Lies in Love

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Lies in Love Page 3

by Ava Wood

  Landon pulled the picture in front of him and studied her. Her oval face was framed with her beautiful long locks. She was smiling, and it created the faintest crinkle at the top of her slightly upturned nose. It was absolutely beautiful. “This is her?”

  “Yes.” Camey’s voice had grown much softer since he arrived. “Will you need directions?”

  “No, I’m pretty familiar with the place.” Landon decided the challenge might be fun. At least he got to stare at a cute girl for an hour or so. “What time Friday?”

  “We usually arrive around ten. It gives us a little bit of time to unwind after work.” Camey stopped speaking when Landon raised his hand to her.

  “Got it.” He slid a paper across the table before continuing. “These are my rates. I figure two hours should cut it.” The Hispanic watched him derisively. What is with her?

  “Here’s enough for the night.” Camey slid an envelope across the table. “I’m an eternal optimist.”

  “Can you take a check for the extra thousand?” The cute little blonde eagerly pulled her wallet from her purse and opened it.

  “That’s not necessary.” Landon gently closed the lid on her checkbook and eased it closer to her, urging her to put it away. The money could be useful for his father, but he felt guilty accepting it. He had a feeling he would rather enjoy this conquest. “This will be fine.” He held up the envelope with Talia’s picture hidden beneath it. “I’ll see you ladies Friday.” He prepared to leave, turning away from the table, when he felt Camey’s hand grasp his.

  “Please don’t tell her. This has to be a secret.”

  Landon pinched his fingers together and slid them across his lips before mimicking a locking motion. “Your secret is safe with me. It’s what I do.” He slid his leather jacket back on, placing the envelope and photo in his inside pocket. “Friday.” He smiled and walked out, zipping his jacket and pushing his hands back in his gloves. He climbed back on his Harley and strapped on his helmet, then began the trip back downtown.

  The late winter wind whipped around him as he pulled into traffic. His mind was racing, making the ride back more dangerous now that the streets were bustling with cars racing home from their workday. He needed to focus on the road ahead, to live in the adrenaline rush he felt every time the motor roared beneath him. The chilly sting against his face built so many sensations in him that he lost track of where he was going, relying solely on instinct.

  Before he knew it, he was back at his contemporary apartment building, pulling his bike into the parking garage. He backed into his stall, removing his helmet to tuck it under his arm, and took the stairs two at a time to the main floor of the building. Several women stopped on the marble tile to stare as he moved through the lobby. He was accustomed to those stares and the constant ogling. He could almost enjoy it if it weren’t for the fact that he had no desire to be tied down. If only they knew what he was, he could act on their desires.

  He took the elevator up to the fourth floor and entered his apartment, now lively with the sounds of basketball playing on the television. The place was ultra-modern with its sleek appliances and light fixtures. The furniture was a mix of blacks and browns put together by three eternal bachelors. All of the furnishings were upscale, but there was no set style to the place. Brent, one of his roommates and a fellow escort, was relaxing on the couch, his short black hair showing just above the black leather. Landon dropped his helmet on the kitchen counter and began taking off his riding gloves and jacket when Ethan, the other, more easy-going roommate, entered sans shirt.

  “Where you been, man? I was just about to hit the gym. Wanted to see if you wanted to come with.”

  “I had a meeting for a job.” Landon clutched his jacket and gloves in his hand when a smirk filled his face as he recalled what he’d been asked. “Some girls wanted to hire me to seduce their friend.” He chuckled at the hilarity of it. He’d been hired for all sorts of freakishly kinky tasks, but never to seduce an unknowing party. What would the guys think when they found out he took the job?

  “What?” Ethan laughed, pulling a white tank top over his head.

  “They said she’s been out of the game for a while and they want me to improve her mood.” He snickered.

  “You’re kidding.” Brent stood from the couch, joining the conversation. He was always so cynical within the walls of the apartment, but he had an amazing charm with women. “Who do they think we are?”

