebody’s Somebody by La Jill Hunt

  Don’t Be A Dumb Bitch by Ayana Ellis

  Coming Soon from Kingstown Publishing

  Ain’t Nothing Like The Real Thing by La Jill Hunt

  Oh Holy Knights by La Jill Hunt

  Secrets of War by Roy Glenn

  Visit www.kingstownpublishing.com


  Atlanta, Georgia

  Taquandria “TQ” Brown sat patiently in the car she had rented on Bell Street and waited. She looked at her watch, and thought that if things went the way they were planned, that they should be there any minute. What she didn’t know was that she was being watched.

  A few blocks away, at approximately 10:25 A.M. a 2000 black Taurus sedan pulled into the parking lot at the Citizen’s Bank and Trust Company on Piedmont Avenue. Darryl and Alan Abraham, along with the two men they hired, entered the bank.

  They had been laying low in Atlanta for two months, because they were forced to leave New Jersey after barely escaping when Nick Simmons and Rain Robinson came after them. Darryl and Alan along with Blue Claxton had engineered the robbery of two of their gambling houses.

  On the night of the robbery when Rain saw Blue getting out of his car, anger welled up inside her as she walked toward him. Rain wanted to pull her pistol and blast him as soon as she got close enough, but there were too many people around.

  Instead of getting him someplace where they could talk quietly and there were less witnesses, Rain confronted him as soon as she was close enough to do so. She started to pull out her gun; Blue was faster with his and shot Rain in the chest, but she survived. When she got out of the hospital Rain told Nick, “Blue had a team hit both our spots. They got damn near two hundred thousand dollars of my money and I want it back.”

  After Jap tracked down the rest of the men who were involved in the robbery, Nick and Rain killed them. Then, they followed TQ to a house where Darryl was hiding out. Nick told Rain to wait at the car while he checked out the house. But Rain didn’t listen. Darryl was alerted to their presence outside the house and made his move. Before Nick could get his gun out, Darryl drove TQ’s car through the garage door and opened fire with a Micro Uzi SMG. Nick and Rain hit the ground.

  Darryl stopped the car and came out firing.

  Nick and Rain kept their heads down.

  “TQ!” Darryl yelled and began shooting again.

  TQ came out the front door with a knapsack over her shoulder; she too was carrying a Micro Uzi. She fired as she walked around to the passenger side. Darryl got back in the car, while Taquandria kept firing. When Darryl slammed his door, Taquandria jumped in and Darryl drove off. Nick and Rain got up and fired at the back of car as it drove away with the money.

  But now they were running out of money.

  It took a little while, but Jap, one of Nick’s best men, found out where they were hiding in Atlanta. When he saw them casing the bank, he let Nick know what was going on. Nick decided to let them take the bank and they would hit them afterwards. Nick brought his team, which included Rain Robinson, Monica Wynn, Travis Burns and Jackie Washington to Georgia. Travis and Jackie used to be part of a robbing crew. They’d hit banks, grocery stores, jewelry stores, and anything else that they could hit quick and come away with a large return for their investment of time. Now Travis used his computer hacking skills to rob banks, while Jackie ran a gambling house for Mike Black.

  The team leader was Monika Wynn. She served in an Army Special Forces Unit with Nick. She was a munitions expert, trained in weapons and commando tactics. Monika was Alpha, Nick was Beta, Rain was Gamma, Travis was Delta, Jap was Epsilon and Jackie was Omega. Their van was parked up the street from where TQ waited.

  “Everybody down!” Alan yelled and fired one shot at the ceiling. Everyone in the bank immediately hit the floor. Darryl moved to get the employees out of the offices. Then, he approached the branch manager and put a gun to his head. “Give me the key to the cart.”

  “What key?”

  Darryl hit him in the head with the barrel of his gun. “Give me the fuckin’ key or die now!” he screamed.

  The branch manager quickly dug in his pocket and handed Darryl the key. While one of their men covered the room, Alan moved the tellers out from behind the counter. Alan went to each teller position and cleaned out the drawers while Darryl unlocked the cart and got the money. They quickly exited the bank and headed for the car they had waiting. Darryl and Alan jumped in the backseat and their men got in the front. The driver sped away.

  “Epsilon to Omega. They’re on their way.”

  “Acknowledged, Epsilon. Proceed to the rendezvous point.”


  “Omega to Gamma.”


  “Begin your approach to target.”

  “On it.”

