Lovell, Cooper - Tessa's Highlander (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Lovell, Cooper - Tessa's Highlander (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 14

by Cooper Lovell

An astonished Gavan pushed Tessa up from the sofa and followed, disentangling their limbs while grasping to understand what Jaime was babbling about.

  “I just knew that if I threw you two together and left you to duke it out, you’d…well, it would…well, this would happen.”

  Gavan watched in disbelief as Jaime paced back and forth excitedly.

  “I knew you were right for each other. It didn’t hit me at first, though. In fact, I had to really get to know this big lug before I saw it. But when I did it was so obvious. I knew, though, that just a regular ‘Gavan, this is Tessa. Tessa this is Gavan’ thing wouldn’t do it. I knew I had to kind of lock you in room together, stand back, and wait for the fireworks. When I got that call from T the very day you met telling me that things wouldn’t work out, I knew the games had begun big-time. I can’t believe she called the very first day! I thought it would take a couple of days for you to get under her skin.”

  He stood back, arms crossed over his chest, looking amazingly pleased with himself, and nodded. “Oh, yeah. I’m very, very good. Just look at you two! You’re absolutely sickening.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Gavan groaned as Stacey, Henri’s hair stylist, continued to primp at his curls.

  “What’s wrong, honey?” Tessa asked from her chair where Jackie was completing her “High Priestess of Horror” look.

  Gavan smiled ruefully and groaned. “I doona think I want tae do this now.”

  She rolled her eyes at him. “Too late, stud. You were all over this when Marlena first proposed it. No backing out now.” She turned her head to hide her smile from him.

  A week ago Gavan had answered the doorbell and suppressed a groan when he saw the inexhaustible Marlena standing there with a bouquet of fresh flowers in her hand.

  “Ah! The gorgeous groom,” she said and flung her free arm around his neck and hugged him.

  Gavan gave her a quick squeeze back. “Tessa’s out with the horses. She should be back in a minute. Coffee?”

  Marlena took the mug from him and settled onto one of the stools at the counter.

  Since he’d moved into Tessa’s house, she’d been inundated with work on her latest book, making Marlena a fairly permanent fixture around the house. He truly liked the woman, but there were times when he wanted to literally carry her out the door to her car and send her on her way. It seemed she was never prepared to leave so that he could be alone with Tessa.

  “I’ve had a huge idea,” she gushed, clinking her spoon on the mug.

  Gavan’s eye twitched a little, not liking the sound of the publicist having a huge idea. The last time she had a huge idea, he’d nearly exploded with jealousy and confusion. Before Marlena could continue, Tessa came through the back door, walked to Gavan to give him a kiss, and greeted Marlena as he handed her a mug of coffee, with plenty of room for the ridiculous amount of cream she liked.

  “I thought we weren’t working today,” Tessa asked, worried that her absorption in wedding plans was making her absentminded.

  Marlena waved her hand. “Oh, no, we’re not. It’s just that I had an idea and I wanted to run it by you right away. If you’re up for it, we need to get it done before the wedding.”

  Tessa’s eyes widened. “Marlena, the wedding’s less than six weeks away. I hope you’re not expecting me to do anything more than put the book to bed before then.”

  Again, Marlena gave a dismissive wave of her hand. “Oh, no, honey, nothing like that. Another photo shoot.”

  * * * *

  Tessa felt Gavan tense at the mention of a photo shoot. After the last one he’d witnessed, she wasn’t surprised. Tessa put her hand on Marlena’s. “I don’t know, Marlena. Is it really necessary to do more publicity? We just did the Appointed shoot four months ago.”

  Marlena gave her best smile and began her pitch.

  “Well, I’ve told you that the issue of Appointed with your spread in it was the highest selling issue they’ve ever had. What I didn’t mention, because I didn’t know myself, was that based on feedback, a large portion of the sales was to females. You did it, honey, you moved into a new demo. Women adore you! The sales on your already-released titles have spiked, and those sales have been mostly to women. Based on various website message boards and chat rooms, you’ve become something of a role model. You’re hot, successful, and men are hot for you. Put that together with the fact that these women are now as hot for your books as the men and you have a serious new fan base. They want to read what you write and hear what you say. They want to be you.

