Brooke's Wish

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Brooke's Wish Page 3

by Sandra Bunino

  “Brooke?” Ty’s question broke her focus.

  She turned to him and smiled. “Yes, I’m sorry.”

  “No need to apologize, princess. I was about to ask you if you’ve given any more thought to your fantasy, but I can see that you have,” he said as his eyes flicked at the threesome.

  Brooke’s cheeks heated in response to his smile.

  “I think you’ve had enough to drink tonight. Come on, I’ll walk you to your suite.” Brooke stood and stole one more look at the redhead who was sandwiched between both men as they left the lounge in front of Brooke and Ty.

  The warmth of Ty’s palm encircled her waist and they followed the threesome down the hallway of suites. Brooke’s room was one of the first. Stopping to fish through her purse for her access card, she glanced at the threesome who stopped at a door a few feet away. The younger of the men opened the door as the older one had the woman pinned against the wall. His hand slid up the redhead’s thigh while leaving a trail of kisses down her neck. Brooke swallowed hard and turned to Ty. His eyes were riveted to hers. A full minute passed before either one spoke. The only sound was the woman’s moans heard down the hall until the soft click of the door indicated she’d entered the suite with her two lovers.

  Ty cupped Brooke’s cheek with one hand and held her wrist with the other. “Your fantasy starts now, Brooke. I want you to follow my instructions exactly. Go inside take off your dress, bra and panties but leave your shoes on. Find a pretty little vibe in the drawer and imagine it’s my tongue.”

  Her breath hitched as his words blanketed her mouth.

  “Stand on the floor with your feet apart and bend over the bed so your perfect ass is high in the air. Place the vibrator where you want my mouth. Tease yourself, princess, bring yourself to the top of the cliff. Teeter on the edge but as soon as you feel yourself going over I want you to stop. Then do it again.”

  Brooke sighed lifted up on her tiptoes to kiss him. Ty evaded her kiss as his mouth found her earlobe, which he caught between his teeth before continuing with his instruction.

  “Continue until your body glistens with sweat, until your heart beats in your ears, until you moan my name over and over. Switch the vibe to full power and touch it to your aching clit. Think of my cock filling you as you climax and milk my dick with your tight little pussy.”

  She shifted, her panties moist with the effect of his erotic command.

  “Good night, Brooke,” he said with a nibble on her earlobe.

  Chapter Eight

  A knock on her suite door woke Brooke from a sound sleep. Sunlight peeked between the heavy draperies and the wall confirmed it was indeed morning. Brooke reached for her phone and squinted at the display. 7:28. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she gauged her hangover index. She lifted herself up onto her elbows. Not bad, just a mild headache, her hangover was about a four on a scale of one to ten. Not bad at all.

  She looked down at her bare breasts and realized she didn’t bother with nightclothes when she stripped out of her dress. She also remembered making a stop at the drawer of fun and opening the black box containing the magic egg.Oh. My. God. That was the best Christmas present she ever received. How had she missed the pleasures of one little battery-operated device for so long? Of course Ty’s kiss and whispered instructions helped jump-start her self-gratification. Warmth flooded her sex once again as she recalled his explicit commands.

  Damn, how did he know her earlobe was an uber-sensitive erogenous zone? Her face still burned from the abrasions of his stubble. She wanted to feel that burn again, but next time she wanted to see the inside of her thighs red and raw from the scratch of his cheeks.

  Knock, knock, knock.

  She was jarred out of her thoughts and found a fluffy bathrobe in the bedroom closet. She padded her way into the next room and opened the suite door to the aroma of rich coffee. A room service attendant stood in front of her carrying a tray topped with a silver carafe and a single cup.

  “Good morning, Dr. Allaire. Ms. Lavender requests your company for breakfast in her office at nine.”


  Entering the office, Brooke found Mia sitting at her desk. She closed the door and folded her arms in front of her chest.

  “You stood me up last night.”

