To Kill Or Be Killed

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To Kill Or Be Killed Page 28

by Richard Wiseman

  “That’s correct.”

  “I saw you at Perth. You had a goatee then.”

  “I saw you in Glasgow too my friend.” Stanton’s bared teeth were as close to a smile as McKie imagined the man got.


  “Yes, after you’d killed Wheeler.”

  “Motherwell? Were you following me?” David was astounded and a little unnerved.

  “No. Our paths have crossed accidentally, which is unfortunate for you.”

  “You came into Dover by boat, but you saw me and came here… you want revenge for Wheeler, that’s not very professional!”

  David, palms sweating and heart thudding, remembered his training. He probed the man a little, a little needling, a small wind up might make the man react less rationally and, as he’d been taught, that might give him the ‘chance’ he needed. David felt as if the red dot from the laser sight would burn through his chest if it stayed there any longer.

  “Believe me it’s purely professional and I’m not here for revenge. Now I need you to sit in your chair. Move carefully, hands where I can see them.” David hadn’t unsettled the assassin, Stanton remained calm.

  David moved to the chair and sat down. He looked at the screen. There was no way to send a message about what was going to happen. They’d find him in the loft, killed by his own pistol. Mary wasn’t due home yet. He prayed that Stanton would leave before they got home. The thought of Mary and Conor at the mercy of Stanton made the anger rise McKie. He felt Stanton move behind him.

  “You’re no killer McKie. I can see it in your eyes. Saddened about the sanctioned murder of Wheeler you sat at this desk and committed suicide. Put your hands on the keyboard McKie.”

  David put his hands on the keyboard, but he put his feet between the ‘spoke’ like floor supports of his office swivel chair and tensed his leg muscles. Stanton was right behind him and placed the barrel of the pistol to McKie’s right temple.

  McKie pushed both his feet against the edges of the supports, sending the chair in a clockwise spin, turning his head and body through ninety degrees. It was the micro second turning of body and head that made the bullet pass within an inch of his face. Even with the silencer the discharged weapon deafened his right ear. McKie’s hands cross cut Stanton’s weapon hand sending the Sig clattering to the floor near the desk. Stanton lashed out with his left hand sending David falling backwards, the chair tipping back, but David hooked his left leg under the desk, stopping his backwards fall. He lifted his right leg in a swift vertical movement and slammed his shin into the side of Stanton’s head. Stanton stumbled backwards and fell over near the loft hatch, heavily stunned.

  David’s chair tipped forwards again and he dived for the floor, grabbed the Sig and stood up in a twisting turn. Upright he was facing Stanton, now standing just in front of the hatch. The red dot of the laser sight sat between Stanton’s eyes.

  “You going to kill me McKie? An unarmed man killed in cold blood.”

  “No. Turn around and kneel down. I’m taking you in.”

  “I’d rather die and you’re going to have to kill me, which you won’t, you’re not the type. What now?”

  The door bell rang down stairs and through the Velux they heard “Mr McKie it’s the police.”

  McKie smiled, but was unnerved by Stanton smiling too.

  Stanton took a step back and dropped through the hatch feet first, landing on a rung half way down the vertical ladder and in a twisting turn dived head first down the stair well. McKie ran to the hatch, looked down and saw nothing. He heard bumping down the stairs.

  Stanton executed a single roll down the stairs, landed on his feet and opened the front door. He kicked the policeman in the stomach and knocked him out with his rising knee meeting the constable’s head. The second policeman pulled his baton, but Stanton parried it and flipped the man on his back, kicking him across the jaw, rendering him unconscious.

  Stanton ran from the house and sprinted up the road. David came down the stairs and hurdled the unconscious policemen. Tom the neighbour watched horrified from his front garden as McKie gave chase, unarmed, knowing Stanton to be unarmed and wanting him alive.

  David was faster than Stanton and Stanton felt the closing foot fall of the athletic Scotsman as they got to the Folkestone Road.