  “So, after I talked to you yesterday, I was playing with a press release to announce your wedding when it hit me. We’ll do a shoot for She magazine to announce your wedding. They’re the right demo and have approximately the same circulation as Appointed.”

  Tessa chewed her bottom lip. “Is a shoot really necessary?”

  Marlena smiled wickedly. “It is if we want to lock in the female demo so they’ll never, ever get enough of you.”

  Skepticism dripping from her words, Tessa asked, “What, exactly, does that mean?”

  “Just wait till you hear the whole thing, okay?” Marlena demanded with excitement.

  Tessa nodded and Marlena described her concept, which involved the High Priestess costume again, in detail.

  Tessa was speechless and afraid to look at Gavan, who, she was sure, had steam coming out of his ears. Then he cleared his throat.

  “And, what would I have tae wear in this shoot? I doona want tae be dressed up in a ridiculous costume.”

  Tessa spun to face him. “You would do this? I can’t believe you would consider doing a photo shoot for a magazine!”

  Gavan shrugged. “Is’na secret how I felt about the last shoot you did and all your male fans. This’ll give me a chance tae show them that while they might be able tae have you on a page in a magazine, you belong tae me.”

  He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to him.

  “Now doona call me a caveman for feeling that way. I just like the idea.”

  * * * *

  Now the shoot was upon them and Gavan wasn’t so thrilled with his decision to be involved in this. Seeing Tessa in costume again brought back a mixture of emotions. The bad ones he tried to tamp down, but the others made him sweat and have to shift in his seat.

  And he’d been in said seat for over an hour being primped, poked, and styled until he thought he would scream.

  Henri called up the stairs. “Gavan, when you’re finished with makeup and hair, we could use you down here to get the lighting right.”

  Gavan looked hopefully at Stacey and she nodded. “You’re all set, Studly McHunkybottom. Your costume is downstairs. I’ll be down in a few for the finishing touches once you’re done with wardrobe.”

  Tessa giggled from her chair. “I’ll see you soon, honey.”

  Taking in the full view of Gavan’s tall, muscular form beating a hasty retreat out the door, Jackie and Stacey sighed. “You are one lucky woman, Tessa.”

  Smiling broadly, she said, “Yeah, tell me all about it, ladies.”

  * * * *

  Henri had picked the sitting area of the library for the shoot. He said it was intimate and rich and he could create the necessary foreboding mood he wanted with the right lighting.

  When she entered the room, teetering in her thigh-high stiletto boots, she searched for Gavan, who stood across the library.


  He was beautiful. She knew that. She’d always known that. But this. This was amazing.

  He stood near the lit fireplace, muscular arms crossed over his chest, watching with interest as the crew adjusted lights. His chocolate-brown hair was wild and untamed, like he’d just been outside and the wind had its way with him. At each temple, a section of hair was braided in the manner of ancient Scottish warriors when they went to battle. His broad, hard chest was bare and he’d obviously been coated with a sheen of oil. She loved his chest, loved his whole torso. It was one thing when a guy was m
uscular, but Gavan was the kind of muscular that doesn’t come from working out in a gym. He was totally the result of good genes and hard work. He was defined but full and big. So big. Her eyes roamed over him, feeling every dip and valley formed by his muscles in her fingertips even though he was across the large room. On his wrists, she noticed the wide, leather bands that looked like something a warrior from long ago would wear into battle. Gold bands carved with Celtic symbols encircled his big biceps. His royal position was communicated through the heavy gold torque around his neck.

  The savage manliness of him made her belly stir way down deep, and she took an involuntary deep breath. When her eyes moved lower down his body she nearly fainted.

  She’d seen Braveheart. What red-blooded American woman who appreciated Mel hadn’t? In a couple of short hours, Tessa had been introduced to a whole new way to appreciate beautiful men, the kilt.

