ARE YOU THE ONE?: A Lesbian Romance

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ARE YOU THE ONE?: A Lesbian Romance Page 5

by Lydia Rose

  Brielle put her arms around Meg. “I’m not here to break up with you.”

  Meg choked out a moan.

  “I’m sorry about what happened with us that night.” Brielle turned her back. “I was so embarrassed that I lost control with you.” Brielle turned when she felt Meg’s hand on her shoulder. “Can you forgive me?”

  “There is nothing to forgive. I lost control with you, too. I couldn’t get enough of you that night.” Meg sighed, “You have nothing to apologize for.” A tear escaped her eye. Meg cried against her as Brielle rubbed her back and allowed Meg to gain control again.

  Once Meg stopped crying, Brielle asked, “Do you feel better now?”

  Meg nodded. “Yes,” she said looking at Brielle.

  “Why don’t you go wash your face and I’ll set up breakfast for us?” Brielle pushed Meg toward the bathroom.

  Meg washed her face and looked at herself in the mirror. She wore a smile without even realizing it was there. Her eyes showed the love she had for the woman who was in the next room. She knew she would have been devastated if Brielle left her and she was going to do everything in her power to make sure that didn’t happen. She walked into the kitchen and saw Brielle sitting at the table drinking her coffee. Meg joined her.

  “What do you want to do today?” Brielle asked with a smile.

  Knowing staying in the apartment with Brielle was not an option, she suggested, “How about a museum?”

  Brielle smiled. “Sure.”

  They finished their breakfast and Meg went into the bedroom to get changed.

  Brielle sat in the living room knowing that leaving Meg wasn’t an option. She couldn’t reject Meg like all those other women did, but could she be strong enough to be the woman that Meg needed.

  The two women walked through the museum, walking close enough that you knew they were together, but never touching. As Brielle stopped to admire a painting, Meg moved closer than they had been all day.

  “She’s very beautiful,” Meg said looking at the woman in the picture. “Almost as beautiful as you.”

  Brielle swallowed hard as she felt the blood rush to her lower extremities. She unconsciously moved away from Meg. Her actions weren’t missed by Meg who moved closer again.

  “Are you afraid of me, Bri?”

  Brielle shook her head from side to side, but the word that came out was a resounding, “Yes.”

  Meg slipped her arm through Brielle’s and led her over to a bench. “Why are you afraid?”

  “Because of what you’re capable of doing to me with just the sound of your voice.”

  Meg looked at Brielle’s face and then glanced around the room. Her lips captured Brielle’s mouth for just a moment. As she moved away, she said, “You do the same thing to me, Bri.”

  “We’re like nitroglycerine together, ready to go off at any moment.” Brielle said, trying to laugh off her arousal.

  The two women got up and continued to walk around the museum, but neither one really seeing the beautiful artwork.

  Lunch was filled with long loving looks at one another and the conversation stayed light. As the cab pulled up to Meg’s apartment, Brielle stepped out of the cab with her.

  “I’ll be right back,” Brielle said to the cabdriver.

  Meg went to the door and opened the lock. “Will you come upstairs?” she asked seeing the cab still at the curb.

  “Not tonight,” Brielle said looking at her shoes.

  “Okay. I’ll let you get away with this tonight, but tomorrow evening you’re coming to dinner.”

  Brielle nodded and walked back to the cab.


  Meg picked up the phone Monday morning only to find Brooke calling her. “Lunch?” Brooke asked.

  “What time?” Meg asked, needing a distraction from her thoughts about Brielle.

  “Noon at the café.”

  “See you there,” Meg said smiling.

  Meg waited at the table for Brooke to arrive. As she saw her walk into the café she smiled.

  “Sorry I’m late,” Brooke said kissing Meg’s cheek.

  “It’s fine. I just got here a few minutes ago.”

  They ordered their food and Brooke began her questions.

  “So are you still seeing Brielle?”

  “Yes,” Meg said softly.

  Brooke smiled. “That’s good. Why don’t you look like it’s something good?”

  “I messed up, Brooke. I may have destroyed something so wonderful that was happening between us.”

  “What did you do?” Brooke asked leaning across the table.