  Mia looked up and took a sip from the cup next to her before responding. “I kept tabs on you and would’ve rescued you if I thought you weren’t having the time of your life.” Mia gestured to the sitting area in the corner where a plate of pastries and a steaming mug of coffee waited on the table. “Sit, grab a bite and tell me all about your evening.”

  The women sat together on the loveseat. Brooke picked up a warm blueberry scone and took a bite. She groaned from the tartness of the berries mixed with the buttery pastry. “Oh my God. This is good. I never eat breakfast. Is this what I’ve been missing?”

  Mia leaned back and rested her arm on the back of the sofa. “Sounds like you’ve been missing more things in your life than a sinful blueberry scone.”

  Brooke chewed carefully and decided how to respond. “Let’s just say I’ve always done for others. I’m an only child and there was much pressure for me to succeed. I studied hard and did well in school but there was never time to have fun. College was the same and then I met Drake and before I knew it, I was doing his schoolwork as well as mine because he was at risk for flunking out of college. Drake never got over his dependence on me. He had jobs here and there while I went through medical school but he’d never lasted more than a few months at each position.”

  “You were his free ride.”

  “You could say that. I finally built the courage to kick him out of my life. I should’ve done it long ago.” Brooke said and nodded.

  “What about intimacy and sex?”

  “With Drake?”

  “Well, for starters, yes.” Mia nodded.

  “Drake’s the only person I’ve been with so I really don’t have anything to compare it to.”

  “How was it with him? Was he giving? Adventurous?”

  Brooke shrugged. “I’ve never placed importance on sex. I think my mother and I talked about it once. She said it wasn’t pleasant but as a woman it was our duty to grin and bear it. So that’s what I did.”

  “You deserve so much more, you realize that, don’t you?”

  “You’re the second person to tell me that this weekend.” Brook chuckled.

  “Let’s go back to last night. I take it you like Ty?” Mia questioned.

  “He was the perfect gentleman and we had an innocent dinner. But as soon as we came back to SRE things changed. There’s something about this place. It’s just so charged with energy. And then…” Brooke looked away.

  “Then Jackson walked into the picture.”

  “Yes,” she said in barely a whisper.

  “Brooke, look at me,” Mia said and covered Brooke’s hand with her own. “There’s no shame or embarrassment here. Jackson has every woman in this place melting at the sight of him. Jackson and Ty are a very heady combination. The question is, what doyou want?”

  Brooke stood and walked to the window. “I watched a woman at the bar last night. She had the complete attention of two men on either side of her. The world could’ve crumbled to their feet and they would still treat her like she was the only woman in the place. I wanted to be that woman.” Brooke turned and looked at Mia. “Ty and Jackson. Do they really only, you know, play together?”

  “They have for as long as I’ve known them. Ty called Asher when he left you last night and made his feelings clear. He wants you, Brooke. But this weekend isn’t about what Ty wants. It’s not about your parents, your ex-boyfriend or your patients. This weekend is about you. Tell me whatyou want.”

  Chapter Nine

  Steam wafted from her heated skin when Brooke rose from the bubbly water and grabbed a fluffy towel from the edge of the oversized bathtub. The scent of peppermint and jasmine filled her nose while she smoothed on her favorite creamy lotion. Her s
kin tingled. Every part of her body begged to be touched and explored. Her mind was clouded with the recollection of the redheaded woman’s moans and then to Ty’s whispered words. Brooke wanted to know the feeling of two men’s undivided attention but most of all, she wanted Ty. She slipped on a black lace corset and thong panties thanks to a late afternoon shopping spree at Mimi deMont’s Boutique with Mia.

  Brooke finished tying the ribbon on the matching baby doll negligee in time to answer the light knock on the door.

  “Oh, Brooke. You look beautiful,” Mia said when she entered. Grabbing Brooke’s hands, she arced her arms in front of her.

  Brooke fidgeted self-consciously as Mia looked her up and down. She’d never donned anything like the ensemble she had on. She looked away from Mia’s examining eyes.