  The appeal of a kilt on a strong man was undeniable. In fact, the kilts had been one of hers and Alex’s favorite topics of conversation after they’d seen the movie. But here, in front of her, in all his glorious, hot flesh, stood her man, her great big Scots God in his kilt.

  She recognized the Murdoch tartan from their trip to the Highlands. It was beautiful and rich. Burgundy and navy with dark yellow running through it. It was slung dangerously low on his hips, so that the ridge of muscle that runs above his hip-bone could be seen, coaxing the eye follow it to the Promised Land that lay below the fabric. His strong thighs were accentuated by the kilt, the twitching of his muscles showcasing the power in his legs. Primitive-looking boots that seemed to match the whole Braveheart feel of his costume covered his feet.

  She was struggling to find her breath when he looked to the door and saw her. A devastatingly sexy smile graced his face, and the world spun around Tessa. In only a few strides he crossed the spacious room and was in front of her. She was completely paralyzed.

  “Tessa? Honey? What’s wrong?”

  She smiled weakly, shaking her head, and placed her palm on his chest. For a moment she just stared at her petite hand on his enormous, smooth-skinned chest and tried, without success, to inhale. He reached out and took her by the arms, but she backed up quickly and held her hands up in an effort to keep him from her.

  “Oh, God. You can’t touch me. Just stay over there.” Her voice was shaky.

  Concern filled his eyes and he stepped closer to her so they were both completely out of the library and alone in the foyer.

  “What’s going on? You’re worrying me, lass.”

  She laughed a little at her silliness, her fingers flitting about her face as she tried to stop swallowing her tongue so she could speak.

  In a voice so low it was almost a whisper, she said, “You can’t touch me, Gavan. You have to stay away. I swear, if you touch me anywhere, I’m going to come right here in this room in front of all these people.”

  She stopped for a minute, her eyes pleading with him, and he just stared at her.

  “You are an absolute fantasy come to life. Completely gorgeous. Utterly hot. The manliest, masculine manly-man I’ve ever seen. I had no idea they were doing this to you and it kind of took me by surprise. God. I just need a minute.”

  The sudden glint in his eye told her he had something in mind. Taking her by the hand, he pulled her behind him and strode from the foyer.

  * * * *

  The “High Priestess of Horror” costume had even more of an effect on him this time than it did the first time he’d seen her in it. Back then, he’d already been feeling overly possessive of her and found it nearly impossible to refrain from standing in the middle of the photo shoot melee and shout, “Mine!” to everyone. Seeing the actual photos from the shoot a couple of months later in the magazine did nothing to quell his jealous streak where she was concerned, but as always Tessa pointed out that for all the men looking at the photos, she wasn’t real, and she was there with him, right where she wanted to be. But now, he was hopelessly in love with her and she was his future. But right now his future was clothed in mind-bendingly sexy apparel and professionally made up for wicked enticement to be put on display for other men’s fantasies.

  Once he’d learned that she wasn’t in distress, as he’d feared, he gave in to his desire to claim the High Priestess as his own.

  * * * *

  She was pulled into the powder room and Gavan slammed and locked the door before he turned to her. The look on his face was intensely feral and it caused her breath to hitch as a small, quick whimper escaped her throat. In two more steps her back was against the wall and he hovered over her, placing his palms on the wall on either side of her head, trapping her. His eyes nearly glowed bright amber with lust, his nostrils flared as he made a show of breathing in her scent, and he bared his teeth in an expression that was no smile. A chill ran down Tessa’s spine, and for a brief moment she wondered if he’d actually been possessed by the spirit of an ancient Highland warlord. Testosterone, power, and raw sex rolled off him, making her head spin.

  Thrills coursed through her body, making her skin tingle. She could feel her wet excitement pooling between her legs as he continued to stare into her eyes, not touching her at all, conveying his intent of complete and utter possession of her. Every cell in her body was humming and thrumming in anticipation of his touch. He slowly lowered his face to hers, his lips approaching her own quivering lips. She could almost taste him, so ready to feel his silky, sensuous mouth on hers, and she closed her eyes in expectation of his kiss. But he withheld it. Instead, he kept his lips a hair’s breadth from hers, not moving. His warm breath, sweet from the Red Hot cinnamon candies she’d learned he favored, tickled over her lips, and she savored the sensation.

