Misfortune: A Time Travel Romance (Ball and Chain Book 1)

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Misfortune: A Time Travel Romance (Ball and Chain Book 1) Page 10

by David L. Hilton

  "Hazel, calm down," he tried move again, but I quickly moved back.

  "Don't come near me!" I shouted, and he went stiff, along with Amy. "Don't-Dont... Leave me alone...! I don't want to go back to the School! I don't want to, I--"

  "Hazel," he said in a strained voice. "We want to help. Please, let us help."

  I looked at him then at Amy, both of them were staring at me, as if they were concerned. Then, my eyes stopped burning, and they both gasped loudly, Amy nearly fell. The Doctor went over to help her, still keeping an eye on me the entire time.

  After he was certain that she was okay, he turned to me. Taking a few steps over, and I flinched at his closeness. Once he was right beside me, my heart began to speed up again. I felt him take my hand, which was trembling violently, and place it on his chest. I felt the rhythmic beating of his heart. He moved it to the other side, and I felt the same.

  After that, he dropped my hand, which I kept close to my chest, and bent down to my level. "If I had been anything like a human who had intentionally hurt you, would I have two hearts? Would I have let you into my TARDIS and helped you?"

  He took me by the sides of my head, and stared straight into my eyes. His dull green ones searching into my dark brownish-hazel ones that were now tinted with a fading yellow. "Hazel, I'm so sorry for all the things I said to you, and I hope you could find it in your heart somewhere to forgive me. I never meant to startle you, and I never meant to yell, but I want you to understand that I'll never be anyone who would ever think about harming you."

  I gave him a small nod, my hands still shaking. "I-I'm sorry I freaked out. It happens sometimes. And I didn't mean to control you, it-it just came out... I'm sorry..." I apologized, but I was still shaking. Those dark eyes plagued my mind, and made me feel even jumpier everytime I would think about it. They were too similar to a Whitecoats', and that scared me.

  He smiled at me, and dropped his hands, standing up. "Well... Now that that's all settled. Let's go have a chat with Amelia's boyfriend!"


  After everything had been settled, I had been fed a great big lunch as an extra apology (and to refuel my calories), the Doctor supposedly jumped out of a stripper cake, and I was introduced to Rory Williams, Amy's fiancé.

  Rory had rusty red hair and green eyes, similar to Amy's. He was a bit tall, and wore a red sweater with his and Amy's faces in it, inside of a heart, and jeans. He seemed like a very nice guy, except for one small fact.

  He was a Whitecoat.

  When they had first brought him into the TARDIS, I smelled the Whitecoat-i-ness immediately and pretty much ran away, nearly having another panic attack. The Doctor found me a few minutes later, hiding in the kitchen, wielding myself with a kitchen knife (since he had all my other weapons revoked and thrown into a black hole...).

  He calmed me down and pried the knife from my fingers, telling me that Rory wasn't a threat and that he was just a nurse, which really didn't help. When we made it back to the console room, Rory was very confused. I stood behind the Doctor, glaring occasionally at the redheaded Scot. I didn't let him get five feet within me, and if we so much as accidentally touched, I had no problem with easily snapping said body part(s).

  "I-I don't understand," he said, his accent was a bit British, but hinted at Scottish to match his appearance, whereas Amy's sounded like she stepped out of Scotland. "Why does she hate me?"

  "Ah, well, she has a thing against doctors and nurses and... Such..." He frowned and moved so he could see me. "C'mon Hazel, stop being so shy."

  "I don't want to talk to him," I murmured, knowing full well I was acting like child, but I didn't care. Since he was Amy's boyfriend, we couldn't exactly get rid of him, so I really had no other choice but to avoid him completely.

  "I told you, he's a nice little fellow," he grinned, still trying to move me.

  "No," I protested stubborn, looking away.

  "C'mon, just look at him," he insisted. "He can't hurt you if you look at him."

  I frowned, but turned my head to him, my eyes set into a glare and my cheeks puffed out. "See, progress!" He grinned, "Now, tell him your name."

  I looked at him like he was crazy, "You don't tell Whitecoats your name!" I hissed.

  "Why not?"

  "Because then, they can track you with your real name, and even if its your fake one, and sent a barrage of Erasers after you!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air.

