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Romantic Thriller: Only Time Will Tell – A Romantic Suspense and Romantic Mystery Book: (Thriller Romance, Suspense, Mystery Romance, Suspense Romance)

Page 12

by James Kipling

  He made one more attempt to get up and the pain nearly blinded him followed by a wave of nausea, and he felt himself becoming drowsy. He quickly lay back down. Guilt swept over him for having failed Chelsea. Maybe, praying would help. Never mind he had lost his faith in God long ago. But he was desperate. He was not sure what he said or to whom he was speaking, but he expressed his heart’s desire for Chelsea to be kept safe and brought back to him. He fell asleep praying.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  In violence we forget who we are. ~ Mary McCarthy

  In a cave in the desert some forty kilometers away, Chelsea was waking up to a different reality. Her bullet-proof vest had saved her life. She was only badly bruised from the force of the bullets hitting the vest and pushing it hard against her body. But her attackers were not so lucky. They were both lying dead on the ground before her.

  She looked at their bodies. The mighty drug lords died just like ordinary men and in a matter of a few minutes they were stripped of all their powers. De Leon was dead now, finally, and so his living ghost would no longer be a menace to society. Chelsea felt tremendous relief now that the two men who had killed her parents and haunted her life were dead. Justice was done for herself and for society in general.

  She looked around trying to decide what to do with the bodies. She did not want them found, especially De Leon’s since he was supposed to be already dead years ago. Then she remembered the sinkhole nearby that Galvez had mentioned. She went across to where the rock jutted up out of the earth like a spout and saw there was an opening in the top. It was nearly three feet across and dark inside. She picked up a rock and dropped it in. She heard no sound at all. It did seem to be bottomless.

  It took all her strength to haul the two bodies to the mouth of the sinkhole. Galvez was much smaller of the two, but still weighty. She braced him up against the side and tilted him over. He disappeared into the abyss and she did hear some sounds as the body went tumbling down, but none to indicate that it had landed. After much effort, she did the same with De Leon. If there truly was a heaven and a hell, she hoped they were burning for all the pain they had caused.

  Surprisingly, she found herself crying in relief that her mission was accomplished. She hurried back to the entrance, not wanting to be found anywhere near the place. She went back down the path and retrieved her hidden motorcycle. She rode cautiously and in less haste. A numbness began to settle over her. Two major drug lords were dead. This did not mean the evil would stop. Others would soon take their place and continue smuggling and killing. But at least De Leon and Galvez would never hurt anyone again.

  Within the hour she was approaching the city limits and she did not know where to go. She could not go to the hospital with the bruises on her body as she would have to explain how they got there. She could not go to the police station because she was on suspension. She had no idea where Dean could possibly be, he could be dead for all she knew.

  Her apartment seemed the most logical place to go, although she would not want to spend the night there. At least she could have a shower, change her clothes and find something to soothe the bruises on her chest. Quietly, she climbed the stairs and went in.

  The blood stains were still on the floor and she threw an old sheet over them. In the shower she scrubbed herself as if washing away all the filth of the world from her body and soul. She felt clean and fresh when she stepped out.

  She put on some clean clothes, then decided to call Pierce to update him on things and to find out if he had heard anything from Dean.

  “Chelsea! I have been worried sick about you! What have you been up to?”

  “I will have to see you to tell you. But I will say this much, mission accomplished.” She heard the hospital sounds in the background and asked, “Where are you?”

  He filled her in on his accident, but omitted the part of his not being able to walk again.

  “Oh, Pierce, I’m so sorry, real sorry. And to think this happened because of me.”

  “Don’t feel guilty, Chelsea. It all comes with the job.”

  “Have you heard from Dean?”

  “Oh, he’s in hospital too… but I think you should let him tell you all about it himself.”

  “Give me a couple minutes, and I’ll be there.” She was already reaching for the motorcycle keys.

  She saw her neighbor, Dorothy, standing near the stairwell. She looked at her as if she was seeing a ghost.

  “Hello, Dorothy, is everything alright?”

  “No. I know who killed the man here yesterday.”

  “Why didn’t you tell the cops then?”

  “Because he threatened me.”

  “Well, everything is taken care of, Dorothy, so you need not be afraid again.”

  Chelsea took pleasure in saying that. She wished she could say that to the whole world that was plagued by evil men like De Leon and his partner.

  Dorothy smiled and asked, “Why did you become a cop?”

  “Because working to solve a case is more important than anything else. I get the answers for the families who have lost loved ones and I try to seek justice for the dead.”

