Lies in Love

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Lies in Love Page 6

by Ava Wood

  “Table for one?” She batted her eyes as she flirtatiously thrust her breasts closer.

  On any other night, Landon would have flirted back, but tonight he was focusing all of his energy on Talia and getting her into his bed. “Actually, I’m meeting someone.” He watched the hostess’ shoulders fall as she withdrew from him and reached for the menus.

  “Right this way.”

  She led him to a booth in clear view of the front door, but just out of sight of the hostess’ station. He was certain it was strategic on her part, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. Taking the menu she dropped in front of him, he focused on it until she was no longer in his peripheral.

  A soft breeze swept over his table and he found himself anxious, checking to see if Talia had arrived. He was disappointed to find another couple entering, but he quietly chided himself, remembering he’d arrived nearly half an hour early for their date. He spent the next thirty minutes looking from his menu to the front door and back again, trying to calm the quiet anticipation he felt. Not one minute early, Talia finally sauntered through the door. Her hair was blowing around her as the winter wind followed her through the door. Her cheeks were pink from being kissed by the wind and he realized he wanted to cause her skin to flush like that. He wanted to be the reason her hair was a mess all around her. And he pondered what she was wearing. Whatever it was, he found that take-charge façade sexy as hell.

  While shaking his head trying to clear his thoughts, he began wiping his hands on his napkin and rose when Talia approached the table. “Good evening, Petal.”

  She rolled her eyes, but smiled faintly at his remark and took a seat.

  “How was your day?” His eyes looked over her brown camisole, briefly hovering on the even rise and fall of her chest framed by the slightest bit of lace. He planned to enjoy every minute of this evening.

  “Fine.” Talia’s voice was soft and empty while she looked anywhere but at Landon. “Thank you.”

  A silence fell between them and the thoughts of her moaning his name came creeping back in. The fidgeting of Talia’s hands on the table caught his attention and he cleared his throat to say, “Thank you for coming.” He forced his eyes to smolder when she looked to his face. She grimaced in response, however, and it caught him off-guard. The pliable woman he’d convinced himself he was meeting wasn’t sitting before him, or maybe she was better at this game than he realized. “Is everything okay, Petal?” He had to get her talking.

  “It’s Talia.”

  He was taken aback by her reply. “What was that?”

  “My name … it’s Talia Byrne.”

  “A beautiful name for a beautiful woman.”

  “Really? You’re going to use that line?” Talia’s voice grew indignant.

  “It’s not a line. Look…” Landon suddenly was tongue tied. The cockiness he felt just moments before had quickly faded at the realization that he’d completely read the situation wrong. Genuinely frustrated, he grunted and mumbled, “Why can’t I win with you?”

  Talia’s eyes shot open in response. She must have heard him. “I didn’t realize this was a game.” She inched toward the edge of the booth, looking rather offended.

  “It’s not, it’s just…”

  “This was a mistake.” She rose from the booth, only stopping when his hand took hers.

  “Talia, wait.”

  She looked down at his hand, her eyes softer than before.

  He let go before imploring, “Please don’t go.”

  When she’d reclaimed her seat across from him, he tried again, “I’m sorry, Talia. I don’t usually do this sort of thing, so help me out, okay?”

  “I don’t understand. This was your idea, you know.” She locked eyes with him skeptically. He couldn’t read her like other women and it was overwhelming. “Why did you even push for this pointless date?”

  Landon ran his hand through his hair. “Because there’s something about you that … I don’t know. I just want to know you.”

  “Right, because every guy just loves eternally pissed-off females.” Talia rolled her eyes again.

  “I like your spunk. You’re not afraid to be who you are and it’s … refreshing.”

  Talia suddenly looked confounded by Landon’s explanation.

  When she didn’t speak, he continued, “You know, you don’t have to be eternally pissed off. It’s okay to have fun every once in a while.”

  “I can have fun; I just choose not to have said fun in the company of men. In the past, it has gotten me nowhere.”

