The Visitor_The Bell Tower 1873_1875

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The Visitor_The Bell Tower 1873_1875 Page 9

by Barbara Svetlick

  “How does your brother know?”

  “He has been keeping company with her attorney’s assistant who is quite anxious to share what she overhears. The attorney is worried that his involvement will fall under suspicion because of all the inquiries.”

  “Oh my. I just had tea with Catherine the other day when I was delivering an invitation to the Lady’s Auxiliary luncheon in April. Catherine advised me that she was booking passage to Jamaica to handle her father’s estate and didn’t know if she would be back in New York to attend.”

  “My goodness, wouldn’t the matrons just faint right away if she were detained after they invited her to join?”

  “I always thought she was very nice though very quiet.”

  “I think she marries them and waits for them to die. She only kept James on the side because we all know he always leaves you wanting more. I would walk naked through the opera if James agreed to lock me in his room for a week but the thought of being married to him makes me tingle all over.”

  “Eleanor!” They all broke into giggles as Mirisa smiled to herself and walked back to their theater box.

  Meeks looked up at her as she sat down next to him. “Something funny?”

  She suppressed a smile. “No, I just overheard some women talking about James.”

  “Complimentary I would guess.”

  “Oh, definitely complimentary.” She straightened out her dress as James and Garnett took their seats. Meeks had to laugh at the look on her face at just the thought of women talking about James’ sexual attributes.

  After the play they walked across the street and were shown to their regular table. As Mirisa crossed the room, she saw Louis standing at a table talking to several gentlemen. Louis nodded as their eyes met and she smiled but continued. Garnett didn’t acknowledge Louis who turned back to his conversation. The waiter brought over a bottle of wine and when James inquired who ordered it he pointed and they all turned to Mr. Sinclare who nodded. Mirisa walked away from the table and the entire room watched as she walked up to Mr. Sinclare who stood, took her hand and kissed it. She spoke to him a few minutes, thanked him for the wine and said she would see him on Friday.

  “I look forward to it.” He released her hand and Mirisa returned to the table as Meeks held out her chair. James had already explained who the young man was and that the only threat he posed was falling over his own feet fawning over her. Louis watched her and Garnett watched him. There was no way that their paths would not continue to cross especially since Louis had included them on his guest list and Mirisa had put him on the fundraiser list.

  The best Garnett could tell was that he had pursued a very pretty widow but had not married her despite her desire to wed. Garnett couldn’t determine the reason but the rumors were that she wanted a very lucrative marital agreement that bound him to the marriage for a minimum of ten years while allowing her to dissolve it within the first year.

  Mirisa touched James arm bringing his attention to her. “You’re no longer seeing Catherine?”

  “Why do you think that?”

  She narrowed her eyes and wondered why James would try to avoid her direct question. “Because I overheard several women saying that you broke off the relationship...”

  “And you believe everything you overhear?”

  “Well.” She sipped on her wine knowing she had obviously irritated James. “I guess if you believe I shouldn’t listen to them does that mean the fact that they said you were beyond phenomenal in bed was also just some silly rumor?”

  Garnett broke out laughing as Dominic shook his head. She was so good at playing the naïve little girl when she was in a playful mood. James smiled at her and wanted to just lean over and kiss her.

  “No, I believe that part was truthful.”

  “Then how do I determine which gossip is true and which is just gossip?”

  “It’s all true.”

  “Couldn’t you just say that?”

  “I don’t gossip.”

  “James the truth is not gossip.”

  “Darling, gossip is when you talk about other people behind their back whether the information is true or not.”

  Mirisa thought about it for a moment. “Oh, you are right. How come I’m not allowed to gossip?”

  “You just did.”

  “But are you going to continue to service her?”

  Garnett sat back as James leaned forward. “Mirisa, I don’t believe my exploits outside of the house should be a discussion in the middle of a restaurant.”

  “Would you much rather discuss the ones inside the house?”