  A huge container lorry, late for the ferry, mistakenly having taken the B2011 exit, near Hougham, off the A20, came thundering down the Folkestone Road. Stanton felt it coming, turned, looked and saw McKie three metres behind Stanton veered into the wake of the passing lorry and jumped. His hands gripped the upright metal bar of the container lock and he clung on. His feet hung in the air for a moment and then he got his feet on the light and registration plate bar of the trailer.

  David desperately chased the lorry down the Folkestone Road, but the driver was running late and at forty miles an hour over a half mile the truck outpaced the running man. McKie kept chasing, but the lorry had disappeared down York Road towards the terminal, when he got to the roundabout. McKie stood panting for breath, hands on knees. He needed to get back to the house and contact DIC and the police. He wrongly assumed Stanton was headed for the marina. He turned and ran back as fast as he could towards Elm’s Vale.

  Stanton headed straight for Pencester Road, after dropping off the back of the lorry on York Road and doing a circuit of Pencester Gardens. Stanton waited outside the bus station, aware of the CCTV. It was ten fifty, ten minutes before the coach left. Stanton wondered what to do, how to get on the coach without being seen by CCTV.

  Back at Elm’s Vale Tom the neighbour had called an ambulance and David was greeted by Police, Ambulance men and a lot of questions. David walked straight past all the people on his door step, went to his coat and got out his DIC pass. He turned on the police man in his door way.

  “Check this badge please.”

  The policeman read it.

  “I see sir. I still need to know what happened here.”

  “Come on in and close the door and we can talk in private.” David nodded towards the gathering group of neighbours.

  “Yes sir, can we bring the injured men in here?”

  “Of course.”

  They all decamped into the lounge and David excused himself for a moment, went to the loft and fired off an alert on Stanton. DIC Euston scanned the CCTV for Dover town centre. Back in his lounge David explained the situation and the policeman sent out an alert. Police in the area began combing the streets and some were despatched to the harbour, where they found the stolen boat and Stanton’s weapon.

  Back at Pencester Road bus station Stanton’s idea was good. There were no cameras at the exit to the bus station so he waited there. He was blessed with good fortune as foot patrols were sent into the bus station first, to check for Stanton. They boarded and checked the London National Express coach, but found no-one and after they got off the doors closed and the coach swung in a wide arc to exit the station. The driver pulled up and braked sharply as a man suddenly appeared in front of the coach. The coach driver noted the man’s waving arms and gave a smile. No-one took any notice of the coach stopped in the exit and the police had already turned their attention to the ticket office to ask if anyone of Stanton’s description had bought a ticket.

  Yards away the man they wanted stood in front of the stopped coach holding up a five pound note.

  “Silly sod risking his life to catch a coach,” the driver said and he opened the door. Stanton ran around and stepped aboard.

  “Sorry and thanks for opening the door. I was running late.”

  “You want to be careful mate, you could get yourself killed, better late than never, they say.”

  “Sorry. Thanks again.” Stanton looked humbled and grateful.” Ticket for London please?” He proffered the fiver.

  He bought the ticket and settled into a seat by the window at the front. The coach pulled out of the station at last and Stanton had made his escape, unseen and heading into London.

  Back i
n Elm’s Vale the police made heavy weather of the situation. David evaded all questions fired at him. He gave the rehearsed excuse of DIC that he was ‘Civil Service’ and that he had obviously been compromised by one of the ‘terrorists’ that everyone was on the alert for. When everything had been cleared and Jack Fulton had made phone calls and pulled rank, to fend off too many questions being asked of David, the police left and David alone in his lounge made for the drinks cabinet and poured out some Glenmorangie single malt in a good stiff measure.

  Sat in his armchair he looked at the time. Mary was due home in fifteen minutes and he knew he’d have to tell her. He downed the scotch, felt the warmth of the ‘burn’ and the Valium like power of the drink to sooth nerves. He picked up the phone.

