A Beauty to His Beast 2: An Urban Werewolf Story

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A Beauty to His Beast 2: An Urban Werewolf Story Page 7

by Natavia

  “Don’t worry, Kanya. I took care of everything,” Elle answered. Elle and Amadi are very respectful. I was really worried about Izra being around my father; my father could be a bit much at times. I set up the kitchen table for dinner. I grabbed a few old vintage wine bottles out of the cellar.

  When I came back into the kitchen, Goon was standing there with the twins dressed in cute, little outfits. Goon was wearing a white long-sleeve shirt that hugged his frame and a pair of jeans with a brand new pair of Timbs. His cologne filled the kitchen, and like always, my heart skipped a beat. The passion in his eyes spoke volumes; even if he was mad at me, I could still feel his love. I wanted him to wrap his strong arms around my body. I wasn’t a small woman, but when he hugs me, I get lost in his embrace. Goon was built to be my protector.

  “They are hungry,” Goon said, handing me the babies.

  “Shit, I been so busy, I forgot to feed them,” I said. He eyed my finger. I was wearing the ring he was going to propose to me with. Even if he changed his mind, it still meant a lot to me.

  “It looks nice on you,” he said, bluntly.

  “We need to talk,” I said to him.

  “I’m not in the mood for any of your insults. I tolerated enough of that bullshit.”

  “Why are you so mean?” I asked him, as anger flashed in his eyes.

  “You have been acting like a bitch. All I hear is shit about you. What about me? How do you think I feel not knowing shit about myself? Have you forgotten that I have lived a thousand different lives and don’t remember shit from none of them? Did you forget that I barely know my parents? Do you think it was easy for me? I don’t know who the fuck I am. All I know is this pack and you. I don’t know anything else beyond that, but not once have I ever regretted you. I don’t even think about that shit. You said some shit to me that fucked my head up. You got me doing human shit, and I don’t mind it because it makes you happy.” Goon stormed out of the kitchen, as I followed behind him.

  “Did you just call me a bitch?” I asked him.

  “Aren’t you a female dog?” Goon replied, smartly. I gave Amadi the twins when he walked down the stairs.

  “Come on, Kanya. Your parents will be here shortly,” Amadi said to me.

  “Fuck that. I want this son of a bitch to get off whatever it is he has on his chest,” I said, pacing back and forth. Goon leaned against the wall smiling cockily at me.

  “You see this shit, bro? Her little beast wants to attack me. What’s up, Kanya? You want to release her? Go ahead, but don’t get mad when I sink my teeth into your throat,” Goon threatened me. I charged into him. He caught me then put me in a restraint. My fangs pierced through his arm as I tried to escape. He grabbed me around the neck then pushed me into the wall. I could feel his nails pricking my skin. His eyes were blue and his teeth were sharpened.

  “Don’t fucking tempt me,” he growled, lifting me up off of the floor by my throat. I slashed his face, swinging my arms wildly, causing three bloody scratches on both sides of his cheek.

  “I cannot believe this shit,” Amadi said, and then he called out to Izra and Elle. Izra and Elle ran into the hallway to pull Goon off of me. Goon dropped me on the floor. “That will be the last time you try and challenge me,” he spat.

  Tears welled up in my eyes. “I hate you,” I said.

  “What the fuck did you just say to me?” he roared. I took the pups from Amadi then hurriedly locked myself inside of the bathroom in the hallway. I sat on the toilet, breastfeeding the twins, as tears fell from my eyes. I guess no relationship is perfect, even when you are with your soul mate.

  After I breastfed the twins, I sat them in their rockers. I headed upstairs to shower and get dressed. I put on a cami, a cardigan sweater and a pair of jeans. I slipped my feet into a soft pair of tan moccasins. Goon came into our bedroom. He headed towards the closet to change out of his shirt that had blood on it from where I scratched him.

  I got up then walked towards him. Our relationship is bipolar; neither one of us was willing to back down. Our beasts were going against each other.