  “I would much rather perform the ones in the house but thank you for at least gossiping about something that bolsters my ego.”

  “Your ego doesn’t need any help but I didn’t gossip I just repeated what someone else was gossiping about.”

  “Mirisa, repeating is spreading gossip.”

  “Then I shouldn’t ever tell anyone in explicit detail what you do to me when you lock the door on those days when everyone is conveniently detained at meetings?”

  “This is why women aren’t allowed in the Unit.”

  “Because we gossip?”

  “No because you cannot ever be serious.”

  They had a wonderful dinner before Dominic announced he was heading for the Club. James and Garnett decided to join him since they had had a very satisfying week.


  He was putting on his jacket as he gave her his attention. “Yes Mirisa?”

  “Did you know Catherine booked passage to Jamaica?”

  Mirisa watched the look on his face as Garnett and Dominic stopped a few feet away from the table and turned to her.

  “Is this gossip?”

  “It is. Catherine received an invitation to become part of the Ladies Auxiliary which I understand from Charisse is a very prestigious organization if you are intent on becoming part of New York society.” They all waited. “Anyway, the rumor is that the police found her husband shot down by the docks and that she denied it was her husband but when asked to the luncheon, Catherine said she was going to Jamaica and might not be back for the luncheon which is months away.”

  James leaned over and kissed her cheek before leaving.


  “Yes Mirisa.”

  “Thank you for everything you do to keep us safe.”

  James nodded. “That’s what I was hired to do.”

  THE FAMILY LEFT for the Manor House after breakfast on Thanksgiving and planned to only be there two days since there was a big gala on Saturday night. The weather was still warm during the height of the day but very cold at night. It was the first time she did absolutely nothing including making Matthew’s birthday cake. She had the cake served in the living room so Matthew could open his gifts. They gave him mostly clothes and books since he needed little else. The children made him a birthday card but the surprising thing was that Jonathan gave him a rough amethyst for Matthew’s amulet bag. Matthew looked at it, closed it in his hand and put it in the little pouch tucking it back under his shirt it. Mirisa had found a little amulet bag under the mattress of Maggie’s bed filled with many stones.

  After she put the children to bed, she changed into jeans and went downstairs. She sat on the couch between Garnett and James and curled her feet under her. They were talking about racehorses and who were the top breeders and trainers.

  “Is this going to cost a lot of money?”

  “Probably but we need to look over the stables.”

  “I thought you already did that the first time we were out here.”

  “We didn’t look at it as a training stable just as part of the Manor. Do you know if anyone is living in the stable?”

  “I don’t think so. They haven’t had a race horse here since right before my grandfather died. Most of the staff lives in the cottages on the other side of the pond except the downstairs maid who has her own suite in the house.”

  “Mirisa get your jacket and w
e’ll walk down.”


  “Might as well, we’re not doing anything else.” Meeks got up as Mirisa went upstairs to get her jacket. They asked the butler for a lantern so they could maneuver the paths. It was cold enough out that you could see your breath and the moon was full which made the walk easier. Dominic opened the large door and they stepped in leaving the door open. Meeks found the lanterns on the posts and shook them while James lit the heat pots. James closed the door and after a few minutes the fire started taking the crispness out of the air.

  They went through the stables which had four stalls down one side and three stalls and a well stocked equipment room on the other side. Mirisa sat on the railing of one of the stalls and watched them while they talked and climbed under and over things. She had been having strange dreams again and it unsettled her. Mirisa kept waking up in dark brick room and every time she tried to cross the room to the window she fell down a dark hole that seemed to be bottomless with a loud hollow ringing that drowned out her screams.

  Mirisa took off her jacket hanging it on the hook and was sipping on the bottle of whisky because they had obviously forgotten she was there. They finally turned and were walking toward her when James told Garnett to grab Mirisa before she fell but as he said it she went backwards into the stall.

