Caught Between Hawk and Gunner

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Caught Between Hawk and Gunner Page 11

by Marla Monroe

  Club life seemed complicated to her. She knew that Terror and Rage shared being president of the club and that Hawk was the vice president. She wasn’t sure what Gunner’s position as sergeant at arms represented. She had no intentions of asking any questions. The less she knew, the better for all of them. She had no plans to stick around once she had her truck up and running. She’d make damn sure she checked everything and replaced everything else that was left just to be safe. She couldn’t afford for this to happen again.

  After work that night, Jackie climbed on back of Hawk’s bike more than ready for bed. She was exhausted. Even though she hadn’t worked on her feet as long that night, she’d been up and bent over a desk working all day.

  When they stopped at the motel, the guys got off with her. She started to tell them that they didn’t have to go inside but realized they were in protection mode and planned to be sure she was safe.

  “Thanks for the ride back. What time will you pick me up tomorrow?”

  Hawk’s mouth curved up into a half smile. “We’re not picking you up tomorrow.”


  “You’re coming home with us tonight. We’re just picking up your stuff. We’ll move the rest tomorrow.” Gunner’s smile promised all sorts of wicked things.

  She shook her head. “I’m not going home with you guys. I may be under your protection, but I’m not your property or your plaything.”

  “That’s right, you’re under our protection, which means you’re coming home with us so that nothing happens to you. We can’t predict what the One-Niners will do next. It’s possible they’ll target you if they can’t get to Mia. That’s not acceptable. You’re our responsibility. Now pack what you need for a couple of days, and we’ll pick up the rest tomorrow.” Hawk picked up her pack from the table and handed it to her.

  “You’re serious, aren’t you.” Jackie realized that for the first time, she was worried.

  It hadn’t occurred to her that she could be in danger by being around the MC members. If the One-Niners thought she meant something to Gunner and Hawk, they might try to abduct her, as well. She sighed and dropped the pack on the bed and began gathering what she’d need. By the time she had the bag packed, she was ready to lie down.

  “This is it.”

  “Good,” Hawk said. “Let’s get you home so you can sleep. You look dead on your feet, doll.”

  “Can you stop with the doll, already?”

  He chuckled. “How about sweet thing?”


  * * * *

  Gunner had enjoyed the feel of Jackie’s arms wrapped around his waist, and her lush breasts pressed tightly against his back as he rode through town. His cock had been rock hard by the time they’d made it to their little house.

  There’d been a short argument about the sleeping arrangements when they’d gotten her home last night, but she’d been so tired, she’d given in with a warning that they’d better not touch her. Lying there with her sleeping between him and Hawk had been the sweetest of torture. It wouldn’t be long until they had her between them as they fucked her.

  Needless to say, sleep did things to a person. They’d woken up to find her wrapped around Hawk’s body as if she were glued to it. That hadn’t left her in a good mood for the morning.

  Now she was wrapped around him as they rode to the store that morning. Once again, he was going to be stuck with a boner when they arrived at the store. She’d have no choice but to notice it when they climbed off the bike. His jeans were too constrictive. His dick ached. No doubt she’d try to ignore it.

  He nearly laughed at the thought but didn’t want to risk Jackie letting go of him for some reason. Her safety was too important. They’d check on her throughout the day while she was at the store ordering inventory.

  “What’s so funny, man? I can hear you snickering over the mic,” Hawk asked.

  “Just thinking about how pissed she was this morning when she woke up plastered to you.”

  “You weren’t jealous?”

  “Hell yeah, but I can deal with it. It’ll be me at some point.”

  “I can’t lie there another night without having her, Gunner. She tastes too sweet.”

  “I feel the same way, but we’ve got to go slow and seduce her. She’s a fighter, and I guarantee she’s already fighting her attraction to us.”

  “I agree. I’ve seen her looking at you and lick her lips. Won’t be long.”

  They pulled up outside the store after stopping by the diner to pick up breakfast. The three of them entered once the alarm was disarmed.

  “We stocked the fridge with Diet Coke and water for you. Have a seat and eat, babe.” Gunner pulled out three waters and set them on the front counter where they could all spread out to eat.

  “I put the box of invoices from the bike shop on the desk, Jackie. That should help you figure out what we order. If you have any trouble reading any of it, give one of us a call. We can probably figure it out over the phone. If not, we’ll stop by at some point and decipher it for you.” Hawk bit into his breakfast sandwich.

  Gunner washed a bite down with his water then nodded to the front door. “That stays locked just like the back door. Don’t let anyone in but us. Not even another member of the club. Got it?”

  “Got it. I don’t plan to even go to the doors. You guys have the key anyway.”

  “The back door will open from the inside if you unlock the deadbolt. It’s a safety measure in case of fire.”

  “We’re going to be tied up for about two hours this morning in a meeting. If you call, leave a message. If it’s an emergency, call this number and tell them what’s wrong.” He handed her piece of paper with a number scratched on it. “They’ll interrupt and get us.”

  “I don’t plan on needing you guys for anything. If I have questions about any of the invoices, I’ll hold them until dinner. Will you be able to bring me something to eat?” she asked.