  Holy shit. Landon instantly recognized the cause of her hostility. Some idiot must have ripped her heart out. “Not all men are the same. I’m not the guy that did this to you.”

  “Did what to me? Who says this has anything to do with a man? Maybe I’m a lesbian.”

  Landon chuckled. “No, I’m not buying that for a second.”

  Talia smirked. “You’re right, but that doesn’t mean I am interested in any sort of relationship with a man. I have no intention of ever going there again.”

  “Why are you so against relationships?” The thought of another man hurting her had his blood boiling until he realized the hypocrisy of it all. He was the epitome of anti-relationship, but for some reason, that didn’t matter with her.

  Talia shook her head and began looking out the window. He could tell she didn’t want to talk about it, but he had to get past this wall she’d created. He needed to be the wrecking ball that broke through and set her free.

  “Talia.” Dropping his guard even further, he reached across the table to still her fidgeting fingers and began stroking his thumb across the back of her hand. “I’m not the guy that did this to you, but I’d like to try to help you forget what happened.” She slowly began to pull away again, breaking their contact. He couldn’t let her retreat within herself, not now. “I’m not asking for a commitment. All I ask is that you give me a chance so we can see where this leads.”

  “I won’t do a commitment. They are stupid and pointless and I’m…” she paused briefly, biting on her bottom lip. “Someone in the relationship ends up not being enough. Someone always has to change.” She dropped her head, wringing her hands in front of her. “People shouldn’t just confess their undying love only to turn around and betray them, you know?” When she’d finished speaking, her gaze returned to him, her fury pouring from her.

  “I understand. Really, I do. I watched that very thing being done to my father and I vowed to never feel the way he does now. I just won’t do it.”

  “Then why are we sitting here? Why are we wasting our time on this?”

  Such a valid question, but he had no idea how to answer. “I don’t know. You’re different.”

  “You don’t even know me.”

  “That’s why we’re here, isn’t it? I keep telling you that I want to get to know you. I’m not even asking for a second date. I’m just asking for right now.” He couldn’t stand the thought of her walking away from him again. He had to find a way to win her over. “Just from the few times I’ve been around you I can tell you’re not like any other woman I’ve ever known. You’re realistic and a tad cynical, but I like that. You don’t have any misconceptions of what this world has to offer.”

  In that moment, she seemed to relax. Her back didn’t seem so stiff and her hands weren’t clenched in front of her. The corners of her eyes weren’t so tight and she was finally looking at him, really looking at him. “I don’t have misconceptions, but I have doubts. I know the only person I can really trust is myself, but maybe I could try to be less contemptuous.” She stifled a laugh. “How do you do that?”

  “Do what?”

  “How do you get under my skin so easily? How do you make me want to care?”

  “I could ask you the same question. Ever since I met you, everything’s changed.”

  Talia nodded and smiled at him.

  Landon took it as an opening and the two spent the better part of the evening talking about their li
kes and dislikes as well as sharing a few embarrassing moments from their past for a good laugh. When the diner was empty and their waitress began drawing the blinds on the place, Landon grasped the lateness of the hour. “Wow, we shut this place down.” He had her smiling again. She had an amazing smile. Her lips plumped just right against her beautifully straight teeth and her eyes sparkled with sincerity. He wanted to keep making her glow like that as long as possible. “Thank you for agreeing to come out tonight. I know it was the last thing you wanted.”

  “I actually had a good time.” Her cheeks flushed when she spoke. “I suppose it wouldn’t be so bad seeing you again.”

  “I’m a pretty loveable guy once you get to know me.” He raised his eyebrows lightheartedly as he tried to bury the laughter that was bubbling up from inside. Knowing the agreement they’d made before their date, he hadn’t held his breath for another chance like this, but he started to think this wouldn’t be it for them after all.

  “You’re a pretty cocky guy,” she chuckled, then added, “but this was fun.” A tiny half smile emerged and they rose from the booth, Landon grabbing his jacket as they stood. “Thanks for making me go out with you.”