  The first call to his father was easy. He told the story briefly and clearly as his father had demanded he did of all incidents from childhood to university. He asked for his father’s help and the old soldier said he’d be there in a few hours, stating that he’d catch a plane. David put the phone down glowing with warmth at the manly camaraderie he shared with his father, a man to rely on in a crisis. David’s father readied himself and prepared to ‘move out’ with the military discipline he kept as a ramrod for such occasions. His son’s family needed him.

  The second call was less easy.

  “No David.” Fulton’s voice was firm and clear, if not a little icy.

  “I’m not waiting here to be a target, my family to be a target. I’m still supposed to be on duty rota and I want in on the chase.”

  “You can’t make this personal.”

  “I didn’t. He did and I’m going after him, now you can either back me or be prepared to sack me, but either way I’m going to help bring him in.”

  There was a pause on the end of the line as Jack considered the situation. His knowledge of the rules told him to keep McKie away, but his forward thinking mind veered towards the fact that David McKie was a formidable team member and fully capable of dealing with the tough situations that were at the time being demanded of his duty teams.

  “Okay David. Get here to Euston Tower. If anyone can get Stanton and has the edge to find him before he gets to the target I know you can.”

  “Thanks Jack. I’ll be there in a couple of hours.

  At his end of the phone Jack had a rueful look on his face. McKie did have a point, but all the same Fulton felt he was giving the man too much power. McKie still hadn’t seen Else Patrick. Jack booked an appointment with Else for McKie that afternoon.

  Back in Dover Mary got home to find the black holdall in the hall. Conor jumped all over David, who hugged his son tightly until the boy struggled free and ran up to his room to get a toy he’d been thinking about. Mary pointed to the bag.

  “You off again?”


  “I heard on the news there’s just one left you don’t have to go.”

  “I do. The one left is Stanton and he was here, in our house and he tried to kill me.”

  Mary’s hand went to her mouth.

  “Dear God Davey, what the hell is going on.”

  David took her into the lounge and told her what had happened. He was worried she’d say no and they’d row. Her face was pale and she hugged herself, chilled by the thoughts.

  “I’ve got to go and make sure of him. The man’s evil.”

  Mary nodded.

  “That you have, but what about us here?”

  “My father’s on the way. Call Mina and ask her to come over for company before I go. You’ll be alright.”

  He hugged her and she held him tight then held him at arms length. He wasn’t wearing his suit. He had black jeans, a dark blue hooded fleece and his comfortable black leather trainer style shoes on. She knew he was dressed for comfort and that meant he had more in mind than making an impression.

  “You find this man David and if you have to kill him, do it and don’t think for one minute I’m not behind you, because I am. No-one is safe with a man like that at large and free. If anyone can stop him it’s you, but you had better be careful.” Mary wasn’t going to stop him, she knew him too well and though she worried he might be in danger, she had learned not to stifle the adventurer in him.

  Whilst waiting for Mina David checked his computer and messages. He read about Mason’s death and he watched the footage of the aftermath on the BBC website. He too wondered about the taxi driver. Would he reveal a street name or place that could be tied to a target?

  So it was just one left, Trevor Stanton. David checked his pistol and packed the rucksack with his equipment.

  Before he logged off and packed the laptop he acted on his curiosity about what Stanton had been doing in the loft. DIC technical control ran a remote check on his computer. They didn’t find the search for National Express, but to everyone’s concern the fact that the DIC staff name and location list had been downloaded came to light.

  It was an emotional goodbye on both sides for man and wife. David nearly didn’t go, but the drive in him to find the man who had invaded his home and his peace of mind was stronger. Mary’s ‘come home safe’ was greeted with a firm nod and a hug. He was on his way and he didn’t look back to the door in case his determination failed him at that point.

