To Kill Or Be Killed

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To Kill Or Be Killed Page 32

by Richard Wiseman

  “Your man’s just been here, name of Hutchings, Bill Hutchings.”

  “Bill Hutchings.” Liam and David looked at each other. Liam pulled out his satellite phone and called Jack. David spoke to the policeman.

  “We were the only two sent.”

  “He had a badge, laptop bag like yours, went in came out left and collected his weapon, said he’d had an ID on a suspect had to get to his partner…”

  Liam interrupted.

  “Jack says Bill Hutchings is the Westminster DIC, sixty years old, wouldn’t be sent…and he’s tried to phone him with no contact”

  The policeman got on his radio and called security in ten Downing Street. David stood by the half open gate. Liam got his laptop out. He held it on his arm, plugged the satellite phone in and ran his finger rapidly over the mouse pad.

  “This isn’t right.” David protested.

  “You’ll have to wait sir.” The policeman replied implacable and annoyingly calm.

  “Where is the PM?” David asked, becoming exasperated.

  “I couldn’t say sir.”

  Liam held the laptop up to the police man.

  “Is this the guy you saw?”

  “Well yes and no, it looks like him but the other man was bulkier, stronger looking… Stop where you are!”

  David pushed his way through the gate and ran. The police man raised his MP5.

  “For god’s sake get the PM out, it must be a bomb!” McKie shouted.

  “Don’t shoot him we’re government security I’m telling you we sent no-one else, the man who came through was an imposter, it must have been Stanton.” Liam shouted.

  The policeman looked at his colleague. The policeman held his MP5 on David’s receding back, the other held his aimed at Liam’s chest. David had made it to the glossy black door. The policeman there had drawn and was aiming his pistol at McKie. David stopped.

  There was a crackle of radios and the weapons dropped. Liam’s phone rang. It was Jack, he’d cleared a path. David burst through the famous door and onto the checked black and white floor. The security chief was waiting for him.

  “You McKie?”

  “Yes. Where’s the PM?”

  “The small dining room as always at this time of…”

  David bounded into the room. The Prime Minister looked up startled.

  “You need to leave now sir.”

  McKie grabbed him, and manhandled him towards the door. They got to the door of the small dining room and there was a sharp bang and a flash of white, McKie pushed the PM to the floor half way through the door way, covering him with his body, as an orange ball of smoke enveloped them.

  Chapter 101

  Euston Tower


  4-30 p.m.

  April 19th

  Jack sat in his office looking at CCTV images on his laptop, stunned at the sight of smoke billowing from the window above the fireplace in the small dining room of ten Downing Street. There were fire engines and ambulances on the scene. It was a manic gaggle of activity and uniforms. He sat wide eyed looking at the scene; a scene he knew would be on the news within minutes.

  Jennie Millington, the head of the audio unit in the technical department walked into the office. She put a laptop on the opposite side of the desk to Jack. She fiddled with it and looked up ready.

  “You’re going to be really happy with this Jack…” She became silent and turned the sound up. Jack was drawn away from the drama on his screen by the sound of Sternway’s voice.

  “You’re a lovely lady Mrs Robinson and people like you do scare me a little, but you tell Tarquin that it will happen in the next hour, as arranged, and if he doesn’t show some backbone he’ll regret it.“

  “… It’s not even fuzzy we’ve been using this new programme we got from the CIA…what?” Jennie became aware of the look on Jack’s face. “Oh yeah shocking right he practically threatens to kill the home secretary…”

  Jack looked at Jennie. This was his department, made up of enthusiasts like Jennie. He looked at her, wispy untidy blonde hair, held back by a mass of hair clips, blue jeans, trainers and GAP T- Shirt. She had lean, neat and fashionable black spectacles. They were his department, The Department for Internal Concerns, and they’d failed. The biggest concern, the ultimate terrorist prize had been won.


  The phone rang. Jack’s brow furrowed, quizzical and then a slight smile and sigh of relief.

