Stolen Rapture

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Stolen Rapture Page 2

by Denysé Bridger

"Did you still want to have dinner, baby?"

  She released the breath she hadn't realized she was holding and nodded. "Yes. I think I'm done here for tonight." She didn't add she'd never be able to concentrate even if he did leave. He lifted her coat off the rack by the office door and held it open for her. She came out from behind the desk, and he laughed at her wariness as she approached him and slipped into the coat. He rested his hands on her shoulders and leaned in close to her ear.

  "We're not done yet, believe me, Deluna. Before the night is over, you're going to want my cock more than your next breath."

  She clutched the coat to her and shut her eyes, shuddering violently as his words sent another rush of wetness flooding to her throbbing pussy. She bit her lip to silence the tiny whimper that tickled the back of her throat, but she didn't object when he turned her around to face him and lifted her face with a finger under her chin.

  "No denials?"

  She was drowning in his presence, and at the moment, was incapable of doing more than staring at him. He pulled her close, fitting her soft curves to the hardness of his body, making her fully aware of the solid ridge of his erection. Her hands rose and touched the broad expanse of his chest. Slowly, her arms encircled his neck and she pulled him down to meet her kiss. His tongue plunged into her mouth, and his hands cupped her ass and lifted her off her feet. He carried her the few steps to the desk and sat her on the edge while their kiss grew to frenzied desperation.

  When he suddenly gripped her head between his hands and pulled away from the passionate kiss, she tried to draw him back and he shook his head curtly.

  "Tell me what you want right now."

  It was an order, not a question.


  "Now," he insisted. "What do you want?" He touched her cheek with a fingertip, slowly stroked across the slope of her face, then smoothed over her trembling bottom lip. "Lie to me, Deluna, and I will punish you."

  "I want to have dinner with you and…" She swallowed convulsively. "And then we could see what happens…"

  His expression was disappointed.

  "I told you not to lie to me."

  "I'm not lying…" There was a tiny note of fear in her voice. She heard it, and it was quite clear Cord hadn't missed it. He stepped closer again, and without really being fully conscious of the action, she spread her legs to accommodate the shift in his position. He smiled at her.

  "Your body is more honest than your mind. Have you noticed that, Deluna?"

  "I don't understand you," she whispered.

  "Does that matter so much?"

  Before she could answer, he moved closer and her senses filled with him, with his scent. Heat radiated from him and scorched her nerve endings even though he hadn't touched her again. Her body ached, screaming for him even if her voice refused to let the words pass her lips. He placed a finger against the pulse that fluttered in her neck and something dark flared in his eyes. He stroked the side of her neck, and let the trail of fire slide lower until the backs of his fingers brushed over her breast, and her nipple hardened instantly.

  "How wet are you?"

  The challenge was electrifying the air around them once again, charging the space between them.

  "Why are you asking when you already know?"

  "What do you want?"

  She knew they'd come back to the increasingly familiar impasse. She paused for a few eternal seconds, then smiled. Despite the internal earthquake that shook her to the core of her being, and rattled her ability to think, she shook her head.

  "I want to think, you're making that impossible."

  "You disappoint me, Deluna. I thought you were more adventurous."

  "And I thought you were more gentleman than this."

  He laughed loudly, genuinely amused. "Gentlemen still want to fuck, Deluna. They think about gorgeous tits and dripping pussies. I just prefer to be honest about what's on my mind." His smile lingered, but the edginess had returned to his mood, and he peered at her. She could feel the probe of his thoughts, and knew that somehow he was searching for what she was hiding from him–from herself.

  "Stand up and turn around."

  She gaped at him in stunned surprise.

  "Do it!"

  Before she could stop herself she slid forward, her feet hit the floor. She stood when he stepped back enough to allow her to turn around. He put his hands on her waist and stood at her back, nothing more.

  "Relax," he said very softly. He held her loosely and as seconds turned to minutes, her breathing steadied and she leaned into his arms. He moved his hands to the front of her waist and very slowly slid them over the silk of her blouse until he held the weight of her breasts in his palms. She hitched in a gasp of air, but made no move to stop him.

  "I'm going to fuck you before we leave this office, Deluna," he murmured. "And you're going to love it." He opened the buttons on her shirt and pulled it free of her skirt waistband. His thumbs flicked at the straining tips of her nipples, clearly outlined against the sheer lace bra. He peeled the cups down and her breasts thrust out, still supported by the bra, nipples distended and tightening further in the faint chill of the air.

  Deluna shivered, her body slamming into overdrive the instant he started touching her. Her skin tingled in anticipation, and between her thighs, the slickness grew into hot, wet hunger. He unzipped her skirt and it fell to the floor. He put his middle finger in her mouth. "Suck it, like it's my cock." She did as he directed, her tongue moving up and down the length, until he slipped free. She bit her lip hard when his hand went into her panties and he started to stroke her swollen folds. The wet sound was exciting and two fingers slid deep into her weeping pussy, quickly finding a rhythm that made her hips move as she fucked his fingers. His thumb toyed with her clit, and she gasped as heat and tension shot through her in shuddering waves.