  "I'm sorry, but did you just say 'erasers'? As in the rectangle, pink ones for writing?"

  I sighed and ran a hand down my face. "I don't want to talk to him anymore!"

  A few minutes later, I was forced to sit on the steps on the lower level of the TARDIS, right next to said Whitecoat as the Doctor went to go meddle with the TARDIS's wiring.

  I sat there, a pout on my lips and a glare in my eyes, and I sat as far away from Rory as possible. "Oh, the life out there, it dazzles," the Doctor rambled about the universe as he worked. "I mean, it blinds you to the things that are important. I've seen it devour relationships and plans. It's meant to do that. Because for one person to have seen all that, to taste the glory and then go back, it will tear you apart. So, I'm sending you somewhere, together."

  "Whoa," Amy chuckled, "What, like a date?"

  "Anywhere you want. Any time you want. One condition. It has to be amazing," he said with a smile. "The Moulin Rouge in 1890. The first Olympic Games. Think of it as a wedding present, because it's either this or tokens. It's a lot to take in, isn't it? Tiny box, huge room inside. What's that about? Let me explain."

  "It's another dimension," Rory answered, looking around himself.

  "It's basically another dimension," he frowned realizing that Rory had just said that. "What?"

  "After what happened with Prisoner Zero, I've been reading up on all the latest scientific theories," he explained. "FTL travel, parallel universes."

  "I like the bit when someone says it's bigger on the inside," he frowned. "I always look forward to that. You're the second person to ruin it."

  "Who was the first?" He asked, and he motioned to me.

  I looked away, "The proper term is dimensionally transcendental," I paused, adding. "Like your coat pockets."

  "What?" Amy looked at him, "Your coat pockets are bigger on the inside?"

  "How did you know about that?" He frowned.

  "That one time you let me borrow it. I stuck my hands in the pockets," I shrugged. "It had been out of force of habit, but my arms reached down to my elbows."

  "So, this date," Amy interrupted, changing our subject. "I'm kind of done with running down corridors. What do you think, Rory?"

  "How about somewhere romantic?" He grinned.


  "Venice," the Doctor said, as we stepped out of the TARDIS and into the crowded streets of people and animals. "Venezia. La Serenissima. Impossible city. Preposterous city. Founded by refugees running from Attila the Hun. It was just a collection of little wooden huts in the middle of the marsh, but became one of the most powerful cities in the world. Constantly being invaded, constantly flooding, constantly just beautiful. Ah, you got to love Venice. So many people did. Byron, Napoleon, Casanova. Ooo, that reminds me. 1580. That's all right. Casanova doesn't get born for a hundred and forty five years. Don't want to run into him. I owe him a chicken."

  "Why do you owe him chicken?" I asked.

  "Long story. We had a bet," he frowned and went to go explore the busy streets filled with people, until we were stopped by a man in a black suit.

  "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa," he said. "Papers, if you please. Proof of residency, current bill of medical inspection, and for the property of your slave."

  I frowned, "Slave?" The man glared at me, and I, slightly taken back, glared back.

  "You shall not speak without the command of your master!" He hissed.

  I gaped, and looked at the Doctor, who looked at me with a frowned. "Right... Slavery laws
still in place... Here," he pulled out a black leather wallet, that was face the opposite direction, so I wasn't able to read it. "All to your satisfaction, I think you'll find. And, she isn't a slave."

  Now it was his turn to gape, "I-I am so sorry, Your Holiness. I didn't realize..."

  "No worries," the Doctor smiled, "You were just doing your job. Sorry, what exactly is your job?"

  "Checking for aliens," at this I frowned. "Visitors from foreign lands what might bring the plague with them." Oh.

  "Oh, that's nice," Amy said with a hint of sarcasm. "See where you bring me? The plague."

  "Don't worry, Viscountess," he assured. "No, we're under quarantine here. No one comes in, no one goes out, and all because of the grace and wisdom of our patron, Signora Rosanna Calvierri."

  "How interesting," the Doctor nodded. "I heard the plague died out years ago."

  "Not out there," the man explained. "No, Signora Calvierri has seen it with her own eyes. Streets are piled high with bodies, she said."