  “I don’t hate you,” I said to him, while his back was turned towards me. He didn’t answer me. I reached out to touch him, and surprisingly he didn’t resist my touch. He put his shirt over his head then turned around to face me. “I need us back to the way we were,” I said to him.

  He caressed my face. “I let my beast get the best of me. It won’t happen again,” he said, then walked out of my sight.

  Few minutes later, I was standing in front of the house while my parents pulled up in their Honda CR-V. My mother was the first to get out. “There goes my baby!” she shouted with her arms out, and like a little girl I ran into her embrace. I hugged my mother for dear life. I felt normal again.

  “Look at you and all of that wild brown hair,” she said, playing with my tendrils. My father got out of the truck. “There’s daddy’s little girl. Your mother talked me out of giving you an ass whipping. For a split second, I thought you was trying to avoid us,” he fussed. I wrapped my arm around him then kissed his cheek.

  “I missed you too, daddy.”

  “This is one helluva house. What else does Akua do for a living? He isn’t a diamond smuggler is he? I read articles about how the men in Africa are sending them children into those diamond mines and getting paid off of it. This house is the size of the white house,” my father fussed.

  “He inherited it, daddy. Please don’t ruin this moment,” I said, and then he mumbled underneath his breath. Elle and Amadi came out of the house.

  Oh my heavens. What has God created? They are built like African warriors, my mother thought. Elle and Amadi smiled because they heard her thoughts as well.

  “Mom and Dad, this is Elle and Amadi. They are Akua’s older brothers,” I said, introducing them.

  “Nice to meet you. We are glad to have you here. Do you need any help with your luggage?” Amadi asked, as Elle and my father chatted away.

  “This is such a beautiful home,” my mother said, stepping into the foyer.

  These guys are nothing but thugs and criminals. I don’t know what Kanya has gotten herself into. Why couldn’t she be with a nice, young, and proper gentlemen? These men have nothing but weird tattoos all over the damn place. I bet they are into some type of mafia. They are too young for a house this big. I will get down to the bottom of this. I hope Kanya is smart enough to leave when we leave. I didn’t raise her to become affiliated with such people, my father ranted on inside of his head. I was beyond hurt that he would look down on people whom I considered to be like family.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Williamson, glad to see you again,” Goon said, coming into the foyer. He had the twins in his arms.

  “Are those my grandbabies?” my mother asked excitedly. She took Kanye from his arm. “Oh my heavens, they are handsome, and they are chubby little things.”

  “Hand me over that little fellow,” my dad reached his arm out for Akea.

  “Wow, Akua, they look just like you,” my mother said. Izra came into the foyer, and I started to get nervous.

  “This is Akua’s youngest brother, Izra,” I said introducing him.

  “Nice to meet you, especially this lovely lady here,” Izra said, grabbing my mother’s hand and kissing it.

  Where did all of these nicely built, handsome men come from? my mother thought. Goon escorted my parents around the house while I stayed back with Elle, Amadi, and Izra. I didn’t want to hear any of my father’s negative thoughts.

  “Your mama got a fat ol’ booty. Her scent is amazing. I’m jealous of that little father of yours. She is too much woman for him. Tell him I can handle her,” Izra said. I kicked him as hard as I could.

  “Watch it, jackass,” I said. Elle and Amadi burst into a fit of laughter. After a while, I had to laugh myself.

  Izra pulled me to the side, away from Elle and Amadi. “What’s the matter with you?” I asked him.

  “Can you talk to Adika for me? Tell her the games
are over, and I miss her. She even changed her scent. I don’t know how she did that, but those witches are always doing some shady shit,” Izra said, sadly.

  “I thought you was over her?”

  “I marked her, Kanya. I don’t think I can just get over her like that. I’m tired of the shit, and I need her back. I couldn’t sleep last night. Something is wrong, and I can’t figure it out. Have you heard from Keora?”

  “Nope and I don’t want to. Adika told me the other day that Keora went back to Africa.”

  “I’m with Goon; something is up with them,” Izra said.

  “Where does Keora live?” I asked Izra.

  “Nobody knows. Dayo just up and left, and then Adika started acting like a bitch. Some shit ain’t right with them.”