  “You really look incredible. I knew the black would complement your blonde hair. I have the perfect accessories,” Mia said as she slid the black gift bag from her wrist and handed it to Brooke. “I couldn’t resist.”

  They sat on the velvet-upholstered sofa together before Brooke opened the bag and pulled out two buttery soft leather cuffs, each tied with a black satin bow. She grinned and looked at the woman with whom she’d developed a fast friendship.

  “Thank you,” she said laying her palm over Mia’s hand. “Would you help me put them on?” Brooke passed the cuffs to Mia and held out her wrists.

  “Ty usually blindfolds his subs so they get the most possible pleasure from the scene. It’ll force you to focus on sound and touch.”

  Brooke’s spine stiffened. The thought both scared and excited her.

  “It’s really very erotic. I’ll show you what I mean. Close your eyes.”

  She nodded and complied. A soft clang from the cuff’s buckle rang, indicating Mia had unlatched the closures of each cuff. Brooke imagined Mia’s delicate hands working the buckle and spreading the leather cuffs open.

  “Hold your arms out with your palms facing up.”

  Mia’s fingers laced with hers as she pulled Brooke’s hands forward so that her arms were completely extended.

  “Keep your elbows locked and don’t talk, just feel.”

  Brooke nodded slowly and swallowed.

  The grasp on her left hand was gone and in its place was a warm sensation at her right forearm. Mia’s thumb drew circles on the sensitive skin at the inside of her elbow. The pressure increased and traveled slowly back to her fingers.

  “Relax,” Mia whispered.

  The grasp on her fingers tightened and forced her wrist upward. Mia’s thumb brushed back and forth over her palm’s lifeline while her other hand gently rubbed the inside of her wrist.

  “Block everything out and just feel.”

  Brooke was transported to another place. All physical aspects of the suite melted away, as did any lingering apprehension. All that mattered was the warmth of Mia’s giving hands and her next command. Brooke whimpered when the security of Mia’s grip was replaced by cool leather capturing her wrist. Sounds of leather sliding against leather filled her ears and stoked the embers of pleasure building within her body. Mia repeated the same process on her left hand. By the time she was done, the tightness at her wrists matched the clenching inner walls of her pussy. Brooke was floating in a space she didn’t recognize but craved to explore.

  “Open your eyes.”

  She blinked. Her breath caught from the sight of bondage cuffs wrapped around her wrists. The wide satin ribbons hung from the sides of the cuffs, the ends licked at the tops of her knees. She glanced from the cuffs to her friend and swallowed hard.

  “How did that make you feel?”

  “I was in another place. I can’t explain the feeling,” Brooke said breathlessly.

  “That’s okay. Better than okay. If you can get there, it means you’re ready.”

  Mia led her to the deep red door and turned the knob. The room was unlocked since Brooke completed the mandatory orientation earlier that day. She discovered the inner workings of each feature. It was also an opportunity to list her soft and hard limits and develop her safe word.

  Mia dimmed the sconces so there was just enough light to see. Brooke stepped onto the plush carpet in her bare feet. She was surprised to see her own reflection in the opposite wall and again when she turned around to see a mirror in back of her as well.

  “I don’t remember the mirrors.”

  “Ty requested them. They were installed when we were shopping.”

  Brooke slowly paced the room looking for any other changes she might’ve missed. She rubbed her hands together to dispel her nervous energy.

  “You know that at any time you can stop everything. Even now, before it starts. Your role is a submissive one but you still call the shots.”

  Brooke took a deep breath and blew it slowly from her lips. She walked to the middle of the room and stood in front of Mia with her feet at either end of the spreader bar on the floor. “I know and I’m ready.”

  Mia crouched at Brooke’s feet and attached cuffs at both of her ankles and clipped the bar in place. Brooke viewed Mia’s reflection while she moved to the cabinet and took a bright red sash from one of its drawers. She walked back to Brooke and stood by her side. “Look at yourself, Brooke. You’re powerful, beautiful, confident and sexy rolled up into one. That’s what SRE’s about. Do you have any questions before I blindfold you and leave?”

