Dystopia (Book 3): Revelations

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Dystopia (Book 3): Revelations Page 15

by Cooper, DJ

  Ryan responded, “You are now in the hands of the Kentucky Militia.”

  I jumped up saying, “We were looking for the militia to help us find Dez.”

  He smiled behind his little shield saying, “You found us and I am on my way out to the farm as soon as we are done here to get someone to meet with you.”

  I asked, “John and Amy, did they arrive?”

  He smiled and said, “Yes, they are there.”

  Tears ran down my face as I shuddered almost afraid to ask, when he said, “I know who you are, and yes Matty is with them, and he is fine.” Pausing a moment, he said, “They said you were dead, what happened?”

  Rich spoke as I was sobbing at this point saying, “It is a long story. Sergeant Rich Davidson here, can you relay to Ray if he is there that I have intel on the event. He needs to see this. Tell your people not to disturb the things in the back of the truck there is the possibility of Ebola contamination on this intel.”

  We were escorted male and female into shower rooms, all of our clothes were taken, and we were given a very stinky soap and told to shower, washing all of our hair and body with this soap. Once done we were moved to the changing area where hospital greens were available for us to wear. We could move freely from room to room here. There was a bathroom, a small kitchen area with food and a Coleman stove set up. The nurse came and took blood from each of us and a swab from our mouth. She said it would take a few days to a week to run the tests for Ebola and to make ourselves comfortable. I was taken to another room shortly after that so that the doctor could look at my injuries and see if anything needed to be done. My blood came back with elevated white cell counts, so I was placed in quarantine by myself.

  We heard nothing more that day and the next, still nothing. No one came to talk to us. I was worried, I was still in my own room, the nurses came to check on me, feed me and care for me, yet no one knew what was going on. On the third day, the nurse came in without her NBC suit on saying we’d been cleared and my husband would be in to see me shortly. I asked about how they managed it so quickly, and she said, “They sent the samples to Lexington for detection of the virus or antibodies. I don’t know who you people are, but they wanted you cleared right away.”

  She finished giving me some medication for my leg and checking my vitals and started to leave, but there was a commotion in the hallway. She hurried out the door without a word. I hobbled over to the door to see a number of people injured and bleeding. On a stretcher rolling past was Dez. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. My son was with them, if she is shot, where is he? Gasping I hobbled into the hallway asking about Matty. There were three men with the III% symbols on their hats in the hall, with various wounds. None of them knew about Matty.

  Ryan appeared and ushered me back into my room saying, “Matty is fine. I need you to stay out of the way. Some things have happened, and we will sort it all out shortly, but please for now stay put.”

  I asked, “Was that Dez that went by on the stretcher?”

  He said, “Yes, it was.”

  “What happened?” I asked.

  “Someone named Morgan shot her.” He replied.

  My blood boiled as I spat out, “Morgan? That bitch is here?”

  He stopped short of the door asking, “You know her?”

  “She’s the one that hit me and left me for dead in the river,” I said.

  He asked, “How is she connected to you all?”

  I replied, “That piece of work is Matt’s little whore.”

  Suddenly, Ryan turned for the door, looking back he said, “Stay here, I will be back soon. I’ll check on Matty.”

  Out the door, he rushed without so much as a glance back to me. I couldn’t understand what was going on. Sitting on the bed, I waited for news.

  Chapter 14


  “Wherever the invitation of men or your own occasions lead you, speak the very truth, as your life and conscience teach it, and cheer the waiting, fainting hearts of men with new hope and new revelation.”

  -Ralph Waldo Emerson

  It was hours before anyone came back and I had not seen Rich in two days. Pacing as best I could with a bum leg, getting more and more furious as time passed. Talking to myself in my circles in the small room I said, “I want to know what the hell is going on around here.” Stopping and shaking my head I started again, “What is going on?” Thinking to myself that was better. “Remember Rita you get more flies with honey than you will with vinegar.”

  I heard the door open and looked to see Ryan was standing in the doorway. He looked pale, and it scared me. I asked him, “Matty?”

