The Unexpected Series (Books 1-3)

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The Unexpected Series (Books 1-3) Page 23

by Amy Marie

  “Come on, Noe! Mike moved out months ago, and it’s not like you had sex. He just wishes you did.” She laughs. “And Trent wasn’t there. I know for a fact, if he was, that wouldn’t have happened. Come on! I need this night out.”

  “Okay. But you’re DD. If your brother is going to act like a total douche to me again then I’m going to need lots of alcohol.”

  “Deal! We’ll pick you up at seven.”


  “I’m so excited you agreed to come tonight but why are you dressed like a hooker? My brother is going to go crazy!” Erin says taking in my outfit. I’m dressed in a skimpy black halter top with a jean skirt and fuck me boots.

  “I do NOT look like a hooker. I look like I need a man. Which I do! What does it matter to your brother?” I snap back. “And anyways, I’d rather look like a hooker than a nun.”

  Walker chuckles from the driver’s seat.

  “This is Old Navy thank you very much!” She looks at her pink ruffle tank top and jeans. I notice how awesome her new cowboy boots look but don’t comment on them just to irritate her.

  “And I ordered these boots from Country Outfitter,” she continues. “So shut your damn mouth. I look hot.”

  “Okay, Erin. Sure,” I say adjusting my top as Walker speeds down Lake Street.

  “You always look hot, baby.” Walker reaches over and grabs her hand kissing each knuckle. I’d gag at their display if I didn’t envy his love for her.

  We pull up to Trent’s house, which is ten minutes from where I live. He owns his own construction company at age twenty six. He makes enough to live alone, but ever since he moved here he’s always had a roommate. That was until Mike, his friend from DePaul, stopped paying his portion of the mortgage and “accidentally” lost the money to pay the electric bill. He really was a winner. I think maybe Trent learned his lesson with the roommate situation and now just tries to focus on raising Jason.

  His place is definitely a bachelor pad. A ranch brick house, two car garage, three bedrooms, three baths with an entire wall made up of windows that lead to a deck with a hot tub overlooking his enormous yard. With his building expertise, he also added an extra living space that has been turned into a game room. It has a pool table, a huge TV, every game system you can think of, and surround sound, which is currently blasting Bruno Mars, my other baby daddy.

  Erin and Walker take off towards the kitchen, and I spot Trent talking to a few of his friends.

  Trent is a handsome man. Okay, scratch that. The man is a walking billboard for hotness and has starred in quite a few of my fantasies during my sessions with BOB (Battery Operated Boyfriend, in case you were wondering.) He and Erin are two years apart and look almost identical with the exception of her huge boobs and his eleven to twelve inches over her five feet three frame. His brown hair is just long enough to grab onto, brown eyes the color of chocolate and with every inch of him cased in muscles he screams male. From what I can tell his dating life, or should I say sex life, is far from lacking. Construction does a body very good.

  “Noe, where have you been? It’s been so long since I last saw you. I was having withdrawals,” Trent yells from across the room, apparently already drinking as he staggers towards me and throws his arm around my shoulders. He smells like cologne and looks sexy as hell in a red polo shirt and khaki shorts. I can’t help the rush of heat that spreads throughout my body when he touches me. He is seriously sizzling.

  “Oh, you know, working corners, slappin’ hoes and binge drinking. The usual.” He rolls his eyes used to the crazy shit that comes out of my mouth.

  Stepping back his eyes take in my very inappropriate attire, clearly unhappy. “Speaking of prostitutes, what the hell are you wearing?”

  “Shut the hell up, Trent. I’m a grown ass woman and I make this outfit look good,” I angrily state. “Even a man like you can appreciate it.”

  His eyes, looking hungry, run up and down my body. I feel exposed and turned on. A shudder runs up my spine.

  “Noe. I’m serious. I really have missed you.” He places a hand on each shoulder and leans in so we are breathing the same air. Brushing my collarbone with his thumb, he whispers in my right ear, “You look fucking amazing.”

  Uh, what? He is definitely drunk. In all the years I have known Trent he has never said anything like this because if he had I sure as hell would remember.

  “Thanks. I think.”

