Follow You Down

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Follow You Down Page 16

by Lazeema Haq

  “I don’t want you to be something you’re not,” he retorted, turning to face her.

  Relieved, she took in the grudging smile on his face. “Feel better now after that zinger?”

  “I do, actually.”

  Giggling, she stood on her tip-toes and cradled his face. His arms locked around her, pulling her close and he kissed her with a fierce desperation that matched her own, leaving them both breathless. He was already hard, his cock pressed against her stomach and she reached down to work him with her fingers.

  The last time they had tried this in the shower it had ended in a disaster with both of them slipping in the tub. Apparently he remembered that as well; before she knew it he was picking her up and carrying her out. Soon they were on the bedroom floor, their slick, wet bodies pulsing in a rhythmic motion as they made love.

  Shortly after, she lay next to him on the floor while he idly stroked her hair.

  “You don’t have to be nice to them,” he murmured, grazing the top of her head. “Be the biggest bitch you want, I just want you there beside me.”


  “I know I have no right–”

  She clamped her palm over his mouth. “You do. And I said okay. But if any of them throw their drink at me, all bets are off.”

  His eyes darkened as he pulled her hand away. “They wouldn’t dare. Trust me.”

  “I do.”

  Despite her reassurance, he still seemed troubled. “I don’t know,” he sighed. “Maybe we should just forget about tonight. I feel guilty forcing you to go.”

  “Hey, look at me.” She cupped his face. “Do I want to go? No, but I will, and not because you’re forcing me. It’s because it’ll make you happy.” She slapped his cheek playfully. “Besides, I heard a rumour that normal, healthy couples are supposed to compromise.”

  His furrowed brow finally relaxed, and a mischievous smile curved his lips. “Oh, is that what we are now, normal and healthy?”


  “Sounds horrible. Maybe I should sleep with other women to liven things up.”

  “Fuck off.”

  “I’d rather fuck you.”

  She giggled, shaking her head. “We’re gonna be late, Tristan.”


  He pulled her close, started stippling her chest with wet kisses. Smiling, she ran her fingers through his wet hair. “You think there’ll be any hot guys there?”

  “Oh, you’re so gonna pay for that,” he threatened.

  She did, and she didn’t mind one bit.


  The gala was being held at Canoe, a five-star restaurant located on top of one of the financial buildings downtown. Ornate glass windows adorned every corner revealing a breathtaking view of the city. Unfortunately Vesper only had a second to marvel at the surroundings before her attention was drawn to the crowd in the room. Everyone seemed to be decked out in designer clothing, each more spectacular than the next, and there she was, in her black H&M dress. She bit back a smile, wondering how some would react if they knew she paid $30 for the dress. Unfortunately her comfort dissolved when she spotted some of Tristan’s friends at a table few feet away. Nervousness crept in as this would be the first time she would actually meet them as his girlfriend and not a server who waited on them. Weirdly enough, she felt more pressure to behave herself now than when she served them at the restaurant. A part of her wondered if the Kardashian wannabe would be sitting with them but she didn’t seem to be around. At least that was something. Suddenly Tristan laced her fingers through his, gripping her hand tightly, and her frayed nerves started to settle down. She looked up at him, and he offered her a comforting smile.

  “We won’t stay long.”

  The warmth in his eyes wiped away the last of her insecurities. It didn’t matter what any of these people thought about her. Tristan liked her for who she was, flaws and all, and that was the most important thing. Squeezing his hand, she smiled up at him confidently. “Don’t worry about me. Have fun, do your thing. We’ll leave when we leave.”

  “Have I mentioned how hot you look right now?”

  “Only three or four times.”

  “Not nearly enough.”

  They walked over to the table, hand in hand. While Tristan did introduce her as his girlfriend and the others responded with polite greetings, they didn’t seem very interested in her. Frankly, that was a relief.

  Shortly after Tristan was engaged in a conversation with one of his buddies when Vesper leaned in to whisper in his ear. “I’ll be back.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “To find a powder room. I want to freshen up.”

  “But I like you a little dirty.”

  “In that case I’ll find some dirt to roll around in.”

  “God, that sounds hot.”

  She stood up, chuckling.

  Few minutes later she was drying her hands in the bathroom when a familiar figure caught her attention. The icy blonde was standing a few feet away, reapplying her lipstick. Vesper tried not to stare but she couldn’t help herself. She’d Googled pictures of his ex on the Internet but they didn’t do justice to how striking Lily really was. Tall, elegant, dressed in a blue satin dress that was probably couture, she was the epitome of Hitchcockian Blonde. It was easy to see why Tristan had fallen for her.

  “Hi,” Lily said, catching her stare.

  Flustered, Vesper started digging through her purse to distract herself.

  “You’re here with Tristan,” Lily continued.

  Finally giving up the pretence, Vesper levelled the other woman with a solemn glance. “Yeah, I am.” A part of Vesper expected Lily to be snotty or disdainful like the other women Tristan hung out with but Lily was neither, her face a blank expression.

  “Have you been seeing him long?” Lily asked.

  “Is that any of your business?”

