To Kill Or Be Killed

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To Kill Or Be Killed Page 34

by Richard Wiseman

  Della grabbed the children and rushed them from the room. Tony dropped to Ellie’s side on the floor.


  Ellie sat up cradling her arm. Tony saw blood and whipped off his belt and made a tourniquet. In his peripheral vision he saw Sternway turn back from the wall and take a step. He raised his Sig.

  “You stay where you are!”

  “My wife and children.” Sternway muttered. Blood showed on his right shoulder and he put his hand to it and looked at the blood.

  David leant over Stanton. He was coughing blood.

  “You tried not to kill me.” He coughed. “You shot the gun hand pointing at the children too.” He felt a pain spasm and coughed heavily. David put his hand on Stanton’s chest, there was a mass of blood, a pool of it was gathering around him on the floor.

  “I think he shot an artery.”

  “Forget… it… time for me to go… everything I said… find the phones..” Stanton closed his eyes.

  “Is there a message for someone? Family maybe?” David asked.

  Stanton’s eyes opened.

  “No family… no one…”

  “I’m sorry…”

  Stanton slumped and his body went limp. David stood up. There was the sound of sirens, ambulances and police. He turned to Tony and Ellie.

  “You okay Ellie?”

  “Just a flesh wound.” Ellie grunted.

  “Tough woman.” David said and looked at Tony.

  “That’s my girl.” Said Tony keeping his pistol trained on Sternway.

  Before the police came David went into the garden to see what the DIC listener had got and found him unconscious. Tony helped him get the unconscious man into the house. David made a thorough search of the house. He worked around Della Sternway as she packed. He found a Bic ‘disposable’ cell phone, orange coloured, in Sternway’s suit jacket and two lime green Bic ‘disposable’ cell phones in the Jaguar.

  Ellie was taken away in one ambulance with Tony. The DIC listener was taken away in another and Nigel Sternway had a police escort in his. He had tried to speak to his wife, but she had cut him dead and defeated he had sat looking at the ground whilst Tony held him still at gun point.

  Ten minutes after the gun play, the only blue light left was a waiting police car and the ambulances had gone. David stood in the door way of the house having answered all police questions he was able to. The DIC badge had done most of the work, DIC official stand down not having been something that would be externally broadcast.

  On the doorstep Della held out her hand for the Jaguar keys. The children were dressed and there were bags on the floor.

  “Do you need a hand with those bags.” David asked.

  “That’s good of you thank you.” She said softly.

  David took the bags to the car and put them in the boot. The children got in the car. Della stood by the driver’s door.

  “I didn’t know exactly what he did at work. I knew that he was MI6, but I never asked. I didn’t realise he was so cold blooded… he wouldn’t even stand in front of us, to protect us, he was more concerned about his secrets.”

  “I thought he was moving you away from him so that Stanton would shoot at him not you, I thought he was protecting you.”

  “You’re a good man Mr..?”

  “McKie, David McKie.”

  “Do you have a family?” She asked.


  “Don’t ever put your work before your family like he did. His work turned him cold. He wasn’t like that when we first met, his work changed him.”

  “I’ve heard a lot about that, killing rotting the soul.”

  “Then you’ll know to be careful.” She said and opened the car door and turned to face him. “We’ll be at my sister’s house if anyone wants us. I expect you can get the address easily in your line of work.”

  David nodded. He watched her get in the car and pull out of the drive.

  He turned his own steps to the Citroen C4. It was getting on for eight o clock and he had a meeting to get to.

  Chapter 108

  Euston Tower

  8 p.m.

  April 19th

  Brook hadn’t heard anything from anyone. He hadn’t been in contact. Once you were into the tube of an E order you kept out of contact and kept heading for the target.

  He had prepared well on the information Stanton had given them and done some research on the floor layout of the building from the plans, which were available, but didn’t show any of the details, just the structure.

  He walked into the revolving door at the tower. It moved slowly, very slowly. The guards watched him. The x-ray showed the holstered weapon and the infra red showed he was hot, sweating probably. The guard at the desk readied a weapon. When the door revolved to let him into the lobby he made his way to the desk and held up his badge. The MI6 people had quickly made a copy. It was good.

  “Hi lads Leigh Taylor new guy reporting for duty.” Telford held out the badge.

  The guard looked at the badge and then at the roster and the list of expected people on the screen in front of him under the desk.

  Telford noticed a second guard appear from a door to the side. He was a heavily built man. He leant on the door frame.

  The guard behind the desk rose and opened the sliding gap in the long desk pressing a button under the table.

  Telford walked through, walked up to the two lifts and pressed the button. The door of the left hand lift opened instantly. He stepped in and the door closed. The two guards smiled at each other and one picked up a phone. DIC medical team came down in the lifts behind the hidden entrance door and deployed themselves outside the left hand lift door.

