A Beauty to His Beast 2: An Urban Werewolf Story

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A Beauty to His Beast 2: An Urban Werewolf Story Page 3

by Natavia

  Kanya was walking through the woods with a red hooded cape on. Her kinky tendrils were falling down her face. She was carrying a brown basket. My icy blue eyes stared at her, and then a growl escaped my throat.

  “Who is there?” she called out. I didn’t answer her. She continued to walk deeper into the woods. I followed behind her, my wolf blending in with the night. My husky paw stepped on a tree branch, causing it to snap. Kanya dropped the basket then turned around with her golden eyes.

  I slowly walked towards her with my canines showing. She opens up her cape. She was naked underneath. “I just want to go and visit my grandmother, Goon,” she said, pretending to be Little Red Riding Hood. I shifted into human form then captured her lips. She backed up against the tree then wrapped her leg around me. I gently bit her lip. Kanya reached down between my legs to grab my hardened dick while I lifted her other leg up. I held her up as she put me into her. She was dripping on the damp ground.

  “UMMMMMMMMMMM,” she moaned when I pushed a little more of myself into her. I captured her round nipple into my mouth. She let out a howl as I slowly thrust myself into her, her sharpened nails digging into my shoulders. “I love you so much,” she cried out in pleasure. I went further inside of her tunnel making deep, hard thrusts that caused her to scream out my name. Her pussy squeezed me; she was ready to climax. I bit her breast giving her that euphoric orgasm that she craves…

  When we came to, the music was still playing loudly in the club. Kanya’s head was leaning back over my arm. Her legs were spread, and her chest heaved up and down. “I cannot believe you just mind fucked me. It felt so real. I had an orgasm,” she said, fanning herself. I licked her lips. “You want the real thing?” I asked, placing her hand on my hardened dick.

  “Are you a witch?” she asked me.

  “My mother is.”

  “That makes you a witch too.”

  “Males aren’t witches. We are warlocks, but I prefer my beast,” I said, chuckling. I figured out what I was when I learned that my mother was a witch, but my beast is more aggressive.

  “This is still like a dream,” she said.

  “I know, but it’s what we are.”

  “Why did I have to be Little Red Riding Hood?”

  “I don’t know. I thought it was sexy,” I laughed.

  “I was hoping to be Belle.”

  “Who is that?”

  “She was a character in Beauty and the Beast. It’s funny because that was my favorite Disney movie. Now, I have my real beast. The only difference is that I’m one too.”


  I walked down to the dungeon underneath my house. Dayo was leaning against the wall as he sat on the floor. I could see it in his eyes that he was giving up fighting.

  “I’m home,” I called out to him.

  “Great,” he said, standing up. His strong back muscles flexed. Dayo was tall and lean. His skin was the color of midnight, and he had a pair of hazel eyes. The hair on his face grew out. Even though he hadn’t shaved, he was strikingly handsome.

  “I brought you some water,” I said, pushing the pitcher towards his cell. The iron gate had a spell cast on it. Even if Dayo gets too close without touching it, it shocks him, making him weak. Nobody can detect him, not even the gods. It took me thousands of years to master my spells, but I had to make a sacrifice. I sacrificed my soul to a demon named Saka. My soul was too pure to practice black magic. I haven’t been pure in centuries. I have become a better witch since then. Naobi is pure, and not even she can detach demonic spells, another reason why I chose to sacrifice my soul.

  “I don’t want any fucking water. I want to go the fuck home. What are you gaining by this? Goon is still with his mate, and you are still here being an evil bitch!” his deep voice boomed.

  “Oh, trust me, darling. Being a perfectionist takes time,” I answered him. I put three big bloody steaks through the cage. I needed Dayo to be alive because once he dies, I can no longer transform into him. I can’t transform into the dead…yet.

  “I hope you fucking die a slow and horrible death,” he said to me.

  “That’s not the way to talk to your mate,” I laughed. Dayo is the real wolf that marked me. I told Goon that he marked me when he really didn’t. I wanted to see how much he remembered, and just like I knew, he didn’t remember us at all. I seduced Dayo months back. The sex was so intense I made him bite me. In order for me to shift into his wolf, I needed to be marked by one. I wasn’t an animal shifter like Adika, which was the only choice I was left with.

