Hot Hits

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Hot Hits Page 5

by Harry Blue

  Roger had to assess the situation very quickly, and the first conclusion he immediately came to was that he could do very little with his trousers round his ankles. Up came his strides very quickly, and he said slowly and clearly ‘the lady’s not interested, and neither am I.’

  ‘Ah, but we are, so it’s our decision, not yours. Come over here, love,’ said the larger of the two.

  ‘Stay where you are,’ said Roger to Sue. ‘These people are just leaving.’

  ‘I don’t think so,’ said the smaller of the two, full of bravado.

  Roger assessed the two lads. He had been trained to fight in Italy, and the basic message was, if there is more than one, go for the larger. Once he’s out the way, then the others quickly lose the will to fight. Was there a way out? No was the simple answer. Both lads were smaller than Roger, both younger, so he could see in the half light of the doorway, so before they had the chance to react, he had the right arm of the larger up behind his back, and Roger threw him out the doorway. The smaller lad was fast, but not quick enough, and he was also out on the floor before he had the chance to react. Roger then followed them, as the larger was recovering fast, and coming towards him, fists out. He was met by Roger’s left open fingers under his jaw, hard, and that was it, down again, gasping for breath, unable to talk. With contempt, the girl kicked him in the groin, and he shouted out in pain.

  ‘Fucking loser. I wanted to be shagged by a real man, not some tosser like you.’ She stormed off on her own.

  Roger looked at the smaller lad. ‘Do yourself a favour, take your mate away, otherwise it’s going to get nasty.’

  The two lads hobbled off together, leaving Roger and Sue looking at each in wonderment.

  ‘You certainly know how to look after yourself.’

  ‘I lived in Italy for a while, and learned basic martial arts. It’s all about timing, and that paid off for us tonight.’

  ‘Certainly did. Good job they timed it after I came! It’s made me really horny. Take those trousers down, I want you.’

  ‘What do you want me to do. Go on, say it properly.’

  ‘I want you to fuck me ‘till I can’t take any more. Then I want you to fuck me all over again. And when I tell you to stop, I won’t really mean it, because I want more fucking.’

  ‘Say what you really mean.’

  ‘Actions speak louder than words.’

  She stood in front of him, and pulled his trousers down. His prick needed some assistance after his exertions, so she bent down and took him as far as she could in her mouth. Within a few seconds he was completely erect again, ready for action. But she wouldn’t let him out, as she was eating him, rolling her mouth around his shaft, licking all the possible juices and then leaving some more. He started moaning, he was so ready to explode, but she slowed down, removed her mouth, and said softly ‘not too fast, I want this to last a long, long time.’ She then started licking his balls, gently nibbling at his scrotum with her teeth, not quite causing pain, but sufficient to increase his pleasure. He moaned some more, and she knew that however she tried to slow the pace down, it was getting out of her control. Ho hum, better let him climax, then.

  ‘Where do you want to come, big boy. In my mouth? In my love box? On my face? On my tits?’

  ‘There’s going to be no options left soon, I am so close. In your mouth. Yes,’ as she took him again in her willing mouth just in time for him to shoot his load. Sue swallowed the whole lot, licking her lips in appreciation, and when there was no more, she said in a sexy, low voice, ‘that’s better than a Big Mac’.

  Chapter Ten

  The silver band was quite a wealthy one, as it had been established for over eighty years with good assets. The church hall where they rehearsed was owned by them, which they rented to the church, gaining more income. There was parking outside the hall, which is where they kept the three minibuses that were used to take the band here there and everywhere. The band had never owned buses before, hiring them in when required, so it was quite a pleasure for the members to be riding around in brand new luxury. Seat belts, sat nav, air conditioning, power steering, decent stereo, the buses had them all. Each bus took ten passengers, so Roger was able to drive them on his driving licence because they were not being driven for commercial purposes. He had in the meantime driven one round the local roads, satisfying Mr. Thomas and himself that he was more than competent to drive them. He had previously driven in Italy, so driving on the opposite side of the road held no worries for him. It was the night before they left for Belgium, and Roger and Sue were sitting after band rehearsal on their favourite bench overlooking the sea.

