Forever's Embrace (Forever In Luck Series Book 2)

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Forever's Embrace (Forever In Luck Series Book 2) Page 24

by J. Darling

  So yeah, he was destined to be a bachelor, because he was sure there was not a woman on the face of the planet that would go for even half of that and then some. Yep, he was one of the smart ones who stayed single and was a hell of a lot happier for it. Mmhmm, right, Nik’s voice went through his head.

  “…you can be a crabby, bossy, arrogant son of a bitch…”

  Irritated, he rolled over and punched his pillow a few times, refusing to think about it.


  Kris woke with a start. What the hell?

  “Get out…”

  Whoa, that was the second time in a matter of hours that he’d heard those words, except he was at home and in his own bed. “Hmmm?”

  “Get up!” Linnie demanded, as she shook his shoulder. “Get out there.”

  Huh? Rubbing his face, he tried again, “What’s going on?”

  “Big storm came through, fence is down in one of the pastures, and about a hundred cows are spread from here to the Gandy Dancer. It’s just getting light out. Jake’s trying to get them with the four wheeler, but they keep moving farther away and closer to the highway.”

  Sitting up, he shook his head, trying to get rid of the fog. “Okay, I’m coming, how about Nik?”

  “Getting dressed. Dad’s out there too.”

  Pulling on the clothes he’d had on the night before, he ditched the shirt because it had the nauseating smell of cloying female perfume on it. Ick. Why couldn’t they just be happy with plain old soap and water? Stumbling down the stairs, he stopped and slipped on his boots, then went outside. Standing in the yard talking were his dad and brothers.

  “They just keep moving west,” he heard Jake say as he came to stand with the group.

  His dad nodded. “I’ll take the truck and go south and around on 260th, then come at them from the west, see if I can get them to move back towards the farm. You three keep them moving to the downed fence area and we’ll work on getting them back in. We need—”

  Far off in the distance there was some shouting and a cracking sound. Standing on the hill of their farm in the dim morning light, they all turned to look out at the distance below. Cows were scattered from hither and yon in little batches. There was more yelling, some shrill whistles, then more cracking sounds, followed by barking from a dog. Becoming restless, the cows started to move, gathering together and turning towards the farm. Slowly, they began to make their way closer. Then more cracking sounds, more barking, more whistles.

  Nik about summed it up when he said, “What the hell?”

  Just then, the sun broke the horizon, and Kris saw what he would look back on as one of the most spectacular sights he’d ever seen. A woman on a golden horse, cracking a whip, as she and her dog rounded up the heifers. Fascinated, he watched her weave back and forth, cracking that whip and whistling commands to her dog, the two effectively gathering the herd and bringing them in.

  Now it was his dad who about summed it up when he said, “Well I’ll be damned, look at that.”

  Yeah, he was, and she was amazing. Were those chaps and spurs? And a…a…lasso? Whoa, more of the whip action. His eyes slowly went wide, not wanting to miss a thing as he watched her handle the horse with reins in one hand and the whip in the other, the length dragging along the ground.

  Oh man, up went her arm, then a little wrist arm action—CRACK! The noise sliced through the air with an electrifying snap. The thoughts in his head—CRACK—this was—CRACK—downright sinful—CRACK! Standing in awe and feeling like he’d just received some life giving shocks to the heart, he wondered if she knew how much power she had over man and beast right at that moment. Feeling himself drooling, he quickly lapped it up before he made a mess of himself.

  Nik let out a little whistle, clapped his hands together and rubbed them briskly, then made a point of cracking his knuckles. “Bet you wish you were a single man right now, huh Jake?”

  “Nope,” Jake answered, shaking his head while staring at the spectacle. “Happy man right here, but that whip does make for an interesting proposition, for sure.”

  “Hands off,” Kris barked with emphasis, as he stood watching the vision of her. “She’s mine.”

  “Maybe,” Nik said amused, clearly trying to push some buttons.

  Turning, he looked Nik in the eye. “I will take you down and beat you senseless.” Turning back and watching her, he said it again, “She’s mine.”

  His dad shook his head. “Well, quit being a Neanderthal then and go open the gate for her.”