  “Thanks for coming.” He longed to reach out to her again, to feel her delicate skin beneath his, but they walked to the door mere inches apart, never touching. He opened the door for her to exit, and the cold wind bit at them in the nippy spring night. He instantly wrapped his jacket around her shoulders as they stepped out into the chill. The angry wind began whipping at his sleeves, but he didn’t care as long as she was warm. “I had a great time, Petal.”

  Talia playfully swatted Landon’s arm and laughed. “You and that name. You’ll have to tell me where you got it one day.”

  “One day.”

  “Well, I guess you know where to find me.”

  “That I do.” Landon leaned in and gently kissed Talia’s cheek, her hair and her fragrance wrapping around him as it danced in the breeze. “Good night, Talia.”

  “Good night.” She handed him his jacket before she walked away and he shrugged it on, inhaling her freesia scent on his collar.

  He walked to the edge of the building and turned around to watch her walk away, seeing her climb inside of her station wagon then drive off. He didn’t move from his spot until he could no longer see her taillights in the distance. His motorcycle was parked next to a glowing light post and his helmet hung from its rearview mirror. When his helmet was in place, he hopped on his Harley, zipping his leather jacket around him before pulling away.

  Landon pounded away at the speed bag, trying to work off his frustrations. The date with Talia had been great, but that was the problem. He couldn’t get involved with her, not with his life up in the air. He wasn’t sure he wanted to continue to be an escort, but he knew Talia would never go for sharing her boyfriend, if that’s where things led.

  He shook his head. He shouldn’t have been thinking of her that way. Their date had been amazing, but he didn’t do relationships. He just needed one night with her, one night to prove that this was nothing more than sexual attraction. He slammed his fist into the speed bag even harder until he could no longer keep it under control. Sitting down on the weight bench behind him, he dropped his head in his hands. “What the fuck is wrong with me?” He grabbed his towel from the bench behind him to wipe the dripping sweat from his bare chest then gripped his hair tight, inciting slight pain. Sitting unmoving, he heard the gym door open.

  “Hey, man. Quincy just called for you. He’s got a job and he wants you to call him back ASAP.”

  Landon looked up at the mirrored wall where he saw Ethan’s inquisitive gaze studying him.

  “Everything okay, man?” Ethan cautiously stepped closer, but stopped when Landon stood.

  “Just catching my breath.” Landon headed for the door, not looking at Ethan as he passed.

  Ethan’s gentle voice paused his exit. “For real, man, are you okay?”

  Landon turned his head and smirked at Ethan. “Quit being such a girl.” He hated saying it, because he knew Ethan was just looking out for him, but he couldn’t bring himself to talk about Talia now, maybe never. He couldn’t let her continue to muddy his brain. He needed to take a job and fast, prove it was nothing but sexual frustration driving his thoughts.

  He took the stairs two at a time to the fourth floor, avoiding the usual ogling women of the complex, and returned to his apartment.

  Brent was roaming around the apartment, decked out in a smoke-blue suit and silver tie, undoubtedly on his way out for a job. “I think I heard your cell phone ringing a few minutes ago.” Brent gave Landon a sideways glance before leaving the apartment.

  Landon knew what Brent was thinking, always judging. It wasn’t like him to leave his phone behind, but he was determined to clear his head and he didn’t need the distraction it created. He wandered to his room in search of his cell and found it lying on the bed with the notification’s light flashing. Hitting the home button, he found the readout showed one missed call from Quincy. It was rare for Quincy to call his cell, but after taking a few days, Landon knew Quincy must have been thinking the worst. He quickly dialed his number and waited to hear him on the other end of the line.

  “Hey, kid, you avoiding me?” Landon heard Quincy take a drag from his cigarette through the phone.

  “Not at all.” He was trying for genuine, but he feared his voice came off agitated. “I went to the gym and I must have forgotten my cell. What’s up?”