  “You tricked me! You hypnotized me into biting you. I would’ve never marked a piece of ass like you,” Dayo seethed.

  “Dayo, please don’t make me angry.”

  “I’m fucking trapped in a cage! Do you think I care about your crazy, ancient, old, evil ass being mad? Do it look like I fucking care?” Dayo shouted, charging into the cage. The cage burned him, and he fell back grabbing his arm. “Ow, fuck!” he screamed out in pain.

  I laughed. “You will remain here until I’m done with you.”

  A maniacal laugh came out of Dayo. “You are going to die before me.”

  “I’ve been around for years—thousands, might I add. I don’t give a damn about dying,” I said to him. Dayo turned his back towards me. He had a few tribal markings, but not the same as Goon’s. Dayo had the markings of a warrior like the other pack brothers in Goon’s pack. His nicely muscled legs looked like they could leap over the highest fence. As I looked at him, something started to throb between my legs. I hated the cravings I had for Dayo. I shouldn’t have let him mark me, but I was desperate. Now, I sexually crave him, and he craves me too, but he hates me. I appeared in the cage. Dayo tried to charge into me, but I used a force to restrain him. He couldn’t move.

  “What are you doing to me?” he asked.

  “You already know what I want,” I said to him, grabbing him; he grew in my hands. I looked him in the face. His eyes were lighter. Dayo wanted to shift, but he couldn’t. The dungeon was cursed, and it stripped him of his powers. He tried to move, but he couldn’t.

  “Get the fuck off of me,” he spat.

  “Why would I do such a thing? You belong to me.” I lifted my leg up, wrapping it around his waist. I balanced myself by wrapping my other leg around his waist. Dayo couldn’t hold me up. I hugged him around his neck with my legs tightly wrapped around him. I raised myself up then lowered myself onto his shaft. Dayo tried to bite me, but I moved out of the way. He was paralyzed while standing up. Dayo’s length and width filled me; he was hard and strong. I grinded my hips on him as I kissed his neck, avoiding his mouth. A moan slipped from his mouth as I slid up and down on him.

  “This is wrong,” he moaned. Dayo got harder, and a pain surged through my lower back, but I couldn’t stop moving. I went faster and harder. Dayo’s dick jerked when I screamed out in pleasure from my orgasm. After I was done, I unwrapped my wobbly legs. I began to rub his chest, and I had an urge to kiss him.

  What is wrong with me? I asked myself. I hurriedly disappeared. I ended up on the other side of the cage. Dayo’s body fell down on the stone floor. He sat up then looked at me with the most intense stare. I could see the pure hate he had for me in his eyes. I looked away then headed upstairs. I slid the door open. When I got into my living room, I shut the door that looked like a wall from the outside. I slid my bookshelf in front of it. I was glad that it was sound proof. I heard a noise coming from the kitchen. I wrapped my silk robe tightly around my body. “Do you not call when you come over?” I asked Adika.

  Adika turned around. “Since when do I have to call? You know I been meaning to talk to you. You’ve been acting weird. You block me from your mind, and I just feel like I don’t know you anymore. Do you want to talk about it?” she asked me.

  I rolled my eyes at her. “What is there to talk about?”

  “The freaking attitude, Keora! I’m sick of it!”

  “Well, stop dropping by whenever you feel like it.”

p; “It’s Goon isn’t it? Get the fuck over it! You haven’t been with him in years! I mean, how do you even know what he still feels like?” Adika asked me.

  “You mean to tell me you feel nothing for Kofi still? Before he mated, weren’t you fucking him? Does Izra know that you use to bang his mentor? I remember how much you two was in love, and now he acts like he doesn’t remember you. How does that feel?”

  “That was thousands of years ago. I got over him. I cannot even remember what Kofi feels like. Your ass is just evil. Evil cannot let anything go. Naobi didn’t create us to be this way,” Adika said. I rolled my eyes because she still worships Naobi like she did when we were in Egypt.