  They all started moving to the gate.

  Nearing them, she waved and smiled, yelling a hearty, “Morning neighbor!”

  She had a nice smile, Kris thought, and the rest of her wasn’t bad either. Moving her horse back and forth, getting even closer as the last of the cows went through the gate—CRACK—went the whip as one of the heifers tried to go back the way they’d come. He and his brothers just stopped in their tracks and stared. Kris heard his dad chuckle, and saw him shake his head again out of the corner of his eye. He knew he should move, but simply couldn’t because he was frozen. His brothers must’ve been too, because his dad stepped up and closed the gate as the last of the cows went through.

  Whistling for her dog, she wrapped up her whip with a few snaps of the wrist and stuck it in a hold by her side, her saddle creaking with the movement. Coming closer, she stopped. “What a fantastic welcome to the neighborhood! I thought my days of being a Cracker were over. That was great. Beautiful morning, isn’t it?”

  “Sure is,” his dad spoke up. “I’m Karl Albrecht.” Then pointing with a smirk, he said, “And these here statues are my sons, Jake, Nik, and Kris. And you are?”

  She chuckled as she smiled, and Kris decided he found that sound about as intriguing as the whip’s.

  “Nice to meet you all,” she drawled, with a nod of her head. “I imagine you don’t see many cattle roundups around here, at least not by horse from what I’ve seen. I’m Danielle Reed, you can call me Dani, and this here is my horse Topaz,” she said, leaning and giving the horse a pat, “and my dog Coco.”

  Kris swore if a dog could smile, this one was. He, or she, was happy as can be, sitting pertly next to Topaz, tail thumping, tongue lolling.

  Stepping closer, his dad put his hand up. Hopping off her horse, she removed her leather work gloves and took his hand, shaking it. Well it was official, those were chaps, and she was definitely wearing spurs. They made an interesting jingling sound when she jumped down. That ought to be a crime, Kris thought to himself, figuring he’d never get another wink of sleep for the visions that were sure to be dancing through his head all night long.

  “Where you hail from?” his dad asked politely.

  “Wyoming, just south of the Montana border near Sheridan.”

  His dad nodded. “What’s your business?”

  Her tongue grazed the seam of her lips and she smiled a succulent smile. Answering with a gleam in her eye, she said, “Horses.”

  “Seems like it would be horses and cattle, the way you moved this bunch,” Nik interjected with a flirty grin.

  Kris was going to kick his ass.

  Widening her stance and putting her hands in her back pockets, she looked Nik straight in the eye, hers having lost their glimmer. She was having none of him. Oh boy, Kris swallowed hard. She wasn’t like other women, nope, not at all. He could tell in that instant, her mannerisms were more like a guy’s, and although she wasn’t overweight by any means, she wasn’t dainty, or wispy, or thank God giggly from the attention of a male. She was taller, bigger boned, solid, curvy in all the right places, and flat out serious.

  “Yeah, I’ve moved some cattle in my time,” she responded unimpressed.

  It was clear from the vinegar in her tone, she didn’t find Nik’s comment complimentary.

  Jake started laughing and her eyes zeroed in on him. “In your time? You’re not that old.”

  Looking down to the ground, she put a hand to the brim of her cowboy hat and pushed
it back some, then looked solidly at Jake. Kris swallowed again, deciding she had the most interesting eyes, a piercing stormy blue-gray, silver almost.

  “Well, let’s just get straight to it, why don’t we? I know how this works, from a small town myself. I’m twenty four. Was on a horse before I even knew how to walk, been dealing with horses and cattle ever since. Lived on a ranch, raised and taught most of what I know by ranch hands and professionals. I’m known throughout Wyoming for my horsemanship. I’m single, never been married, and have no plans to be. Ever,” she spat. “I’m here, staying at the Luck-E as a favor, and my job and talent is in training horses. Which by the way, I’m missing one, had some fence down myself. Wonder if we can look around, see if it made its way over here.”