  “Probably be close to five, though. You go in at six tonight to wait tables.” Gunner crowded her after finishing his meal. “Burger okay?”

  “Yeah. No…”

  “Mustard. We got it,” he said, the corners of his mouth turning up in a wide grin.

  “Remember, don’t open the door for anyone,” Hawk reminded her as he gathered up their trash.

  “Got it. See you guys later.” She turned to head to the back to the office, but Gunner stopped her.

  “I want my goodbye kiss, babe.”

  “What?” It was all she got out before his mouth descended on hers.

  The kiss held heat as he took it before she relaxed, burning her lips so that she opened to him without hesitation. His tongue swept in and conquered her without so much as a move on her part to stop him. Her body reacted to the demand of the kiss by going soft. Her nipples hardened even as her pussy grew damp with anticipation of more.

  He reluctantly released her with one final kiss on her nose and turned her into Hawk’s arms.

  “Didn’t think you’d get away without a kiss, did you?” He laughed. “I’ve looked forward to this ever since I woke up with you all but on top of me this morning.”

  “I was asleep. You were warm. That’s all there was to it.”

  He shook his head, a serious expression darkening his face. He took her hand and pressed it against the hard ridge beneath his jeans. He felt huge beneath the denim. She’d felt him when she’d woken up to roll off him, as well. His cock was long and thick, and she wanted him with a fierceness that frightened her.

  “This is what you do to me, Jackie. You make me hot and hard. I want to eat that sweet pussy and bury my dick deep inside of you. Get used to it, sweet thing. It’s going to happen.” He kissed her in a hard, needy way that made her knees shaky. When he released her, she had to hold on to the counter for a few seconds in support.

  “We aren’t going to have sex.”

  “Oh, but we are, babe,” Gunner told her with his lopsided grin.

  “In fact, we�
��ll have sex tonight. Count on it.” Hawk nodded at the other man, and the two of them strode to the door and after unlocking it, walked out. She watched Gunner lock the door behind them then speed off on their bikes.

  I’m fucked. There’s no way I’ll be able to resist them if they kiss me like that again.

  Jackie was sure that sex with the two of them would be wild and intense, but giving in to them meant a piece of herself would forever be lost. She wasn’t a virgin by any stretch of the imagination, but she’d never really enjoyed sex with so much baggage strapped to her back. Would it be any different with them than with any other man she’d been with? Before, there’d always been a relationship of some sort attached to the act. Was there one here?

  There can’t be. I’m leaving in a few weeks. Just as soon as my truck is running, I’m out of here.

  Jackie forced the promise deep down in her head so that she could get to work and pretend that nothing was hanging over her for later that night. She wouldn’t think about how just their touch inflamed a need inside her that she’d never felt before.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Jackie, you can go on home now. The crowd is winding down, and you’ve already put in a full day at the store.” Scoot took her tray from her.

  “I can work my shift. I’m not tired,” she argued.

  “Appreciate the offer, but Kelly can handle the few guys still left. It’s a slow night. Next time I’ll let Kelly off. Go on.”

  She sighed and pulled off the little apron and handed it to him, as well. “Do I go over to the table and let the guys know I’m off, or would that be interrupting anything?”

  “You can tell them. They aren’t discussing anything secret or they’d be at the clubhouse.” Scoot tossed the apron over the bar.

  Jackie approached the large table in the back where five of the top club members sat around talking. Terror was there, but Rage wasn’t. She had a feeling the other man was with Mia. They weren’t leaving her alone at all. The poor woman had been right. House arrest. She shook her head. She was just about in the same boat.

  “Hey. I’m off for the night. Want me to sit over there until you guys are ready to go?” she asked.

  “You’re fine right here. We’ll go home in a few minutes.” Hawk wrapped an arm around her hips and pulled her down to sit on his lap.

  Gunner rested one hand on her thigh and sipped at the beer he held in the other one. Hawk ran his fingertips under her shirt, tickling the skin of her abdomen. She couldn’t seem to wiggle to get him to stop, then she felt the evidence of what her scooting around on his lap had created.


  The long, hard length of him pressed against her ass. She’d caused that. It hadn’t been her intentions, but now she was sure he’d expect her to take care of it. Crap. All his promises rushed forward from the back of her mind to bombard her with images in her head. Her breathing picked up until she was afraid someone would notice it and think that the guys were doing things to her under the table.

  Well they are. They’re torturing me.

  It was a sweet torture but torture nonetheless. She needed to calm her breathing and be still. It wasn’t easy with Hawk’s boner for company. It kept putting ideas in her head that she was sure had her face turning red by the way her cheeks burned.

  “Hawk, I think it’s time to go. Poor Jackie is about dead on her feet. She’s been up and working for more than twelve hours now.” Gunner scooted back from the table and got up.

  Hawk nodded and allowed Jackie to slide off his lap with an evil smile as she rubbed her ass along his rock-hard cock. She stood up on wobbly legs and said bye as the guys steered her toward the door.

  “Do you know how sexy you look with your face all flushed and that little pink tongue moistening your lips every few minutes?” Gunner cupped her elbow as he leaned in to whisper in her ear once they were outside.

