Lovell, Cooper - Tessa's Highlander (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Lovell, Cooper - Tessa's Highlander (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 11

by Cooper Lovell

  Tessa told Gavan about her childhood and how much time she and Jaime spent together. Gavan told her about growing up in the Scottish Highlands with four sisters.

  “Four sisters? Wow! You were really outnumbered. Where were you in line?”

  He leaned in and kissed her. “I was number four, so I only have one little sister, Katie. The rest, Fiona, Eva, and Kendra, bullied me around every chance they got.”

  She laughed at that. “Oh, yeah, because you look so bulliable.”

  To prove his point, he told her a story about when his three older sisters decided to learn how to perm each other’s hair by practicing on him. The outcome was disastrous. Tessa laughed. The more detail he gave her about the results, the harder she laughed until finally, she was curled into a ball against him in hysterics. He laughed with her, his deep, rolling laughter warming her inside. Suddenly, in the throes of her giggles she snorted. Not an intentional snort of disbelief, but an all-out, make-a-piggy-proud kind of snort. Screaming and covering her face, she rolled away from him. He laughed even harder and tried to pull her back to him as she scrambled from his grasp.

  Completely embarrassed, but unable to stop laughing, she covered her face and shouted, “Oh God! I can’t believe I just snorted in front of you. I hate it when I do that. Just shoot me now!”

  Finally getting a hold on her, he pulled her body back to his. She buried her face in his chest, still laughing, but wouldn’t let him see her face. After much coaxing and cajoling, he was able to lift her face so she could look into his eyes, laughter still shining in them.

  “Why would you be so embarrassed about that?” he asked with a kiss to the tip of her nose.

  “Oh, embarrassed doesn’t begin to describe it. I’m mortified. I hate it when I snort. It’s just so…unladylike.”

  He smiled down at her. “Now, see, you’re wrong. It was actually a very ladylike little snort. Kind of sexy, actually.”

  He kissed her and snorted at the same time, which made her burst into another fit of giggles, accompanied by another very unintentional snort. They hugged each other until their laughter finally subsided. For long moments they gazed into each other’s eyes.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known,” Gavan stated quietly, running his index finger across her bottom lip.

  Tessa blushed and rolled her eyes. He tweaked her nose.

  “Don’t roll your eyes at me, missy. You have more physical beauty than most women could ever hope for, but inside”—he laid his hand over her heart—“your spirit is just, it’s lovely.”

  The words he spoke were beautiful, but the sincerity with which he said them made Tessa’s nose wrinkle in doubt.

  “Wha? You doubt me?”

  “No.” It was barely a whisper. “That’s just the most amazing thing anybody’s ever said to me.”

  He rolled atop her, his hips between her lower thighs so the bulk of his weight wasn’t on her. They kissed. It was gentle and sweet. The way he held her made her feel like a she was a treasure. They parted and he glanced at the fire then back at her with one of his sexy, mischief-laden, tongue-tip-between-the-teeth smiles.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Well, I was just thinking it might be a good time tae get back tae my interesting ideas for your house.”

  Her tongue swiped across her bottom lip. “I have to admit, I agree completely with your suggestions so far.”

  He turned on the stereo and the room filled with the moody, seductive music he’d discovered earlier. “This is some very sexy music, lass.”

  “Mmm, I know. I tend to use it when I’m writing.”

  Lowering his head, he kissed her again but with more intensity this time, more urgency. His tongue pushed at her lips demanding entrance. When she parted them and permitted him, he plunged in, exploring every crevice, savoring the sweet taste that was naturally Tessa. He thrust his tongue in and out of her mouth to the beat of the music, fucking her mouth relentlessly till she was nearly breathless.

  His lips left hers, and he ran his tongue down her neck, intermittently nipping and kissing her warm, flushed skin. He stopped to kiss her nipples. First one, then the other. He lifted his face to look at her and grazed his chin stubble across her nipple, the action making her gasp, before trailing more kisses down her belly.

  His tongue dipped into her belly button and she laughed.

  “That tickles!”