  “You’re welcome,” he says quietly and pulls back looking at me for a dangerously long time.

  “SHOTS!” Erin announces as she brings three shot glasses from the kitchen all with what I can only assume is tequila. She loves tequila. Tequila, however, does not love me. Tequila makes my clothes fall off. Tequila makes me fall in roommates’ beds.

  “I don’t think so, Erin. If you are taking shots I need to be able to drive home,” I say pushing away the glass she has shoved in my face.

  “Live a little, Noelle!” She says shoving it back towards me. “One shot won’t kill you. Plus Walker offered to drive so I could unwind a bit.”

  “I don’t mind, Noe,” Walker says appearing next to Erin kissing her jawline. “I love getting Erin drunk.”

  I let out a sigh. “Okay, one shot. But then I’m done.” What can I say? I’m easy.

  With a roll of her eyes she hands Trent and me a shot each. “To hot guys from Starbucks that grab Noelle’s ass!” She says a bit too loudly smirking over at Trent.

  A weird look flashes quickly across his face and I give her a death glare. Damn Erin. I had almost forgotten about Jace. Almost.

  “To hot guys from Starbucks.” I toast anyways lifting my glass. Trent rolls his eyes and takes the shot with Erin and me.

  “To sexy girls who try taking sneaky pictures of hot guys at Starbucks.” My knees buckle when I feel his hot breath on the back of my neck mid-shot.

  Oh, crap!

  I turn and am met with the fierce green eyes that belong to Jace, the Starbucks God.

  The tequila burns as I spit it out all over his face.

  Trent looks between the two of us. “Noelle, this is my new neighbor, Jace,” he says hesitantly.

  You’ve got to be kidding me.

  “Spitters are quitters, Noe,” Walker says from next to me, grinning from ear to fucking ear. “You’re not a quitter are ya?”

  “Shut up, Walker,” Trent says glaring at him with eyes full of anger.

  “I warned you, Walker. I can still take you back to the pound.” I jab my finger at him before turning to Jace. “I’m so sorry, Jace! Let me get you a towel,” I say running off into Trent’s kitchen almost losing my footing along the way. Damn boots! If they didn’t pay for themselves in drinks bought for me, I’d toss them.

  Despite my mortification, I can’t help the smile that breaks out. I know I shouldn’t be happy to see him since he has a girlfriend, but he looks hotter than this morning.

  Khaki cargo shorts that make me want to just squeeze his ass and a tight black t-shirt. Nothing screams “MALE” like a t-shirt that can’t contain your muscles.

  Stalking around his kitchen, I notice Trent has moved things around. I’m irritated. I don’t like change.

  Where the hell are the towels?

  “Want some help?” Jace’s rough voice asks scaring me before I start putting everything back to where it was the last time I was here.

  I jump up as though I’m doing something wrong and slam my head on an open cabinet door.

  “Ouch, damn it! You scared the hell out of me. Don’t you know better than to sneak up on someone?” I complain attempting to stand straight up. “Can this night get any worse?”

  “It can’t be all that bad, can it?” He asks lowering his voice. “Though I can make it better for you...if you want.”

  He stares me down and slowly stalks forward like I’m his prey. I instinctively lean back against the counter bracing myself for his attack with wide eyes. He traps my body, putting hands on either side of me and whispers, “Where does it hur

  I inhale his scent and almost orgasm. He smells of beer and raw male.

  “Uhm,” I stutter like a moron dragging my hands through my hair feeling for the bump. “Right here.”

  His face gets closer, and my knees get weak. When his lips pass my ear and find where my head is throbbing, he gives it a small kiss.

  “All better?” He whispers pulling back just a fraction, so I can look into his pretty green eyes. He licks his lips, and I’m jealous of his tongue. I want to do that. He brings his mouth closer to mine, but I hesitate.

  “Don’t you have a girl...”

  “What the hell, dude?” Trent yells from the kitchen entryway breaking up my trance. “Back off!”

  Trent’s chest rises and falls rapidly, and the vein in his neck is popped out. He’s furious, sexy.

  I feel as though I’m in the middle of an alpha oreo.