  My parents and Goon came back into the foyer. “I’m all tired out, and I didn’t even see the whole house,” my mother said, rocking Kanye in her arms. The twins are very spoiled; even the pack brothers spoil them. I was surprised at first how attentive they were with them after I first had them.

  I wonder if there are any drugs in here. Oh God, my daughter is in danger. Akua looks like a criminal. I bet he is the ring leader. She should’ve stayed with Jason. What happened between Jason and Kanya? My father thought.

  Goon looked at my father like he wanted to hit him, and the pack brothers shook their heads because they heard his thoughts too. I was beyond embarrassed; they’d been welcoming since the moment he arrived.

  “Kanya, can I speak with you for a minute?” Goon asked me.

  “Is everything okay?” my father butted in.

  “Yes, Mr. Williamson, I would like a word with my fiancée in private, if that is alright with you,” Goon spoke, sternly.

  “You two are engaged? Congratulations! Did you hear that, honey? Akua will be a part of the family,” my mother said to my father.

  Like hell he will, over my dead body, my father thought. I got up then walked out of the family room into the hall.

  “Who is Jason?” Goon asked me.


  “You damn right I’m serious. Who the fuck is he, and what does he have to do with you?”

  “He’s my ex-boyfriend that I had been with four years. I found him with another man. After he broke my heart, I went celibate for a year, and then I met you. I have no connections with him, but he and my father are still cordial. My father doesn’t know that Jason is gay.”

  “Your father is very disrespectful. We have been generous to him since the moment he walked his short ass into our home. I’m not taking too kindly to that.” I knew this wasn’t going to be a good idea. My father felt like Jason and I were better off. Jason came from a prominent family, while my father thinks nothing of Goon.

  “He is very protective over me,” I said to Goon.

  “Is everything alright?” my father asked, walking into the hallway.

  “Yes, daddy, I’m fine. Akua and I are just talking if that’s okay with you,” I said to him.

  “Jeffery, leave them alone. We didn’t come here for you to patronize anyone. Don’t you start this mess again,” my mother spat.

  “I’m just making conversation, Stephanie,” my father responded, walking back to the family room.

  “I’m sorry about that, Akua. Some fathers are very protective over their daughters. In Jeffery’s eyes, Kanya is still his little girl, and this all happened so quick. You two had babies, and now you are engaged,” my mother said.

  “I understand, Mrs. Williamson,” Goon replied.

  “If he bothers you, let me know. I will kick his little ass,” my mother said then walked away.

  “I see where you get your attitude from,” Goon said, laughing.

  “I’m going to start dinner,” I said, walking into the kitchen. Goon grabbed my hand. “Wait a minute. You just going to leave me with your father like that?” he asked me.

  “He has a Napoleon complex. Pay him no mind,” I laughed, walking off.

  “Hey, beautiful,” Goon called out to me, causing me to smile. I loved when he called me that; it still gave me butterflies.

  “Yesssss,” I sang.

  “I’m going to scare his little ass before the night is up. I’m just warning you now. I hope he doesn’t piss in the middle of the night,” Goon said, walked off.

  “Arrogant asshole!” I shouted.


  Two hours later…

  We all sat down at the dinner table laughing as we feasted on steak, rice and vegetables. My father seemed to be more interested in Elle, as they talked throughout dinner.

  “So, Akua, where are your parents?” my father asked him.

  “They’re in Africa,” Goon answered, before taking a sip of his cognac.

  “You said you are from Egypt, correct?”

  “I believe I have mentioned that before,” Goon responded.

  “So, my store is opening up tomorrow, and I was wondering if you two could come with me,” I said to my parents.

  “Oh yeah, that’s right. I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” my mother said, kissing my cheek.

  “What kind of store is it? The merchandise isn’t stolen is it? I have been hearing about a gang that has been stealing jewelry,” my father said. Goon choked on his cognac then pounded his chest.

  One more insult and watch what I do to him. I will crawl up the highest building with him and watch him fall off, Goon said into my head.

  Cut it out. My father has always been like this, I replied back into his.