  After torturing her with a few more licks, he moved down and bit lightly at the tender skin below her navel.

  “Oh! Who knew that could feel so good?”

  Involuntarily, she wiggled her hips a little. He moved further down and draped her thighs over his shoulders. She moaned and arched a little when he traced his finger around in her light brown curls. The same finger trailed up and down the creases at the tops of her thighs. Another moan.

  “Ga, Tessa, you’re already so hot, aren’t you, honey?”

  She nodded emphatically. “Mmm hmm.”

  He smiled. “Baby, your sweet little pussy is so pink, so pretty.”

  She didn’t understand why, but the effect of this enormous man lying between her thighs, studying and describing her most intimate area as being pink and pretty was erotic beyond her comprehension, and she felt the subject of his intense scrutiny throb wildly.

  “I can already see your little pink clit poking out, like it’s reaching for me. Do you want me tae touch it, Tessa?”

  Her breath hitched.

  “Did you hear me, Tessa? Do you want me tae lick your sweet little clit? It looks like a tiny little strawberry lollipop, begging tae be sucked.”

  She felt him blow a hot breath on her pussy.

  With mock impatience he said, “Tessa, I do love strawberries.”

  She whimpered. “Yes. Please.”

  Gavan expelled another hot breath and her pussy pulsed.

  “I’m sorry Tessa. You’re gonna have tae tell me what you want. Tell me what you want me tae do, love. Tell me what I need tae do tae ease this hot little button’s misery.”

  She felt his mouth hovering just above her sex

  “C’mon honey, you can do it. I want you tae tell me exactly what you want.”

  His lips barely grazed over her clit as he spoke, sending her mind into spirals.

  She took a deep breath. “I want you to stick your tongue out and touch my clit with it. Then I want you to lick it and suck it between your lips. Oh, God, Gavan. Please!”

  * * * *

  Her arms were outstretched to her sides, and she clenched her hands into fists in frustration. Satisfied that he had been instructed well, he touched the tip of his tongue to her swollen, throbbing clit. Her hips bucked and a squeal escaped Tessa’s mouth. Flattening his tongue, he licked her. First he licked only her clit, but with each stroke he increased the distance he traced between her legs. When his velvety tongue flicked at the bud of her rear entrance, Tessa gasped. She rotated her pelvis, and her thighs trembled. He looked up to see that she was twisting and pinching her nipples as his lips locked on her clit to suckle. He pulled it between his lips and while sucking, stroked the flat of his tongue across it. Dipping his finger into her dripping cunt, he gathered her cream and pulled back out. Her breath caught when he pressed his finger, now slick with her juices, against her tight, puckered hole. The slight wiggle of her hips let him know that she’d gotten over her wariness in this area and wanted him to continue. Still sucking her clit, he inserted the tip of his thick finger into her tight hole. The banded muscle resisted his entrance and gripped the tip of his finger tightly. His balls tightened at the thought of one day sinking his cock into that tight hole but he knew he’d have to take the time to prepare her for that. His size prevented him from moving too fast for fear of hurting Tessa. Applying more pressure, he sank his finger up to the second knuckle and pushed his thumb into her hot pussy. She moaned and one heel thumped on the floor. He could already feel the muscles of her canal tightening rhythmically on his thumb, alerting him
to her nearing climax. His hand thrust forward again and his finger and thumb were completely buried, each in its own hot, tight sheath. He increased the pressure of his sucking and pumped his hand in and out. Tessa’s hips began to rock and thrust to meet the movement of his hand. Her hands flew down, her fingers tangled in his hair as she pressed his mouth harder to her cunt.

  He watched her. Watched her greet and allow the wave of ecstasy to wash over her. He could almost see the glow flow through her body, beginning at her center and creeping outward to her toes and fingers. Her hard, swollen clit jumped and danced against his tongue. He pulled his mouth from her and pressed his other hand to her mound while he subtly wiggled his thumb and finger still inside her to prolong the wave as long as possible for her. The moment she fell back into her body from her exaltation was visible to him. He pulled his fingers from her and she protested. Moving up her body, he pressed the head of his penis to her opening.