  “Can I ask you something?” Brooke nodded. “When you started dating Rick, did you ever get him so excited that...” Meg couldn’t finish the question.

  “That, what?”

  “That he lost control?”

  Brooke began to grin as she realized what Meg was asking her. “Once.”

  “Tell me, please,” Meg begged.

  “We had only gone out a couple of times and we were making out on the couch of his apartment. We were kissing for what seemed like hours. I was so aroused, I thought I would catch fire from the heat. Obviously, Rick felt the same way, but he did catch fire,” Brooke said with a wink. “He was so embarrassed and kept apologizing to me. Then Rick asked me to leave.”

  “What happened after that?” Meg asked anxiously awaiting a response.

  “Rick didn’t call me for days and I wasn’t about to lose him,” Brooke grinned. “I showed up on his doorstep on Friday night.”

  “Did he forgive you?” Meg leaned so close to Brooke.

  Brooke’s grin grew wider. “He did after I made love to him.”

  Meg sat back in her chair feeling defeated.

  “What’s wrong, Meg. See it all worked out for me and Rick.”

  “You’re saying if I want Brielle to forgive me, I have to make love to her.”

  “I’m not telling you to do anything that you’re not comfortable in doing. I was just telling you what I did.” Brooke touched Meg’s hand. “How do you feel about Brielle?”

  Meg lowered her eyes. “I love her, Brooke.”

  “You do?” Brooke asked surprised.


  “Have you told her?”

  Meg shook her head.

  “Why not?” Brooke asked not understanding.

  “I don’t want to give her another reason for her to run away from me.”

  “Do you think she’d freak if you told her?”

  “Yeah, I think she might,” Meg offered softly.

  “Can I ask you something?” Brook asked growing serious.

  “Go ahead,” Meg said thinking she knew what the question would be.

  “If you love Brielle, why aren’t you ready to make love with her?” Brooke asked averting her eyes from Meg’s intense stare.

  “I’m afraid of disappointing her. That I’ll be so bad, that she’ll run screaming into the night.”

  Brooke laughed. “Honey, obviously you know what you’re doing.” She leaned in again. “Didn’t you tell me you made her lose control?” Meg stared. “Well, I think you know exactly what to do to bring Ms. Brielle Sanders off.”

  Meg sat back in her chair and realized Brooke was right. She may be a virgin when it comes to making love with a woman, but her body knew what to do. “Thanks, Brooke. You don’t know how much talking to you has helped.”

  “I’m glad you feel better. It will all work out in the end. Trust me.” Brooke patted Meg’s hand as they left the restaurant.

  Meg left work early that day. She wanted to go home and get ready for Brielle’s arrival.

  Brielle knocked on the door at six thirty.

  “It’s open,” Meg said from the kitchen.

  “Hi. I didn’t have time to go home and change clothes,” Brielle said as she took off her coat and sweater exposing a blue blouse underneath.

  “Have a seat, Bri.” Meg walked out of the kitchen and put the plates down on the table. Meg placed her
hands on Brielle’s shoulders and kissed the top of her head before taking her seat. “Did you have a good day, Bri?”

  “Busy,” Brielle said cutting into the braised chicken. She held up her empty fork. “You should open a restaurant, Meg. You’re such a good cook.”

  “It’s because you can’t cook that you think I’m so good,” Meg said with a laugh.

  “But you are. How was your day?”

  “I had lunch with Brooke today.”

  “That’s nice. How is she?” Brielle asked using her bread to soak up the delightful broth.

  “Good. She told me an interesting story about her and Rick.”

  Brielle’s fork stopped in mid-air. “What was the story?”

  Meg sat up and smiled at Brielle. “How she made Rick lose control, too.”

  Brielle’s fork dropped and hit the plate. “What?”

  Meg smiled again. “She told me what the solution to the problem was.” Her grin widened.

  “What was the solution?” Brielle asked swallowing hard.

  “She made love to him,” Meg said meeting Brielle’s gaze.

  Brielle shook her head. “You don’t have to do that, Meg. I told you I would wait until you’re ready.”