  “You act just like a peasant. They brainwashed you. Naobi and Ammon are just two ancient muthafuckas that control every damn body that lived in Egypt all of those years ago. Fuck Naobi and Ammon,” I said, with my hair growing. I wanted to strangle Adika until she took her last breath. I hated her. If Adika ever died, so would I. That’s the only reason why I have been tolerating her.

  “Have you been practicing black magic?” Adika asked me.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Your eyes just turned pitch black. I’ve only seen one person with black eyes ages ago, and that was Saka. I will never forget him. I will never forget those demon eyes, and you have eyes just like his. What have you been doing? Did you get in touch with him? Naobi sent him to a dark world, and he is never supposed to come back. What did you do, Keora?” Adika asked me.

  I laughed. “I don’t know what you are talking about,” I said, walking away. Adika yanked my locks back. “Bitch, I would beat your ass! What the fuck did you do? Saka is forbidden. Remember how he wanted Goon when he was a baby? He wanted Goon’s soul. You were there! You saw what he did to the people; he turned them into blood-sucking monsters. You brought him back?” Adika screamed.

  I flipped her off of me then banged her head into the counter. Her wound closed up. Adika turned into a panther then attacked me. She bit my neck with her teeth, piercing into my neck.

  Remember, sister, if you kill me, you will die with me too. Now, you can tell Naobi, and you will go to the underworld with me. I know you wouldn’t want that. What would Izra do? I said into her head. She let me go.

  Adika shifted back. “What did you do?” she asked, with tears falling down her face. I smiled at her. “Get the fuck out of my house.”

  “Saka is a demon. He gets powerful off of innocent, pure blood. You sacrificed yourself in return of the twins. What have you done?” Adika cried.

  “Those twins should’ve been mine,” I said to Adika. Adika ranted on as I thought of ways to get rid of her without killing her. An idea formed inside of my head. I walked to the hidden wall then pushed the bookshelf back.

  “I’m sorry. I have done a bad thing. Maybe you can help me get Dayo out,” I said, pushing the wall back.

  “WHAT?” she asked.

  “I have done a terrible thing, Adika. Maybe you can help me get Dayo out. I walked down the cold stone steps towards Dayo’s cage. “What the hell is this? You did this? You been pretending to be him?” Adika asked. The cage opened up. Dayo looked up with worried eyes. Adika walked into the cage. “Get the hell out. It’s a trapped!” Dayo tried to warn Adika, but the cage slammed shut. Adika ran into the bars of the cage, but then let out a scream because it burned her skin.

  “Adika, darling. You have been trying to be so much of a human that you even think stupidly like one. Did you really think that I was going to let you leave out of this damn house? See what I mean about having a pure heart? You think too much of others without seeing the bigger picture. You and I would be untouchable if you gave up your pureness. Your heart is too good, and that will fuck you over in the long run,” I said to her.

  “Get us out!” Adika screamed.

  “Stop wasting your breath. Just know this dungeon strips you from everything. You won’t even be able to shift. See, Dayo, I’m not bad after all. I gave you someone to play with,” I said laughing.

  Adika backed away from the cage with a smirk on her face. “Kanya is going to beat your ass, and the only thing I’m pissed about is that I won’t be able to be there to cheer her on.”

  “You know, I always wanted to know what it felt like to walk a mile in your shoes. Maybe Kanya and I can be best friends, or maybe I can fuck Izra. Oh wait, I can get to the twins,” I smiled, realizing that I should’ve been using Adika all along.

  “Stay the fuck away from Izra.” Adika screamed.

  “Awww, you love him? How sweet. All the merrier,” I said, walking out of the dungeon.

  I went upstairs into my room where I practiced all of my spells. I pushed a few ancient books off my desk, and then transformed into Dayo because I needed his handwriting. I wrote the pack a letter saying his good-bye. I was getting nowhere as Dayo. I could start over with my plan. I had to hurry because Naobi doesn’t stay out of the loop too long, and I didn’t need the distraction.

  “You are not the only powerful bitch,” I spat loudly, as if Naobi could hear me.