  Our ancestors have been collecting jewelry for centuries. It was all passed down to us to keep. We can do whatever we want with it, but Akua wanted to give it to Kanya. We have never stolen anything from anybody; we never had to,” Amadi said. My mother gave my father a menacing glare.

  “I’m not going to pretend that I’m impressed with you’re lifestyle because I’m not. This house is too lavish for a group of young men who, by the way, don’t work. I don’t see any degrees on the wall. No one at this table looks over the age of thirty, and that one right there looks to be only nineteen,” My father said about Izra. The glass in Goon’s hand cracked, causing his cognac to spill all over the place. Goon was beyond angry. I put my head down in shame.

  “Nothing else to drink, Jeffery,” my mother scolded my father.

  “Oh, Stephanie, lighten up. These hardcore men can take a little joke here and there,” my father laughed.

  Goon slapped his hand down on the table, and the table came tumbling down on the floor. “That’s enough! When I came into your home, I showed respect to you and your wife. You will respect my family, especially at my dinner table. If you have an issue, then you can get the fuck out of my house, but your wife is welcome to stay,” Goon said to my father.

  My father looked at me, and I had to look away from him.

  “Is this the type of man you want to spend your life with? Look at him. I bet he wants to bust a cap in my ass,” my father said, making Izra laugh.

  “Daddy, please just stop it,” I said.

  “I’ll be back. I need to let my dog out of the cage,” Izra said, but it all went on deaf ears as Goon and my father went back and forth. My mother and I started picking up the food and plates that fell on the floor.

  I heard growling come from the end of the dining room, and my eyes got big as saucers. I could not believe Izra had shifted and was now walking around our dining room. Goon smiled. “Come here, boy,” Goon said. Izra sat down next to Goon panting like he was a dog.

  “What on earth kind of dog is that? He is huge,” my mother shrieked, hiding behind me.

  “His breed is very rare. There are only four others just like him throughout the world,” Goon said, patting Izra’s head. Amadi and Elle held their laughter in, while I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs.

  My father hurriedly stood up, but ended up on the floor as Izra growled at him then leaped on him.

  “AARRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” my father screamed, with tears in his eyes. G
oon roared with laughter.

  “Get that dog off of my husband,” my mother screamed. Izra let my father up then licked my mother’s hand.

  “He is very friendly, but his size can be intimidating,” Goon said.

  My father ran out of the dining room screaming at the top of his lungs while Izra chased after him.

  “Don’t run, Jeffery! He thinks you’re playing fetch,” Goon shouted out to him. My life was spiraling out of control. I gave Goon an evil look.

  You are in big trouble, I roared inside of his head.

  If it doesn’t involve me entering that sweet tunnel you have between your beautiful legs, then I pass. Speaking of which, those pants you have on are tempting my beast.

  Are you drunk?

  Let’s sneak into the hallway bathroom so I can taste you. Can I dip my tongue inside of you?

  Goon then blew me a kiss as sweat beads formed on my forehead. I was able to get aroused even with the sounds of my mother screaming. My father was still being chased by an over-sized wolf. Thoughts of Goon stuffing his massive member inside of me filled my head.

  I can smell your arousal. You want me buried deep inside of you.

  My father locked himself in a room until Izra disappeared. Amadi, Elle, my mother and I cleaned up the mess that was on the floor. Goon was giving the pups my breast milk that I had pumped into bottles. I wanted to try the bottle with them since I would be spending more time at the store.

  I walked my mother to the guest bedroom. I was beyond tired. “I forgot to tell you how beautiful that ring is. I know your father can be an asshole, but I’m proud of you. If Akua makes you happy, then so be it. It also doesn’t hurt that he is such a beautiful man,” my mother laughed. My mother and I always had a close bond. She had always let me make my own decisions. I just wished my father was more understanding.

  “Goodnight, mother. I’m so happy that you are here with me. I’ve missed you so much,” I said, squeezing her hand.

  “What’s the matter, my child? Is there something you want to talk to me about?”

  “No, I’m just tired,” I said to her. I wanted to tell her what I was, but I couldn’t.


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