  Garnett swung open the stall door and stepped in to find her on her back with her eyes closed and the bottle still in her hand. Garnett knelt down, took the bottle and asked her if she was hurt.

  Mirisa reached up wrapping her arms around Garnett bringing his lips down to her. Garnett didn’t resist as James stepped inside the stall and Meeks climbed up on the railing.

  Garnett sat up and asked her again if she was hurt. Mirisa got up on her elbows.

  “I don’t believe so.” She slipped her blouse off and handed it to Garnett.

  Garnett took it. “Mirisa, what are you doing?”

  “I have whisky all over me.” He looked over and the cap was on the bottle but the bottle was almost empty.

  “Mirisa, you don’t have whisky on you.” She unbuttoned her jeans and laid back lifting her hips as she slid them down trying to kick them off.

  “Garnett, pull them off please.”

  “Mirisa, you don’t have whisky on you but you obviously have an awful lot in you.” Meeks lit a cigar and just watched. She sat up again and tried to pull one leg of her jeans off but her toes were caught. The more she struggled the worse her foot was stuck. James watched her knowing all she had to do is point her foot to free it.

  “James, can you help me since Garnett won’t?”

  James took a drag on his cigar and smiled. Garnett reached down and untangled her foot allowing her to take them off. She was wearing a black silk camisole and black stockings with the newest style of black lace panties. She crossed over her arms and pulled the camisole top off and threw it aside.

  “Mirisa.” Mirisa looked up at her husband. “Do you plan on taking off everything?”

  “Not if you want to do it for me.” Mirisa laid back in the hay in just panties and stockings with her fingers locked above her head as she smiled at him. Garnett leaned back on the balls of his feet and took in his breath. Meeks thought that if ever there was a perfect pose that certainly would be it.

  “Mirisa darling, I think you are slightly drunk tonight.”

  “I’m not.” She sat back up and grabbed her toes as she put her chin on her knees. “I feel very good tonight. Do you think we can go find the rest of the chocolate cake because you are out of whisky?”

  “You’re going to get a cold if you don’t put your clothes back on.”

  “I think I need dry clothes.”

  Garnett reached over to get her camisole top because she had goosebumps on the goosebumps. When he turned around to slip it on her, Mirisa wrapped around Garnett kissing him passionately. “That one has whisky on it. Maybe you could take off your shirt and let me wear it.” She ran her fingers between the buttons on his shirt. “In fact, I think you just need to take it off because I love nothing better than touching you.”

  Mirisa ran her fingers along Garnett’s jeans and pulled him down as she fell back. He put both hands out to keep from falling and looked into her eyes. “Mirisa, I don’t think you really want to play with me in a stable filled with ropes.”

  “Why do you want ropes when I’ll give you whatever you want?”

  “Because you don’t give me what I want, I give you what you want.”

  “Isn’t it the same?”

  “Not even close sweetheart.”

  Mirisa sat up and looked at Garnett. “Then I’ll give you what you want.” Garnett stood up over Mirisa and reached down to help her up. “What do you want?”

  “I want you to get dressed before you catch a cold.”

  “You don’t love me?” Garnett looked at her and realized she was serious. He turned and looked at Meeks who slid off the railing. Mirisa leaned back and kissed her husband. “I know you love me.”

  “Mirisa you taste like chocolate and whisky.” James handed Meeks her blouse which he slid over her but when he tried to get her to put on her jeans she fell again. Meeks reached down and knew instantly that it was a mistake. Mirisa brought him down into the hay and rolled over on top of him. There was hay stuck to Mirisa’s hair as well as the bottom of her stockings. Meeks ran his hands up her legs and Mirisa smiled.

  “I taste better than chocolate and whisky.” Mirisa bent over her husband. “Much, much better.”

  She slid sideways off her husband sitting on the hay with her leg over his stomach. He was up on his elbows trying not to smile. If they could get her dressed before she passed out it would be an accomplishment because she was about 30 seconds away from keeling over. As he thought it, she fell backwards.