  ‘So, let me ask you a question. Before Thomas and Cedric came along, have I got it right when I say that you didn’t used to go very far afield, Twenty miles at most. The band owns the hall, freehold, and the previous leader, Mr...?’

  ‘Mr. Johnson,’ Sue answered

  ‘Mr. Johnson, had been leader for what, quite a few years?’

  ‘Someone said at least twenty.’

  ‘And what happened to him, precisely?’

  ‘We went to rehearsal a few months ago, as usual, and he wasn’t there. Instead we had Rick Thomas and his sidekick Cedric. They explained that Mr. Johnson had been taken ill suddenly, and it was doubtful if he would return.’

  ‘And is there a Mrs. Johnson?’ asked Roger.

  ‘Not that we have ever seen, no.’

  ‘And did Mr. Johnson have a job?’

  ‘No, he had taken early retirement from his accountancy job, lived all alone, never socialised, his whole life was the band. Why all the questions?’

  ‘Well, it’s like this.’ Roger paused, gathering his thoughts. ‘Has anyone ever seen Mr. Johnson since his “illness”? Has anyone questioned where these two men come from. Who’s in charge of the band’s finances and assets?’

  ‘Lots of questions, my love, but why is it bothering you?’

  ‘You see, Sue, it just doesn’t add up. There are too many unanswered questions, and as for all these extra band trips, playing abroad, they’re a bit sudden, aren’t they?’

  ‘No, not really,’ said Sue. ‘We have always been keen on improving ourselves, and some of the members have been saying behind Mr. Johnson’s back that we should consider expanding, like other bands. The band pays our expenses, travelling, and it’s a great way to have a lovely free short break.’

  ‘Talking of which, is the trip to Milan still on?’

  ‘So I understand,’ said Sue. We are off there in a month’s time. Have you been asked if you fancy going?’

  ‘Thomas has asked me if instead of flying I fancy driving the bus all the way to Milan, catching the ferry, and then driving to the band festival.’

  ‘That’s a long way. Are you up for it?’

  ‘Only if you’re going as well. The experience is all well and good, but it’s a lot of driving for four nights there, and a lot of driving all the way back again.’

  ‘Well, yes, I have asked mum and dad if I can go, and they have said yes. I do have some savings from last year’s summer job, so I can just afford it, but there won’t be too many for me for much longer, because I go back to college in the autumn.’

  ‘We’d better make the most of these breaks, then. Imagine what it’s going to be like, making love under the Mediterranean moon, warm as toast, enjoying the days sight-seeing, not forgetting making love under the Italian sun...’

  ‘If we make love under the Italian sun, it’d better not be too hot, as you’ll burn your back when you’re on top of me.’

  ‘Who says that I will be on top. I might decide that you will be, and make you.’

  ‘Huh’, said Sue, I will be in control, and I will decide what position.’

  Roger grinned. ‘Let’s call this one a draw, shall we?’

  They sat on the bench
, not saying anything, arm in arm, content in each others’ company. They both sighed, deeply.