  "How would you know if no one's gone out to check?" I frowned at the man.

  "We trust the word of our Queen, Madam," he explained.

  "But, what if she's lying?" I pried.

  "Our Queen would never lie to us!" He exclaimed.

  "Would she now?" The Doctor asked and walked away, followed by Amy and Rory, but I stared at the man for a few seconds longer.

  "Uhm... I sincerely apologize for mistaking you for a lowly slave, miss."

  I glared at him, "Damn right you are." With that, I turned away, with the man gaping at my 'dirty' words.

  I met back up with Amy, Rory and the Doctor, who was watching a man across the canal, begging for his daughter back. Then, he was pushed to the ground, and I heard a sharp hiss from someone.

  "What was that all about?" Amy asked, but the Doctor had disappeared across the canal already. "I hate it when he does that..." She turned to me, "We're going to explore Venice, wanna come along?"

  I looked at her, "No, its okay. You two go explore. It's supposed to be your date, anyway."

  "You sure?"

  "Positive," I gave her a small, reassuring smile, and she grinned, pulling Rory away from me, and running off.

  When they were out of sight, my smile melted and I walked the opposite direction, mindlessly wandering the streets of Venice.


  I was walking when I saw a man cornering a young woman in a yellow sun dress. He had on a black cloak and his mouth spread in a malicious smile. I narrowed my eyes and walked over, grabbing his cloaked arm. "You must have better things to do than torment this woman."

  "I highly advise that you release me," he said, firmly.

  "Sure I will, once she's safe," I motioned for the woman to leave, and she quickly ran away, picking up her flower basket and tears in her eyes.

  The man made a inhuman growl, "If I can't have her, then I suppose you will do," he bared his teeth, revealing long, needle-like, vampire fangs.

  "You have got to be kidding me," I groaned as he lunged at me, aiming for my neck.

  I quickly sidestepped, punching him in the stomach. He flew to the wall, and slid back, growling at me. He ran at me again, and I dodged, but he suspected this, grabbing the end of my frizzy hair. I yelped as he pulled me back, his strength was nearly on par to my inhuman one.

  He held me in the air, by my hair. I winced in pain, as he laughed, his creepy fangs coming out and without warning, his mouth plunged into my neck. I gritted my teeth in pain, fumbling with one of the knives that I had smuggled from the kitchen, and quickly cut off my hair and rolling away.

  He looked at me, "Your blood... is nothing like I've ever tasted...! It's-It's delicious!!" His pupils went wide, and he ran at me again, strengthened by the taste of my blood. "More! I want more!! Give me more!!"

  He lunged again, with me weakened from his first attack, it was not hard for him to pin me down and push his lethally sharp fangs into my neck again. I shouted in pain, the knife skidding across the ground from the impact.

  I kicked and struggled away from him, but his grip was like steel, and I couldn't move away. My breathing began to quicken and I kicked him in the crotch, making him stop his drinking session.

  His grip loosened, and I took this chance to wrap my legs around his waist, flipping him around on the ground, my arm on his neck, holding him down. I brought the knife to my hand and pointed it at him. His eyes filled with fear, and he looked at me, suddenly realizing the situation he was in and he whimpered.

  I hesitated, for a second, and he took this chance to sink his teeth into my arm. I jumped, and he took this chance to kick me in the stomach, and hit the wall. I heard a painfully pop, and I knew I had dislocated a wing.

  Lying on the ground, in pain, I saw him stalk over, not before kicking my knife away. Blood -- my blood -- trailing from his lips. He pushed me up against the wall, and I winced in pain. He brought his mouth down on my neck, once more, until suddenly, someone emerged from around the corner.

  "HAZEL!" Amy yelled. He mumbled a curse and ran away, dropping me to the ground like a bag of bricks. Amy ran after the vampire, but Rory went over to me, but I quickly moved away. I said this Whitecoat wasn't going to touch me and I meant it.

  "He got away..." Amy growled and went to me. "Hazel are you okay?"

  "I'm fine," I muttered, although I really felt like shit. "Let's go find the Doctor..."

  I went to stand up, but two strong arms held me down. I hissed at him, but he didn't seem to care. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. I still need to check your injuries!"