  In the lift Telford had a second’s abject fear as the lift filled with gas and then he passed out and slumped to the floor. Fans switched on and sucked the gas out.

  Minutes later when the doors opened the medical team put Telford on a stretcher and unconscious he was loaded into a private ambulance. The guards were back at their posts serious faces, but there was an atmosphere.

  Suddenly one of them laughed then the other joined in. Their laughter echoed around the lobby.

  “Silly bugger!”

  “I wonder who he was?”

  “I expect Jack will tell us when he gets back from Downing Street.

  Chapter 109

  10Downing Street

  8-15 pm

  April 19th

  Tarquin Robinson sat on the same side of the cabinet room table as Gary Braine. Across the table Diane Peters sat with an MP3 player attached to speakers in front of her. Next to her Jack Fulton sat with his face like stone looking over at the photographs arranged in front of the PM. They were photographs of Sternway and Mrs Robinson leaving La Rueda, separately.

  “This is ridiculous!” Robinson was in full flow. “I have no idea what this is all about. That could be Nigel Sternway’s voice, it sounds a bit odd, but Melinda didn’t meet him there as far as I know, even if she did we’ve met socially, she could have been there to ask a personal favour.”

  “You know why she was there.” Jack’s voice was flat.

  “This doesn’t change anything Fulton. We need to suspend all DIC activity until this whole sorry mess has been investigated.” Robinson was adamant

  “I’m sorry Jack, it doesn’t look good. I’ll admit the tape does show Mrs Robinson speaking to Sternway, but frankly Jack I’m shocked you’d make the accusation on such flimsy evidence. The Home Secretary has a point, you’ve hardly distinguished yourselves.”

  Jack looked at Diane and Robinson smiled.

  A phone rang. The phone was in Robinson’s pocket. He took out the orange coloured Bic cell phone and pressed cancel.

  “I’m sorry…” He went to put it back in his pocket but it rang again. At the same time the cabinet room door opened and David McKie walked in holding an identical orange Bic ‘disposable’ cell phone in his right hand. In his left hand he held a sheaf of papers.

  “What’s the
meaning of this?” The Prime Minister asked tersely. Jack looked quizzically at Diane.

  “I’m sorry Prime Minister. I’ve just come from Nigel Sternway’s house where myself and another DIC officer shot Trevor Stanton…”

  “This is ridiculous!” Robinson shouted. “Your duty teams were suspended Fulton. I want this man arrested.”

  “.. Stanton spoke before he died. Sternway was injured and a female DIC officer, unarmed, shielded Sternway’s children with her own body and was also injured.”

  Jack looked horrified.

  “It’s alright Jack she was just a shot in the arm, Ellie’s fine.”

  Robinson rose from his seat.

  “I must protest Gary…”

  “Sit down!” It was Diane’s voice.

  Robinson suddenly bidden by her voice did sit down glowering and was beginning to feel warm and uncomfortable.

  “Stanton told me about the plot to discredit DIC and he told me about this cell phone. It was in Sternway’s jacket. I checked the locations of phone calls.”

  David moved around the desk and put the papers by the Prime Minister. Then he reached into his pocket and took out two lime green cell phones.

  “These link Stanton and Sternway. The orange ones link Robinson here and Sternway. That’s the chain. There are two dead bodies, Stanton’s work, at an MI6 safe house. Sternway was there earlier this evening and he took a call from that phone whilst he was there. The whole plot was to discredit and disband the Department for Internal Concerns. Stanton told me that Sternway had Cole killed, by Marco Spencer, the man who died at Perth, no less. Della Sternway is a witness to everything Stanton said. Sternway himself is in hospital with a police guard, shot in the shoulder.” David looked at Jack. Jack gave a grim smile.

  The Prime Minister looked at Robinson, who was no longer protesting then he looked at McKie.

  “Good work McKie. Now call a police officer and have Mr Robinson arrested.”

  “Gary really?”

  “Robert Cole was a friend of mine. I always wondered about his death. You’ll answer for all of this.”

  “I’ll go public.”

  “You think MI6 will want the scandal?”

  “What are you suggesting?”

  “Think about it.”

  McKie re-entered with two police officers and Robinson was taken away.

  “Take him out the back please.” The PM called out.

  Mr Braine turned to Jack and Diane and said “Sorry Jack I should have trusted you.”

  Jack got up and went to gather the evidence.

  “Leave it there Jack." The prime minister said and Jack nodded in answer.

  “Consider DIC back to full operational duties.” He added. Again Jack nodded.

  Moments later Jack, Diane and David stood in Downing Street as the black door of number ten closed behind them.

  All three cast large shadows as they walked towards the exit of the famous street.

  Chapter 109

  St Albans


  April 20th

  Tony opened the front door of Ellie’s house to find Jack Fulton standing there holding a casserole dish.

  “I thought I’d find you here Tony. I brought dinner. Good choice of woman. Great cook by the smell of it.”