  Lily looked away, her lips pursed. “You’re right. It’s not. I apologize.”

  Vesper regretted her harsh tone. “No, I should be the one apologizing. You weren’t being rude.”

  “But I was being nosy.”

  “Yes, you were.”

  “I suppose it’s curiosity.”

  Vesper smiled. “Haven’t you heard? Curiosity killed the cat.”

  Lily stared at her blankly. “You have the same sense of humour as Tristan.”

  “Thank you.”

  “It wasn’t a compliment.”

  “Really?” Vesper bristled. “You’re going to insult Tristan? After what you did to him?”

  At last there was some emotion – anger – in Lily’s eyes, fleeting as it was. “So I gather Tristan told you about Arthur and me?”

  “Yeah, he did, although I still can’t wrap my mind around how anyone with a brain could dump a wonderful guy for his cheating asshole of a dad.”

  Lily’s lips shaped into a bitter smile. “Is that what you think Tristan is, a wonderful guy?”

  Vesper shot her a cold glance. “Are you implying he’s not?”

  “Tristan is…” Lily took a deep breath. “He’s selfish, and insecure, and he doesn’t care who he hurts as long as he gets what he wants.”

  Anger coursed through Vesper’s veins. “Go to hell!”

  Lily didn’t respond, instead heading for the door.

  Vesper turned to study her reflection in the mirror. Her cheeks still felt warm, not from embarrassment but sheer outrage over the conversation that took place. Who the hell was Lily to hurl insults at Tristan? She was the one who’d wronged him!

  “I realise my actions make you distrustful of me, and my word probably means nothing, but be careful around Tristan. Everyone is expendable to him when he’s angry.”

  The door closed behind Lily, leaving Vesper alone
in the bathroom. Her first instinct was to run after the blonde and slap her across the face for spreading lies about Tristan but the rational side of Vesper couldn’t ignore the panic in Lily’s voice. Lily seemed to be afraid of him which boggled Vesper’s mind. Underneath Tristan’s snarky exterior was a good guy, one would do anything for the people he cared about, and while she couldn’t deny his hell-bent need for revenge against his dad, Vesper suspected all that vitriol was just misplaced grief. As for a temper, he did have one but he was also willing to listen to reason and keep an open mind which was more than what she could say for a lot of self-proclaimed nice guys. What the hell did Lily mean?

  After dwelling on it for several minutes, Vesper finally told herself to snap out of it. Lily was probably battling her own guilty conscience for dating both father and son, and it was easier to make Tristan the monster than hold herself accountable for her own mistakes. Because no matter what Lily claimed, the man Vesper knew was kind and generous and would move heaven and earth to protect her. Yeah he could be an asshole at times, but so could she. That was one of the reasons they got along so well. Maybe that was it, that was why Lily had badmouthed Tristan. Maybe Lily was sensitive and used to men being polite and gentlemanly around her, and when Tristan showed her his true colours she was shocked.

  Feeling much more calm, Vesper exited the bathroom and made her way back to the table, but Tristan wasn’t there. Needing some fresh air, she headed to the terrace, stopping for a glass of wine along the way. The air was chilly but a nice reprieve from the heat inside and although heights tended to make her nervous, she couldn’t deny how beautiful the view was from up here.

  She was almost finished the wine when someone tapped her on the shoulder. Expecting it to be Tristan, she turned around with a smile on her face, and found herself coming face to face with Arthur Winthrop.

  From the first time Tristan had mentioned his father, Vesper’s curiosity had been piqued. Her interest grew when she learned about their tumultuous relationship. Because Tristan wasn’t keen on talking about him, she had been forced to look up Arthur on the Internet. Unfortunately, the search had yielded only very basic of information and nothing that gave her any insight into Tristan or his dad.

  Taking advantage of this unexpected opportunity, Vesper studied the man who had caused Tristan so much pain. Dressed in a black tux, Arthur was a very handsome guy who had the same height and build as his son but whereas Tristan’s eyes usually twinkled with mischief, Arthur’s were grim and filled with sadness. She had expected the demeanour and charm of a slick salesman, except Arthur didn’t come across as arrogant or smarmy; instead, he exuded an aura of melancholy.

  “You must be Vesper.” His voice was quiet yet commanding, reflecting the same confidence Tristan’s did.

  “This is why I shouldn’t have my name tattooed on my forehead,” she retorted, right away regretting her flippant tone. Frankly, she had no idea how to act around Arthur.

  He smiled. “That sounds like something my son would say.”

  “No, he’d be much ruder.”

  “Probably. I suppose you’re curious as to how I know who you are.”

  “Not really. I figured you keep tabs on your son’s life.”

  “It’s the only way I can find out what’s going on with him.”

  “I know. And that’s both sad and pathetic.”

  “You’re wary of me.”

  “Can you blame me?”

  “Tristan has warned you about me.”

  “Actually, he doesn’t speak about you at all.”

  “And when he does, it’s not good.”

  “Well, that tends to happen when you chase after his girlfriends.”

  A bittersweet smile formed across Arthur’s face. “You don’t have any reason to believe me but I do regret that very much.”