  Dorothy’s mouth formed a round O and Chelsea continued on her way downstairs. She could not wait to see Dean to fill in the other pieces of the puzzle.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  A kiss seals two souls for a moment in time. ~ Levende Waters

  Dean was having a hard time adjusting to the confinement of hospital life. He had attempted to get up more than once, but the pain was overwhelming. His immobility gave him time to reflect on all that had happened. Of course, the major thing that occupied his mind was Chelsea. Where was she and what had happened in her encounter with De Leon and Galvez?

  He dozed off and was awakened by the sound of someone entering his room. He really hoped it was not the nurse again. He opened his eyes and his heart did a somersault.

  Chelsea, his wonderful Chelsea stood there looking at him with eyes that made him melt. They just kept staring at each other without speaking, and his heart kept doing a crazy dance.

  After what seemed like minutes she walked towards him. She held his hands and just kept looking at him, as if not believing he was real.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, breaking the silence.

  “From what I can see, better than you and Pierce.”

  “You went to see him?”

  She nodded.

  “Then he told you what happened. Did he tell you about him not being able to walk again?”

  “That’s so terrible. I feel sorry for Emma and the kids…and Pierce too.”

  They both knew that he was a good cop who worked very hard and loved his family. Dean felt a tinge of guilt. Maybe, if he had not come to the office to spy on Chelsea, some of this would not have happened.

  “How did it go on your end?” he finally asked.

  She told him all the details of her encounter with De Leon and Galvez and how they had underestimated her ability.

  “Did you get the answers you wanted?”

  “Most of them… But they are gone now and Pierce says my suspension will be over soon and I shall be able to work.”

  They both stopped talking for a moment. The most important questions hung unasked between them. She wondered what was going to happen now. Seeing him stirred a longing in her and the way he was looking at her told her that he was feeling the same. As for Dean, his question had to do with her being able to forgive him for his betrayal, even though he had changed his mind afterward.

  “Why did you risk your life to save me, Dean?” She plucked up the courage to ask.

  “Because being with you makes me feel so different. You give me a purpose for living and you showed me that there are more important things in life than money. I knew that I was taking my life in my hand going to the cemetery without you. But I came to realize that I would rather die than cause you hurt.”

  “Oh, Dean. I do love you so.”

  She sat on the bed and tried to embr
ace him. Both of them drew back with sharp cries of pain. She was hurting from the bruises on her chest, and he from the wounds in his arm and shoulder.

  She listened as he told her about his meeting with Parker, the dirty cop in the department and how they traded bullets. To know that he actually faced death for her only endeared him more to her.

  All her doubts fell away and she felt safe and secure. She definitely wanted him to be a part of her life. She had no idea what tomorrow would bring, but how she felt about him was not about to change.

  Sitting on the edge of his bed she looked into his eyes as she searched them. They gazed back at her unflinching and in their depths she saw a look of endearment. She bent her head and kissed him full on the lips. He returned her kiss but only their lips were touching since it was too painful for them to hug each other.

  When they paused to breathe, he asked, “Does this mean you forgive me for everything I did?”

  “Yes. This is the beginning of a new chapter in our lives, the ghosts of the past have been laid to rest. It’s you and me from now on.”

  She had taken a chance and opened her heart and there was no turning back now.

  Chapter Thirty

  In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed; it must be achieved. ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt

  Chelsea and Dean were in the cemetery standing before her parents’ headstones. It had been a hard uphill battle for the past six weeks, but now everything was finally resolved and they were both free.

  It became public knowledge that Parker was the dirty cop in the department and he was found dead in the cemetery. It was presumed that he had gone to meet one of his comrade-in-arms and got himself killed. Quincy’s story did not hold up due to DNA evidence directly linking him to the murder of Ashlee He was scheduled to go on trial soon for the murder.

  The report of De Leon being dead long ago did not change and it was rumored that Galvez was still at large, hiding somewhere in the vast Arizona desert. Only Chelsea, Dean and Pierce knew the full story, including that of Dean formerly being a spy for De Leon

  “Are you ready to go now?”

  Looking over at Dean, she nodded. Today, they were not in the cemetery just for her parents. It was also for Ashlee Thompson’s funeral. She was being laid to rest along with her unborn child. Austin too was being buried beside them. At least there would be closure.

  Stepping away from her parents’ graves, she wondered if they could sense her presence. She wanted to tell them that their deaths had ben avenged. Justice was done and that they could now rest in peace. As they walked toward where Ashley and the others were being buried, she held on to Dean’s hand and intertwined her fingers with his. Having him close to her gave her a nice warm feeling. She hoped it would always feel like this.