  “Trent, we were just looking for a towel.” I roll my eyes and gently push on Jace’s chest to get him off of me. “And ice. And Tylenol. I hit my head. I can’t find anything in this cluster fuck you call a kitchen.”

  Stomping like a kid across the kitchen he pulls out a towel and throws it towards us. His brown eyes find mine, and I see the same look I saw on Thanksgiving when Chase showed up at my house. Hurt? Anger? Disappointment?

  He reaches into the freezer for an ice pack and top cabinet for some Tylenol and starts tending to me.

  “I got her,” Trent growls at Jace.

  “For now,” Jace retorts leaving us in the kitchen.


  It’s been a whole hour. One whole hour since I almost kissed a man with a girlfriend. It saddens me to think how easy it is to cheat. How one second can ruin someone like it did my best friend. Jace’s eyes haven’t left my body, and it almost makes me sick that he can be so brazen about it.

  Out of the corner of my eye I spot him making his way over to me at the pool table. I give him the nastiest look I can muster up. “Well, well, look who’s decided to stop eye humping me.”

  “I can do more than hump you with my eyes if you want, Noelle,” he says taking his right index finger and rubbing it down my jawline. I lift my palm and slap it away, furious.

  “Don’t touch me, Jace. I’m not that kind of girl. I don’t know where you got the idea that I was, but I don’t like to be cheated on and I won’t help someone else cheat.”

  “Huh?” His hand drops from my cheek in aggravation. “I’m a little confused here.”

  “I know you have a girlfriend and I won’t help you break her heart. I’ve seen firsthand how that can destroy someone. But I’ll help her break something of yours.” I whip my hair around hoping he will finally leave me the hell alone.

  He doesn’t, grabbing my arm and turning me back around to face him, eyes burning into mine.

  “Noelle, I don’t have a girlfriend. What gave you the idea that I do?” His expression is confused, puzzled. He doesn’t look like he is trying to bullshit me.

  “The blonde girl in your car? The one at Starbucks? She wasn’t your girlfriend?” I lace my voice with sarcasm.

  His face straightens when he realizes who I’m talking about.

  “Who? Valerie? No way!” His voice raises an octave. “She works with me. Her car was in the shop so I was on my way to take her to pick it up.”

  Well, that explains it.

  “So, no girlfriend?” I double check.


  “Then I guess I was wrong. I threw your number away for nothing.” I shrug like it’s no big deal but thankful that maybe I can put him into the rotation of suitors.

  “You threw my number out? Jeez, woman! Nothing like jumping to conclusions.” He laughs and then offers, “Would you like it again?”

  “Meh. I don’t know.” I shrug again internally giggling at how stunned he is. “I don’t think I do.”

  Everything comes to a halt as he takes my hand in his and kisses the top of it, entwining our fingers. Pushing me back into the pool table, he lifts my chin up with his free hand, bringing his lips a breath away from mine and whispers, “Yes, you do, but now I’m going to make you earn it.”

  My knees give way underneath me, and he has to catch me before I hit the ground.

  What the hell is wrong with my knees today? It’s got to be the hooker boots.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yea, I just...I don’t know. Yea, I’m fine.” I compose myself and take a deep breath. “So, earn it? How exactly do I earn your number back and what if I don’t even want it? You’re kinda full of yourself.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Would you rather it be you that’s full of me, Noelle?” He asks getting just a millimeter closer. If he moves just a fraction more his lips will be on mine.

  I’ve never encountered such an insistent man. Usually, I am the aggressive one. I don’t like releasing control to someone else.

  His eyes dart to my mouth, and I make a show of slowly running my tongue along my bottom lip. I can see how affected he is.

  “All you have to do is play me at pool. If you win I will give you my number, again. But if I win you get my number and I get to kiss you...anywhere I want.”

  He winks and raises his eyebrow in a challenge.

  Time to counteroffer.

  “Uhm, I have a better idea. You win you get my number, you call me and you ask me out on a date. I’ll even allow you the honor of kissing me on the cheek. If I win you have to streak through the party.”

  His face drops. “Are you serious?”

  “You seem so confident. I guess you aren’t that good of a player.” I quirk my eyebrow in curiosity. “Or are you?”