  “A smoke bomb? Just a smoke bomb?” He almost shouted with joy.

  He picked up a remote and flicked on a TV.

  “… orange smoke billowing from ten downing street. There was some sort of small explosion, but apparently the Prime Minister is fine. Whether this was some sort of demonstration or not we…”

  It was Jennie’s turn to look shocked. Jack Fulton switched off the TV.

  Play that again Jennie please.”

  “What?” Jennie looked from the blank screen to Jack. ”What’s going on?”

  “I have no idea, but I am sure we’ll work it out. Play me that file again.”

  Jennie played the file occasionally glancing at the blank TV screen as if she were unsure as to what she had seen.

  “You’re a lovely lady Mrs Robinson and people like you do scare me a little, but you tell Tarquin that it will happen in the next hour, as arranged, and if he doesn’t show some backbone he’ll regret it.“

  Jack grabbed Jennie and spun her around.

  “Well done. New programme from CIA did you say? Brilliant!”

  “Yes, you just isolate the…” Jack held his hand up.

  “Save it for later just give a copy of that file please.”

  Chapter 102

  Westminster London

  4-30 p.m.

  April 19th

  The black Honda had been parked nearby and it was there in minutes. Stanton stood by the back of the car as door opened for him on the stroke of half four. He looked back towards Downing Street expecting a huge explosion, but there wasn’t one. He stood still by the open door of the car looking.

  “Get in Stanton.” Brook hissed.

  Stanton was unmoved, he stood still looking. Suddenly bright orange smoke rose up in the air from that direction. Stanton got into the car and pulled the door closed.

  The Honda pulled away. The cell phone in his pocket rang. He took out the lime green phone and answered the call.


  “This is the man who employed you.”

  “Who are you?”

  “We’ll meet later. Congratulations.”

  “There was no explosion, just a smoke bomb by the looks of it.”

  “That was the job Stanton; that was the job. We’ll meet and I’ll explain. In the meantime my men will take you to a safe house and give you your reward.”

  The phone call ended.

  “Impressive work Stanton, very impressive.” Brook grinned.

  “I’m still confused.” Stanton replied.

  “All will be revealed.”

  “Any news on a price for the disk?” Stanton asked, not knowing what else to say.

  “Yes. The boss is very impressed. Overall I’d say he’s all ecstatic. Job done.”

  Chapter 103

  10 Downing Street

  6 p.m.

  April 19th

  Tarquin Robinson sat in the chair opposite Gary Braine, across the table in the cabinet room. The building had been swept, the small dining room sealed off and security was at maximum. Mr Braine had a folder with a report in front of him.

  “So we’re sure it was lucky the device didn’t properly explode, the orange smoke was due to the chemical mixture. I’ve not got a full report from the bomb experts at MI6, they’re handling it for us, they’ll be able to tell the origin and so forth. Stanton is being searched for. He must have had help. He disappeared, but we’ve put out alerts at all exits.” Robinson’s voice was a mixture of concern and efficiency.

  “DIC can deal with that.” The Prime Minis
ter replied.

  “I’m not sure that’s best Prime Minister. It was DIC and that man McKie that gave Stanton the best possible method of entry. DIC have been appalling in this. That’s two of their passes stolen and used. Stanton used them and in a way McKie led them to you. I have to say that there must be a review of DIC and their role.”

  “McKie risked his life to try and save me Tarquin.”

  “I know Gary, but they’re not experts, they’re just people trained to watch and the duty team members haven’t distinguished themselves on this matter. I’m not saying that we don’t need full CCTV surveillance of that kind, but maybe it’s time to pass it to the Home Office to run, fully and properly. It was a good idea for nearly fifty years, but the world has changed and we need proper security experts, under the guidance of MI5, MI6 and the Home Office.”

  “Jack Fulton’s a good man, nearly died over that nuclear business in the eighties.”