  By the time David got on the train at Dover Priory, bound for London, there was an emergency high level meeting of DIC ‘top brass’ going on at Euston Tower. DIC had been compromised. The information on the disk made it possible for anyone with it to expose DIC and its work. For the first time the department’s history a ‘stop at all costs’ and ‘shoot to kill’ order was given. Jack didn’t like it, but if DIC was exposed they’d be less effective. There were a lot of dodgy businessmen, corrupt politicians and immoral civil servants that would be delighted to know who had thwarted their schemes and underhanded dealings in the past and it would be the end of DIC.

  By the end of the meeting Jack Fulton was extremely glad David McKie was back on the duty list. If there was one man determined to get Stanton it was him and at that moment Fulton felt no tinge of guilt at wanting that particular assassin dead. As he closed the door on his office Fulton’s thoughts turned to Sternway. Had the dirty tricks man planned this? Was the ultimate goal of the whole affair to expose and destroy DIC? Who was the assassin’s target?

  On that thought Fulton called the hospital. The taxi driver wasn’t conscious yet. Where had he been taking Mason? Where was Stanton now?

  Chapter 91


  12 noon

  April 19th

  The coach was moist and humid on the inside. The stop in Canterbury had been a short blast of fresh air on Stanton who was sat near the front. All the way to Canterbury Stanton had mused on Mason’s death. They’d penned him in alright. It was the thought of the bridge at Vauxhall that made Stanton realise that the police must have known where he was coming from. He knew for certain that the Priory Arms was being watched. Someone had talked he was sure. He knew that he had a problem. He couldn’t go to the meeting point because it was too ‘hot’. He couldn’t contact the ‘employer’ because he didn’t know who it was. He assumed that they knew he was alive as no news of his death had put out and he knew for certain that news of his boat being found in Dover would tell them that he was close.

  His question to himself was ‘if he were them what would they think he would do?’

  It wasn’t easy. He thought of places in London that would link to his background or past, but there was no glaringly obvious place they could link to him or assume he’d think of. They must know that he wouldn’t go to the Priory Arms.

  It then struck him that the most natural thing for him to do was to find a hotel and wait for contact a message of some kind. His best bet was to find a hotel closest to the Priory Arms in distance and wait there. Assuming that they’d think he would do that they would most probably be there waiting for him. The question was would the security services work that out too? It was a chance he’d have to take if he was to get und
er the protective wing of his employer, not to mention get the one million pound hit.

  The Kent countryside flashed by blurred into an impressionist canvas by rain drops being dragged across the glass work. The coach sped into London and Stanton knew that he was going to have to use the rail network. He needed no disguises, his hooded coat and woolly hat would serve, even if it matched McKie’s description, which was no doubt circulating. A million people in London would be wearing wet weather clothes with hoods up. It would be a bad day for CCTV watchers. Stanton willed the rain to get heavier.

  He decided to get an hour’s sleep before he got into London. He was hungry and thirsty, but his Legion training helped him ignore the needs. He folded his arms and twisted in the seat to be able to sleep. He thought about McKie. The man had killed Wheeler, there was no doubt he could kill if pushed to it, but DIC, Stanton felt sure, weren’t made up of disciplined, hardened and fear exempt agents, he was sure. They were gifted amateurs, in a way, and yet the thoughts led him to feel the side of his head and the bruise there. McKie was a tough, strong, fast and quick thinking individual. Stanton resolved not to be too scornful of DIC and its people. If McKie was anything to go by they had both brains and brawn. He fell asleep thinking of the four men he’d spent two weeks on a submarine with and all of whom were dead, all accounted for by the work of DIC. There was no doubt, he yawned, that it was some machine and it was looking for him.

  Chapter 92


  1 p.m.

  April 19th

  Jack Fulton closed the door on his office and settled himself in his chair across the desk from David McKie.

  “What happened?”

  “I took Conor to the harbour ate some MacDonald’s breakfast and walked him home. He must have seen me there and followed me. He climbed in through the Velux window on the roof and when I went up to work he was there. I managed to disarm him. My neighbour had called the police, Stanton knocked them out and I gave chase.”

  “You left the roof windows open?”


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