  “Suppose I told you I was ready,” Meg said emphasizing her words.

  Brielle stared at Meg’s face looking for doubt, looking for fear, but she didn’t see any.

  Meg got out of her chair and stood behind Brielle. Her hands went down Brielle’s arms slowly as she kissed her neck. “I’m ready, Bri. I’ve been ready for weeks now.”

  “But,” Brielle began, but Meg’s mouth cut her off.

  “Maybe you’re not ready for me?” Meg moaned finding Brielle’s mouth again.

  “Oh, Meg. Are you sure?”

  Meg took Brielle’s hand and lifted her out of the chair. “I’m ready, but maybe you want dessert first?” she asked with a laugh.

  “No way,” Brielle said, allowing Meg to pull her toward the bedroom.

  As they reached the bedroom, Brielle stopped. “Any time you feel uncomfortable, we can stop.”

  Meg reached for Brielle and gave her a searing kiss telling her that she couldn’t stop if she wanted to. Their clothes came off and fell to the floor. Brielle laid Meg on the bed and laid her own body in between Meg’s legs. Brielle touched Meg’s breast and listened as she moaned. Her tongue teased the red bud until it stood erect and firm. Brielle’s hands were all over Meg’s body aching to touch the place she knew she would find wet and waiting for her. As her hand moved down Meg’s inner thigh, Meg tensed.

  Brielle’s hand stopped. “Are you okay?”

  “I’ll feel less nervous if you let me,” Meg said shyly turning her head.

  Brielle nodded and got off Meg. The moment she did, Meg mounted her with a fury. Her hands caressed Brielle’s body with such heat. Her mouth kissed her neck before taking Brielle’s breast in her hands and mouth. Meg fanned her hair over Brielle’s chest and blew air over the erect bud. Lower her hands went until she found the wet mound. Meg teased with her fingers gliding along the folds.

  Brielle was breathing hard and she whispered, “I need you inside, Meg. Now, please.”

  Brielle couldn’t see the smile on Meg’s face as her fingers entered her. “Look at me, baby. I want to see your eyes as you come.”

  Brielle’s eyes shot open and she looked at the woman over her. Meg’s fingers moved as though she had been doing this all her life. Her mouth couldn’t get enough of Brielle’s skin and she kissed her body until she took her mouth deeply. Brielle’s body stiffened as Meg felt her fingers held by the force of her orgasm.

  “My God,” Brielle said when the waves of orgasm subsided. “I think you lied to me,” she said with a giggle.

  Meg looked at Brielle’s face. “Lied about what?”

  “That you were a virgin. No virgin can make love like that,” Brielle said, squeezing Meg to her until she flipped her onto her back.

  As Brielle captured Meg’s mouth, her hands began the exploration that Meg had stopped before. She touched Meg’s inner thigh and watched as she squirmed beneath her. “Are you okay?”

  Meg’s eyes opened wide and nodded. “Don’t stop, Bri.”

  Brielle moved down her body, her mouth searching for the erect bud that awaited her inches away. As she took her with her mouth, Meg’s hips rose to meet her mouth.

  “Oh God,” Meg moaned out.

  Sucking the clit with her mouth, she entered Meg with a finger. Finding little resistance, she added another finger.

  “Bri,” she screamed as the orgasm began to rise in her body. When her body stopped shaking, Meg sat up on her elbows. “What did you just do to me?”

  Brielle moved up to Meg’s mouth and kissed her gently. “I hope satisfied you,” she said with a wide grin.

  “We’ve got to do that again and I want to do that to you a dozen times before this night is over.” Meg crushed Brielle to her body.

  “You will hear no complaints from me,” Brielle said taking Meg’s mouth again.

  It was midnight and Brielle was sound asleep next to her. Meg slipped out of the bed and went to the bathroom. As she washed her hands, she looked at her face. Besides the smile she wore, she didn’t look any different. She went into the kitchen to clean up the mess they left from dinner earlier. After she cleaned up, she sent Brooke a text. I did it!!! Meg was about to go back to bed when her phone vibrated.

  “How was it?”

  “Fantastic,” Meg answered.

  “Where’s Brielle?”

  “Sound asleep.”