  “Yeah, it was pretty crazy.” Landon ran his hand through his hair, momentarily stalling the reaction to what he said next. “This all goes down Friday.”

  “You’re kidding. You took the job?” Ethan slapped Landon on the back, laughing before he slipped on his tennis shoes.

  “That’s not a good idea, man. This type of thing never ends well.” Brent glowered at Landon. “You’re treading a fine line here.”

  “Nah, it’s cool. I think it’ll be fun.” Landon placed his jacket on the nearest barstool to dig out the photo of Talia he’d snatched from the table at the coffee shop. “The girl’s pretty cute, too.” He tried to ignore the menacing glare Brent was tossing his direction.

  Ethan snatched the photo from his hand, still laughing when Brent declared, “You don’t know what you’re getting into, Landon. Trust me on this.” He didn’t attempt to view the photo. Something had him strangely unsettled with Landon’s decision.

  “You know I’m always up for a challenge.” Landon took the photo back from Ethan and gathered his things from the stool. Without offering a single glance toward Brent, he turned to Ethan. “I think I’ll join you in the gym. I could use a little distraction.” He walked away, retreating to his room to change.

  Chapter 2

  Win You Over

  It was another Friday night, another night when Talia dressed up just enough to appease her nagging friends. Tonight’s ensemble consisted of her oldest pair of stone-washed skinny jeans, a black short-sleeve tunic belted at the waist, and her most comfortable pair of ass-kicking slouch boots complete with chains above the ankle. When she heard the girls honk outside, she harrumphed while adding a leather cuff on each wrist, and trudged downstairs. This ritual had become torturous and aggravating, but Talia continued to go along with her friends knowing she wasn’t the easiest person to live with as of late and, if she didn’t mollify them somehow, she might lose them forever.

  She had to figure out how to be enough for them while finally forgiving herself for what Mason did. He had played her and she never saw it coming. She couldn’t allow herself to be blinded that way again. Men weren’t worth the effort. Her mother always said the only thing they were good for was sex and money. Maybe she should adopt that mindset as well.

  While Talia opened the car door, Reina questioned, “Mami, what took you so long? Wade’s shift started fifteen minutes ago.”

  “Yeah, it’s not like you were trying to look good,” Sara nagged from the driver’s seat, seeming more sardonic this evening.

  Feeling even worse for not making an effort to placate her friends, Talia fell into the backseat next to Camey. “I’m here, Sara. Let that be enough.” She wouldn’t apologize for who she was. This was who she had to be now whether her sister liked it or not.

  “You look nice,” Camey fumbled with a smile plastered on her face. She was clearly lying.

  Talia rolled her eyes. “Thanks.” She looked forward, finding her sister ogling her in the rearview mirror. “Can we go now, Sara?”

  “Whatever.” Sara pulled from the alleyway and drove the girls to the club.

  Everyone seemed on edge this evening. Reina refrained from making snitty remarks and Camey sat wringing her hands in her lap, not her usual bubbly self. And what is with Sara’s pissy attitude? Talia wondered what happened to the overly concerned sister who constantly found herself face first in all of Talia’s business. Whatever the reasoning, Talia basked in the quiet, silently preparing for the assaulting noise of the club that would soon attack her every sense. She inwardly con
templated how much longer she could tolerate the weekly visits to Satin. She needed a way to pacify her friends so she wouldn’t be subjected to this torture week after week.

  As they neared downtown, Camey began primping next to her, checking her makeup and hair in her compact. Talia wondered if Camey had any idea what she was doing all the grooming for, if she had a clue what a waste of time men were. Talia knew she was better off without the hassle. It was the sex that she missed the most, but if nuns could go their entire life without it, she’d certainly find a way.

  Sara finally pulled up in front of Satin, it’s Greek façade glowing brighter than the stars in the night sky. A line of people gathered outside its opulent wooden doors, shadowed by the lights of the club behind them as the valet, in his white Polo shirt, hopped to action to open their doors before whisking the car away. Talia walked reverently to the bouncer, Lenny, who instantly let them in. The pungent smell of sweat with undertones of alcohol immediately assailed her when she walked in the door. The odor caused her to roll her eyes as the strobing lights sporadically lit the room.