  TQ looked in her rear view mirror and saw a woman walking down the street. “They need to hurry the fuck up,” she said aloud and glanced at her watch again. When she looked up again, the woman was standing next to the car.

  “Good morning, Sunshine,” Rain said and put two in her head. “Gamma to Omega.”

  “Go ahead,” Jackie said.

  “Getaway driver neutralized,” Rain said and laughed a little.

  “Acknowledged. Omega to Alpha.”


  “Assume attack positions.”

  “Acknowledged, Omega,” Monika said and turned to Nick and Travis. “Let’s move,” she said and her, Nick and Travis exited the van.

  Monika climbed on top of the van with a rifle and positioned herself. Nick and Travis moved quickly and took up positions on either side of the street. Rain hid in front of TQ’s car.

  The getaway car headed north on Piedmont Avenue and turned right onto John Wesley Dobbs Avenue and turned right again at Bell Street where TQ was waiting in a clean car to make their getaway.

  “Here they come,” Jackie said as she watched them turn on Bell Street.

  They parked the car behind TQ and got out. Darryl and Alan were carrying the bags with the money. Once they had all exited the vehicle, Monika fired. Her first shot hit the driver in the back of the head. Travis shot the other. Alan pulled his gun and looked to see where the shot came from, but before he got a shot off, Nick opened fire on him. He went down.

  “Alan!” D
arryl shouted as he watched his brother die. He fired back and ran toward the car. That’s when Rain stood up and put two in his chest. Nick took the bag from Alan, while Rain relieved Darryl of his bag. Jackie pulled up alongside them in the van. Once they were all in, she drove off.


  Nassau, Bahamas

  Mike Black and his daughter, Michelle, left Meka Brazil at Atlantis and headed home. Things had gone from great to really fucked up for Meka. She was Black’s financial advisor and for a while, when the market was up, Meka flew high along with it, and when it dropped she came down hard. It wasn’t that she had made bad investments. When consumer confidence in the stability of the markets dropped and investors began pulling money out, Meka lost big.

  As a result of those losses, she was let go by the firm she was working for and they went under shortly after that. Now Meka only had one client left and she knew from her previous experiences that they weren’t using her to launder their money. She knew that game and how it worked, because it was how Meka earned a living while she lived in Miami. When things got a little hot in Miami, Meka moved north and put that life behind her, or so she thought.

  One night when Meka came home, she unlocked the door to her apartment and flipped on the lights. Her apartment looked like it had been hit by a cyclone. Then she felt the cold steel at the base of her neck. “Hello, Meka.” She recognized the voice. It was Cerrone Merkerson. Before she left Miami Meka stole half a million dollars from him. She knew he was there to kill her.

  He gave her a couple of days to come up with the money Meka owed him. Meka spent the day on the phone at her office trying to come up with at least some of the money she needed to give Cerrone. But her efforts were not successful. It was getting late in the day and she was running out of options fast.

  When Meka got to her apartment that night, she was surprised to see Cerrone lying on her bed. Meka’s eyes cut immediately to the gun lying next to him. It took some doing, but Meka was able to calm Cerrone down. She started walking toward the closet. “Where you think you goin’? I ain’t done with you,” Cerrone said and pointed the gun at Meka.

  “I’m going to put on something special for you,” Meka said and kept walking toward the closet. “You don’t need that gun. I told you, it ain’t got to be like that.”

  “Hurry up,” Cerrone said. He put the gun down and leaned back as Meka disappeared into the closet. When she came out of the closet, Meka walked toward him with her eyes focused on his gun. Meka reached the bed, took the gun from behind her back and pointed it at Cerrone.

  “What you doin’?” Cerrone said and reached for his gun.

  When Meka opened her eyes, she had fired three times. Two to the chest and one at his groin. She stood there for a while, holding the gun and looking at Cerrone’s body. Later that evening, she met Black. Meka leaned forward. “I killed somebody tonight,” she said softly. Black listened as Meka told him what she had done. “Tomorrow morning you go to the airport, to Delta,” Black told her. “There’ll be a ticket to Nassau waiting for you. When you get there go to Atlantis, there’ll be a suite reserved in your name.”

  Meka arrived in Nassau that next morning and checked in the suite that Black had arranged for her. When Black arrived on the island a couple of days later, he and Michelle went to Atlantis. They talked as they walked along the beach.

  “So what now?” Meka asked.

  “You stick around here for while. Like I said, have some fun, do the spa thing, do some shopping.”