  Her mind was whirling with uncontrolled thoughts of his body. The torture of his nearness was driving her mad. She was about to beg for his kiss when he mercifully closed the almost nonexistent gap and lightly stroked his lips against hers. He continued to gently, softly brush his lips across hers until finally he pulled back. The contradiction of his savage, menacing, warrior-like demeanor to his light, gentle teasing pushed her to near delirium.

  Lifting his hands from the wall he grasped hers and pushed them high above her head, threading his fingers in hers, and held them there against the wall. Bending his head forward, an expression of dominance and determination on his face, he crushed his mouth to hers.

  Yes! Oh thank you, yes!

  He was brutal, strong, and possessive and she loved it. He was her own Highland warrior!

  He pulled one of his hands from her frantic grasp and trapped both of hers with the other. His free hand slid down between her thighs and he pushed the wet fabric of her thong aside to stroke her clit. With one stroke of his clever finger, her hips bucked and she came, rivulets of her cream coating him and running down the tops of her thighs. She moaned into his mouth, her hips thrusting against him as he relentlessly pulled her climax from her, pressing his palm to her, maximizing its duration. As she slipped back into her body, he broke the kiss, lowered her arms, and smiled at her.

  “That better, then?”

  She purred. “Mmm hmm. Much.”

  His laugh was a low rumble in his chest. “You were a ticking time bomb, weren’t you?”

  She blushed. “You have no idea.”

  He licked the fingers that were covered in her juices. “Oh, I think I have some idea,” he said as he winked at her. “Let’s get you together so we can get this over with. I want tae have you tae myself.”

  As they stepped back into the library, he bent to whisper in her ear, “Oh, and lass? We’re keeping these costumes.”

  * * * *

  Thankfully, the shoot went smoothly and was over in a couple of hours. Looking through the roughs, Tessa was amazed. She knew that she was petite and Gavan was a very big man, but the pictures seemed to accentuate their size difference. He almost looked otherworldly. He actually looked like a character she might write about come to life—a great Scot warrior sent to protect
the diminutive heroine from the evils of the world. Oh, she liked that. She’d have to remember to make a note of that idea for a future book, or even a series.

  Henri had taken dozens of shots. They’d even gone outside and used Aladdin for one. But one specific pose caught her eye and as she was about to ask Henri if she could have a print for herself, Marlena looked over her shoulder and shrieked.

  “Oh, that’s the money shot, right there. I can actually see the steam rising off you two in this.”

  She was right, the photo was hot.

  Tessa was draped sideways in the huge, throne-like carved chair, her head over one of the chair’s arms, leg closest to the back of the chair hanging over the other arm. The position caused her breasts to push upward, creating soft, puffy mounds above the bodice of the bustier. Gavan, the warrior, was bent over her, one hand propping himself up on the arm of the chair her head lay on, the other holding the thigh that was to the front of the chair against his hip. His head was bent down, his open mouth feasting on the swell of her breast, and her head was thrown back in ecstasy.

  Despite the fact they’d had more fun than either of them thought they would, she didn’t remember ever losing herself during the shoot. But that was exactly how it looked, like they were enraptured and unaware of the camera capturing their intimacy. Her mind raced back to their powder room interlude right before the shoot. She could feel the blush rising from her bustier to her cheeks. Marlena must have noticed her discomfort.

  “Sweetie, what is it?”

  Tessa bit her lip. “I, uh, I don’t know if I want people to see a shot as intimate as this.”

  Marlena gave a throaty laugh as Henri walked up. “Honey, there isn’t a shot in this pile that doesn’t drip of the sexual chemistry between the two of you.”

  Henri nodded enthusiastically. “She’s right, Tessa. Doing a steamy shoot with the two of you is a dream. I’m just surprised my camera didn’t melt,” he said and walked away fanning himself.


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