  “Oh, I’m everything and you’re about to find out. Deal!” He extends his thick hands out to shake mine before I push away and saunter over to the table to get ready to break. “Do you want me to do that?”

  “No, I got it,” I say insulted. I hit the cue ball hard towards the rest of the balls. It goes flying off the side hitting Erin in the ass while her tongue is down Walker’s throat.

  They don’t get out much.

  “HEY! Noe, you hooker,” she says.

  “No, Erin. I don’t get paid for it, but I know for sure men would max out their credit cards for one night with me,” I jab back.

  She turns back around to continue her assault on her fiancé unaffected by my statement.

  Jace’s mouth is wide open, and I walk past him to retrieve the ball pushing his chin up.

  I laugh picking the ball up off the ground and hand it to him. “I’ll let you start.”


  I pocketed the eight ball on my second turn and Jace was gracious enough to give me a redo. Bending over the table and brushing up against him any chance I got, I used my body to try to distract him. It almost worked. At one point I “accidentally” rubbed my breasts across his back while he took a shot. He missed that one but ending up making the rest. The chemistry between the two of us is electric.

  In the end, I lost. Terribly.

  “Now for that kiss.” He looks down at me pulling my body to his by my hips. “Would you like to pay up now or at my place?”

  “Hold that thought.” I place an index finger on his lips and reluctantly disconnect from his body.

  Walking over to Trent’s kitchen island I grab a post it note and pen jotting down my phone number. Two can play at this game.

  I turn giving him my bedroom eyes and stroll back over to him swaying my hips just a bit to get his attention as if I didn’t already have it.

  Peering up I seductively place the piece of paper on his chest putting a little pressure on it and slowly lower it down over his abs. His breathing deepens, and I can feel his dick harden against me. The large bulge on my stomach has me tightening my thighs. I continue my journey south, with my number in hand, finding his hip and sliding the piece of paper into his side pocket.

  Leaning up on my tiptoes, I lick the bottom of his ear repeating the same words he used this morning. “Here’s m
y number. Maybe you can use the picture you took this morning for your contact photo.”

  Quickly pulling my hand back I turn and walk away spotting Trent watching our interaction. Taking a pull from his beer, he motions for me to come over.

  “Wait!” Jace calls out before I reach Trent. ”You forgot the other part of our deal. I believe you owe me a kiss.”

  I unhurriedly turn back around and tilt my cheek up to him waiting for his lips to find it, but they don’t. He grabs both sides of my face forcing me to look straight at him. I see lust and need evident in his eyes as he looks down at my mouth. I lick my lips as he rubs his thumbs along my jawline. My nipples tighten, and I’m sure he can see them through my shirt. Tilting my head up, I coax him to give me what I want. His lips collide with mine, and an involuntary moan slips out opening them up just a bit. Using it to his advantage, he slips his tongue in. Everything disappears around us. I’m lost. His kiss is like a drug, and I want to be so fucking high. I’m instantly hooked, and I want more. So much more. Both of my hands come up and grab his shirt tightly bringing his body closer to mine.

  I forget where we are. Hell, I forget my name.

  I almost allow him to lay me across the pool table when I hear a commotion and yelling.

  “Trent. NO!” Erin screams.

  Breaking our kiss I turn to see what’s going on.

  It all happens in a flash. One minute I’m kissing what is probably the man who can bring me to my knees, and the next Trent’s fist is connecting with his jaw. He falls to the ground taking me with him. Our bodies turn so that I land on top of him, and his head hits the ground hard.

  “Oh shit, Noelle! Are you okay?” Trent’s panicked face is the first thing I see when I open my eyes as he’s trying to help me up off of Jace. Did he just hit him?

  “What the fuck, Trent! What the hell is wrong with you? Get off me,” I say smacking his hands away. Pulling myself up I glare at him. “Are you drunk? Jesus Christ! Why did you hit him?”

  “Noe, oh my God,” Erin says rubbing my arm as Walker pushes Trent back.

  “You fucking asshole! You almost hit Noelle!” Jace growls from next to me. Man, he got up quickly.


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