  The people were gathering for the funeral and among them were Emma and Pierce. He was in a wheel chair. They went over to greet them.

  “So how are you two doing?” At least, Pierce was smiling.

  “Couldn’t be better,” Dean told him.

  “Good. So have either of you made a decision about your future?”

  Chelsea hesitated. Making a decision about her future was not going to be easy, especially since she had a secret that no one, other than Cara, knew about. She did not yet know how to tell anyone because she had never imagined herself in the situation.

  Finally she said “I think I am going to resign. There has to be something else out there for me.”

  “I feel the same way,” Dean added.

  Things were not the same among them after the case came to an end. Dean no longer felt comfortable working with Pierce since he knew so much about him. He was thinking of going into the automotive field. Pierce still worked as a cop but now had a regular desk job which left him more time to spend at home with Emma and the children. Emma was happy about this. Chelsea had lost her passion for Homicide and wanted to work in the child protective services.

  “I wish you both the best of luck,” Pierce said. Then turning to Dean he asked, “Would you mind if I spoke to Chelsea in private?”

  “Not at all,” Dean replied.

  After he left, Pierce said, “First of all, I want to offer my congratulations. Cara cannot keep a secret. I hope it’s a boy. And secondly, you are completely in the clear. No one is ever going to find out what happened six weeks ago. You are safe and so is Dean, you can tell him.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’ve got what you wanted,” he said. “Or at least I hope so. And there is one other thing. Your uncle is being released on Monday. I pulled a few strings and hopefully you can set him on the right track.”

  “I’ll try, but remember, people can change, but only if they really want to.”

  “Dean proved that,” he said, motioning towards him. “You’ve turned him into something I am sure he never thought he could be.”

  “I am proud of him.”

  “Good,” Pierce said, smiling.

  Chelsea left feeling that a door in her life was closing, and she did not mind. She would miss working with Pierce, but she looked forward to her new job. However, they would stay friends as bonds forged during adversity were never easily broken.

  During the funeral service, Chelsea could not help wondering what would happen if people did not take it upon themselves to murder others. To take someone’s life because he threatened to expose your wrong doing was absurd. It would be much easier, or so she thought, to just do what is right. But maybe she was no better because she had pulled the trigger and, by so doing, she committed a crime against humanity. She imagined she would live with this uncertainty and unease about her actions forever. It was a part of the price she would pay for stepping outside of the boundaries of the established justice system.

  After the service, Chelsea saw Alexis, Ashlee’s mother, approaching as she was standing with Dean and Pierce. The effect of her daughter’s death was obvious. Her skin was pale, her face drawn and she looked extremely fragile overall.

  She stopped beside Chelsea, “You found the man who killed my daughter and I will be forever grateful, but no one will tell me why my daughter had to die.”

  The three of them looked from one to the other. It was Chelsea who spoke.

  “Your daughter died because she unwittingly crossed the path of a dangerous man. She never knew that though, and she paid for her ignorance with her life.”

  “I want him dead.”

  “The trial will start soon and we’ll make sure that he pays for the life of your loved one and others like her.” She pointed at the caskets lying before them.

  “I know there will always be bad people in this world and good people who suffer. Thank you for what you have done for me and for everyone else too.”

  The three of them watched as tears began to stream down her cheek and Chelsea knew exactly how she was feeling as she remembered the loss of her parents. Mrs. Thompson was now all alone because she had lost her husband, only daughter, and her future grandchild. It was hard to lose one loved one, much less three. She was badly in need of some sort of consolation.

  Chelsea looked at Dean and Carson and they seemed to sense what she wanted to do. She began walking to catch up with Mrs. Thompson.

  “Alexis,” she said.

  The older woman turned around, her eyes were puffy and she had pink splotches on her face.

  “I know how hard it is to have everything you love taken away from you. It comes without warning and it is heartbreaking. You go through every day wondering what you did to deserve this suffering, and you did nothing.”

  “That is very touching and nice, but nothing you say now is going to change the past.”

  “I know it won’t, but I want you to know that you are not alone. My mother and father were brutally murdered when I was a child. So I know and understand the pain of loss. I just want you to know that if you ever needed someone to talk to, then you can call me anytime.”

  A grateful Mrs. Thompson took the card she offered.
/>   “Thank you,” she said as she embraced her.

  Chelsea stood watching Mrs. Thompson disappear into the crowd. She felt happy when Dean came and wrapped his arms around her. She hoped that one day, Mrs. Thompson’s wounds would heal even as hers were beginning to do.

  She was learning that life sometimes took you through some very dark places but if you keep the doors of hope open to the possibility for happiness, you will certainly find it.

  The End

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