  Her heavy lidded gaze turned up to him. “Do you still want me to tell you what to do?”

  Instead of answering, he thrust forward, burying himself completely in one stroke.

  “So good,” Tessa murmured.

  For a moment Gavan held still. He lowered his head to kiss her. A deep, possessive kiss that sent her head reeling. Allowing his weight to rest on her, he took her hands in his and entwined their fingers. “Tell me if I get too heavy.”

  She nodded. He began to move his hips, his thrusts slow and deliberate, each one designed to experience every millimeter of her tight sheath from its opening to the bump of her cervix. He could feel her muscles still fluttering and squeezing around him in the aftermath of her orgasm like a tight, flexing fist.

  * * * *

  She looked into his eyes as he pushed into her with excruciatingly languid, sweet strokes. She could see his love for her, could see that she was a treasure to him, and a sense of happiness like she’d never known crept into her. Her climax came from nowhere and hit her hard. Bathed in the light of the love she could see in his gaze, the rush caused tears to well in her eyes and roll down her face.

  Gavan froze. “Tessa! What’s wrong, honey?”

  She pulled her hands from his and placed them on either side of his face, laughing, “Nothing’s wrong. Everything is right. So. Very. Right.” She smiled, stroking her thumb across his lower lip that she found so sexy. “I really do love you, Gavan. I never knew that I could feel…I never knew.”

  He grimaced, but Tessa could tell that it wasn’t bad grimace, it was a rush of emotion. She lifted her head from the pillow and kissed him. Looping her arms around his neck, she pulled him down to her. He reached back to guide her legs to wrap around his waist, and the tempo of his thrusts increased. She pumped her hips up to meet his thrusts, their lips still pressed together, tongues entangled as though they’d never get their fill of each other. Gavan grunted into her mouth as his penis jerked and shot a hot stream of semen into her with a final hard thrust. The sensation of his warmth filling her brought Tessa to climax again, this time not one big wave, but several smaller ones, but no less satisfying, in succession.

  Gavan nuzzled in Tessa’s neck, still on top of her, his half erection still sheathed inside of her. He nibbled at her neck and her earlobe. He snarled in her ear, “You know, I could just eat you up.”

  She gave a little laugh. “I think you already did.”

  He lifted his head to deliver his best mock cross look. “Dirty girl!”

  She trailed a finger up the side of his ribs, feeling his muscles twitch beneath it. “You should know. You made me that way.”

  He nodded. “Aye. And you are my finest masterpiece.”

  Withdrawing from her completely, Gavan moved his weight to the side and Tessa realized she hadn’t taken a full breath in a while. She smiled inwardly when it occurred her that that would be the price she had to pay for having such a fabulously ginormous boyfriend.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “So, I have one more idea. You ready for it?”

  Tessa’s hand unconsciously moved to her well-fucked pussy and a look of hesitation clouded her face.

  Gavan got to his knees. “I’d say you’re very ready for this one.”

  Quietly she said, “I hope it’s not far because I’m not exactly sure I can walk at this point. You are a very big boy, and I am a very little girl. I mean, I really like that we’re that, but, um, whew. I’m not sure if I can walk.”

  He held his hand out to her to help her from the floor and scooped her into his arms. “We deliver,” he said with a wink and carried her up the stairs to her room.

  * * * *

  He carefully deposited her on the vanity stool in her bathroom, and she watched as he adjusted the water in the tub to just the right temperature.

  He turned to her and said, “If you’ll tell me where it is, I’ll go grab us a couple of glasses of wine. You just sit there and wait.”

  She told him where to find the wine and enjoyed the view of his naked, hot, tight ass as he walked from the room. While he was gone she turned on the fireplace and quickly used the toilet, clenching her teeth when she felt the nerve endings of irritated skin screaming to life. Having never had sex like this before she wondered how long it would take to recover.