  “Oh yeah, you did good, girl. Are you sorry now that you waited so long?” Brooke asked.

  “No, maybe it wouldn’t have been as good if it wasn’t Brielle.”

  “I’m happy for you, Meg. Get some sleep because I know you’re going to need it.”

  Meg giggled and said, “Good night, Brooke.”

  Meg walked back to the bedroom and crawled in next to Brielle. The moment Brielle felt her body next to her, she wrapped her arms around Meg’s waist. The smile on Meg’s face would be left there while she slept.


  Brielle opened her eyes in the morning and found Meg nestled into her back. A smile appeared on her face as she stretched her body. Her movement caused Meg to sigh.

  “Good morning,” Brielle said rolling over to face Meg.

  Meg opened her eyes slowly and smiled, “Morning.”

  “Are you okay?” Brielle asked cautiously hoping the morning light didn’t freak Meg out.

  “I am wonderful,” Meg said stretching her own body. “My body is still humming,” Meg pouted. “But I hate that it’s Tuesday morning.”

  Brielle leaned up on her elbow. “I don’t know about you, but I plan on calling in sick,” her eyebrows rose teasing.

  “You are?” Meg asked.

  “Say you will too, Meg.”

  Meg’s smile was wide as her head went up and down.

  They called their offices, ate breakfast together and headed to the shower.

  It was late afternoon before they both lay in each other’s arms exhausted. Meg was moving her index finger around Brielle’s chest, lying against her shoulder.

  “What are you thinking?” Brielle asked softly.

  “I’m thinking about you and how you know my body so well. It’s as if my body has been waiting for you to bring it to life.” Her finger continued to explore.

  Brielle squeezed Meg’s body to her. “I could say the same thing about you.” Meg raised her eyebrows. “Yes, I’ve had sex with a lot of women, but never has anyone touched my soul the way you did.” Brielle pried herself away from Meg. “I have to go home sometime, Meg. We both have work tomorrow and we haven’t had much sleep.”

  Meg watched Brielle get out of bed and gather her clothes.

  “Don’t look at me that way,” Brielle said with a grin. “If I get back into that bed, I’ll never want to leave.”

  “Is that so bad,

  Brielle threw her clothes into the air. “Oh, what the hell. It’s still early,” she said as jumped back into bed.

  It was nearly midnight before the two women could drag themselves away from each other. The kiss Meg gave Brielle at the door almost made her drag her back to bed.

  Meg walked into the office the following morning walking on cloud nine.

  “How are you feeling today, boss?” Sarah asked as she walked through the door.

  “Wonderful,” Meg said opening her office door. “Did I miss anything important yesterday?” Meg asked as she hung up her coat.

  “Not really, it was relatively quiet.” Sarah studied her boss’s face. “You look different today.”

  “I do,” Meg feigned innocence.

  Sarah moved closer. “You’re in love,” she squealed. “Don’t deny it, because your face is glowing.”

  Meg put her hands to her blushing face. “It is not.”

  “Oh, yes it is. It’s Brielle, isn’t it?”

  Meg looked away before answering, “Yes.”

  “Well, it looks good on you.” Sarah touched Meg’s arm. “I’m happy for you, Meg. Seriously happy.”

  On the other side of town, Brielle was sitting in her cubicle lost in thought. She never heard her co-worker calling her name. She looked up and saw Diane leaning over the top of the wall. “What did you say?”

  “I asked who she is.”


  “The woman you’re in love with?” Diane asked with her head tilted.

  “Oh.” Brielle smiled. “Her name is Meg and I’m head over heels in love with her.”

  “I know, I could tell.” Diane smiled. “She’s a lucky girl.”

  “I haven’t told her I’m in love with her yet,” Brielle admitted.

  “Why not?” Diane asked, coming around the wall to sit on Brielle’s desk.

  “I don’t want to scare her off.”

  “You know, one time when you’re in bed, it’s going to slip out of your mouth.” Diane tapped her arm. “Tell her without the heat of passion what you’re feeling. Every girl wants to hear those words. Don’t make her wait.”

  Brielle nodded and Diane went back to her cubicle.


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