  “Come on in Jack. The proof of the pudding is the eating anyway.” Tony added.

  “Spare me the intimate details, Ellie my dear!”

  Ellie stood in the hall with her arm in a sling children running around her.

  “Look honey Jack brought dinner.”

  They went into the lounge. Tony went and put the kettle on.

  “I’ve had conformation that you’re to get the George Cross Ellie.” Jack beamed.

  “Why me? There’s David and Beaumont and well why me?”

  “You showed real courage. In the words of Atticus Finch, to misquote I might add, ‘true courage is not a man with a gun in his hands’.” Ellie flushed. Tony came in with the tea.

  “What’s that did I hear you quoting the great literature of my homeland?”

  “Ellie’s going to get the George Cross Tony.”

  “Wow” Oh sweetie that’s so well deserved.” Tony kissed her head.

  Ellie’s son said ‘Yuck’ and ran from the room.

  “What’s the situation anyway?” Tony asked sipping his tea.

  “Sternway and Robinson are to face trial, but they’re being silenced by the secrets act and they know they won’t live if they make a scene in the media, at least that’s what I hear. Telford woke in hospital shouting that he had to get to the Priory Arms in Vauxhall, very confused. He’s been sacked by MI6. Sternway’s department has been disbanded. Oh and the Prime Minister called today to say that he wants a DIC operative as permanent secretary at the Home Office, sort of insider. I’ve suggested Diane.”

  “Who’ll replace her?” Tony asked.

  “Beaumont’s my choice.”

  “What do I get?” Tony mockingly whined.

  “You get me.” Ellie laughed.

  “That’ll do me.” Tony replied.

  “I heard David said he was going to leave DIC. Thought that killing would rot his soul, so he said.” Ellie looked at Tony when she said it.

  “Yes he did say that. I told him to think about it. I know he’ll stay on, he’s a natural for it and nothing can taint the soul of people like the ones I choose for DIC.” Jack said and beamed at them.

  “How can you be sure he’ll stay on?” Tony asked.

  “I arranged for someone to talk him into staying, now how about that dinner?” Jack said with finality.

  Chapter 110

  Dover Harbour Front

  6 p.m.

  April 20th

  Mary McKie sat uncomfortably on the wooden bench by the swimmer statues on Dover harbour front. Conor was wrapped in a puffy coat dancing around to the tune that only every child knows and hears in their head. Beside her David’s father looked as she did to the two figures at the water’s edge.

  “She’s a lovely old lady. Her husband was in Ireland bomb disposal. She’s very sweet looking for an old widow that woman.”

  “Do I detect a hint of romance in the air you old widower man?” Mary laughed.

  “Don’t be daft Mary.” The old man blushed.

  At the shore the tall man and the small old lady stood looking out into the channel.

  “So you see David it’s always a matter of needing people with a good soul. You naturally want to protect. You’re a good soul. From what you told me, Sternway pushed his family away to protect them. You would have stood in front of them and shielded them. You’re a natural protector” They both looked back at the family on the bench then back out to sea.

  “I suppose if you put it that way I should stay on.”

  “You should David. As is always said in times of war and don’t forget we are at war ‘your country needs you’ and your country does need you David. Good men are hard to find especially those who in service of their country are willing to kill or be killed.”


  Shores Of Loch Carron Scotland

  April 20th


  At the very edge of the Atlantic coast of Scotland, near Port an Eorna, a black and white border collie snuffling the deep green bumpy ground looked up and barked at his master.

  Michael Dewey stood watching MOD officials and divers drag dumped diving gear from the water near the shore. There were four official Land Rovers, Highland police men in black uniforms, plain clothes men and two men in Navy uniforms. Half a mile away off the shore a Navy Corvette sat rocking on the swell and five metres off shore a hard shell dinghy sat anchored with a diver and his support colleague looking to a small marker buoy with a red flag on it. The stark primary crimson seemed unnatural against the blue green of the water. Two divers surfaced, their masks catching the blood orange light of sunset, and together they held up a black bag, which was dragged into the dirigible.

  Suddenly bored b
y the scene that had held his attention for an hour Michael looked over at Paddy. He took one last look to the setting sun on the western horizon and turned to the dog.

  “Come on boy let’s go home.”

  They got back in Land Rover and drove back to the house in Drumbuie with the large white satellite dish on; the house that was an electronic ‘pin’ on the DIC map of England, one amongst hundreds of ‘pins’, each one representing a dedicated watcher.

  Night and day the watchers of DIC scan the electronic and digital networks for any signs of plots against the stability of the society they serve. Unallied to governments, security services or military forces, beholden to no group of officials the Department for Internal Concerns continues it’s work dedicated to protecting the way of life and values of the United Kingdom. Since 1940 to the present day they ‘stand to’ with teams ready to eradicate threats against the lives of the citizens and the stability of the government. Patiently they wait and always they watch.

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