  “You’re different than I envisioned.”

  “And what were you expecting?”

  “Satan. Pitchfork and all.”

  He sent her an amused smile. “I’m sorry to have disappointed you.”

  There were so many things she wanted to ask him. Like what was Tristan like when he was a child? How could Arthur put Tristan in the middle of the power struggle between him and his wife? How could he emotionally abandon his son after Tristan had lost his mother to suicide? A part of her really wanted to believe Arthur was not the devil Tristan had imagined him to be, that Tristan’s hatred towards his father was simply a way for him to avoid dealing with the loss of his mom yet Arthur had pursued and was now involved with Tristan’s ex-girlfriend. If Arthur really wasn’t the sick asshole Tristan claimed, how could he do that to his own son? With all of his contradictory actions, Arthur Winthrop was a mystery. Maybe if she were able to understand his motives better, she could help give Tristan much needed peace of mind.

  “May I be honest with you?” he asked.


  “Tristan has always been determined to….”

  “Punish you.”

  Arthur cocked his eyebrow in very much the same way Tristan often did. “Yes. To the point where his need for revenge had taken over his life.”

  “Well, you added fuel to the fire when you got involved with Lily.”

  “I’m aware of that.”

  “Then why did you do it?”

  If the guilt on Arthur’s face was any indication, the man was troubled by his own actions.

  “Tristan and Lily had been over for months before she came into my life. I did not want to fall in love with her, but she made me feel young. Euphoric. As if I could do anything with her by my side. It was beyond my control.” He paused, pain fleeting across his face. “Let’s face it, those are simply excuses. I saw my chance at happiness and I went for it even though it meant being selfish.”

  “Was she worth giving up Tristan for?”

  “I will never give up on him.”

  Maybe it was dumb but she believed him. “Good. Then I hope you keep trying to fix things with him. He might not say it but he does need you.”

  “I haven’t seen Tristan this happy in a long time. He’s actually calm, relaxed. I have you to thank for that.”

  “I can’t take credit. That’s all Tristan.”

  “Don’t sell yourself short. I see the way he looks at you.”

  “Yeah well, you haven’t seen him angry at me.”

  “I’ve been at the receiving end of his temper many times. It isn’t easy to stick by him when he behaves like that.”

  She shrugged her shoulders.

  “But ultimately none of that matters because you love him.”

  Vesper didn’t argue with Arthur about her opinions on love, especially when he seemed to be comforted by the illusion of it.

  “You’ll do anything to make him happy.”

  His eyes finally sparkled with mischief, a bright smile lighting up his face. Arthur could be very charming when he wanted, just like Tristan.

  “What do you want, Mr. Winthrop?” she asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

  “It’s Arthur, and I’d like you to put in a good word for me with my son. He obviously values your opinion.”

  “That doesn’t mean I can change his mind about you. Only you can do that.”

  “I will keep trying to get through to him. And with your help, it might actually work.”

  Vesper regarded him solemnly. She knew how difficult it was to make amends with someone when the other party wasn’t interested, but Tristan needed his dad. Despite his denials, he still loved and craved his father’s affection and she wanted him to have that. “I’ll try my best but I can’t make any promises. He’s very stubborn when he wants to be.”

  Taking her hand, Arthur raised it to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss on her skin. “Thank you.” He gave her a hopeful smile. “Goodnight.”

  He walked away with a determined gait, leaving her alone with her thoughts. While Arthur possessed an alluring charm and confidence, underneath that facade was a man desperate to win his son’s love, and it warmed her heart to know how much more at peace Tristan would be if things worked out with his dad.

  “How fucking sweet.”

  Vesper turned to find Tristan glaring at her, the cold hostility in his eyes matching his acerbic tone. Shit.

  Chapter Twenty

  Tristan stood frozen in place, helpless, while one of his worst nightmares unfolded right in front of him. This was not supposed to happen. Vesper was not supposed to fall for his father’s charms. She was smarter than that, she was more loyal, but there was no denying the amused smile on her face, the flirtatious glint in her eyes as the bastard raised her hand to his lips. Arthur was kissing Vesper. His Vesper. Suddenly the numbness evaporated and it was rage that swept over him. Anger at his fucking father for being who he was, at Vesper for betraying him, and at himself for trusting her in the first place. He kept his eyes fixed on Vesper’s profile, scrutinising her intently, and his heart broke when he realised she was smiling as his dad walked away. She was staring after his fucking father and smiling, the same affectionate smile he once thought was only reserved for him.

  Cold, furious anger rushed through him but he forced himself to remain in control. “How fucking sweet,” he taunted, leaning against the wall.

  Guilt flooded over her face, and he consoled himself with the thought at least she felt bad about what she’d done but then the expression dissolved right away.

  “Tristan, don’t freak out.”

  Her calm demeanour infuriated him. “Freak out? Why would I do that? Just because you were about to hook up with my father?”

  Shock and outrage washed over her features, pissing him off even more. What right did she have to feel that way when she had betrayed him?

  “You’re kidding me, right? Arthur and I were having a conversation. About you.”


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