  “Is there anything left in the bottle because I think I need a drink before I carry her to bed?” Garnett handed it to Meeks helping to slip her jeans back on. Mirisa reached up and grabbed the front of Garnett’s shirt and pulled him over so she could kiss him.

  “Garnett, you didn’t answer my question.”

  “Mirisa, you know the answer.”

  She looked into his eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck whispering. “I want to hear you say it.”

  “Your husband is probably tired of other men telling you they love you.” Garnett tried to untangle himself and Mirisa rolled him over and sat up. He reached up and buttoned her jeans putting his hands to the side as if he were surrendering. Mirisa was very wobbly and her sight was blurry. She stuck out her bottom lip and Dominic rolled his eyes because she was going to get him to say it. James tried to keep a straight face but Meeks had to bite his cheek to stop from laughing.

  “Alright, I love you.”

  “Then you will have sex with me in the hay?”

  “Damn it Mirisa.”

  “Well you didn’t sound very sincere so I think you need to prove to me that I am better than those haughty women you lure off the dance floor.”

  Meeks reached down and pulled her up off of Garnett. He tried to hold her up as James slipped on her jacket and buttoned it up. Mirisa wrapped her arms around James neck and he told her that he would have sex with her in the hay, in the garden, on the steps, behind the piano or on the dining room table and he would do it in front of her husband or the maid if that made her happy and he would definitely lure her off the dance floor. She looked at Garnett who was brushing the hay out of his hair. “See, James loves me.”

  “Mirisa, can you walk?”

  “I don’t need to walk.” Mirisa reached down and unbuttoned her pants and started to pull them down. Garnett grabbed her hands and Meeks pulled them back up and buttoned them. Mirisa kissed her husband and he threw her over his shoulder. She reached back and grabbed James as he reached up and kissed her. Meeks hit her on the ass and told her to behave herself before he chastised James for encouraging her. They were rounding the pond when she tried to get down.

  “Can I have ch
ocolate cake when we get to the house?”


  She pulled herself up as she slid down while Meeks tried to hold onto her. “But I want to play tonight?”

  “If you don’t start behaving I am going to throw you in the pond.”

  “No you won’t.”

  “Mirisa, stop wiggling…”

  “You wouldn’t dare…”

  Meeks walked over to the edge of the water and dropped her in. Mirisa gasped for air as the cold slapped her. Her lip came out as James grabbed her hand and pulled her out. They were laughing so hard that they couldn’t talk until she started crying.

  Meeks took off her clothes handing them to James and wrapped his jacket around her picking her up. She put her head on his shoulder and kept crying. Meeks took her upstairs and dried her off before tucking her into bed where she immediately passed out.

  James left her clothes on the porch and went into the library for a new bottle of whisky and fresh cigar. “Well, if she remembers anything in the morning someone is going to pay for that but I must say Meeks it’s nice to know that you are still wearing the pants of the family. Anyone want to play cards?”

  They sat up for hours playing, laughing and drinking. Before James turned out the lantern next to his bed he hung her panties on the bedpost.

  Mirisa was standing in front of the French doors watching the snow fall lightly across the gardens. The ducks were fluffed up along the edge of the reeds and under the trees. She had her hands wrapped around the cup as she sipped her coffee.


  “Yes darling.”

  “Come back to bed.”

  “Did you throw me in the pond last night?”

  Meeks sat up and thought about his answer for a moment. Mirisa knew he was measuring how to respond. “Yes.”

  “Was I bad or did I do something to upset you?”

  “You were drunk and challenged me.” Meeks put the pillow behind his head and reached for a cigar. “But it was inexcusable since you could have gotten very sick. Are you going to come back to bed so I can apologize?”

  “No, that’s how Dominic used to apologize. You’ve never done anything that requires that type of an apology.”


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