  Straight and to the point, and wanting nothing to do with men. Of course he’d want her, she revved his engine like no other. Kris felt like walking over and banging his head on the side of the barn. What the hell, women threw themselves at him all the time and he wasn’t interested but for one thing, and then there’s this one that wants nothing to do with men, and his mind says too bad, you’re mine. Go figure. He heard his dad answer her.

  “For sure, absolutely, take a look around, no problem.”

  With that, she made a little yip and her dog happily jumped to attention. Then giving a command, the dog took off like a bullet, running back down the way they’d come.

  Looking back to his dad, her disposition softened. “I’m in need of some hay and some muscle. You know anyone who’d be willing to sell me some?”

  His dad nodded. “We can probably help you out. How about you go look for your horse, and then come back in about two hours. We’ll be done milking by then. Let us feed you some breakfast, welcome you to the neighborhood, and thank you for your help this morning. We’ll iron out the details at that time.”

  A loud ruckus of barking started off in the distance and she smiled widely. That was one nice smile, Kris thought. Whistling for her horse that had grazed away, it instantly came trotting her direction. Watching as she ran alongside the trotting horse, she took hold of the saddle horn, gave a hop and a leap, and was up in the saddle in a flash, her spurs jangling the whole time. Reaching, she took her lasso from its hold, and Kris nearly groaned aloud. He so wanted to see her use that lasso, bad. With the horse’s reins in one hand and the lasso in the other, she looked over her shoulder towards the barking. “Sounds like Coco found Ricochet. Damn good dog.” Turning back to them, she asked, “Can I bring anything?”

  His dad shook his head. “Just you, bring you. We’d love to have you come eat with us.”

  “Alrighty then, see you in two.” With that, she gave her horse a little click and a kick, rounded the yard gathering momentum, then hurdled the fence and took off down the hill at a gallop. Unable to move, Kris stood watching her retreating form. This was a whole new breed of woman, he thought, and he was most definitely up to doing a little “how do you do” with her.

  Nik clapped him on the shoulder. “Come on Casanova, let’s get the milking done. Then you can get to the house and get a shower in. You look like you just rolled out of bed after having had sex, which I presume you did because you got a big ole hickey on your neck.”

  Narrowing his eyes on his smartass of a brother, he answered him with warning. “I’ll kick your ass if you’re screwing with me.”

  Nik shrugged his shoulders and laughed. “Front and center, and flashing like a neon sign.”

  That explained why his dad and Linnie had given him a hard time. Well, it had been two thirty in the morning too, and his shirt had been on inside out. Damn it, just his luck. Meet the most interesting woman he’d ever seen, and he had the mark of another female on him. Turning, he headed for the barn.


  Showered and changed Dani, drove out of the driveway of the Luck-E, reflecting on her earlier visit to the farm. Holstein cows, cared for, about a thousand from the size of the newer built barn, good condition farm, plenty of land, lots of haying pastures, and abundant muscle from the looks of the men. The two brothers who’d spoken, no problem, the one was married, she knew that from meeting the little woman the day before. The other, flirty and loud, and obvious as the day is long. She could handle him, no problemo. It was the tall silent one she wasn’t so sure about. She felt a knot in her stomach with that one. He was like a bull, waiting and watching, and if there was one thing she knew, it was that the gentle, docile bulls were the most dangerous.

  Pulling into the farmyard, she parked in front of the house and went to the door. Just as she was about to knock, the door swung open. It was the flirty one standing there, smiling from ear to ear.

  “Come on in, Danielle,” he said with amusement, as he stepped aside with a flourish. “The kitchen is up the stairs and straight ahead.”

  Grrr, he did that on purpose, she thought annoyed. Giving him no choice, she looked him in the eye and said in no uncertain terms, “Call me Dani.” Stepping in the house, she slipped off her boots and went up. Walking in the kitchen, she was greeted by the one she met yesterday, Jules.

  “Hi Dani, come on in, have a seat here.” Jules patted a chair near the end of the table. “We’re so glad to have you with us. You found your horse, did you?”

  Dani nodded. “I did, and had enough time to get the fence up enough for now.”

  The guys walked in and took seats around the table. Of course, the tall, silent one took a seat next to her. That knot in her stomach gave a good yank.