  He pulled away and she moaned, tears of frustration in the sound.

  "Strip and get on your knees, baby."

  She stared at him, her body trembled violently with thwarted lust, still so close to release, but so far, too. She wriggled the panties down her thighs and then stepped out of the skirt and the sheer bikinis. Her blouse landed in a shimmering heap on the desktop, and she unhooked the bra that matched her underwear. She cupped her breasts and squeezed them, pinching the nipples and creating a frisson of pain enhanced fire than lanced straight to her pulsing cunt.

  "Stop!" He ground out, eyes blazing into hers.

  She stared at him, anger waking, then dying when new lust surged through her. He unzipped his pants and let them drop, the head of his cock visible above the waistband of his briefs. She reached out to touch him and he grabbed her wrists and held them behind her with one hand, bending her back so she could meet his stare.

  "You touch when I tell you to, you suck when I tell you to, and you come when I allow it. Do you understand?"

  She nodded, only a heartbeat's hesitation in her compliance this time. Cord kicked aside his pants and walked around to the chair. He sat and let his gaze travel over her voluptuous curves. She caught the movement of his hand and chewed on her bottom lip when he freed his thick cock from the briefs and stroked it slowly. He held out his hand and gestured for her to come to him. She did and when she was in front of him, she dropped to her knees and waited. Some distant part of her mind was still detached enough to marvel over what was happening.

  "Is this what you want?" Cord asked her, his hand still stroking deliberately. He leaned forward and caught her mouth in a kiss that stole her breath, then he eased back and pushed his cock into her mouth. She started to suck and his fingers in her hair tugged hard. "What did I say? When I tell you to suck."

  Her eyes were huge and she went still. He waited a few moments longer, then nodded and her tongue started doing things to him that made the muscles of his thighs go rigid with the control he imposed on himself. She sucked at the turgid head of his cock, her tongue lapping at the weeping slit, then circling repeatedly before she took him
deep in her throat and sucked hard, holding him so tight his body tensed.

  When she was sure he was going to climax, he pulled her away and dragged her into his lap. She could feel the heat of his cock between her legs, but he held her away just enough that she couldn't impale herself on the thick length of him. His mouth closed on one nipple, tongue lapping at her before his teeth scraped over her sensitive skin and he bit, the pain made her moan loudly. Fingers plucked at her other breast, and he pinched and kneaded her flesh. Her thighs were wet, the slick moisture dripping out of her, coating them both as her pussy clenched and throbbed.

  Cord finally eased away and stood, turned her back to him again. He placed her palms on the desktop after he cleared it with a single sweep of his arm. He spread her legs wide and she choked back a scream when he thrust into her hard and deep, his cock buried to the hilt inside her. She wiggled against him, her body adjusting to the size of him, and his hands covered hers on the desk.

  "What do you want?"

  His voice was a rasp of hunger and excitement, low and intense.

  "I want you to fuck me, Cord," she finally gave him the admission he wanted.

  He pulled out almost completely, and slammed into her again, quickly setting a rhythm that was intense and rapid. The only sounds in the small office were the whimpers of pleasure he wrung from her, and the slick wet sounds of sex. He took her to the edge, but held back, waiting until she was panting and her body gleamed with sweat.

  "God! Cord…please!"

  "Please what?"

  "I need to come, please?"

  She begged, and he pounded into her until she screamed, and he let the delayed orgasm tear through her. Her cunt clenched around him, muscles contracting and clutching as she spasmed over and over. She never wanted it to end.

  When he let her go and stepped back, she fell across the desk, her throat raw with the effort to drag in air and breathe normally again. She wondered if she'd be able to stand up without falling at his feet, her knees possessed all the strength of liquid.

  She closed her eyes and time lost any meaning. Cord's voice cut through the haze, and she had a moment of panic wondering if she'd actually passed out for a few minutes.

  "Get dressed, we'll have dinner and continue this at your apartment."

  She heard the strain in his voice and confusion filled her. Forcing herself to move, she did as he asked and they left the studio without another word between them.

  * * * * *

  A week after their relationship had taken a wild turn with the amazing sex in her office, Cord asked her to attend a private showing at Falcon's Flight. She still hadn't met Rahve Falcon and curiosity was making his continued absence intriguing. She took another look at her reflection in the mirror and chewed her bottom lip, annoyed that she was being so ridiculous about her appearance. What the hell did it matter if Rahve found her attractive or not? Still, she went to change for what must have been the fifth time. The sound of the doorbell interrupted her walk to the closet and she glanced at her watch, startled by the hour.

  "Shit," she muttered, aware that she was out of time because Cord expected her to be ready to go. She opened the door and the familiar sense of suddenly drowning began to envelope her. He was devastating, as always. Dressed in tailored casual that probably cost what the average person earned in a month, he smiled and drew her into his arms.

  "Are you ready to go? Rahve is expecting me to be there when this party starts," he said, pulling back to look at her.

  She was acutely conscious of his gaze, his stunning odd eyes scanning every curve and line of her body. Already the flare of lust in his eyes had her pussy pulsing, and she stood still, knowing if she moved before he wanted her to, he'd torment her into an arousal that would be unfulfilled and frustrating for most of the evening.