  "Let go of me," I growled threateningly, pulling away. "Don't touch me."

  "Hazel, he just wants to help," Amy said, but I moved away from them, standing up by myself.

  "I'm fine," I said in a more firmer voice. I was very proud of myself that I was able to walk to the end of the alley before falling unconscious.


  I woke up with a start. I was in a small room, the Doctor standing in front of me, looking at a map. I saw Amy and Rory beside him along with some other man. They were talking but my hearing felt all garbled and I didn't even try to make out what they was saying

  The Doctor looked over his shoulder and at me, then turning around. He froze for a few seconds, but turned back, a large smile on his face, "You're awake!" He shouted.

  I winced, feeling a headache, "Shh... Shh," I murmured, rubbing my head.

  He went on his knees, and down at me, "Are you okay?!" He asked in a loud voice, again. "You lost so much blood, and you dislocated your--" he was promptly cut off by me slamming my finger on his mouth.

  "Sshhhh," I repeated, sitting up. "Just-just shhh."

  "Shh...?" He said, very confused.

  I gave him a small nod, "Shh..." I tried to sit up, but he pushed me back down gently.

  "No. You can't get up yet, you're still hurt," he warned, but I shook my head. I took a metal spatula that was lying beside me, quickly molding it into a knife and cut my arm lightly. "Wha-- no! Don't--" he was too late. I dripped some blood on my arm, rubbing it, and then into my mouth.

  "What... why? Is she a vampire now too?" Rory asked, and I rolled my eyes.

  "It has healing properties," I quickly explained, feeling much less sluggish. I felt my wings flutter gently, and I turned around rubbing it. He was right, I did locate my wings, but it wasn't that bad. "You did a good job setting it back," I nodded, stretching them a bit until I heard a satisfying pop.

  "Oh yeah," he nodded. "I did that--" not even hesitating, I took the nearest object, which happened to be a cork, and hit him directly in the head.

  "You let him touch me?!" I exclaimed, glaring at the Doctor.

  "He was the only nurse at the time," he defended.

  "And?! You're a doctor!"

  "I'm THE Doctor! There is a very reasonably sized difference between helping people and curing them!"

  "And what about my w

  "You were going to die!"

  "Then you should've let me! Not let him anywhere near me!!"

  The Doctor sighed, trying to calm himself down. "I was trying to help."

  I looked at him, his dull green eyes were brimming with regret. I sighed, "Fine. Fine, whatever. You did what you had to do." I turned to Rory, who had a small red bump growing on his head. "You are really lucky I didn't wake up while you were fixing me."

  "You didn't have to throw a cork at me," he mumbled.

  "Be happy I didn't throw the knife," the Doctor hit me on the arm for that comment. "What? I was being in the least bit kind." He glared again, and I sighed, turning the knife back into spatula. "What are you guys doing?"

  "Finding ways to infiltrate the creepy school of Vampires," Amy explained. "And save his daughter."

  "Okay, cool," I nodded. "And the one who attacked me?"

  "He got away," she frowned.

  I nodded, sniffing a bit. "If you're going to go in, you need to be really, really careful."

  "Why?" Amy frowned.

  "He drank my blood," I ran a hand through my hair. "There's a chance that he might turn out like me."

  "What, you mean, he'll spout wings?" Rory frowned and I gave him a short glare.

  "No. He could probably turn invisible or control metal or having healing blood or--" I paused, my eyes slowly widening. "Shit..."

  "What? What could happen?" The Doctor asked.

  I covered my face with my hands, "He could sing..." I sighed. "This is bad. This is really, really bad..."

  "I don't understand," the Man-who's-name-I-have-yet-to-learn spoke up. "What's wrong if he sings?"

  I ran a hand through hair. "I'm coming with you," I said, not answering his question.

  "No," the Doctor said, frustrated. "It's already bad Amy's going, I don't need you jumping in too. They'd smell your blood too easily."

  "Besides," Rory spoke up. "You're still hurt. If you go, you'd just get hurt more."

  "You don't understand," I said, my hands trembling slightly. "If he sings, if he sings just a single note, he could kill someone."

  The room went a deadly silent. "What do you mean?" The Doctor spoke up.


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