  “Yes of course I’m not saying he’s not good, but a separate and independent civil service branch with armed people, bearing diplomatic immunity on UK soil isn’t what’s needed. They’re seriously compromised and let’s be honest, when it came to the ultimate test they failed. They failed you very badly. It’s just luck that you weren’t killed and DIC led them here.”

  “I do see what you mean Tarquin. Well we’ll have a review and a full investigation of the past three days. I suggest you head it and perhaps the head of MI6.”

  “Can I suggest Nigel Sternway? He’s very well thought of.”


  “Oh and I suggest even if DIC continue work whilst we hold the investigation and review that their duty teams be suspended?”

  “Yes. That would be a good idea.”

  Robinson got slowly to his feet.

  “Thank you Prime Minister. I’ll start on that first thing in the morning.”

  He left the room and went to his car, joined by a security operative, who sat in the front with the driver.

  Robinson checked the glass between himself and the two men in the front, knowing he was secure he pulled out the cheap orange coloured Bic cell phone. He rang the one number in the contacts list. The voice at the other end levelly answered ‘Okay’ in a monotone voice when it was told.

  “Job done, complete delivery of last requested item.”

  Chapter 104

  Euston Towers

  6-05 p.m.

  April 19th

  Jack sat back in his office chair as if stung by a hard slap in the face. The prime minister’s call had been a shock.

  He called Magda from her office and dictated an all personnel e-mail. He registered her shock as she left to send it. He rang the duty team offices and then made his way to the board room on his floor.

  Ten minutes later Jack Fulton was sat at the head of an oval polished table in a neat plain room. At one end on the wall above Jack’s head was a black and white photo of Churchill and at the other, on the wall next to the door, was a black and white photo of Daniel Trevelyan, the first head of DIC. Jack was lost in thought when the door opened and the duty team members came in.

  David McKie sat on an upholstered wood frame chair at the door end of the table. Liam, Tony, Ellie, Terry and Jaz followed and sat in places around the table and finally Diane walked in and stood behind Jack, after placing a laptop on the table.

  “I have bad news I’m afraid. I’ve heard about a meeting at number ten between the P. M and the Home office minister Tarquin Robinson. The P. M has decided that DIC active duty rota teams are to be stood down and arms bearing and diplomatic rights are to be suspended pending an investigation…”

  There was a series of exasperated and angry comments from the team and Jack held his hand up. Silence followed.

  “The home office minister is concerned about mistakes made and use of DIC information and identity passes to access Downing Street. There’s to be an investigation”

  There were no remarks after this. Each of the team knew that the assassin had got in on their watch. They had all seen the news footage and thanked God that the bomb hadn’t gone off properly.

  “The thing is that it may be a plot to discredit us. We’ve got this tape and it does show a link between Robinson and Sternway.” Jack fiddled with the mouse pad and the file played clearly in the room.

  “You’re a lovely lady Mrs Robinson and people like you do scare me a little, but you tell Tarquin that it will happen in the next hour, as arranged, and if he doesn’t show some backbone he’ll regret it.“

  “That’s it then. This links Robinson to Sternway. They planned to have the P.M. killed and they can cover it up. They’re just trying to blame us and take the heat off themselves. You need to take this to the P. M!” David was very excited, animated and not a little angry.

  “David this only tenuously links the men, it doesn’t constitute cast iron proof. I wish it did, but it doesn’t. I will play it to the P.M. at my meeting with him and Robinson at eight tonight, but you must expect our service to be rendered inactive until this has been fully investigated.”

  McKie rose from his chair.

  “For the love of God Jack can’t you see Robinson and Sternway are linked and that means they might have engineered Cole’s death to put Robinson in place.”

  “David you need to be careful what you say. It’s an obvious notion, but there’s no proof.” Diane’s voice was soothing she knew how he felt.

  “There’s a trail of dead bodies, innocent dead I might add, and you say there’s no proof. We need to confront them. They must pay for this!” David’s voice wasn’t a shout, but a loud firm imperative tone made his anger clear.