  “Where are you taking me? And why do you have me blocked from your mind?” I asked Goon.

  “Have I ever told you how nosey you are? It’s a surprise. Now sit back and wait for it,” he spat, getting annoyed.

  “I don’t like surprises,” I laughed.

  “Me neither. If I knew you would be this annoying about it, I wouldn’t be trying to surprise you,” he chuckled.

  I rode in the passenger seat with a pair of blindfolds on. We have been driving for quite some time. Well, I thought it was a long time, but the truth was I just really wanted to know what Goon had in store for me. He has been really busy this past week; he has also been blocking me from his thoughts a lot. He was up to something, and I couldn’t wait to find out.

  The truck came to a stop. Goon opened up the door, pulling me out. He grabbed my hand and wrapped his other arm around my hip to keep me from falling as we started walking.

  “Is this some type of freaky foreplay?” I asked Goon.

  “If you want it to be. I’m addicted to your pussy,” he said. I heard the sounds of keys jingling. Moments later, my heels were clicking on what sounded like marble floors.

  “Okay, take the blindfolds off,” Goon said to me. I hurriedly took them off. I was standing in a large building with pretty white marble floors. There were a few chandeliers hanging from the high ceilings. There were empty showcase glasses displayed all around the large area. I was confused.

  “This is a very nice place, but help me understand,” I said, looking up into his handsome face.

  “This is your jewelry store. You always said you wanted to own your own business. I have been feeling guilty about the way you had to adapt to being my mate. I want you to still feel normal.”

  Words couldn’t explain how much I loved him. The love was so strong that it felt like I had loved him for years. In just a short amount of time, I met my soul mate and gave him pups. At times I felt like I was stuck in a dream; I felt like I was living in some fairy tale. I was a beast. I was Goon’s beast, and I didn’t want it any other way. When I first found out who I really was, I couldn’t accept it, but now I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  “I fall in love with your more and more every day. This is so beautiful,” I said, still surprised.

  Goon kissed my lips. “I know you do because I feel the same way. How you feel now is how I felt when you birthed my pups. It was beautiful, although the sight of you giving birth made my stomach turn,” he said.

  I playfully mushed him. “You just had to ruin my moment,” I said. I looked around the spacious store. It looked upscale, almost too rich.

  “Goon, what kind of jewelry will I be selling here? This place almost looks like an art museum.”

  He smirked. “Egyptian jewelry, real gold and gems. We have a lot of it locked away. They are worth a lot of money in this day and age. We also have jewelry from other places we have traveled
to over the centuries. Let me worry about everything.”

  Would I embarrass myself if I broke out into doing the cabbage patch, I thought to myself. Then Goon laughed.

  “Nobody does that anymore. All the women do a dance called twerking now,” Goon said, surprisingly.

  “How do you know about that?”

  “I know everything. I’m old in years, but I’m still young,” he laughed.

  Goon locked up the store. On the outside, my store looked like a warehouse. I loved it. It was one of those buildings that will have you curious about what’s on the inside. On our way home, I was thinking about what to name my store.

  “I want Amadi to sell some of his oils in the store. I want him to have his own section. This will be great! I can see it now,” I said, excitedly.

  “Amadi doesn’t really like to be around humans much. Every once in a while he would come out with Izra and I. I will let you talk to him about that,” Goon said.

  “What do you think we should name the store?” I asked Goon, as he punched in the code on the gate to the mansion.

  “Beastly Treasures, that’s what I nicknamed your pussy,” he roared into laughter.

  “Even though you are being an asshole right now, I actually like that,” I said, rolling my eyes. When we walked into the house, Elle came down the stairs looking exhausted, holding the twins in his arms.

  “Thank the gods you two are back. These pups are a handful. Remind me to beg the gods to take me into their world when the twins start shifting,” Elle said, giving me my babies.

  “My babies aren’t a handful,” I said, growling.

  “Bro, please don’t piss her off. Her beast has been on good behavior.” Goon warned Elle; then they started laughing. I headed towards the kitchen. It was hard at times living with cocky men who were beasts. The doorbell rang. “Goon, get the door. It’s Adika!” I shouted out.


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