  Brooke and Mia locked eyes in the mirror. Brooke bit her lower lip.

  “Will you ask Ty to come in first?”

  “Of course.”

  The blindfold slipped over her eyes and tightened around her head. After Mia’s reassuring squeeze on her shoulder the door shut. There was nothing left to do but wait.

  Chapter Ten

  Brooke strained to hear the after effects of the suite door opening and closing minutes after Mia left. Did she hear voices? Before her imagination got the best of her, the Playroom door opened. Heavy footsteps approached. She instinctively turned her head toward the sound. The presence circled her once and came to rest behind her back. Warm breath tickled at her ear and she suddenly worried: what if the person in the room with her wasn’t Ty or Jackson?

  “W-who’s there?” Brooke croaked. She put her hands on her hips and straightened her back.

  A low chuckle erupted. “Don’t panic, princess. It’s just me.”

  Ty. She took a deep breath and smiled.

  “Sorry, love. I got carried away taking in the sight of you like this. You look magnificent, Brooke.” His southern drawl was more distinct than the night before.

  Warm hands stroked the bare skin under the negligee between the corset and her lace panties. She shivered from the light touch traveling up her back. He untied the ribbon at her neck and slipped the negligee off her shoulders. Heat radiated from his body as he moved to face her and pulled the blindfold from her eyes.

  “Hi there,” he said huskily.

  Her stomach fluttered when she looked into his eyes. It was a different look for Ty Venice. Thick stubble covered his cheeks and the area above his lip. She recalled how his whiskers scratched her cheeks the previous night and her face heated when she anticipated his stubble abrading the skin of her inner thighs. She lowered her eyelids to his bare shoulders. Her breath caught at the sight of his muscular chest and arms. Reaching out, she traced her fingertips over the outline of a detailed rose tattooed on the muscular curve of his bicep. A combination of musk and manliness filled her senses. She continued her gaze downward and followed a line of soft hair to the unfastened button of rumpled khaki pants. Brooke looked back to his face and he smiled seemingly enjoying watching her visual journey down his body.

  “Hi.” She smiled back.

  Ty hooked his thumb under her chin and lifted her face to his.

  “I heard you requested me, love.” His lips were just a whisper away from hers. “Everything okay?” There was concern in his voice.

  Brooke opened her mouth to speak but closed it again and nodded. Her heart beat wildly
as his hand gently stroked her cheek.

  “Let’s go over some things before we get started. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since I left you last night, princess, but you’re not ready for a true scene. We’re here to play and we’ll go as far as you want. ‘No’always means no with me. If you’re uncomfortable with something, tell me and we’ll stop. Don’t overthink things, just feel. Okay?”

  Brooke nodded.

  Ty slid the hand holding her chin to the back of her neck and cupped her face with the other. His lips grazed hers. His first pass was gentle and exploratory. She whimpered into his mouth when his tongue sought hers. Mint and cranberry juice tickled the sides of her tongue, which made sense since alcohol consumption was against SRE rules before a scene. Brooke’s fingers traveled down his chest and stomach toward the place she wanted to taste next.

  He pulled away and grabbed her hands before they reached his waistband.

  “Patience, love.”

  Without a word he tied the blindfold tightly around her head and left her panting for more.

  “I think you’ll like the next surprise.”

  Her ears perked as she listened to heavy footsteps move away from her. The door opened and Ty cleared his throat as a signal to someone in the next room.

  “It’s about time, dude.”

  She smiled at the unmistakable, dripping-with-sex voice of Jackson Reid.

  “You’re lucky I’m letting you in here. Don’t push me,” Ty said under his breath.

  Brooke raised her eyebrows. Was that a jealous tone she heard in Ty’s words? She could imagine the manly stare-down going on in the back of her. A moment of silence passed before anyone spoke.

  “Tyler, my friend, you’ve been holding out on me while I sat inside by myself. The good doctor has a very sweet ass, doesn’t she?”


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