  Quincy softly groaned; Landon assumed he wasn’t meant to hear it. “I’ve got a lady that wants to meet you something fierce, kid. I tried to pawn her off on Ethan last week, but it was a no-go. She wants you. You up for it?” Landon could tell Quincy was treading softly. Quincy always tried to be respectful of the guys if they needed space.

  “Sure, Quincy. I told you I just needed a few days. It’s not a problem. Just text me the details.”

  “You sure, kid? You haven’t been … well … you lately.”

  “It’s fine, Quincy. I got this. Thanks, man.”

  “Yeah.” Quincy said nothing more and the line went dead.

  Moments later, Landon’s phone chirped with the details from Quincy. He scrolled through the information, recognizing the hotel bar they were meeting in. He knew the drill. She gets a few drinks in her to loosen up and then they head upstairs to seal the deal. He kept scrolling to find the date and time. Friday at 8PM. And she paid for the entire night. “Shit.” Landon worried what Talia would think when he didn’t show at Satin on Friday, then he froze. Why was she even a constant concern to him? Damn, I need to get laid. Annoyed, Landon traded his gym shoes for his running shoes, shrugged on a shirt, grabbed his IPhone and ear buds, and headed out for a run. Some fresh air was bound to do him good.

  The moment Camey walked through the back door of the shop into the workroom, Sara yanked her into the cooler.

  “Holy shit, have you talked to my sister?” Sara was excessively animated.

  “You know I haven’t, I just walked in the door.”

  Sara poked her head out of the cooler briefly before shutting the door behind her.

  “What’s going on, Sara? Is she on another rampage?”

  Sara shook her head ecstatically. “The old Talia is back.” She couldn’t contain the smile on her face. “I was actually late this morning, but she didn’t rip me a new one. She actually asked if I was okay. And she hasn’t barked orders at me once.”

  Camey furrowed her brow. “What could have changed? Did she land a new client or something?”

  Again Sara shook her head. “I don’t know. She hasn’t mentioned any new clients, but I just don’t know.”

  “Well whatever it is, let’s be grateful and in the meantime we should get to work before we force old Talia to resurface.”

  “Good idea.” Sara grabbed a handful of stephanotis and they both returned to the workroom.

  “Hey, Camey.”

  Camey jumped at the sound of Ta
lia’s voice coming from behind her. She turned to find Talia smiling brightly.

  “Did you have a good day yesterday?”

  Camey stared in confusion, then finally remembered to answer. “It was good.” She looked behind her briefly for Sara, but she must have returned to the front room of the shop.

  “We’re light on orders for the next couple of days so I was wondering if you’d mind doing a little work on the website today. Maybe spruce it up with some of our spring and summer arrangements. What do you think?”

  Camey lifted her jaw from the floor to answer. “That sounds great. Do you want me to wait until this afternoon to begin?”

  “Whenever’s fine. No hurry.” Talia whirled around, grabbing a simple bouquet as she went and then called over her shoulder, “I put several of our more current spring and summer collections on the desktop for you to choose from. Use what you like.”

  Camey stared after her as she practically danced away. This definitely wasn’t the Talia they left at the club a couple of nights ago. Something had changed her and whatever it was, Camey was very glad to see it.

  Talia had been walking on air all week. Her date with Landon was still a crystal-clear memory in her mind that fed her fervor. The girls had been pestering her for days over what brought on the change in her attitude. They wanted to know what to attribute her jubilance to, most likely wanting to be prepared for the next time things fell apart. They were realists and she knew they were all just waiting for the proverbial shit to hit the fan. She refused to let them know that a single night out with a man she barely knew had caused this change. She wasn’t certain that any of the girls were really over her breakup with Mason just yet, fearing they might all secretly side with him since she never told them the real reason she broke things off. She worried what they would think if they knew she was seeing someone new, someone she barely knew anything about, but for some reason felt she could trust. Talia hoped she wasn’t putting too much faith in this wickedly handsome stranger.


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