  “I already did,” Meka said and hit a turn.

  “You look nice, but you always do,” Black said. He had always found Meka to be a very attractive woman. But he tried to never mix sex with money. It was always bad for business. “We’ll talk in a couple of days. I’m sure I can make use of your skills.”

  After that, Black saw Meka back to her room and went home with Michelle. When he got there, CeCe was sitting in the shade out by the pool. He went outside.

  “Where’s Michelle?” CeCe asked as soon as he was close enough.

  “She went to her room.”

  CeCe sat up and took and deep breath. “Well—sit down. I got something I need to tell you.”

  “I am not likin’ the sound of this already,” he said and sat down next to CeCe. She leaned forward and took his hand in hers. Once again, she took a deep breath. “What’s wrong, Cee?”

  “For the last few of weeks I haven’t been feeling right. It was like I’d be happy, anxious, exhilarated and exhausted, sometimes all at once.”

  Black looked at her strangely.

  “But the thing that bothered me the most was I’d have dizziness spells and I was getting nauseous. So while I was in New York, I went to see my doctor.”

  “What did he say was wrong with you?”

  “I’m almost three months pregnant,”

  Black didn’t say anything for what seemed like a long time. He just sat there, staring at her.

  “My God, Mike, say something,” CeCe said and a tear drifted down her cheek.

  “You’re pregnant?”

  CeCe nodded her head.

  Black started to smile, and then quickly his smile turned to a frown. “Wait a minute. You went to see the doctor four days ago. Why didn’t you tell me before now?” he asked and wiped away her tears.

  “To be honest with you, I was afraid to tell you.”


  “I didn’t know how you’d take it,” CeCe said.

  “How do you feel about it?”

  “I couldn’t be happier.”

  “I didn’t know you wanted to have a baby.”

  “I wasn’t planning on it. I was on the pill, but I guess you’re stronger than that,” she said and smiled a little. She was still worried because he still hadn’t said how he felt about it and she was afraid to ask. Suppose he didn’t want any more children? Suppose he wasn’t interested in having any children with her? What if he asked her to have an abortion? If that was what he wanted, she would do it, but she would be devastated.

  “You know what you’re having?”

  “No. The doctor said if the baby is positioned correctly, an ultrasound might be able to predict the gender after 16 weeks.”

  “We’re gonna have a baby,” Black said and leaned forward. He gently touched her stomach. “It’s a boy. I can feel him. Mike Black Jr.”

  CeCe shook her head and started to cry. “I can feel him too. Does that mean you’re happy about it?”

  “Yes, Cee. We’re gonna have a son. I couldn’t be happier.”

  CeCe jumped in his lap and threw her arms around him. “Oh, Mike I am so happy.”


  New York City

  While Black and CeCe celebrated, back in New York, events were taking place that would affect Jada West’s business in ways that she had never anticipated.

  During their investigation of the suicide of congressmen Geoffrey Canfield, the police found Jada’s private number in the congressman’s rolodex. That led to her being taken in for questioning and resulted in an investigation into her activities. She had been down that road once before when an undercover vice operative named Rachael Dawkins was able to penetrate her inner circle. Having barely dodged that bullet, Jada and had no desire to repeat it.

  It didn’t take much thinking for Jada to decide that maybe it was time to get out of the business or at worst move her operation to someplace where the police weren’t investigating her. That’s when she thought about Mike Black.

  They met years earlier when Jada was a dancer at a small club called Ecstasy and Black was there for a private party for rapper, The One. He enjoyed watching her and afterwards they talked briefly. They met again by chance at a restaurant. By that time, Jada was no longer a dancer; she had transformed herself into one of the city’s top madams with a stable of high priced call girls.

  During their conversation, Black mentioned that he needed a reporter to plant an incriminating story about Pete Vinnelli; the
DEA agent that arranged the murder of Black’s wife Cassandra and Jada was more than happy to help him. So when Oleg Mushnikov, an ex-KGB operative with ties to the Izmaylovskaya mob tried to shake her down for twenty percent of her business, she turned to Black for help.

  “So, if I take care of this guy for you, what makes you think that I wouldn’t want twenty percent of your business?” Black asked her.

  “Because you’d be doing me a favor. You know,” Jada said and smiled sweetly. “Like the one I did for you not too long ago.” She never knew what Black did, and she never asked, but after that she never heard from Oleg Mushnikov again.


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