  Chapter Eleven

  The next morning Roger walked to the car park, carrying two bags, one containing his travelling luggage, the other a leather one containing his trumpet. He was early, before six o’clock, not through any reason of nerves, just because he loved to be early and well prepared. He already had the van keys, so got behind the wheel, programmed in the address of the Ostend, Belgium hotel into the sat nav system, adjusted his seat, and then sat there quietly, acclimatising himself to his situation. After a few minutes of solitude, the first band member arrived, and pretty soon others, including Cedric and Rick Thomas, were there as well. Sue arrived, and plumped her handbag on the seat behind the driver, after she had handed her bag over to Roger. He took all the other bags, stowed them away, and then waited outside the minibus for the stragglers to arrive. Each person had been allocated a bus, so there were a couple of spare places in each bus. Roger had been with the band on quite a few occasions by now, and saw three different faces, none of whom were on his bus. He wasn’t overly surprised at this. Two were men, and the third was quite an attractive blonde he could not help noticing. She looked at him as well, so he immediately looked away, but not quick enough. Sue had seen him looking appreciatively at the new crumpet. It didn’t take a genius at body language to know that Sue considered Roger hers, and she wasn’t prepared to tolerate any competition. Roger was amused, and wondered how Sue would take this new arrival, either as a friend, or an enemy. Intriguing, and a new development in their relationship.

  They were due to leave at seven, so it was as well that Thomas called everyone over for a ‘briefing’ when they were all present with fifteen minutes to spare. Roger could see that some of the members, mainly the ones who had been in the band for some time, looked bored, as if to say ‘yes yes, heard it all before, let’s just get in the buses and on with it.’

  Rick Thomas clapped his hands together. ‘Now listen up everyone. Pay attention. PLEASE. Well done for getting here early, I am very pleased with you, and it’s going to take getting on for two hours to get to Folkestone. There will be no comfort stops en route, so the church hall toilets are open now, and if you need to go, go now.’ He paused, looking round. ‘No?, okay then, there are toilets at the tunnel, and on the train, and then it’s only just over an hour on the other side. All okay? Then off we go.’

  Roger was close to the two new men he hadn’t seen before, and one whispered to the other ‘that prick thinks we’re all children. We might be behaving under orders now, but he’s better watch out.’

  The other replied ‘and as for that lump of lard Cedric, he might think he’s hard ‘cos he’s big, but I had a lot bigger than him in the showers in my last spell in chokey.’

  They turned round when they realised that Roger was close to them, but he didn’t react at all, so they got on their different bus, one of them taking the drivers’ seat. Roger was a bit surprised at this, but as usual failed to react. Watch, listen, and learn, that was what he intended to do.

  The journey to Folkestone passed uneventfully, with Roger driving the bus in the rear of the convoy. They got split up now and again in the traffic, but on the last leg of the motorway caught up together again, so when they exited the M20 at the signpost for the channel tunnel at Folkestone they pulled up in convoy at the ticket booth. Roger waited patiently for the first one to have their dockets validated, and then just followed through, taking his label to place behind the rear view mirror showing what train they were booked on. All three minibuses parked in the coach area, with all passengers exiting, then filing into the area with shops and restaurants. Roger and Sue stood in line together, obviously a couple, with Sue taking Roger’s hand to show all present that they were together. They joined others at a table, watching, enjoying the experience.

  After a while the public announcement came that their number was called, so they quickly filed out to the toilets, then back onto the coaches. Roger had never travelled on the train under the English channel before, so was glad that he was bus number three. He just followed everywhere that the others went, so drove along the narrow lanes until it was his turn to drive onto the train. This was a very long train, with probably twenty four carriages, just for vehicles. As he waited, he could see the cars driving on, and hear them driving inside the carriages, which were connected, so the cars would drive the length of the train inside it. Some went in a hole on the ground level, others drove in a different hole, straight up a ramp, so they also were driving inside the train, this time on an upper level, so there were two levels of cars inside the train at the same time. Larger vehicles were different, as the minibuses were too tall for these sections. They went to the front of the train, different entrance, with only one level. Roger waited while the coaches took a big wide swing, then somehow managed to drive into the narrow gap of the train. Amazing. Then it was his turn, and he was glad that he didn’t embarrass himself by having to take more than one go at it. He judged it just right, so was then driving inside the train, just like everyone else had managed. Roger was grateful that his bus was narrower than the big buses, so he had more room to manoeuvre, even so he drove slowly until the train steward indicated he drive forward, holding her hand up to stop him when he was sufficiently close to the bus in front. He opened the door for his passengers to alight, so soon there were all the band party standing chatting. No smoking allowed in the train, and then the public service safety message came over the system, first in French with a woman, then in English with a man saying the words. Typical, thought Roger, the French pay attention to a woman speaking. After a while he heard a hiss, and the compartment doors were sealed, so each carriage was independent of each other. However, there was a connecting door that could be opened, which was soon used by people who wanted to go to the toilets.