  He said, “Matty is fine.”

  “Then what,” I asked.

  He asked me, “You know Matt pretty well, right?”

  Shrugging my shoulders, I said, “I guess, why?”

  He had me sit on the bed while he pulled up a chair and said, “I need to ask you some things.”

  I raised my eyebrows, thinking, “Geeze what’s he done now?” I said nothing and waiting for him to tell me what he wanted.

  He said, “What do you know about Matt and Dez?”

  I shrugged saying, “I have no clue what she sees in him.”

  He asked, “What do you mean by that?”

  I told him that I didn’t really know anything. Saying, “I can’t see what anyone could see in him. I couldn’t stand him, after all, we’d been through. Then his whore tried to kill me, and now Dez.” Pausing, I asked him, “Why?”

  He said, “We think he shot Amy to stop her from catching Morgan.”

  Eyes wide I said, “John’s Amy?”

  Ryan said, “Yeah.”

  Shaking my head, I said, “Well now, this is a new low for him.”

  He said that Rich would be in soon to see me and apologized for making me wait so long. Before stepping out, he said, “I’ll let you talk to your husband, but you’re not going to like what he has to tell you. Please try to keep an open mind.”

  I felt shaken again saying, “An open mind for what?”

  He frowned and said, “I’ll send Rich.”

  A few moments later Rich came in, kissed me and said, “How are you feeling?”

  I said, “Fine, what do I need to keep an open mind about?”

  He said, “You won’t like it, but we can’t go to the farm yet.”

  Pulling away, I said, “What? Why?”

  He looked at me with sad eyes; he knew how much I wanted to see Matty and said, “Matt and Morgan cannot know you’re alive yet.” Pausing to look for a reaction before continuing he said, “Ryan wants to test the waters a bit, there is some question about Matt and not only the attack but other information getting out to the gangs. These gangs have the same markings as the others. The ones up by West Virginia had a star right?”

  I was not really interested in trying to figure them out but grunted an affirmation anyway.

  Rich continued, “The ones on the highway had the same circle, but it had something like a lower case Q, and now these guys have the same circle with the two arrows only inside their circle is a broken T. Looks like someone pulled down on the top of the T and bent it downward.”

  Not amused I asked, “And this keeps me from seeing my son, why?”

  Stammering a little, he said, “Well we think they are all connected, Ryan wants to see if Matt gets the news that you’re alive before we give out the information. Just trying to find out who is getting the info out of the valley.”

  Opening the door to leave he said, “As soon as they get you a chair you can come out to where we are. There are some people that just got here. They’re waiting in the waiting area for news of people hurt; I’m going to go see who they are.”

  Ryan came back into the room saying, “Destiny is out of surgery. She is too weak right now, but she wants to see you before anyone else does.”

  “She wants to see me?” I said.

  He said, “Yes…”

  … To be continued.

  Note from the Author

  Many of the inventions or ways that the persons in this book choose to improvise are derived from various sources, and things learned over the years.

  In an effort to share some of these things with my readers. In the following pages, I have compiled a few resources I found useful to assist in the application of these techniques.

  While I do not personally endorse untrained persons in attempting some things they are not trained to do. I always encourage others to learn so you and your families can be prepared in the event of any unforeseen “dystopian” moments.

  Preparedness is an age-old means by which people for generations made it through tough times. Many prepare for eventualities such as described in this book. Being prepared is a mindset. It is sometimes as simple as keeping a months’ worth of cash in the bank for something like time off work.

  Those in hurricane-prone areas might keep water stored or wood on hand to board windows. Persons in Tornado prone areas might have a storm shelter. But the greatest preparedness tool you can have is Knowledge.

  Many of us have had, “One of those days.” You wake up late to find the pipes are frozen and you can’t take a shower. You fluff yourself up enough to not look like you’re a wrinkled mass that just rolled out of bed. To find that the car won’t start and when it does, and you finally get there, and someone dumps a cup of coffee all over you. The day continues this way until you finally fall into bed completely spent.