  “I hope you like pannekoekens,” Jules said, “because that’s what I’m making. It’s one of the favorites around here. Kris requests them all the time.”

  Which one was Kris again? She shrugged her shoulders. “Can’t say I’ve ever heard of them, so I’m not rightly sure if I like them or not.”

  “Oh-ho, you’ve been missing out,” the flirty one said, giving her a wink.

  Not impressed, she ignored him.

  “You’re in for a real treat then,” Jules answered. “They’re also called Dutch pancakes. They’re large and puffy, and have wonderful things on them.”

  “Sounds good, just the way I like my pancakes. Can I do something to help?” She prayed not. Lord help them all if she said yes.

  Jules shook her head. “No, I’m good, wait till you see them come out of the oven. They’re no ordinary pancake. You like coffee or tea?”

  Well she dodged a bullet there. She really was in luck. “Coffee, please, black as pitch and thick as tar if you got it.”

  They all chuckled.

  “Coming up,” Karl said, stepping to the coffee pot, pouring her a cup and handing it to her. “Need cream or sugar?”

  Reaching, she took the cup. “What, and ruin a perfectly good cup of coffee?” She shook her head.

  More chuckles as they all stared at her.

  “Thank you, by the way,” she answered, holding up the cup and nodding, then bringing it to her lips, she took a large drink of the steaming hot liquid. “Perfect,” she muttered, when she felt the scorch all the way to her stomach. It burned so much she couldn’t feel the knot anymore, talk about benefits. “All your cows accounted for, or you still missing some? Coco can find them if need be.”

  “We’re good,” Karl answered. “Thank you again.”

  A tired looking, dark haired, pregnant woman walked in, plopping in a chair with a groan.

  Karl reached over and squeezed her hand. “This is my daughter, Linnie, and as you can see we’re going to have a little one around here soon. She and her husband, Nate, live here, but are building the house you passed on the way in. Nate and his dad own and operate Sander’s Heating and Plumbing in Luck. Linnie, this is Dani.”

  Looking over, Linnie gave her a halfway smile. “Hey, Dani, nice to meet you. Been here long?”

  Nodding in acknowledgement of the welcome, she answered, “Arrived a day ago.”

  “Oh wow, we’re glad you’re here. You doing alright, finding everything you need?”

��Yes and no,” Dani answered. “I need to find my way around first, then I’ll be good.”

  Jules put several bowls and plates full of food on the table and the guys went for them, passing them around as they went. Preparing to take the plate stacked high with meat as it came her way, the tall silent one, put a small piece of ham on her plate, and began to pass it on to the flirty one.

  “Hold up there,” she said, grabbing her fork. Stabbing a nice, big, thick piece of ham, she dropped it on her plate.

  Next came the pancake thing, looked damn tasty for sure, and he gave her a sliver. What the hell? There were several of them on the table waiting to be eaten. Looking up, she scowled at him. “Stop.” Picking up her knife, she cut an ample piece, scooped it up and set it on her plate before he passed it on.

  When the fruit came around, he just held the bowl and she took a large spoonful. Next came the syrup, and as he held the pitcher over her plate, he stopped and waited. Looking at him, she said, “Bring it on, all over, it all goes to the same spot, and don’t be skimpy.” With that, he gave her the most dazzling smile that reached all the way to his eyes, and she felt that knot in her stomach tighten and grow about ten times its size. If it got much bigger she wouldn’t have room for all the food she’d taken.

  Last was a bowl of fresh whipped cream, and as he tried to delicately place some on her food it wouldn’t come of the spoon. “Slap it on there, big guy, I’m hungry.”

  There were chuckles all around the table and he gave the spoon a firm snap of the wrist as he grinned, finding humor in her words. The whipped cream slapped onto the food with a splat.

  “Perfect!” she exclaimed, grabbing her fork and taking a big bite.

  “What is it you need help finding?” Linnie asked, breaking the ice again. “We’ll point you in the right direction.”

  Swallowing the large bite of food, she used her napkin and answered, “First, let me say the food’s great. Thank you. Second, I need to look at a map, see the lay of the land, then I need to find feed and livestock supplies, a tractor, sporting goods, and retail stores.”


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