  Roger found the whole experience fascinating, as he loved to try something new as often as possible. This certainly fitted the bill. After a while he was aware of movement, and looked out the window to see that the countryside was slowly moving by. Very soon they were in the tunnel, which was when the boredom soon set in. There was only so much small talk that Roger and the rest could indulge in, so pretty soon they were all back in their seats, with Roger surprising himself by nodding off. The next thing he knew he was being jolted awake with the train movement, and the same Frenchwoman followed by the same Englishman announcing the arrival in France. Within ten minutes the doors had opened, and the vehicles were driving off the train, having completed driving the length to the exit. Now they were in France, and he had to remember to drive on the other side of the road.

  The rest of the journey to Ostend was uneventful, just following the instructions spoken on the sat nav system. Roger had programmed in a woman’s voice, as he found it clearer to listen to. The hotel was one road off the seafront, so they unloaded all the cases, with Roger taking the parking permit given to him by Thomas, following the other two buses as usual to allocated parking areas by the bandstand on the seafront.

  Thomas spoke to the three drivers. ‘Now, you three are going to set up the chairs and instruments properly, and when you’ve finished, we might let you have a beer in the hotel bar. No rushing, mind, want the job done well.’ They all looked at each other, knowing what each was thinking.

  Thomas strode off, leaving them with the three minibuses and the instruments. One driver had all done this before, so the other two followed his lead. They first counted the seats, then placed them in a particular way that suited the players. The smaller instruments were carried by their owners in any case, so the three vans only had the larger items, such as euphonium, xylophone, and the percussion instruments. Piece of cake, really, and they were all done in just over half an hour. Roger worked in his shirtsleeves, and the other two drivers were older men, so their exertions were more difficult for them. Soon they were sweating, but Roger hadn’t quite appreciated tha
t he seemed to be the one doing most of the donkey work. Then it was back in the minibuses, parking up with the permits displayed, and then into the hotel for the well-earned beer. The bar was empty. The three men looked at each other.

  ‘Bollocks to this,’ said the first one, ‘I’m having a beer in any case.’ He ordered just one pint, leaving the others to wait their turn to be served.

  ‘Okay,’ thought Roger,’ if that’s the way it is, we’ll buy our own. I’ll try not to be with these two too often in any case, preferring Sue’s company. She’s better looking, and a far better shag!’ They each had a large beer, emptying their glasses very quickly. Roger then left the other two to have more, while he checked in at reception, taking his room key. Upstairs he went, and found his single room. It was a three feet six inches wide bed, and he thought it was quite big enough for the two of them to share later. En suite shower room with toilet, just a lovely size, and a basic television. Roger didn’t intend watching much t.v. tonight.

  Downstairs he went, and walked through the back into a courtyard garden, accessed through the breakfast room. Some of them were there, including Sue. Roger went straight to her, smiling at the new blond, just to be polite, nothing more. No point in antagonising the girlfriend.

  ‘What occurring?’ he asked.

  ‘Nothing at present. We have some free time for the next three hours, then we are expected at the bandstand for rehearsal. Fancy a walk, to discover the town?’

  ‘Sounds good to me.’

  They left, arm in arm, and went straight to the seafront. It was a long, sandy beach, with lots of cafes, ice cream parlours, and stalls selling all sorts of things from souvenirs to water to newspapers. Quite content to be in each others company, they said nothing as they strolled along the sand. They both removed their sandals, and walked to the waters’ edge, paddling for a while as the cool water gently lapped through their toes, then up to their ankles as the tide took the refreshing sea.


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