  These days happen… In this book, this day happens but on a larger scale. How many of us keep a spare shirt at work in case of coffee? Or have a battery pack to jump the car? This is an example of being prepared.

  Many have the view of a person who tries to keep these bad days from being much more than an inconvenience that is possibly not positive. The connotations of the media and other places sets people with an eye on the horizon and the forethought to consider the inevitable as some kind of disturbed human.

  Realistically the things in this book could happen and have, possibly not to some of us. But world over many things happen that will carry us from our comfort zone.

  If we are spent at the end of, One of “those” days, where will we stand on… One of “THOSE” days?

  This book is without a doubt an idealized view of how things could go, they find many resources along the way and have help from other like-minded individuals. Ideally, we could all live a life free from the constraints and needs of the big cities, but often this is not the case.

  Those in this book must travel hundreds of miles. Many drawing on the knowledge of others and sharing.

  In book four Dystopia: The Dark Days, we get to look into the darker side of human nature when no one can be trusted, and betrayal is commonplace. At the end of the resource, section find a preview of Dystopia: The Dark Days.

  Following are a few websites, books and videos I have enjoyed while writing this book

  -DJ Cooper


  More from DJ Cooper






  Composting is the art of recycling organic matter into excellent fertilizer and garden material. Adding compost to your garden can enhance the nutrients plants need.

  Basics of composting



  Book: Composting secrets by David Isaac Yoder

  Rain Water

  Collection of rainwater has been a viable source of water for many in the Midwestern states and continues to be used today. Please check local ordinances and laws for your area as some areas regulate rainwater catchment systems.

  A basic article about catching and storing your own rainwater


  I love mother earth news; there is always tons of information for the homesteader in this magazine


  This one is good because it also touches on the grey water usage


  Gravity fed Solar Shower

  An excellent article on the shower I describe in the book.


  Free downloadable files

  Building a library of information is the best way to educate yourselves, Knowledge is power!

  Learn all you can, so you too can “Prepare to Thrive in Uncertain Times.” My tagline and motto.

  Check out some great files here:






  Solar Hot Water

  The sun shines on us a tremendous amount of energy. This energy can be harnessed in many ways.


  This site actually has lots of good information


  Wood Fired Hot Water

  Those who burn wood for heat could easily heat their water using some of these techniques.


  Solar Panels




  The use of batteries can make a solar, wind or hydroelectric system provide them with enough stored energy to run an entire home.



  Solar Window Heaters





  A cache or survival cache is a small established hidden supply location. Like with your computer cache, this can be temporary and should be emptied and restocked often. Some good sites for this info can be found below.

  Morse Code

  Noun: an alphabet or code in which letters are represented by combination of long and short signals of light or sound.



  Bug out bags aka the BOB


  Book: Bug out Bag by Roger Clark

  www.Survivalsullivan.com/154-bug-out-bag-essentials-open-list was fairly comprehensive an in list form


  Americans Networking to Survive…I highly recommend you check out this site as an excellent resource for finding like-minded individuals and excellent educational resource.




  Canning and preserving

  Canning is the process of saving food for later by processing into jars. There is a specific method for doin
g this to ensure the food safety. My go to book for is the Ball Blue Book of Preserving published by Alltrista Consumer Products.



  Dakota pit or fire hole

  The Dakota Pit is a means to build a fire for heat or cooking with limited light and smoke signature. A means to remain stealthy from prying eyes in situations when you may wish to remain hidden


  Ham Radios

  The ham radio is an excellent means of communication worldwide. There are specific rules and regulations for Ham operators and licensure to operate.

  www.wireless.fcc.gov will explain the regulations

  www.arrl.org this site is full of great information for Hams

  Lye Soap

  Possibly one of my favorite smells is that of lye soap. The good old fashioned kind that gramma would make. Find this old time recipe here.



  Youtube channels with lots of great information, be sure and follow their channel so you can get updates whenever they put out a new video


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