  Squeezing through bodies of movement, she made her way to the bar, where Wade quickly served her the usual, vodka martini with a single olive and lemon wedge, then she made her way to the second floor to grab a table near the back of the balcony where she hoped she’d be hidden amongst the shadows. The table conveniently overlooked the dance floor below and Talia scanned the crowd to find her friends suggestively dancing while various men of questionable intentions circled round. From the look in their eyes, she assumed they had one thing on their mind and Camey was most likely the only one who would be giving it up this evening, or any evening for that matter. She enjoyed sharing her time with men; it was just that one man didn’t appeal to her enough to enjoy only him.

  Tired of the scandalous scene below, Talia turned her attentions to the tables around her. Several couples animatedly strained to communicate amidst the noise, a limited amount of random words reaching her ears. She noticed the occasional male leaning against the balcony’s glass railing looking her way, but she was quick to scowl in their direction, prompting them to change their line of vision.

  She continued her pairing of scanning the dance floor for her friends and surveying the tables when she noticed a tall, broad-shouldered man dressed in a crisp, gray, long-sleeve shirt and pressed black slacks smiling widely in her direction. She produced her standard scowl, but it seemed to trigger his approach.

  “Shit.” Talia struggled for an angrier, more menacing glare as he neared, but he continued on. In that moment, she wished smoke would pour out of her ears or fire from her nostrils. She would have to practice her mean look when she got home, because she didn’t have the desired effect on him she was aiming for. This man was beyond good-looking and she immediately knew he would be nothing but trouble. When he was standing just inches from her table she turned to look back at the dance floor, eager to signal for help, but her friends had disappeared.

  “Hi.” His voice was deep and raspy, enveloping her just as much as his woodsy cologne did. Everything about him spelled trouble.

  Talia looked up at him to find his sapphire eyes intensely searching hers.

  “I noticed you were alone. Mind if I sit down?”

  He‘s a forward bastard. “I’d rather you didn’t.” Talia returned to searching the dance floor, but the girls were nowhere. She heard the faint scratching of the opposing chair’s legs across the balcony’s floor then felt a slight breeze as the obstinate man took a seat. She looked back at him; his gaze was still intent on her. “You really can’t take a hint can you?”

  “My feet are tired, Petal.” His cocky grin marred his face. It wasn’t the most attractive look for him, although with it he was still better looking than three quarters of the men in the club.

  Talia pushed away from the table, crossing her arms in front of her, sulking.

  “My name’s Landon,” he offered over the blaring music. “Do you come here often?”

  Talia refused to look in his direction, but she was certain he could see her rolling her eyes. She wondered why he chose her to harass this evening. Is he looking for a challenge? She decided if that was the case she’d give him more than he bargained for. She resolved to make certain he was the one walking away when this was all said and done. She turned back to look at him, the anger forming in the corner of her eyes as she took a sip of her martini.

  When the music changed, Landon yelled, “I love this song. Want to dance?”

  Talia looked him directly in the eye and took another drink of her martini. She refused to say a word in reply to his request. She hoped if she stared long enough he would finally get the hint and walk away.

  Unfortunately, his response was less than gratifying. His face erupted in a full-out, beautiful, teeth-baring smile and a chuckle quickly followed. “Would you like another?”

  Talia looked at her glass to find she’d emptied it with her last swig. Fully irritated, she rolled her eyes once more. She was dying for another drink but she refused to relinquish her seat simply because he was infuriating her.

  “I could use a drink myself.” And with those words, a waitress magically appeared.

  Talia wondered if he had some sort of alcoholic, psychic connection with the staff.

  “I’ll have whatever’s on tap and, Petal, what would you like?” He halted the waitress for her response.