  Approval lit his eyes and he smiled. "You look amazing. Red is your color."

  She shivered just a little at the sincerity in his words, and was glad she'd bought the new dress. It was cut with a jagged hemline, and a halter style top that was slit almost to her waist. Silver stilettos finished the ensemble.

  She picked up the silvery wrap she'd chosen to go with the dress and he took it from her, holding it as she turned her back to him and he settled it over her shoulders. He pulled her back against his chest and kissed the side of her neck while his fingers slid down the front opening of the dress. He tugged the clingy material open, exposing her breasts so he could cup her flesh in his palms and pinch her nipples until they were pebbled so hard they hurt. His tongue played over the pulse at the base of her neck, and she trembled when she felt the scrape of his teeth.

  "Do we have to go to this party?"

  He turned her around to face him and kissed her, his tongue sliding deep into her mouth, tasting her, drinking her in as frantically as she was him. He drew back and his eyes burned into hers as he smiled and pulled her dress back into place.

  "I want to fuck you so badly everyone in the place is going to be looking at the hard on in my pants."

  "Why don't we stay here then?"

  He shook his head. "Why don't you suck my cock while we go to the party? Limo is downstairs."

  Her knees wobbled, but she nodded and walked ahead of him to the elevator.

  * * *

  Rahve knew the instant Cord and his playmate arrived. He turned and even with a room between them, he could smell sex. He snorted silently. So Cord had fucked her already tonight. That explained the limousine service. His eyes swept over the woman, cataloging the elegant dress, the voluptuous curves that were just a little too rounded for current fashion, and the sparkling hazel eyes that were still a little dazed from orgasm.

  He went to join them.

  "Nice of you to show up," he said to Cord.

  "Screw you," Cord snapped, then laughed. "This," he turned to the woman at his side, "is Deluna Jordan. Baby, this is my partner—"


  "Partner," he repeated, ignoring Rahve's correction, "Rahve Falcon."

  "It's lovely to meet you, Mr. Falcon," Deluna said, offering her hand. He took it and brought her fingers to his lips, kissing the backs of them very softly. She stared in surprise.

  "Rahve," he requested. "Cord's told me a lot about you. It's nice to put a face to the name. Welcome to my home, and thank you for coming to the party."

  "It's a pleasure to meet you, Cord hasn't told me a lot about you," she replied.

  "I'm not surprised," Rahve answered. Falcon was genuinely amused. Cord watched him with thinly veiled suspicion. "Would you like a drink?"

  "Thank you, that would be lovely."

  Rahve was being summoned from the other side of the room and his dark eyes flickered with annoyance that was easily read. He excused himself and on his way to the agitated woman waving less than discreetly to him, he stopped and directed one of the waiters to bring her a glass of champagne.

  "Be careful around him," Cord advised. "He's interested in you."

  She stared at him, eyebrow raised. "You can tell that from hello, can you?"

  "I've known Rahve a lot of years, baby," he said, tone ominous. "He enjoys dangerous games."

  "And you don't?" There was ice in her voice, making the words caustic in tone.

  Cord's blue and green gaze was hard when he met hers, and she shivered.

  "You like my games," he stated. "Rahve plays by different rules."

  She shrugged with false indifference and strolled into the crowd, fully aware of Cord's eyes watching every move she made. The night was going to be a long one. The thought had barely passed into her awareness when she felt someone staring at her, the look almost a tangible touch that brushed her spine and made her entire body tingle.

  There are things Cord should have told you. Rahve's voice was inside her head somehow and she looked around, trying to locate him in the large crowd. Chills that had nothing to do with the actual temperature make her quiver. She closed her eyes, her equilibrium gone as the room faded to grey shadows. He
r last thought was that she'd never fainted in her life, and this was not the time to start.

  * * *

  Deluna woke in a quiet room. Subdued lighting and soft music created an atmosphere of tranquility. She sighed and smiled, loving the sense of serene peace that filled her.

  "Welcome back to the real world."

  Her eyes flew open and she gasped. Sitting at the foot of a huge bed was Rahve Falcon, his presence filling the room. He was a gorgeous man; even more attractive than Cord, and until tonight she really hadn't believed that was possible. It wasn't his physical appearance that made him so alluring, though, it was the sense of power that he wore as easily as he did his designer suit. When you looked at Rahve you could easily believe he controlled everything around him effortlessly.

  "Where's Cord?"

  Rahve's smile was tinged with irony. "I would have thought you'd have something vastly more amusing to say than that."

  She sat up and realized she was covered by a sheet and nothing more. She clutched the satiny material to her and her panicked gaze swept the room. A slash of scarlet caught her eye and she recognized her dress draped over a chair.

  "What the hell happened to me?"

  "You fainted at my party," he told her. "Cord believes you were drugged. Impossible given you hadn't consumed even a mouthful of champagne. Of course you might have taken something prior to coming here."

  Deluna ignored the last part of Rahve's statement. "Where is he?" She heard the breath of fear in her voice, and Rahve shook his head, clearly recognizing the emotion.

  "I'll send him in when he's finished seeing that the guests have left."


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