  She cleaned up gingerly, and on her way back to the vanity stool she stopped to pour some of her lavender bubbles into the bath water and with a second thought added some Epsom salts. Once back on the vanity stool, she knew she had been right. Walking was a bit of a challenge. Her legs were like quivering, shaking masses of jelly. Pretty much useless. She definitely wouldn’t have made it up the stairs alone.

  This was the most amazing feeling she’d ever had in her life.

  She was blushing, a catlike smile on her lips when her giant, naked Scot appeared in the door.

  “Should I ask what you’re thinking about, lass?” he said, setting the glasses on the shelf next to the claw-foot.

  She shrugged. “Just pondering fact that I’ve now verified that I actually can’t walk any farther than the length of this room.”

  Instantly, the playful expression on his face morphed into one of alarmed concern, and she realized how badly she’d worded what she said.

  “You’re hurt? Do you need tae go tae the hospital, lass?”

  The internal movie of that ER visit played out in her mind inducing complete mortification and she shouted, “Jesus, no!”

  Why was this man always trying to get her into the emergency room?

  Her intense reaction made Gavan take a step back, a surprised look on his face.

  She put her hands up to him. “No, wait. I’m not saying anything I mean. Nothing’s coming out right. Tonight has me all tongue tied.”

  He kneeled in front of her, and she had to bite her lip to keep from smiling at a very inappropriate time when she saw his heavy, semi-erect penis resting against his muscular thigh. She took his hand in hers.

  “Okay, first of all, I’m not going to the ER to be treated for a way good fucking. How would they write that up on their charts?”

  He smiled sheepishly and nodded when he obviously understood how embarrassing a trip like that would have been for her.

  “But, I’ve hurt you.”

  She stopped him by putting her hand over his mouth. “I’m on a roll here. I got two sentences out that made sense so don’t stop me now.”

  He closed his mouth and she grasped his hand again.

  “And second of all, yeah, I’m sore. Very sore. I’ve never felt this kind of pain in my life. And by this kind of pain, I mean this kind of pain,” she said, accentuating her meaning by moving her free hand back and forth between their respective private parts.

  He still looked concerned so she leaned forward and kissed him.

  “I love feeling like this. It’s exquisite. That’s the only word for it, and I should know. I manipulate words for a living.

  “Gavan, I have been loved. Thoroughly. By a great big, beautiful Scottish stud who really knows what he
’s doing. I’ll be fine. I might just need a little break.”

  Gavan choked out the breath he was holding and she could see the combination of cocky male pride in his expression. “Then a break it is. This final, very ingenious idea comes just in time then.”

  He stood up, lifted Tessa off the stool, and carried her to the tub.

  He lowered them both into the steamy water and leaning back, he pulled her against his chest.

  Handing her a glass of wine, he said as he noticed the bottle of bubble bath, “This is where the lavender comes from? It’s truly a wonderful aroma. It clings tae you. You’re meant tae wear it.”

  She flicked some bubbles. “Mmmm. I love lavender. It’s really hard to find products that smell like real lavender and not some perfumed crap they call lavender.”

  He nodded. “The Highlands are covered in it. It’s said that lavender is calming, refreshing, uplifting, and soothing. It suits you.”

  She quietly basked in her remarkable luck at finding a man who noticed and appreciated subtle things. She leaned her head back against his shoulder and let herself sink into her perfect new world.

  * * * *

  It wouldn’t be the exact reenactment of the fantasy he’d conjured when he stood in the room before. It was better. In a short time, he’d fallen head over heels in love. Imagining his life without her now was impossible. A touch of anxiety over whether or not she had the same intentions for the future crept in despite their earlier conversation, but he put it away to be mulled over another time.

  He looked at the shelf and saw one of the brightly colored ball things made of netting that his sisters always had hanging in the bath. He grabbed it and submerged it to get it covered in bubbles. Using light, caressing strokes, he moved the puff over Tessa’s skin. He moved it up and down her arms, across her belly, around her breasts, sat her up so he could do her back. She moaned through the whole treatment. When he finished she turned to take the puff to reciprocate, but he tossed it over his shoulder.


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