  Grinding her teeth, Talia growled, “A vodka martini with a slice of lemon.” She watched the waitress turn to leave, but was suddenly stricken with an idea. If he was buying, she was going to make this torment just a tad more tolerable. She reached for the waitress’s arm to stop her. “Make that two vodka martinis, please.”

  The waitress nodded and hurried away to the bar.

  “So, what do you do, Petal?”

  “Why do you insist on calling me that?” Landon’s pet name was grating on her nerves.

  “You don’t like the name Petal?” That evil smirk of his resurfaced.

  “Not especially.” She caught herself chewing on the inside of her lip.

  “What do you like?”

  “I’m not playing this game with you.” She wrung her hands under the table and continued. “I don’t know what you’re after, buddy, but I’m not interested. I neither want nor need a man in my life and I’d appreciate it if you’d take a hint and get lost.”

  As if on Landon’s cue, the waitress returned with their drinks. She placed them on the table and, as soon as Landon paid her, hurried away. Landon raised his glass to Talia, paused in expectance, and then took a drink when she didn’t mimic his action.

  “Thank you for the drinks, now could you please leave?” Talia tried to show a minuscule amount of civility.

  “I’d rather not.” He paused to take a drink of his beer and began his inquisition again. “So what is your affliction with men? What about us makes us so repulsive?”

  She leaned across the table and furrowed her brow to chide, “For starters, you always think with the wrong head.” Talia watched as he clearly feigned resentment. “Besides, relationships are a waste of time. They are just a poor excuse for dependent people to find someone else to rely on when they can’t stand on their own two feet. I have no need to rely on anyone but myself.”


  Landon didn’t say anything else, which surprised her. He didn’t have some witty rebuttal or a reason why she was wrong, just wow. She knew she wasn’t getting off that easy. “So as you can see, I don’t need you to come over here and do, whatever this is. Thank you for the drink but you’re more than welcome to leave.”

  “What if I don’t want to leave?” His voice sounded sincere. It scared Talia to death.

  “Why would you want to stay? I’m clearly not up for whatever you’re looking for. You’re wasting your time.” She suddenly felt sweat form on her hands and she couldn’t make herself look him in the eyes any longer.

  “Believe it or not, I’m enjoying your company
. I want to get to know you, if for no other reason than because you intrigue me.”

  Talia flushed. He was wearing down her resolve and she couldn’t stand it. She hated that she’d said as much as she had. He had no right knowing those things about her. During a pregnant pause between them, Camey arrived. An exceedingly pleasant smile was plastered on her face.

  “Hey, Talia, who’s this?” She only turned to glance at Landon briefly, his charms evidently not affecting her.

  “No one,” Talia muttered, hardly loud enough for Camey to hear. “It’s late and we have a big day tomorrow so I think I’m going to go.”

  “But it’s still early. I don’t think Sara’s ready yet.” Camey gave Landon an inquisitive gaze before looking back at Talia.

  “It’s okay. I’ll catch a cab.” Talia moved to stand but Camey’s response stalled her.

  “Wait, I’ll go with you. Just let me get the girls.”

  “No, you guys stay. I’m sure Reina hasn’t gotten her fill of Wade just yet. I’ll head home alone.”

  “Absolutely not. I’ll go with you. Just let me tell the girls we’re leaving. I’ll make sure Sara doesn’t leave Reina here alone.” Camey’s eyes flashed to Landon and then back to Talia. “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be right back.”

  She didn’t give Talia a chance to respond as she raced back downstairs, leaving Talia to endure a couple more minutes of Landon’s company. Feeling her resolve had returned, she sat up a little straighter in her chair and stared him down.

  “You’re really going to leave?” Landon looked offended.

  “There’s no reason to stay. The conversation was lackluster at best.”

  “You’re intimidated by me.” He wasn’t asking.

  “I’m not.” Talia quickly turned away, knowing in that moment there was no hiding the truth from him. He knew what she was about and it scared the shit out of her.

  “You are.” He scratched his hand across the stubble on his jaw. “You’re trying to hide from something and you’re afraid I might unravel what’s hidden beneath this persona you’ve built.”


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