  “It will be done by investigation David.” Diane said quietly

  “They’ll fudge that and it’ll take years and in the meantime DIC won’t be watching them.” David slapped his forehead. “Of course! That’s what they want! Can’t you see?”

  Jack ignored the remark. He had had the thought himself, but had no way to prove it. He needed to end the meeting and plan for eight O clock meeting at Downing Street.

  “I’ll need you to take your weapons to the armoury before you leave the building. It’s late tonight so I suggest you stop over and end your duty rota time tomorrow.”

  “That’s it? That’s all?” David looked around exasperated.” Dear God are we not going to make a fight of this? We’re just going to quietly fold?”

  He pushed back his chair and headed for the door.

  “David…” Jack spoke as David reached the door and opened it, McKie paused. “Calm down. We’ll sort this out. I know you’re angry, but don’t do anything rash.”

  “No I won’t Jack. I think about everything very carefully before I act. That’s why you hired me. Brains not brawn remember.” David left the room.

  All the other team members looked at each other in concern for David.

  “I can’t blame him for being angry, but we have to do this carefully and within the rule of law.” Diane spoke to the remaining team members. “Clear?”

  They all nodded and the meeting broke up. Diane stayed behind to talk tactics for the eight O clock meeting with the P.M. and Robinson.

  In the duty team kitchen David McKie made a coffee and looked out over London. His eyes were hard and showed a process of mental calculation in their occasional flickers from the sky line to the kettle. By the time his coffee was made up so was his mind. He took the lift down to his duty team office. He was damned if they’d get away with all this on his watch. He picked up the phone.

  “Hello decryption? It’s David McKie. I’ve got a job for you.”

  Chapter 105

  MI6Safe House


  6-10 p.m.

  April 19th

  Stanton started to come round. He’d walked into the house, one man in front and one behind. He’d been hit on the back of the head and had fallen forwards into a hard blackness.

  It was a bare room. Stanton went to rise and found that he couldn’t move. He w
as tied by his arms and legs to a wooden dining chair. His arms were behind his back, each arm tied at the wrist to each upright support of the chair. The back of his head ached.

  Looking around the room, which was in half light with curtains closed, he could see a musty green carpet, dust all around him and in the corner a table. He could hear voices in the distance. On the table was the laptop case with the Browning pistol and scooped out laptop inside. Next to that was the Sig220 in its holster and Bill’s beige coat.

  Stanton listened carefully. There was no sound of traffic, but he could hear distant voices. The voices began to approach, coming it seemed up towards him; he was upstairs somewhere.

  He’d been betrayed and he knew it. Used and betrayed. He gathered himself for a session of torture, but he wasn’t sure what he knew that they wanted to know. He ran his mind over the last few days. It hadn’t been a real bomb of that he was sure. They seemed interested in the information about the DIC and very happy about the disk. He realised that he and the others had been used. They probably wanted any last scraps of information he had.

  These people had wanted to get DIC in the open. Stanton knew that he’d exceeded their expectations. Spencer had known DIC existed and he’d worked for MI6, so UK security services knew DIC existed, but Spencer had said they weren’t able to identify who and where. These people weren’t out to get the Prime Minister, it had been a lure and he and the other, now dead assassins had been bait.

  Two men entered the room, Brook and Telford. Brook had his jacket off and Stanton saw a waist band holster with a snub nose Smith and Wesson 38 ‘Night Guard revolver. He’d knocked off at least two MI6 agents in his work for various groups around the world, groups trying to avoid the scrutiny of British Secret Service.

  Telford was unarmed.

  Brook saw the look on Stanton’s face a, look of understanding.

  “That’s right Stanton. MI6. I can see you understand now.”

  “I take it I don’t get my million pounds and safe exit then.”

  Brook laughed and then a third man entered the room. He was a tall thin snake like man and he carried a chair and a big black square bag made of faded and worn leather.


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