  “I—I’m not trying to be.”

  “That’s part of what makes it so hot. It’s all natural, not contrived.” Hawk kissed her nose then climbed on his bike.

  Gunner jerked his head for her to ride with Hawk then climbed on his own bike. They started the big machines up and drove out of the parking lot without stirring up gravel. Probably because of the other men’s bikes parked so close to theirs.

  Jackie tried to calm her nerves the short trip to their home but had little luck. Their promises hung in the air over her head. She had no doubt they would make good on them. She wanted to refuse them but knew she couldn’t. Her body had a mind of its own, and it wanted the two men like a boozer wanted his whiskey.

  Once inside the house, she was surprised when the men went about putting away their weapons without so much as a word.

  “I’m going to take a shower,” Gunner told them then disappeared into the bathroom.

  “Can I take one after him?” she asked.

  “Sure can, sweet thing. Come here and let me help you out of your clothes.” He crooked his finger in her direction.

  “I—I can undress myself. Thanks.” She backed away from him as she started toeing off her shoes.

  “But I want to do it. Don’t argue with me, Jackie.” He stood and advanced on her. “I’ll just win in the end.”

  She felt like prey before a predator as he backed her into the wall. She had nowhere to go. If she were honest with herself, she didn’t really want to be anywhere else except where she was. She didn’t have to like it, though.

  I’m crazy. I can’t want both men. It’s just not right. I don’t care if Mia can do it. How can I?

  “Stretch your arms above your head, Jackie.”

  She complied without hesitation.

  “Leave them there. Don’t move unless I tell you to.”

  She had expected this demand of obedience from Gunner, but not from Hawk. It surprised her into doing exactly what he said. She remained still as he went to his knees and slowly unfastened her jeans. His hands slowly pulled the denim material down over her hips then down her thighs. He held her hand so that she could step out of them when he’d gotten them down to her ankles.

  He didn’t stand after that. Instead, he used his teeth to pull her panties over her hips and down to her thighs. Then he curled his hands around the waistband and jerked them down, as well.

  “Fuck. Your pussy smells so damn good.” He breathed in deep then slowly let the air from his lungs.

  All Jackie could do was whimper at the dark gaze that caught her as he leaned in. Then he broke eye contact as he held her hips steady so that she could step out of the underwear, as well.

  “I’m going to eat this pussy until you beg me to fuck you, Jackie. You’re going to come all over my tongue.”

  “Hawk,” she whined. “Please don’t say things like that.”

  “Why? Because it makes you want me as much as I want you?”

  She didn’t answer him.

  “I bet you scream when you come, don’t you, sweet thing?”

  Again, she couldn’t answer him. Her voice felt locked in her throat.

  Hawk placed openmouthed kisses all across her pelvis, down her thighs and back up again. He hovered near her mound, inhaling once more before gently biting her belly just below her belly button. Then he groaned.

  Jackie moaned with him and shifted on her feet. She wanted what he promised but wasn’t about to ask for it. She had a feeling she’d be begging for it before the night was over.

  “Shower’s free. There won’t be enough water for three showers. You better share, guys.” He stood in front of them wearing nothing but a towel around his waist.

  Jackie struggled to take her eyes off him. His broad chest, damp from the shower, begged for her to lick it. Something inside her stirred, urging her to draw circles around his nipples with her tongue. The look on Gunner’s face as he looked her up and down tightened her pussy. The way he lingered on her breasts had her nipples hardening almost painfully. Then what he’d said hit her.

  Share a shower with Hawk? That promised to be a

  “No funny business in the shower, though. I don’t want one of you to slip and fall.”

  “Asshole.” Hawk, punched him in the arm. “Come on, sweet thing. We’ll have to be quick, or the hot water will run out. We need a larger tank.”

  Jackie allowed Hawk to guide her into the bathroom. The shower tub combination really would make showering together very personal. Hawk turned on the water and adjusted the temperature. When she stepped into the tub, the water felt wonderful against her skin. She always felt nasty and greasy after working at the bar.

  “I’ll soap you up then you can do the same for me.” Hawk lathered up a cloth with soap then rubbed it all over her body, paying extra attention to her breasts. It felt good to have someone wash her back. When he moved lower, she tried to take the cloth from him, but he held it over her head.

  “I’m going to wash you all over. Spread your legs, Jackie. The water is going to get cold soon.”

  Jackie slowly widened her stance, her face burning in embarrassment. How could she do this? Twenty-four hours ago, she’d have laughed at the idea she would be taking a shower with one of the two men. Now look at her. She was spreading her legs to let one of them bathe her down there. She had little doubt they would fuck her tonight. She had no defense against them. She wanted them as much as they wanted her and she wasn’t going to fight it.

  “There you go. Rinse off, and you can soap me up.” His eyes were dark and heavy-lidded. Desire burned there.

  Jackie took the cloth from him and began rubbing it over his shoulders and down his arms then across his wide chest. She couldn’t stop the brief hesitation in her breathing as she lowered the cloth down the light sprinkling of hair that ran the length of his chest and abdomen to meet up with the hair that crowned the base of his cock.


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